The presence of toxic algae, such as Microcystis aeruginosa (MA), in drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) would contribute to algal organic matter (AOM) as precursors toward disinfection by-products (DBPs). Electrocoagulation–flotation (ECF) has shown promising performance in minimizing algal cells from water and dissolved AOM. This study aimed to investigate the effect of current density (CD) and pH on alumina (Al)-based ECF for removing MA cell and DBPs precursors from cyanobacteria-laden water. The performance of Al-based ECF was evaluated at various CD and pH conditions within 20 min. In addition, the total halogenated DBPs formation of the treated suspension after ECF was quantified. At pH 8, the ECF process with 5 mA/cm2 exhibits the most significant reductions in MA cell and soluble AOM, accounting for 97 and 56%, respectively. Additionally, the precursors of trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloketones (HKs) can be effectively removed with flotation despite their significant release at EC. The tremendous reduction of humic acid-like (HAL) substances in extracellular organic matter (EOM) fraction by ECF leads to the minimized THMs formation potential. In summary, Al-based ECF at pH 8 is effective to remove cyanobacteria and minimize the precursors of regulated THMs along with an insignificant reduction in regulated haloacetic acids (HAAs) precursors.
Microcystis aeruginosa is most effectively removed by Al-based ECF at pH 8 for 5 mA/cm2.
Bound EOM excretes significantly by EC but markedly reduces along with algal cells after ECF.
Reducing HAL substances in EOM leads to the minimized formation of halogenated DBPs.
THMs precursors reduce mostly with an implicit decrease in HAAs precursors in the ECF process.
Graphical Abstract
Numerous sources of drinking water have been proven to experience rapid algal blooming during specific seasons (Putri et al. 2020), especially for eutrophicated reservoirs or lakes. Pollution of nutrients, such as phosphate and nitrogen, from agricultural activity, domestic sewage, or industrial wastewater can significantly accelerate algae proliferation. In that case, the presence of toxic cyanobacteria deteriorates the coagulation–sedimentation performance of drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs), leading to clogged filters, bad odors, and poor quality water (Wu et al. 2021), then ultimately harming human health because it can cause cancer risk, birth defects, and antibiotic resistance (Richardson & Ternes 2018). In addition, cyanobacteria-laden water contains varied algal organic matter (AOM), including extracellular organic matter (EOM) and intracellular organic matter (IOM). EOM consists of bound extracellular organic matter (bEOM) that adheres to the surface of algal cells as well as dissolved extracellular organic matter (dEOM) secreted from cells to algal suspension (Tang et al. 2017). Either IOM or EOM is well recognized to be the precursor of disinfection byproducts (DBPs), such as trihalomethanes (THMs), haloacetic acids (HAAs), haloacetonitriles (HANs), and haloketones (HKs), in a treatment train with post-chlorination followed by coagulation–sedimentation and filtration (Lin et al. 2022), especially at high chlorine dosage where it produces much higher DBPs (Huang et al. 2021). These challenges can heighten the burden of operational units in drinking water treatment. Thus, the minimization of algal cells with proper pre-treatment approaches in the safe drinking water supply is warranted for cyanobacteria-impact DWTPs.
Chemical coagulation has been widely used to improve the separation of algal cells in raw waters for DWTPs with a high removal efficiency of up to 93% (Ma et al. 2022). Despite the excellent efficiency in algal removal by coagulation has been proven, it highly relies on the characteristics of algal species (Zhao et al. 2019). For instance, as extremely high algal density occurs in raw water (e.g., >106 cells/mL), more chemical dosage is required to destabilize cells and form big flocs during coagulation. Moreover, the coagulation is subjected to a long mixing process (e.g., flocculation) and excessive coagulant dosage, which would lead to significant sludge generation (Sillanpää et al. 2018). Meanwhile, the alumina (Al) hydrates would dominantly influence the floc formation and algal cell removal by the coagulation–sedimentation process (Lin et al. 2021), and thus the removal of algal cells from water depends on the formation of dense flocs due to the low density of algae.
