Recently, the use of brackish diatoms has been proposed to remove various inorganic constituents, such as dissolved silica, nutrients, calcium, and bicarbonate, to enhance the freshwater recovery in reverse osmosis (RO). In this study, nine strains of brackish diatoms isolated from water and sediment samples from several evaporation ponds in California and Arizona were examined for their ability to assimilate silica and remove other constituents from RO concentrate. In addition to two previously reported strains, namely Gedaniella flavovirens PEWL001 and Nitzschia communis PEWL002, several new isolates including Halamphora sydowii PEWL004, Nitzschia sp. PEWL008, and Halamphora sp. PEWL011 were found to remove more than 95% of silica, 95% of ammonia and orthophosphate, and more than 50% of calcium and carbonate within 6 days. Two additional G. flavovirens strains (Psetr3 and Psetr7) collected from a brackish lake in Aomori, Japan, also showed rapid dissolved silica uptake (32 mg L−1 day−1) comparable to the one isolated from an agricultural drainage water evaporation pond in the Central Valley, California. This study demonstrated that the brackish diatoms isolated from the evaporation ponds could be useful for the treatment of RO concentrate, which would possibly enable more sustainable desalination processes.

  • Eleven strains of brackish diatoms were examined for dissolved silica removal from reverse osmosis concentrate.

  • All diatom strains were able to take up silica albeit at different rates.

  • Several strains of Gedaniella flavovirens were very effective in silica uptake.

  • Ammonia and orthophosphate were also effectively removed by the brackish diatoms.

  • Up to 70% calcium removal was also achieved by the diatom-based treatment.

Graphical Abstract

Graphical Abstract
Graphical Abstract

Reverse osmosis (RO)-based brackish water desalination and potable water reuse are the key solutions for solving the global challenge of water scarcity due to population growth and prolonged and more frequent droughts (Fritzmann et al. 2007; Greenlee et al. 2009; Pérez-González et al. 2012). However, 10–25% of the feed water becomes a waste stream, called RO concentrate or brine, presenting a disposal issue, especially for the inland community. Additional water recovery from the RO concentrate is hindered by membrane scaling due to silica, phosphate, and calcium, and other hardness metals, such as strontium and barium. Currently, advanced water purification facilities (AWPFs) for indirect and direct water reuse and brackish water desalination facilities (BWDFs) utilize ocean/surface water discharge, sewer discharge, land application, deep well injection, and evaporation pond to dispose of the RO concentrate often without any treatment (Xu et al. 2013; Hobbs et al. 2016; Adams et al. 2022). Several technologies have been proposed to improve the freshwater recovery and reduce the volume of RO concentrate, including the removal of scaling constituents by ion exchange or chemical softening (Venkatesan & Wankat 2011), variations of RO processes with vibration and precise control of concentrate discharge, including closed-circuit RO (Efraty et al. 2011; Gu et al. 2021), and the combination of non-RO desalination processes such as nanofiltration (NF) (Park et al. 2017), forward osmosis (Cath et al. 2006; Hancock et al. 2013), membrane distillation (Kim et al. 2016), and electrodialysis reversal (Kawahara 1994). However, these technologies tend to be highly chemical and/or energy-intensive and produce secondary waste streams such as spent resins. Furthermore, they often require the precise process control of multiple pumps and valves, which vastly complicates the operation of the process and prohibits their integration into full-scale RO facilities for concentrate treatment. There has been an urgent need for more cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and sustainable scalant removal technologies for AWPFs and BWDFs to enable higher water recovery using RO while reducing the volume of concentrate and its environmental impact.

