The calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) was synthesized from the solid waste residue (SWR) of the Alum Factory, and was used for phosphate abatement from an aqueous solution. Fixed-bed column adsorption experiments were conducted at different flow rates (5, 7.5, and 10 mL/min) and bed depths (6, 9, and 12 cm) at an initial pH and phosphate concentrations of 5 and 5.5 mg/L, respectively. The breakthrough curve analysis was developed and tabulated for the effects of the flow rate and bed depth. Fixed-bed adsorption models, namely the Thomas model, the Yoon–Nelson model, and Bed Depth Service Time (BDST) model were fitted to the experimental data. The R2 values observed for the Thomas model and the Yoon–Nelson model were 0.96 and 0.98, respectively, at the flow rate of 7.5 mL/min and bed depth of 9 cm with the breakthrough adsorption capacity of 5.67 mg/g. The synthesized CSH was also tested for its phosphate removal efficiency using local wastewater treatment plant effluent. About 1,658 mL of real wastewater was treated for 249 min before the standard threshold limit (1 mg/L) was reached. This study prevails that the synthesized CSH could be applied to remove phosphate from real wastewater under a continuous flow adsorption system.
Calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) is used to remove phosphate from the aqueous solution under a continuous flow system.
Breakthrough curves were developed at different flow rates and bed depths.
The Thomas model, Yoon–Nelson model, and bed depth service time (BDST) model were applied to the experimental data.
The breakthrough bed capacity observed for CSH adsorbent was 5.67 mg/g.
Graphical Abstract
Phosphorous is one of the essential and highly required nutrients for the plant growth that is difficult to be substituted (Berg et al. 2007). Various mechanisms have been developed to deliver this nutrient to the plant. However, a significant amount of phosphorus-containing nutrients is lost to different streams such as leaching into water bodies, which is capable of causing a problem for the aquatic life. The phosphorous concentration above 0.02 mg/L was reported to cause eutrophication (Nguyen et al. 2015). Therefore, it is very important to control the phosphate discharge level to suppress the problem related to eutrophication. To regulate this problem, different discharge limit standards were developed by different concerned organizations. In most conditions, the discharge limits are in the range of 0.5–1 mg/L implying that the removal of phosphate from wastewater before discharging into any water bodies is not optional but rather obligatory (Nguyen et al. 2015). Phosphate can be removed using different conventional and easily manageable technologies such as enhanced biological reactors, wetland, membrane technologies, electrochemical processes, chemical precipitation, and adsorption (Monfet et al. 2017; Prashantha Kumar et al. 2018). Various researchers reported that adsorption is an attractive and prominent technology for the removal of phosphate from wastewater. It is efficient, easy, fast, environmentally friendly, and can be considered a low-cost method (Liu et al. 2018).
Recently, numerous modified adsorbents were reported for phosphate removal. Most of them were derived from agricultural and industrial by-products. Meat and bone meal incineration ash (Leng et al. 2019), calcium-decorated biochar (Wang et al. 2018), lanthanum-loaded zeolite beads (Pham et al. 2019), and La(OH)3/Fe3O4 nanocomposites (Wu et al. 2017) were few among the top reported phosphate adsorbents (Gizaw et al. 2021a). However, the studies of the adsorption system of the aforementioned adsorbents were limited to the batch mode. Batch mode experiments are time-consuming and their generated data do not represent the real nature of the process and are very limited to scale-up. On the other hand, a continuous mode of operation has a benefit in treating a large quantity of influent. It is ease for scale-up using the experimental data, efficient, and reduce adsorbent consumption (Nguyen et al. 2015). To gain these advantages, the continuous mode of operation such as fixed-bed column adsorption is attracting different researchers. Considerable phosphate removals from an aqueous solution have been reported by applying a fixed-bed column adsorption using adsorbents such as Ca-impregnated lignite (Samaraweera et al. 2021), granular acid-activated red mud (Hu et al. 2019), lime-iron sludge (Chittoo & Sutherland 2020), slag filter media (Lee et al. 2015), biochar-calcium alginate beads (Jung et al. 2017a), steel by-products (Sellner et al. 2019), electromagnetic modified calcium alginate beads (Jung et al. 2017b), and chitosan/Ca-organically modified beads (Jang & Lee 2019).