Al-based electrocoagulation–flotation (ECF) is well known to be a promising algal cell separation process because their light cells can be effectively floated in ECF. It requires a small footprint, fast reaction and concentrated sludge. Several studies have exhibited more than 95% algal cell removal with ECF toward cyanobacteria-laden water (An et al. 2019). It also has been proven that natural organic matter (NOM) or AOM can be removed by Al-based ECF (Chellam & Sari 2016; Meetiyagoda & Fujino 2020), accompanying a pronounced reduction in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and specific UV absorbance (UV254) in comparison with that by chemical coagulation (Lin et al. 2022). Basically, the performance of the ECF process is highly dependent on pH and current densities (CDs) (Bagastyo et al. 2022). The pH level of Al-based ECF predominately influences the formation of released Al hydrates that rule coagulation behaviors. At acidic pH, charge neutralization would predominately happen due to the occurrence of abundant monomeric Al, while insoluble Al hydroxides would form tremendously at neutral or weak alkaline pH conditions in response to sweep flocculation (Wang et al. 2020). On the other hand, the CD applied for ECF is theoretically proportional to the released amounts of Al hydrates. However, it has been demonstrated that the increase in CD would cause slight damage to MA cell structure and simultaneously result in the release of IOM or EOM (Wang et al. 2018). Then, the release of EOM would impair electrocoagulation–flocculation performance for algal cell removal (Fuente et al. 2019). As a result, the removal of EOM as well as the minimization of DBPs precursors are well correlated during the ECF process. Up to date, limited studies have investigated the operating factors influencing the relationship between EOM removal along with MA cells by Al-based ECF and the corresponding DBPs formation potential (DBPFP) for drinking water treatment. The investigations into favorable mechanisms toward the separation of microcells and EOM reduction for DBPs precursors minimization during ECF toward cyanobacteria-laden water are warranted.
This study aimed to investigate the performance of the Al-based ECF process at various pH and CD conditions for the minimization of DBPs precursors in cyanobacteria-laden water. The amounts of released Al were determined in theoretical and studied conditions during EC in the absence of algal samples. The algal samples were prepared with tailor-cultured Microcystis aeruginosa (MA) suspensions at bench scale, and the MA cells were counted and characterized by a flow cytometer (FCM). The variations in MA-derived AOM during ECF were evaluated in terms of dEOM and bEOM by fluorescent excitation–emission matrix (F-EEM) spectra measurement.
Algae sample cultivation
The MA suspensions were cultured in 500 mL of Erlenmeyer glass with BG-11 as a medium following a previous study (Lin et al. 2022). The automated flask shaker with illuminance under the ratio of 8:16 (dark/light cycle) was utilized at room temperature (25 °C). The MA suspensions were taken for a test while the desired condition was obtained. The diameter of MA algae was measured by a digital microscope (Digital microscope-CX31, Olympus, Japan) with ranges from 5 to 6 μm, as seen in Supplementary Material, Figure S1. For each test, the MA suspensions were prepared with a DOC concentration of 3 mg/L and a total algal density of 1 × 106 cells/mL.
Protocol of Al-based ECF test
Analytical methods
Reaction site . | Reactions . | Equation . |
Anode | Metal dissolution | (3) |
Passivation electrode | (4) | |
Cathode | Acidic condition | (5) |
Neutral and alkaline condition | (6) | |
Solution | (7) | |
(8) | ||
(9) |
Reaction site . | Reactions . | Equation . |
Anode | Metal dissolution | (3) |
Passivation electrode | (4) | |
Cathode | Acidic condition | (5) |
Neutral and alkaline condition | (6) | |
Solution | (7) | |
(8) | ||
(9) |