Recently, the use of brackish diatoms for the treatment of RO concentrate from AWPFs and BWDFs has been proposed (Ikehata et al. 2017, 2018b, 2018c). In these studies, brackish diatoms Gedaniella flavovirens (formerly Pseudostaurosira trainorii (Li et al. 2018)) PEWL001 and Nitzschia communis PEWL002 isolated from agricultural drainage water demonstrated the rapid removal of aqueous silica and nutrients including orthophosphate, nitrate, and ammonia from the brackish agricultural drainage water (Ikehata et al. 2017) and RO concentrate from AWPFs and BWDFs (Ikehata et al. 2018c; Ikehata et al. 2019; Kulkarni et al. 2019). More than 95% removal of aqueous silica, phosphate, and ammonia, as well as >60% removal of calcium carbonate, were possible with this photobiological treatment with G. flavovirens PEWL001 and N. communis PEWL002 within 3–4 days (Ikehata et al. 2018c). After the photobiological treatment, additional water recovery from the treated RO concentrate with a secondary RO becomes feasible (Ikehata et al. 2018b). Concentrate samples from four AWPFs and seven BWDFs in the Southwestern United States have been successfully treated by this photobiological process using G. flavovirens PELW001 (Ikehata et al. 2018a, 2019). The use of this photobiological technology in the RO concentrate treatment appears to have potential advantages over conventional physical–chemical processes including the utilization of solar energy, efficient nutrient removal, inorganic carbon and certain divalent and trivalent metal removal, and production of useful algal biomass. However, only two brackish diatom isolates (G. flavovirens and N. communis) have been tested so far for this treatment process (Ikehata et al. 2018c), and the utility of other species is still unknown.

Therefore, in this study, 11 strains of brackish diatoms representing five different genera, including Gedaniella, Nitzschia, Anomoeoneis, Halamphora, and Encyonema, that were culturable in the RO concentrate sample were tested in this study to compare their silica and nutrient uptake, as well as the removal of other dissolved constituents from a silica- and nutrient-rich RO concentrate from a full-scale AWPF. Among these 11 strains, five strains were newly isolated from evaporation ponds in this study, while four strains were previously isolated, including G. flavovirens PEWL001 and N. communis PEWL002 (Ikehata et al. 2017, 2018c), and two were obtained from a brackish lake (Sato et al. 2011). Nine strains were tested for the first time.

Diatom strain collection, isolation, and maintenance

Brackish diatom strains used in this study were isolated from several surface water sources as shown in Table 1. As described earlier in Ikehata et al. (2017, 2018c), the first four strains namely G. flavovirens PEWL001, N. communis PEWL002, Anomoeoneis sphaerophora cf. f. costata PEWL003, and Halamphora sydowii PEWL004 were isolated from agricultural drainage water samples collected from an evaporation pond complex in Kings County, CA in the summer of 2010 (PEWL001) and in November 2015 (PEWL002, 003, and 004) by incubating unfiltered water samples with or without the sediment in a clear plastic container at room temperature (∼25 °C) under continuous illumination with a 13-W compact fluorescent light or a 9-W light-emitting diode (LED) bulb, followed by serial dilution, agar pour plate, and micropipette techniques (Andersen & Kawachi 2005). G. flavovirens PEWL001 was further purified by single-colony isolation by a micropipette. Nitzschia sp. PEWL008 was isolated from the sediment and water sample was collected from a hypersaline evaporation pond for RO concentrate at a drinking water treatment plant in Dateland, AZ in a similar manner to PEWL001-004. Two strains of G. flavovirens, Psetr3 and Psetr7, were isolated from bottom sands at Obuchi-numa Lake in Aomori Prefecture, Japan (Sato et al. 2011).