Moreover, kaolin clay, which is quite similar in its silica composition to the solid waste residue (SWR) used in this work to synthesize calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) (Gizaw et al. 2021b), was reported as a low-cost water filter mixed with jute fibers at different compositions (Hussain & Al-Fatlawi 2020). According to Hussain & Al-Fatlawi (2020), this developed filter effectively remove total hardness, magnesium, potassium, calcium, chloride alkalinity, and other similar.
In this study, CSH was synthesized from the SWR of the Alum Factory which was reported as hazardous waste due to its acidic nature (Nigussie et al. 2007). A substantial amount of this SWR was dumped around the factory and there were no reported economically feasible methods to reuse or dispose of it. The solid waste is composed of a high content of silica, which is a promising precursor to produce CSH. CSH is well known as an adsorbent and has been used as a crystal seed, calcium ion donor for the formation of hydroxyapatite when it is exposed to phosphate-containing solutions and self-adjust the pH during the phosphate adsorption process which makes it preferable for the phosphate removal (Kuwahara & Yamashita 2017; Zhang et al. 2019). The first novelty of this work is the reuse and economic value addition of this SWR of the Alum Factory. Second, to the extent of our review conducted, there was no reported work on the CSH synthesized from such toxic and low-cost silicate material through the sol–gel method.
A preliminary batch adsorption study using the synthesized CSH has shown remarkable phosphate removal. Inspired by this observation, this work was developed to investigate the breakthrough curve for the factors affecting fixed-bed adsorption column, namely depth and flow rate followed by modeling of the adsorption process using commonly reported models, namely the Thomas model, Yoon–Nelson model, and Bed Depth Service Time (BDST) model. The adsorption capacity of the synthesized CSH was compared with the similar works reported by different scholars. Finally, the practical application of the synthesized CSH on the wastewater collected from a local municipal wastewater treatment plant was presented.
The CSH was synthesized from the SWR of the Alum Factory by the sol–gel method, and used as an adsorbent (Gizaw et al. 2021b). Calcium chloride (CaCl2) was used as a source of calcium ions in the synthesis. Potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate (KH2PO4) was used to prepare a phosphate stock solution of 1,000 mg/L. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) was used to adjust the pH of the solution. The phosver® 3 powder pillow phosphate reagent was used to measure phosphate concentration at 880 nm using a UV–Vis DR6000 spectrophotometer (Hach DR6000TM, LPV441.99.00002, USA). The real wastewater samples were taken from the effluent sampling point of the Kality wastewater treatment plant (KWWTP) located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; and were stored at 4 °C. The physicochemical analysis of this wastewater was reported in the previous work (Gizaw et al. 2021b).
Fixed-bed column adsorption experimental setup
A glass with an internal diameter (ID 2.8 cm), outer diameter (OD 3 cm), and total depth (H 23 cm) was used as the adsorption column. A drilled rubber stopper was fitted on both ends. This rubber stopper was used as a cap, and to connect influent and effluent streams to the column. The glass wool was placed on the bottom and top to avoid the CSH adsorbent washout. Moreover, inert glass beads were packed in the bottom aiming to direct the influent uniformly throughout the column. A peristaltic pump was used to uniformly feed the influent to the column in the up-flow direction to safeguard better adsorbent–adsorbate contact (Figure 1). The experiments were conducted at room temperature. The influent phosphate concentration and initial pH used were 5.5 mg/L and 5, respectively. These values were pre-determined optimum values using batch experiments. The influent stream was passed through the column at different flow rates of 5, 7.5, and 10 mL/min to evaluate the effect of flow rates on phosphate adsorption. The effect of column depth was also evaluated by operating the adsorption column at different depths and keeping the flow rate constant. In this work, 5.26, 7.7, and 9.9 g CSH adsorbent was packed in the column to obtain the corresponding depth of 6, 9, and 12 cm, respectively. The synthesized CSH was applied to remove phosphate from real wastewater at the optimum flow rate, and depth. The duplicate (n = 2) experiments were conducted and maximum errors tolerated were settled at 0.05 or 5%. The maximum error observed in this work was 0.031 or 3.1%. The fixed-bed column adsorption models were evaluated based on their R2 value generated from the model linear fit. These values were compared for best-fit selection.
A 10 mL of sample was collected from the effluent at a different time interval and analyzed for its phosphate concentration using DR 6000 spectrophotometer.
