Hybridization of electrodialysis (ED) and batch reverse osmosis (BRO) process is used to reduce the brine volume and water production cost. The ED process has the benefit of high water volume recovery in brackish water desalination, while reverse osmosis can produce pure water at a low production cost. Here, a simple hybrid process layout is preferred in which the ED process is kept in the reject stream of the BRO process and permeate from both ED and BRO is mixed. Recovery of the ED process is kept at 70% which can decide the blending ratio of ED and BRO permeates. The capital cost and operating cost of ED and BRO processes are used to calculate water production cost. The water production cost from the hybrid ED–BRO process is found to be 0.22 $ m−3 of freshwater when the feed concentration is 1,100 ppm. The cost increases from 0.20 to 0.34 $ m−3 with feed concentration from 1,000 to 2,000 ppm. In the cost, a major portion comes from the capital equipment in which the highest contributor is the membrane for both ED and BRO processes.
Designing hybrid electrodialysis and batch reverse osmosis process for brackish water desalination.
Effect of feed concentration on the freshwater cost of the hybrid ED–BRO process.
The hybrid process increases water recovery and has 0.22 $ m−3 freshwater cost at 1,100 ppm feed concentration.
Symbols for the ED process
- Cfd
concentration at the inlet of dilute stream
- Cd
concentration at the exit of dilute stream
- R
- Λ
equivalent conductance of solution at 20 °C
- Δ
thickness of cell-pair
- u
linear flow velocity
- a
constant for limiting current density calculation
- b
constant for limiting current density calculation
- F
Faraday constant
- α
volume factor
- β
area factor accounting for the shadow effect
- s
safety factor
- ζ
current utilization/efficiency
- ρA+ρC
total area resistance of membrane
- Qd
product water flow rate (production capacity)
- w
width of cell-pair
- Lst
length of flow path per stack
- h
half thickness of the grid rods of spacer (h = 1/4 Δ)
- l
distance between two grid rods or mesh size
- μ
solution viscosity, kg/m-s
- dH
hydraulic diameter, m
- ɳp
efficiency of pump
- CΔ
concentration difference of dilute/concentration stream
- Cfc
concentration at the inlet of concentrate stream
- Cc
concentration at the exit of concentrate stream
- ΔP
pressure drop in stack, kPa
- iprac
practical limiting current density
- Aprac
area required for stack
- Lprac
total length required
- Ncp
no. of cell-pairs in stage
- Ist
current passing through stack
- Ust
potential (voltage) drop across stack
- Edes
specific energy consumption for desalination
- Epump
specific energy consumption for pump
- Etotal
total specific energy consumption for ED unit
Symbols for the BRO process
- Abro
membrane area
- Qperm
permeate flow rate
- Jw
water permeability of the membrane
- Qbro
feed flow rate
- SECideal
ideal specific energy consumption
- r
recovery ratio of process
- SECtotal
specific energy consumption of real process
- ɳ2nd law
second law efficiency
- π
osmotic pressure of feed solution
- Chpp
capital cost of high-pressure pump
- Phpp
maximum pressure of high-pressure pump
- Crecir.
capital cost of recirculation pump
- Precir.
pressure of recirculation pump
- Qrecir.
flow rate of recirculation pump
- Cmemb
capital cost of membrane
- Cm
unit membrane cost
- CPrExch
capital cost of pressure exchanger with piston
- Chousing
capital cost of membrane housing
- Cpiping
cost of piping
- Rs
rejection of salt
- ɳpump
pump efficiency
Hybridizing processes to achieve a sustainable goal is the interest of many researchers in current times. Brackish water desalination has become the most common method to supply freshwater for inland applications. Membrane technologies have been used commonly for groundwater desalination which has less energy cost and gives high-quality water for consumption (Kim & No 2012; Liu et al. 2021). Brackish water reverse osmosis (BWRO) and electrodialysis (ED) are commercially available membrane processes to treat brackish water. BWRO is suitable for salinity ranging from 1 to 10 g L−1 while ED is more suitable for <3 g L−1 salinity (Ali et al. 2018).