Table 1

List of diatom strains tested in this study

NameStrain IDSourceLocationTotal dissolved solids (g L−1)Reactive silica (mgL−1)Source of isolateReference
Gedaniella flavovirens PEWL001 Agricultural drainage water evaporation pond Kings County, CA 40 Pond water Ikehata et al. (2017)  
Nitzschia communis PEWL002 11 16 Pond water with the sediment Ikehata et al. (2018c)  
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora PEWL003 11 16 
Halamphora sydowii PEWL004 11 16 
Nitzschia sp. PEWL008 RO concentrate evaporation pond Yuma County, AZ 48 154 Pond water with the sediment New strain 
G. flavovirens Psetr3 Brackish lake Aomori, Japan Unknown Unknown Sand on the pond shore Sato et al. (2011)  
G. flavovirens Psetr7 
Halamphora sp. PEWL011 Agricultural drainage water evaporation pond Kings County, CA 16 Sediment New strains 
Encyonema sp. PEWL012 20 18 
Anomoeoneis sp. PEWL013 30 
Anomoeoneis sp. PEWL014 30 
NameStrain IDSourceLocationTotal dissolved solids (g L−1)Reactive silica (mgL−1)Source of isolateReference
Gedaniella flavovirens PEWL001 Agricultural drainage water evaporation pond Kings County, CA 40 Pond water Ikehata et al. (2017)  
Nitzschia communis PEWL002 11 16 Pond water with the sediment Ikehata et al. (2018c)  
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora PEWL003 11 16 
Halamphora sydowii PEWL004 11 16 
Nitzschia sp. PEWL008 RO concentrate evaporation pond Yuma County, AZ 48 154 Pond water with the sediment New strain 
G. flavovirens Psetr3 Brackish lake Aomori, Japan Unknown Unknown Sand on the pond shore Sato et al. (2011)  
G. flavovirens Psetr7 
Halamphora sp. PEWL011 Agricultural drainage water evaporation pond Kings County, CA 16 Sediment New strains 
Encyonema sp. PEWL012 20 18 
Anomoeoneis sp. PEWL013 30 
Anomoeoneis sp. PEWL014 30 

Halamphora sp. PEWL011, Encyonema sp. PEWL012, Anomoeoneis sp. PEWL013, and Anomoeoneis sp. PEWL014 were isolated directly from the sediment and sand samples were collected from the agricultural drainage water evaporation pond complex in Kings County, CA in September 2017. A total of 46 single diatom cells or colonies were picked up by the micropipette technique and transferred to a 0.2-μm filter-sterilized, silica- and nutrient-rich brackish water medium (see Brackish water medium and RO concentrate sample) in non-treated 12-well cell culture plates. The culture plates were incubated at ∼27 °C under continuous illumination with four 9-W LED bulbs. After about 1 week of incubation, the active growth of nine isolates representing four different diatom strains was confirmed. Isolates with brown-colored colonies were transferred to larger culture tubes (15- and 50-mL VWR SuperClear polypropylene centrifuge tubes, VWR International, Radnor, PA) and maintained until use.

Once the active growth of greenish brown/brown diatom biomass was confirmed by visual observation with naked eyes, as well as with an inverted microscope, each isolate was transferred to and maintained in 50-mL culture tubes containing a 0.2-μm filter-sterilized RO concentrate from an advanced water purification facility (see Brackish water medium and RO concentrate sample). The filtered RO concentrate was replaced every 3–4 days to obtain enough biomass for the photobiological treatment experiment. In addition, subcultures were maintained by transferring an aliquot of biomass into new culture tubes containing the brackish water medium every 3–4 weeks.

Analytical methods

A Hach DR-2800 spectrophotometer (Loveland, CO) was used for the colorimetric analysis of dissolved constituents. A Hach ISENa38101 sodium ion selective electrode combined with an HQ40d portable meter was used for sodium analysis. Appropriate Hach methods were used for general chemical parameters including molybdate-reactive silica, orthophosphate, ammonia-N, nitrate-N, chloride, sulfate, hardness, alkalinity, iron, manganese, color, and chemical oxygen demand (COD), as described earlier (Ikehata et al. 2017, 2018c). In this study, molybdate-reactive silica (hereafter referred to as ‘reactive silica’) was used as a measure of dissolved silica in the aqueous samples.

Brackish water medium and RO concentrate sample

A silica- and nutrient-rich brackish water medium was prepared from a groundwater RO concentrate sample obtained from a brackish groundwater desalination facility in Alamogordo, NM (collected in January–March 2017) spiked with sodium phosphate monobasic and sodium nitrate (ACS reagents; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) or an f/2 medium concentrate (f/2 Algae Food Part B; Fritz Aquatics, Mesquite, TX). Another RO concentrate sample was collected from the third stage of a full-scale RO unit at the Groundwater Replenishment System Advanced Water Purification Facility of the Orange County Water District in Fountain Valley, CA on September 26, 2017, and used in the photobiological treatment experiments. The RO concentrate sample was analyzed for water quality parameters upon arrival and refrigerated until use. The water quality of the brackish water medium and the RO concentrate sample are shown in Table 2.

