Recently, alternative water treatment systems have been implemented due to the eutrophication of reservoirs, in which high concentrations of organic matter prevent the use of conventional water treatment methods. This paper presents a study on the electrolytic process for water treatment using an alternating current. A reactor with iron and stainless steel electrodes was built and introduced into a water treatment system equipped with conventional coagulation with alum and direct descending filtration. Factors such as pH levels, turbidity, colour, and reductions in the specific UV absorbance were evaluated. The results showed a significant reduction in the specific UV absorbance between raw water and treated water (19.51–26.45%). Furthermore, the reactor did not significantly change the pH of the water. The average turbidity of the treated water was less than or equal to 0.5 NTU, and the average colour reached 2 HU, classifying the treated water as drinking water according to the current ordinance in Brazil. The cost of the electricity used by the reactor was $0.10 per cubic metre of water produced.
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March 2015
This article was originally published in
Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua
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Research Article|
September 24 2014
Reduction of natural organic matter by an electrolytic process, conventional coagulation and direct descending filtration in a pilot-scale water treatment system
Victor Cochrane Santiago Sampaio;
1Departamento de Engenharia Hidráulica e Ambiental, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Bloco 713, Avenida Humberto Monte S/N, Campus do Pici, Fortaleza-CE, CEP 60451-970, Brasil
E-mail: [email protected]
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Eliezer Fares Abdala Neto;
Eliezer Fares Abdala Neto
1Departamento de Engenharia Hidráulica e Ambiental, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Bloco 713, Avenida Humberto Monte S/N, Campus do Pici, Fortaleza-CE, CEP 60451-970, Brasil
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Ari Clecius Alves de Lima;
Ari Clecius Alves de Lima
1Departamento de Engenharia Hidráulica e Ambiental, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Bloco 713, Avenida Humberto Monte S/N, Campus do Pici, Fortaleza-CE, CEP 60451-970, Brasil
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Isabel Cristina Lima Freitas;
Isabel Cristina Lima Freitas
2Gerência de Desenvolvimento Operacional, Pesquisa e Inovação, Estação de Tratamento de Água – Gavião, Companhia de Água e Esgoto do Ceará, Fortaleza-CE, Brasil
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Marisete Dantas de Aquino
Marisete Dantas de Aquino
2Gerência de Desenvolvimento Operacional, Pesquisa e Inovação, Estação de Tratamento de Água – Gavião, Companhia de Água e Esgoto do Ceará, Fortaleza-CE, Brasil
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Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua (2015) 64 (2): 168–175.
Article history
April 09 2014
August 16 2014
Victor Cochrane Santiago Sampaio, Eliezer Fares Abdala Neto, Ari Clecius Alves de Lima, Isabel Cristina Lima Freitas, Marisete Dantas de Aquino; Reduction of natural organic matter by an electrolytic process, conventional coagulation and direct descending filtration in a pilot-scale water treatment system. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua 1 March 2015; 64 (2): 168–175. doi:
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