The objective of this study was to assess the effect of natural organic matter (NOM) on disinfection efficacy using two types of disinfectants: Cl2 and ClO2. Bacillus subtilis spores were used as a surrogate for monitoring disinfection efficacy. The effect of natural organic matter was tested using two series of experimental assays. Initially, assays were conducted in ultra-pure buffered waters supplemented with various NOM extracts. Second, confirmation assays were performed on three surface waters. In both natural and synthetic waters, the presence of NOM improved disinfection efficacy where chlorine dioxide was used. This phenomenon was significant, as Ct values required for 2 log inactivation of B. subtilis spores were reduced by a factor of 2.3 to 7.1 depending on the NOM source and concentration. However, such a phenomenon was not observed while disinfecting with free chlorine. It is proposed that (i) free radicals are generated following the reaction of chlorine dioxide and NOM and (ii) those radicals can enhance chlorine dioxide disinfection efficacy.
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September 2006
This article was originally published in
Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua
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Research Article|
September 01 2006
The impact of natural organic matter on free chlorine and chlorine dioxide disinfection efficacy
Benoit Barbeau;
1École Polytechnique de Montréal, Chaire Industrielle-CRSNG en Eau Potable, Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering, CP 6079, Succ. Centre-ville, Montréal,(Québec), H3C 3A7, Canada
Tel.: 1(514)340 4711 (2988)Fax: 1(514)340 5918; E-mail: [email protected]
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Mélanie Rivard;
Mélanie Rivard
1École Polytechnique de Montréal, Chaire Industrielle-CRSNG en Eau Potable, Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering, CP 6079, Succ. Centre-ville, Montréal,(Québec), H3C 3A7, Canada
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Michèle Prévost
Michèle Prévost
1École Polytechnique de Montréal, Chaire Industrielle-CRSNG en Eau Potable, Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering, CP 6079, Succ. Centre-ville, Montréal,(Québec), H3C 3A7, Canada
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Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua (2006) 55 (6): 383–390.
Article history
February 04 2006
April 20 2006
Benoit Barbeau, Mélanie Rivard, Michèle Prévost; The impact of natural organic matter on free chlorine and chlorine dioxide disinfection efficacy. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua 1 September 2006; 55 (6): 383–390. doi:
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