Table 2

Brackish water medium and RO concentrate quality

ParameterBrackish water mediumRO concentrate
Total dissolved solids (mg L−14,600 5,100 
Total hardness (mg L−1 as CaCO31,070 1,840 
Alkalinity (mg L−1 as CaCO3468 900 
COD (mg L−1252 
Color at 455 nm (PtCo color unit) 230 
pH 8.2 8.2 
Sodium (mg L−1790 1,100 
Potassium (mg L−114 83 
Calcium (mg L−1460 560 
Magnesium (mg L−1<10 106 
Iron (mg L−10.02 0.65 
Manganese (mg L−10.07 0.46 
Ammonia-N (mg L−1<0.4 6.85 
Chloride (mg L−1220 1,500 
Sulfate (mg L−12,700 1,000 
Bicarbonate (mg L−1570 1,100 
Nitrate-N (mg L−10.41 (12.4 after NaNO3 addition) 54 
Reactive silica (mg L−192 115 
Orthophosphate (mg L−10.13 (3.5 after NaH2PO4 addition) 
ParameterBrackish water mediumRO concentrate
Total dissolved solids (mg L−14,600 5,100 
Total hardness (mg L−1 as CaCO31,070 1,840 
Alkalinity (mg L−1 as CaCO3468 900 
COD (mg L−1252 
Color at 455 nm (PtCo color unit) 230 
pH 8.2 8.2 
Sodium (mg L−1790 1,100 
Potassium (mg L−114 83 
Calcium (mg L−1460 560 
Magnesium (mg L−1<10 106 
Iron (mg L−10.02 0.65 
Manganese (mg L−10.07 0.46 
Ammonia-N (mg L−1<0.4 6.85 
Chloride (mg L−1220 1,500 
Sulfate (mg L−12,700 1,000 
Bicarbonate (mg L−1570 1,100 
Nitrate-N (mg L−10.41 (12.4 after NaNO3 addition) 54 
Reactive silica (mg L−192 115 
Orthophosphate (mg L−10.13 (3.5 after NaH2PO4 addition) 

Photobiological treatment experiment

Two bench-scale photobiological treatment experiments, namely the preliminary screening and time-series experiments, were carried out to evaluate the suitability of diatom strains for the treatment of RO concentrate. In both experiments, the photobiological treatment was conducted in VWR SuperClear 50-mL centrifuge tubes with screw caps as described previously (Ikehata et al. 2018c). The RO concentrate was filter-sterilized by 0.2-μm syringe filters and statically incubated at 27 ± 2 °C under continuous illumination with four 9-W LED bulbs (light temperature 5,000 K, 800 lm each).

In the preliminary screening experiment, 11 different diatom strains were evaluated for their silica uptake in two cycles of 4-day incubation. After the first 4 days of incubation, the supernatant was removed by decantation and the new RO concentrate was added into the tubes containing biomass to initiate the second cycle. Reactive silica concentrations were measured at the end of each cycle. After the second 4 days of incubation, the biomass was harvested and used in the subsequent time-series experiment. The biomass concentration was not quantified in the preliminary screening experiment. The preliminary experiment was conducted without replication.

In the time-series experiment, selected diatom species were tested for the reactive silica and nutrient uptake in a single-batch experiment in duplicate. The initial biomass concentrations ranged from 0.3 to 0.5 g L−1. An aliquot of sample was collected every day to follow the silica uptake until at least 90% reactive silica removal was achieved, then the supernatant was separated from biomass and analyzed for calcium, bicarbonate, iron, and manganese. The biomass was washed with ultrapure water at least three times and then dried to determine the final dry weight.

