This article describes a method for an accelerated, controlled and reproducible build-up of limescale in potable water systems. The concept of this method is to systematically generate water with a high calcium carbonate precipitation potential (CCPP) by CO2-enrichment, hardening with CaCO3 followed by CO2-desorption. Water with a CCPP of about 100 mg/L CaCO3 led to the intended calcification on inner steel tube surfaces in a simplified test plant. The limescale built-up was performed at ambient temperature. The procedure is an enabler for validation, verification and comparison of both the efficiency of decalcification methods, as well as scale-preventing methods under comparable and defined conditions. An economical and time efficient calcification method has been developed that provides solid calcite deposits of reproducible thickness and characteristics. The method can be used for studies with all water-carrying systems in household, public transportation or industrial applications.

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