This research was aimed at determining the meter accuracy degradation profiles and rates and testing them with the optimal consumption patterns using the comparative billing analysis methodology for 2 meter models (Model 1 and Model 2) of volumetric type and one model (Model 3) of velocity type of size 15 mm which are the most dominant in the Kampala water distribution system (KWDS), Uganda, by applying statistics. The meter accuracy degradation rates were determined as 6.67% per year for Model 1, 4.68% per year for Model 2, and 1.45% per year for Model 3 meters. Annual water losses due to meter inaccuracies were 24.1 m3 for Model 1, 16.9 m3 for Model 2, and 5.3 m3 for Model 3, totaling to US$1.5 million every year. This study recommends that degradation rates are used to determine the optimal meter replacement period, and Model 3 meters are the most suitable meters for the KWDS.

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