Diatom isolation, cultivation, and identification

In this study, five new strains of brackish diatoms were isolated as shown in Table 1 and Figure 1. The strain Nitzschia sp. PEWL008 (Figure 1(a) and 1(b)) was the dominant diatom species found in an incubated water–sediment mixture collected from an RO concentrate evaporation pond. Although the salinity of the evaporation pond water was very high (total dissolved solids (TDS) = 48 g L−1), this hypersaline strain could be cultured in the less-saline water medium (TDS = 4.6 g L−1), as well as in the RO concentrate sample (TDS = 5.1 g L−1), and grew rapidly around the culture tube forming a thin film of greenish brown biomass.
Figure 1

New brackish diatoms isolated. Light micrographs of live individuals (a, c, e, g, i) and cleaned valves (b, d, f, h, j): Nitzschia sp. PEWL008 (a, b), Halamphora sp. PEWL011 (c, d), Encyonema sp. PEWL012 (e, f), Anomoeoneis sp. PEWL013 (g, h), and Anomoeoneis sp. PEWL014 (i, j). Scale bar = 5 μm.

Figure 1

New brackish diatoms isolated. Light micrographs of live individuals (a, c, e, g, i) and cleaned valves (b, d, f, h, j): Nitzschia sp. PEWL008 (a, b), Halamphora sp. PEWL011 (c, d), Encyonema sp. PEWL012 (e, f), Anomoeoneis sp. PEWL013 (g, h), and Anomoeoneis sp. PEWL014 (i, j). Scale bar = 5 μm.

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Halamphora sp. PEWL011, Encyonema sp. PEWL012, Anomoeoneis sp. PEWL013, and Anomoeoneis sp. PEWL014 were isolated directly from sediment samples collected from agricultural drainage water evaporation ponds. As described above, these four strains were among 46 single-cell isolates that were culturable in both brackish water medium and the RO concentrate sample. The salinity of their habitat ranged from relatively low (TDS = 3 g L−1, PEWL013 and 014) and moderate (TDS = 6 g L−1, PEWL011) to high (TDS = 20 g L−1, PEWL012). All the strains formed a thin brown or greenish brown biofilm like Nitzschia sp. PEWL008.

Preliminary screening experiment

In the preliminary screening experiment, all the tested strains were able to remove reactive silica from the RO concentrate sample (Figure 2). Among them, two strains of G. flavovirens (PEWL001 and Psetr7) performed very well (>90% removal) in both the first and second cycles. The reactive silica removal by most of the strains improved in the second cycle and reached >85% removal within 4 days. Two Anomoeoneis spp. PEWL013 and PEWL014 grew relatively slowly and did not remove reactive silica very well (50–80%). Therefore, these two strains were excluded from the subsequent time-series experiment. Three additional strains, namely N. communis PEWL002, A. sphaerophora PEWL003, and G. flavovirens Psetr3, were also excluded because they became contaminated during the screening experiment.
Figure 2

Removal of reactive silica from the RO concentrate by the photobiological treatment using 11 strains of brackish diatoms (preliminary screening result, cycle duration: 4 days, no replication).

Figure 2

Removal of reactive silica from the RO concentrate by the photobiological treatment using 11 strains of brackish diatoms (preliminary screening result, cycle duration: 4 days, no replication).

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Time-series experiment

The removal of reactive silica by six brackish diatoms was further investigated in the time-series photobiological treatment of the RO concentrate sample. As in the preliminary screening experiment, reactive silica was rapidly taken up by G. flavovirens PEWL001 and Psetr7. More than 80% of reactive silica was removed within 3 days (Figure 3), which is consistent with the preliminary experiment and our previous studies with G. flavovirens PEWL001 (Ikehata et al. 2018c). The silica uptake followed almost zero-order kinetics, and the uptake rates of Psetr7 and PWEL001 were approximately 32 and 33 mg L−1 day−1, respectively. Halamphora sp. PEWL011 also performed well in this experiment with a silica uptake rate of 25 mg L−1 day−1 and achieved more than 80% reactive silica removal within three and a half days. H. sydowii PEWL004 was moderately effective in silica uptake (19 mg L−1 day−1) and took about 5 days for 80% removal. The silica uptake rate was much slower (16 mg L−1 day−1) with Nitzschia sp. PEWL008 and Encyonema sp. PEWL012.
Figure 3

Removal of reactive silica from the RO concentrate by the photobiological treatment using six strains of brackish diatoms. Error bars represent standard deviations of duplicate cultures. Some error bars are invisible due to very small standard deviations.

