Egypt is approaching the point where water demands are exceeding supplies. This situation will necessitate improved decision making for water resources planning. Integrated management represents a unique approach, incorporating both temporal and spatial variations of the problem. To achieve an integrated procedure, efforts are being made to resolve numerous issues ranging from loss of agricultural lands to farmer involvement in the decision-making process. The first part of the paper describes the application of integrated management to water planning and water quality. The second part describes the necessary changes made to the administration structure and the importance of communications in integrated management. The irrigation improvement programme instigated as a result of the integrated approach is already beginning to redress the shortfall in supply by reducing losses. Reorganisation of the operation and the inclusion of the population in the decision-making processes have produced a positive attitude towards water-saving policies. Technical and legal controls have been introduced leading to a significant improvement in system performance and productivity.
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May 2000
This article was originally published in
Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua
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Research Article|
May 01 2000
Integrated water resources management for Egypt
Mohsen Elarabawy;
Mohsen Elarabawy
1Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK
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Paul Tosswell;
Paul Tosswell
1Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK
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Bayoumi Attia
Bayoumi Attia
2Head of the Planning Sector, Ministry of Public Works and Water Resources, Cairo, Egypt
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Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua (2000) 49 (3): 111–125.
Mohsen Elarabawy, Paul Tosswell, Bayoumi Attia; Integrated water resources management for Egypt. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua 1 May 2000; 49 (3): 111–125. doi:
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