Water utilities dose copper in drinking water systems to inhibit/kill microorganisms including algae. Under conditions observed in the systems, the majority of dosed copper is reported to be in dissolved forms of Cu-NOM and inorganic compounds. High concentrations (40 mg/L) of ferric salts are reported to be able to remove large amounts of copper. However, the fate of dissolved copper when a small amount of ferric salts (<2 mg/L) is present in natural water or in the distribution pipes when they are released from the corroded iron pipes are not known. The current paper investigates the mechanisms behind the dissolved copper removal in NOM-containing bulk water. When copper was dosed from 250–800 μg-Cu/L, relatively high solubility was demonstrated in Mundaring water, with dissolved copper increased from 250–720 μg-Cu/L. Both ferric chloride and ferric hydroxide were found to have a considerable ability to remove dissolved copper while the former showed higher capacity. Ferric chloride showed a linear relationship with copper removal (R2=0.99) and the removal by ferric hydroxide showed excellent agreement with either the Freundlich (R2=0.98) or Langmuir (R2=0.99) adsorption isotherm.
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November 2009
This article was originally published in
Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua
Article Contents
Research Article|
November 01 2009
Effectiveness of ferric salts in removing low levels of dosed copper from NOM-containing natural water
Weixi Zhan;
1Department of Civil Engineering and Construction, Curtin University of Technology, Building 204, Room 107A, Kent St, Bentley WA, 6845, Australia
Tel.: +61 08 9266 9203; E-mail: [email protected]
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Arumugam Sathasivan;
Arumugam Sathasivan
1Department of Civil Engineering and Construction, Curtin University of Technology, Building 204, Room 107A, Kent St, Bentley WA, 6845, Australia
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Paul Nolan;
Paul Nolan
2Research and Development, Water Corporation, 629 Newcastle St, Leederville WA, 6007, Australia
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Laszlo Koska;
Laszlo Koska
2Research and Development, Water Corporation, 629 Newcastle St, Leederville WA, 6007, Australia
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Ana Heitz;
Ana Heitz
3Curtin Water Quality Research Centre, Curtin University of Technology, Kent St, Bentley WA, 6845, Australia
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Cynthia Joll
Cynthia Joll
3Curtin Water Quality Research Centre, Curtin University of Technology, Kent St, Bentley WA, 6845, Australia
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Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua (2009) 58 (7): 443–449.
Article history
January 29 2009
July 30 2009
Weixi Zhan, Arumugam Sathasivan, Paul Nolan, Laszlo Koska, Ana Heitz, Cynthia Joll; Effectiveness of ferric salts in removing low levels of dosed copper from NOM-containing natural water. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua 1 November 2009; 58 (7): 443–449. doi: https://doi.org/10.2166/aqua.2009.006
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