Figure 3

Removal of reactive silica from the RO concentrate by the photobiological treatment using six strains of brackish diatoms. Error bars represent standard deviations of duplicate cultures. Some error bars are invisible due to very small standard deviations.

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Once desired reactive silica removal (>95% removal) was achieved, the photobiological treatment was terminated, and the biomass and supernatant were separated for analyses. Encyonema sp. PEWL012 was terminated after 7 days of the treatment due to the slower reactive silica uptake. As shown in Figure 4, more than 95% of orthophosphate and ammonia were removed from the RO concentrate with all six strains tested, while a majority (>80%) of nitrate-N remained unutilized. This indicated that all the brackish diatoms were excellent orthophosphate and ammonia removers and that they preferred ammonia over nitrate as a nitrogen source, which is consistent with previous results with G. flavovirens PEWL001 and N. communis PEWL002 (Ikehata et al. 2018c). It should be noted that a higher concentration (>12 mg L−1 as N) of ammonia could be toxic to G. flavovirens PEWL001 (Ikehata et al. 2019; Kulkarni et al. 2019). As shown in Figure 5, several divalent and trivalent metals were removed by the photobiological treatment. Calcium removal ranged from 50 to 72%, while bicarbonate removal ranged from 50 to 79%, which suggested that calcium was precipitated as calcium carbonate (CaCO3) as observed previously (Ikehata et al. 2017). G. flavovirens PEWL001 and Encyonema sp. PEWL012 showed the highest calcium and bicarbonate removal efficiencies, while Nitzschia sp. PEWL008 did exhibit the lowest removal efficiencies for these constituents. A majority (62–88%) of iron and manganese was also removed by all the diatom strains tested. The biomass concentrations (dry wt.) of all the strains increased three to five times from the beginning of the time-series experiment. The biomass collected after the experiment contained white inorganic precipitates (mostly CaCO3) that could be dissolved by dilute hydrochloric acid. More work is needed to differentiate diatom biomass and precipitated calcium to quantify the actual biomass gain during the photobiological treatment.
Figure 4

Removal of orthophosphate, ammonia-N, and nitrate-N from the RO concentrate by the photobiological treatment. Note: The constituents were analyzed at the end of the time-series experiment (after 5 days: PEWL001, Psetr7, and PEWL011; after 6 days: PEWL004, PEWL008; after 7 days: PEWL012). Error bars represent standard deviations of duplicate cultures. Some bars are invisible due to very small standard deviations.

Figure 4

Removal of orthophosphate, ammonia-N, and nitrate-N from the RO concentrate by the photobiological treatment. Note: The constituents were analyzed at the end of the time-series experiment (after 5 days: PEWL001, Psetr7, and PEWL011; after 6 days: PEWL004, PEWL008; after 7 days: PEWL012). Error bars represent standard deviations of duplicate cultures. Some bars are invisible due to very small standard deviations.

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Figure 5

Removal of calcium, bicarbonate, iron, and manganese from the RO concentrate by the photobiological treatment. Note: The constituents were analyzed at the end of the time-series experiment (after 5 days: PEWL001, Psetr7, and PEWL011; after 6 days: PEWL004 and PEWL008; after 7 days: PEWL012). Error bars represent the standard deviations of duplicate cultures.

Figure 5

Removal of calcium, bicarbonate, iron, and manganese from the RO concentrate by the photobiological treatment. Note: The constituents were analyzed at the end of the time-series experiment (after 5 days: PEWL001, Psetr7, and PEWL011; after 6 days: PEWL004 and PEWL008; after 7 days: PEWL012). Error bars represent the standard deviations of duplicate cultures.

