The development of daily naturalized flow in the water rights analysis package (WRAP) model at ungaged stations has difficulties because of low daily flow measurement at gaged stations, low available monthly naturalized flow, and budget constraints. This study proposes a procedure for developing daily naturalized flow at ungaged stations. The soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model was validated with little daily flows and used for predicting the daily flow at gage stations that are near ungaged stations. The predicted daily flow is transferred at ungaged stations using the drainage area ratio (DAR) method. The transferred daily flow is aggregated and compared with monthly regulated flow computed by the WRAP model with the mean, standard deviation, mean relative error, Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiencies, and correlation coefficient (R2). The SWAT daily flow, which is referred to as the regulated flows, is converted using regression equations into naturalized flow and used as the daily pattern flow for monthly naturalized flow disaggregation. The system application of the SWAT and WRAP models with DAR and pattern methods provides alternative ways to generate daily naturalized flow at ungaged stations through disaggregating monthly naturalized flow at primary stations.

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