Based on the kinetic model of dissolved air flotation processes proposed in our previous paper, an experimental verification was carried out with batch and continuous flow apparatuses. We measured the characteristic properties of air bubbles, floc particles and their agglomerates. Kinetic parameters, such as the contact time and the intensity of turbulence in a contact zone and the bubble-floc collision-attachment factor were estimated and verified by comparing experimental data with kinetic model simulations. A comparison of the experimental data from the floating velocity distribution and the removal rate in a continuous flow apparatus with the simulations calculated from these kinetic parameters showed a good fit. These results supported the proposed kinetic model.
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March 1998
This article was originally published in
Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua
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Research Article|
March 01 1998
Dissolved air flotation: experiments and kinetic analysis
Ken-ichi Fukushi;
Ken-ichi Fukushi
†Department of Civil Engineering, Hachinohe Institute of Technology, 88–1 Ohbiraki, Myo, Hachinohe 031, Japan
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Yoshihiko Matsui;
Yoshihiko Matsui
‡Department of Civil Engineering, Gifu University, 1–1 Yanagido, Gifu 501–11, Japan
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Norihito Tambo
Norihito Tambo
§Hokkaido University, N13 W8, Sapporo 060, Japan
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Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua (1998) 47 (2): 76–86.
Ken-ichi Fukushi, Yoshihiko Matsui, Norihito Tambo; Dissolved air flotation: experiments and kinetic analysis. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua 1 March 1998; 47 (2): 76–86. doi:
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