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In this study, the suitability of nine brackish diatom strains collected from evaporation ponds in the Southwestern United States along with two strains from a brackish lake in Japan was evaluated for the photobiological treatment of silica- and nutrient-rich RO concentrate from an advanced water purification facility. In addition to the two strains previously described, namely G. flavovirens PEWL001 and N. communis PEWL002, all the brackish diatoms that represent five different genera, including Gedaniella, Nitzschia, Halamphora, Anomoeoneis, and Encyonema, were able to remove reactive silica from the brackish wastewater (Figure 2).

Among them, three strains of G. flavovirens showed an excellent ability to remove reactive silica (Figure 2), as well as the removal of nutrients, calcium, bicarbonate, iron, and manganese (Figures 3,45), from the RO concentrate. These strains of G. flavovirens originated from two entirely different geographical areas with different types of climates and ecosystems. As described earlier (Ikehata et al. 2017), G. flavovirens PEWL001 was isolated from an agricultural drainage water evaporation pond, which is a typical man-made brackish waterbody in the semi-arid Central Valley of California with a hot and dry Mediterranean climate. The drainage water is generated by periodical flushing of farmlands, whose soil contains high levels of dissolved solids due to repeated irrigation and evapotranspiration (Woltemade 2000; Skaggs et al. 2009). The fresh drainage water typically contains a high concentration of reactive silica (typically 30–40 mg L−1) along with other dissolved minerals, nutrients, and organic matter (Woltemade 2000; Ikehata et al. 2017). The availability of silica and nutrients in the drainage water from the evaporation ponds most likely makes it an ideal habitat for brackish diatoms.

On the other hand, two G. flavovirens strains, Psetr3 and Psetr7, from Japan were isolated from a natural brackish lake, Obuchi-numa, in the northernmost part of Japan's main island (Sato et al. 2011). The area is classified as an oceanic climate with cooler summers and year-round precipitation. This lake is connected to both freshwater river and the Pacific Ocean, which creates an ecosystem with a wide variation of salinity ranging from 5 to 30 g L−1 depending on the locations, time of the day, and seasons (Ueda et al. 2006). According to Ueda et al. (2006), the concentrations of ammonia-N, nitrate-N, and phosphorus were relatively low (<3.6, <11, and 0.17 μmol L−1, respectively, which correspond to less than 0.2 mg L−1 of nitrogen and less than 0.16 mg L−1 of orthophosphate) in the shallow areas (<2 m deep) of Obuchi-numa. The very similar behaviors of these three G. flavovirens strains from two distant geographic locations observed in the photobiological treatment of RO concentrate are very interesting. This may warrant additional studies on this or other brackish Gedaniella species.

After G. flavovirens, two Halamphora species (PEWL004 and PEWL011) and two Nitzschia species (PEWL002 and PEWL008) were good silica removers (Figures 2 and 3). However, two Anomoeoneis species (PEWL013 and PEWL014) showed less promising silica removal ability. The poor growth of Anomoeoneis sp. might be due to the relatively low salinity of their original habitat (3 g L−1), which was the lowest among the sources of brackish diatoms evaluated in this study (Table 1). Although those strains obtained from the environment with salinity similar or higher to the RO concentrate to be treated (5.1 g L−1 as TDS) performed well in the photobiological treatment, those from lower salinity might be more sensitive to the changes in osmotic pressure. Encyonema sp. PEWL012 also showed a relatively poor ability to remove reactive silica (Figure 3), although the nutrients, calcium, bicarbonate, iron, and manganese removal were comparable to the other brackish diatom strains tested (Figures 4 and 5). The reason for the lower silica removal/uptake efficiency of this strain is unclear.