Breakthrough analysis
A fixed-bed column adsorption kinetic model
The Thomas model
The Yoon–Nelson model
The BDST model
Effects of fixed-bed adsorption parameters
Effect of the flow rate
Q (mL/min) . | Z (cm) . | tb (min) . | Vb (mL) . | qb (mg/g) . | Rb (%) . | te (min) . | Ve (mL) . | qe (mg/g) . | MTZ (cm) . |
5 | 6 | 354 | 1,769.9 | 1.96 | 88.9 | 1,469 | 7,346.1 | 8.8 | 4.9 |
7.5 | 6 | 227 | 1,700.6 | 1.85 | 91.4 | 1,186 | 8,892.8 | 7.8 | 4.6 |
10 | 6 | 188 | 1,877.6 | 1.78 | 90.5 | 783 | 7,831.7 | 7.3 | 4.6 |
7.5 | 6 | 134 | 1,005.5 | 1.0 | 92.7 | 1,155 | 8,661.9 | 6.0 | 5.3 |
7.5 | 9 | 288 | 2,162.3 | 1.32 | 94.1 | 1,344 | 10,080.4 | 7.1 | 7.1 |
7.5 | 12 | 319 | 2,393.1 | 1.53 | 96.3 | 1,447 | 10,849.9 | 8.6 | 9.4 |
Q (mL/min) . | Z (cm) . | tb (min) . | Vb (mL) . | qb (mg/g) . | Rb (%) . | te (min) . | Ve (mL) . | qe (mg/g) . | MTZ (cm) . |
5 | 6 | 354 | 1,769.9 | 1.96 | 88.9 | 1,469 | 7,346.1 | 8.8 | 4.9 |
7.5 | 6 | 227 | 1,700.6 | 1.85 | 91.4 | 1,186 | 8,892.8 | 7.8 | 4.6 |
10 | 6 | 188 | 1,877.6 | 1.78 | 90.5 | 783 | 7,831.7 | 7.3 | 4.6 |
7.5 | 6 | 134 | 1,005.5 | 1.0 | 92.7 | 1,155 | 8,661.9 | 6.0 | 5.3 |
7.5 | 9 | 288 | 2,162.3 | 1.32 | 94.1 | 1,344 | 10,080.4 | 7.1 | 7.1 |
7.5 | 12 | 319 | 2,393.1 | 1.53 | 96.3 | 1,447 | 10,849.9 | 8.6 | 9.4 |
Effect of the depth
Fixed-bed adsorption model results
The Thomas model
Parameter . | Thomas . | Yoon–Nelson . | |||||
Q (mL/min) . | Z (cm) . | kTh × 10−3 (mL/mg·min) . | qm (mg/g) . | R2 . | kYN×10−3 (min−1) . | τ . | R2 . |
5 | 6 | 0.77 | 5.49 | 0.795 | 4.24 | 791.89 | 0.795 |
7.5 | 6 | 0.78 | 4.13 | 0.872 | 4.31 | 649.27 | 0.872 |
10 | 6 | 0.88 | 1.79 | 0.865 | 4.82 | 531.95 | 0.865 |
7.5 | 6 | 0.86 | 2.24 | 0.918 | 4.76 | 507.77 | 0.918 |
7.5 | 9 | 0.84 | 5.67 | 0.960 | 4.61 | 749.46 | 0.983 |
7.5 | 12 | 0.76 | 5.62 | 0.958 | 4.18 | 847.13 | 0.982 |
Parameter . | Thomas . | Yoon–Nelson . | |||||
Q (mL/min) . | Z (cm) . | kTh × 10−3 (mL/mg·min) . | qm (mg/g) . | R2 . | kYN×10−3 (min−1) . | τ . | R2 . |
5 | 6 | 0.77 | 5.49 | 0.795 | 4.24 | 791.89 | 0.795 |
7.5 | 6 | 0.78 | 4.13 | 0.872 | 4.31 | 649.27 | 0.872 |
10 | 6 | 0.88 | 1.79 | 0.865 | 4.82 | 531.95 | 0.865 |
7.5 | 6 | 0.86 | 2.24 | 0.918 | 4.76 | 507.77 | 0.918 |
7.5 | 9 | 0.84 | 5.67 | 0.960 | 4.61 | 749.46 | 0.983 |
7.5 | 12 | 0.76 | 5.62 | 0.958 | 4.18 | 847.13 | 0.982 |
The Yoon–Nelson model
The BDST model
Breakthrough points (%) . | No (mg/L) . | kb (L/mg·min) . | R2 . |
10 | 299.5091 | 0.278205 | 0.9594 |
20 | 380.4863 | 0.24755 | 0.9622 |
30 | 414.4552 | 0.61291 | 0.9719 |
40 | 377.6519 | 0.01818 | 0.9883 |
50 | 455.7948 | 0.01818 | 0.9975 |
Breakthrough points (%) . | No (mg/L) . | kb (L/mg·min) . | R2 . |
10 | 299.5091 | 0.278205 | 0.9594 |
20 | 380.4863 | 0.24755 | 0.9622 |
30 | 414.4552 | 0.61291 | 0.9719 |
40 | 377.6519 | 0.01818 | 0.9883 |
50 | 455.7948 | 0.01818 | 0.9975 |
Adsorption–desorption test
Application using real wastewater
Comparison of fixed-bed adsorption capacity of CSH