For the analysis of DBPFP, four classes in DBP comprise five of THMs substances (trihalomethane [TCM], bromodichloromethane [BDCM], bromoform [TBM], trichloronitromethane [TCNM], and dibromochloromethane [DBCM]); four of HANs substances (dichloroacetonitrile [DCAN], trichloroacetonitrile [TCAN], bromochloroacetonitrile [BCAN], and dibromoacetonitrile [DBAN]); nine of HAAs substances (monochloroacetic acid [MCAA], monobromoacetic acid [MBAA], dichloroacetic acid [DCAA], trichloroacetic acid [TCAA], bromochloroacetic acid [BCAA], bromodichloroacetic acid [BDCAA], dibromochloroacetic acid [DBAA], chlorodibromoacetic acid [CDBAA], and tribromoacetic acid [TBAA]), and two of HK substances (dicloroketone – DCK and trichloroethane – TCK) were analyzed after 7 days of chlorination with NaOCl at room temperature (25 ± 1 °C) in a darkroom. In the chlorination process, the concentration ratio between Cl2 and DOC is fixed at 5. THMs, HANs, and HKs were quantified after the liquid/liquid extraction method following the U.S. EPA 551.1 (U.S. EPA 1995). A 30 mL chlorinated sample was transferred to 40 mL transparent glass vials containing 10 g of sodium sulfate. Thereafter, DBPs were extracted with 3 mL of methyl test-butyl ether (MTBE) before analysis. HAAs were analyzed by liquid/liquid extraction following the modified U.S. EPA method 552.3 (U.S. EPA 2003). Before extraction, the sample was firstly acidified with 1.5 mL of concentrated H2SO4 to adjust the sample pH to <0.5. A 30 mL chlorinated sample was transferred to 40 mL transparent glass vials containing 13.5 g of sodium sulfate. After that, DBPs were extracted by 3 mL of MTBE. The MTBE layer (upper layer) was transferred to 10 mL vials containing 2 mL acid–methanol mixture (10% H2SO4 in methanol) and placed in a heating chamber at 55 °C for 2 h. After cooling, 5 mL of Na2SO4 was added, and the bottom layer was taken and added with 2 mL of NaHCO3. The vials were shaken for 2 min, and then the MTBE layer (upper layer) was takeout and transferred into 1.5 mL vials. All the extracted DBPs were measured with a gas chromatography–electron capture detector (GC–ECD) (Nexis GC-2030, Shimadzu, Japan). This instrument was equipped with a 30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 μm column (DB-1701, Agilent, USA). The method detection limit (MDL) for each DBPs compound was described in our previous study (Lin & Ika 2022), which ranges from 0.01 to 0.23 μg/L.
Effect of CD on MA cell separation
Effect of pH on MA cell separation
Changes in fluorescent AOM characteristics
Four regions of fluorophore spectra were investigated to confirm their contributions in AOM reduction after 10 min EC, as depicted in Figure 5(b) and Supplementary Material, Figure S3. It shows that the fraction of AOM mostly originated from SMPL substances, which have a two-fold higher intensity than others (i.e., HAL, FAL, and APL substances). As a result, the most pronounced release of SMPL substances appears, accounting for −17.7% reduction. While the negative reduction ratio of HAL and FAL substances is only about half compared to that of SMPL and APL substances. This indicates that lower amounts of AOM release from HAL and FAL fractions. However, the AFI of all AOM reduces subsequently after flotation. The most effective reduction in AFI occurs for SMPL substances, accounting for around 60%, followed by APL, FAL, and HAL substances. It has been reported that SMPL substances are composited of abundant polysaccharides (Xie et al. 2019), and Al coagulation is favorable for the removal of polysaccharides at around pH 8 (Naceradska et al. 2019). Thus, the most pronounced reduction in SMPL substances appears for Al-based ECF at pH 8.
Alleviation of halogenated DBPs formation
The Al-based ECF process is highly effective to remove MA cells together with the minimization of halogenated DBPs precursors. It is found that the pH effect is more pronounced than the CD effect in terms of MA cell separation efficiency and soluble AOM removal, accounting for 97.5 and 56%, respectively, at pH 8 using a mild CD of 5 mA/cm2. This significant reduction of MA cells is induced by strong sweep flocculation. At such a condition, the MA cells rupture significantly after EC, resulting in a pronounced increase in SMPL and APL substances, and subsequently, they are effectively removed after flotation. Likewise, bEOM can be markedly excreted from the MA cells after EC, but the increased bEOM is tremendously removed by flotation along with effective cell separation. In contrast, the amounts of dEOM increase after cells rupture by EC, but there are only limited improvements in dEOM removal after subsequent flotation. Owing to the decomposition of MA cells after EC, the precursors of THMs and HKs dominantly increase, but the subsequent flotation is able to significantly remove all DBPs precursors to a minimum, particularly for THMs and HKs precursors (i.e., HAL substances). It is concluded that ECF is a promising technique for highly efficient cyanobacteria separation, which predominately contributes to a favorable alleviation of the regulated THMs formation potential, accompanying the least mitigation of HAAs formation potential in drinking water treatment.
All relevant data are included in the paper or its Supplementary Information.
The authors declare there is no conflict.