The impact of salinity on the photobiological treatment is still inconsistent and requires further investigation. In a separate study, while G. flavovirens PEWL001 was able to treat RO concentrate samples with a wide range of salinity from 3.6 to 18 g L−1 (Ikehata et al. 2018a, 2019), two marine strains including Amphora sp. CCMP 129 and Melosira nummuloides CCMP 481 were unable to grow in brackish wastewater with TDS of ∼6 g L−1 in our previous attempt (Ikehata et al. unpublished data). Clavero et al. (2000) reported a wide range of salinity tolerance (0.5–17.5% wt/vol) of several Amphora, Nitzschia, and Entomoneis species isolated from thalassic hypersaline environments including tidal channels and evaporation ponds. The salinity tolerance and insensitivity of the diatom strains such as Halamphora and Nitzschia species observed in the current study are consistent with the reported observation. The euryhalinity of certain brackish diatoms was probably due to the adaptation to the environments of changing salinity (Carpelan 1978; Clavero et al. 2000). Additional investigation is suggested to explore the wider varieties of euryhaline water diatoms and to determine any relationships between the silica removal efficiency and biological characteristics of diatoms.

The performance of brackish diatoms in the photobiological treatment may vary depending on the water quality (e.g., salinity, pH, and nutrient availability) and other factors (e.g., temperature and light conditions). Therefore, it is probably advisable to test several promising diatom strains to find the best one for the RO concentrate to be treated in a bench or pilot-scale testing based on the specific treatment goals (e.g., silica, calcium carbonate, and/or nutrient removal) of the project. The use of a consortium of brackish diatoms (Ikehata et al. 2017) may also be considered.

In this study, 11 different strains of brackish diatoms that represent five different genera were evaluated for their ability to remove reactive silica, nutrients, calcium, bicarbonate, iron, and manganese from a silica- and nutrient-rich RO concentrate obtained from a full-scale advanced water purification facility in Southern California. Although all the brackish diatoms evaluated here were able to remove reactive silica in the photobiological treatment, two strains of G. flavovirens PEWL001 and Psetr7 from California, USA and Aomori, Japan, respectively, exhibited the fastest silica uptake rate of approximately 33 mg L−1 day−1, followed by Halamphora sp. PEWL011, H. sydowii PEWL004, and Nitzschia sp. PEWL008. Three strains of Anomoeoneis species and one strain of Encyonema species were either less efficient in silica uptake and removal or unable to grow rapidly in the RO concentrate tested. The difference in the silica uptake kinetics among these strains might be due to the disparity between the water quality of RO concentrate, such as salinity and nutrient compositions, to be treated and their optimum growth conditions in their habitats. More research will be needed to explore the possible relationships and correlations. More than 95% of orthophosphate and ammonia, as well as a majority of the calcium, bicarbonate, iron and manganese, were removed from the RO concentrate with six diatom strains tested. The outcome of this study showed that the evaporation ponds in the Southwestern United States contained euryhaline brackish diatoms that could be useful for the treatment of RO concentrate. This will possibly lead to the development of more sustainable brackish water desalination and water purification processes for potable reuse.

The authors would like to thank Mr Dustin Fuller from Tulare Lake Drainage District, Corcoran, CA and Ms Linda Stevens from Dateland Public Service Company, Dateland, AZ for granting access to the evaporation ponds for water and sediment sampling. The authors would also like to thank Dr Kenneth P. Ishida, Ms Jana Safarik, and Dr Megan H. Plumlee from Orange County Water District for providing brackish wastewater samples. We thank Dr Eduardo Morales from Herbario Criptogámico, Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo, Cochabamba, Bolivia for his assistance on four diatom identifications (PEWL001-PEWL004). The assistance of Ms Yuan Li and Mr Steve Sanchez from Pacific Advanced Civil Engineering, Inc. in Fountain Valley, CA was also gratefully acknowledged. The materials presented in this paper are based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under the Small Business Innovation Research Program (Award #: 1648495, PI: KI) and the United States Bureau of Reclamation Desalination and Water Purification Research Program (Award #: R21AC10106, PI: KI). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Pacific Advanced Civil Engineering, Inc. holds a U.S. patent (#9416036) relating to this photobiological treatment technology.

All relevant data are included in the paper or its Supplementary Information.

Some of the authors’ previous employer Pacific Advanced Civil Engineering, Inc. holds a U.S. patent (#9416036) relating to this photobiological treatment technology.

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