The breakthrough adsorption capacity (qb) of the synthesized CSH compared with similar reported works. As indicated in Table 4, the obtained (qb, mg/g) using the fixed-bed column adsorption of this study is comparable to removing phosphate from an aqueous solution with a low initial phosphate concentration.
Adsorbent . | Co (mg/L) . | qb (mg/g) . | Ref. . |
Pyrolyzed Ca-impregnated lignite | 46.6 | 19.5 | Samaraweera et al. (2021) |
Granular acid-activated neutralized red mud | 100 | 68.62 | Hu et al. (2019) |
Lime-iron sludge | 10.5 | 2.49 | Chittoo & Sutherland (2020) |
Slag filter media | 2 | 0.017 | Lee et al. (2015) |
Biochar-calcium alginate beads | 10 | 1.97 | Jung et al. (2017a) |
Recycled steel by-products | 10 | 8.43 | Sellner et al. (2019) |
Alginate-/zirconium-grafted newspaper pellets | 20 | 5.59 | Husein et al. (2017) |
CSH | 5.5 | 5.67 | This study |
Adsorbent . | Co (mg/L) . | qb (mg/g) . | Ref. . |
Pyrolyzed Ca-impregnated lignite | 46.6 | 19.5 | Samaraweera et al. (2021) |
Granular acid-activated neutralized red mud | 100 | 68.62 | Hu et al. (2019) |
Lime-iron sludge | 10.5 | 2.49 | Chittoo & Sutherland (2020) |
Slag filter media | 2 | 0.017 | Lee et al. (2015) |
Biochar-calcium alginate beads | 10 | 1.97 | Jung et al. (2017a) |
Recycled steel by-products | 10 | 8.43 | Sellner et al. (2019) |
Alginate-/zirconium-grafted newspaper pellets | 20 | 5.59 | Husein et al. (2017) |
CSH | 5.5 | 5.67 | This study |
In this work, CSH was used to remove phosphate in the continuous adsorption system. It was observed that breakthrough time (Ct/Co = 0.1) and exhaustion time (Ct/Co = 0.9) decreased as the flow rate increased. The higher adsorption capacity, higher breakthrough volume and exhaustion volume, and extended mass transfer zone were observed at a lower influent flow rate (5 mL/min). As the bed depth increases, both breakthrough time and exhaustion time increase. The breakthrough and exhaustion adsorption capacity also increased with depth. For both Thomas and Yoon–Nelson models, the highest R2 was observed at a flow rate of 7.5 mL/min and a bed depth of 9 cm. The synthesized CSH is also applied to remove phosphate from local municipal wastewater treatment plant effluent. Earlier breakthrough and exhaustion time were observed for the real wastewater as compared to the synthetic wastewater, which is due to the impeding phosphate adsorption subjected to its physicochemical characteristics. However, about 1,700 mL of real wastewater could be treated in 249 min before the threshold limit (1 mg/L) is reached. This study shows that the synthesized CSH could be applied to remove phosphate from real wastewater under a continuous flow adsorption system.
This work was financially supported by the Africa Center of Excellence for Water Management, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia; Grant code GSR/9813/11.
All relevant data are included in the paper or its Supplementary Information.
The authors declare there is no conflict.