For brackish water desalination, increasing the recovery rate is an important factor due to the problem associated with high-volume brine disposal, especially in inland brackish water desalination applications. For the standalone BWRO process, it is difficult to achieve high recovery for the reason of fouling and high-pressure requirements. There are several methods proposed for brine disposal such as leaving it in surface water or a sewer system, deep well injection, evaporation ponds, and land applications (Squire 2000; Al-Faifi et al. 2010; Elsaid et al. 2012; Panagopoulos et al. 2019; Al-Anzi et al. 2021; Khan & Al-Ghouti 2021; Sahu 2021). But all these methods are associated with one or other disadvantages as not being perfect and environmental hazards such as an increase in salinity of the water body, affecting the nearby biological activities, leakage of brine in nearby aquifers, and contamination of land (Ahmed et al. 2000; Prusty & Farooq 2020).
Much research has been done to reduce the volume of concentrated brine for inland application, for example, the use of secondary treatment to recover minerals from brine (Henthorne & Boysen 2015), applying a thermal process to achieve zero liquid discharge, and chemical softening with additional membrane treatment (Bond & Veerapaneni 2008). All these alternatives require large chemicals and consumables which increase the cost of treatment. Altaee & Hilal (2015) suggested a trihybrid membrane system to reduce this cost and disadvantages of conventional methods, but still, it requires an antiscalant as a pretreatment of feed before entering the system, to reduce the risk of scaling of concentrated divalent ions. Efforts are made to increase the recovery of conventional RO using solar thermal energy and mechanism (Mudgal & Davies 2016; Raninga et al. 2021) and hybridizing with the forward osmosis process (Patel et al. 2021).
In this study, the hybrid ED–batch reverse osmosis (ED–BRO) system is used to take benefit of ED for high recovery and RO for highly pure water at low cost. The water cost in a hybrid system is compared with the standalone ED and BRO processes with the volume recovery rate. The product water from all these three setups has been maintained at the same volume flow rate and concentration to make a justifiable comparison. Many studies of hybrid ED and conventional RO processes are in literature, but to take cost advantage of the advanced RO process, here, the hybrid ED–BRO system is studied.
Working of the ED process
Mathematical modeling
Cost and input variable data
ED process design equations contain many proportionality constants and assumptions to calculate the process parameters. In this study, the values for these constants are taken as shown in Table 1. From our previous study (Ankoliya et al. 2021), the water recovery ratio achieved for the ED process is 70% for local water quality composition. Also, the cell-pair thickness and flow velocity values taken here are optimized for similar conditions. Other constants are related to Faraday law, NaCl solution, current density, membrane property, and pump.
Design and process constants for the ED process
Symbol . | Value . | Unit . |
R | 0.70 | |
Λ | 10.5 | mS m2 eq−1 |
Δ | 0.0005 | m |
u | 0.15 | m s−1 |
a | 25 | A sb m(1−b) eq−1 |
b | 0.5 | |
F | 96500 | A s eq−1 |
α | 0.8 | |
β | 0.7 | |
s | 0.7 | |
ζ | 0.9 | |
ρA+ρC | 0.0007 | Ω m2 |
w | 0.1 | m |
ɳp | 0.6 |
Symbol . | Value . | Unit . |
R | 0.70 | |
Λ | 10.5 | mS m2 eq−1 |
Δ | 0.0005 | m |
u | 0.15 | m s−1 |
a | 25 | A sb m(1−b) eq−1 |
b | 0.5 | |
F | 96500 | A s eq−1 |
α | 0.8 | |
β | 0.7 | |
s | 0.7 | |
ζ | 0.9 | |
ρA+ρC | 0.0007 | Ω m2 |
w | 0.1 | m |
ɳp | 0.6 |
The major component is membrane cost in the ED stack. All other costs of peripheral equipment are proportional to the cost of the membrane cost. The membrane cost is related to its area. Here, the cost of the membrane per unit area is taken from the literature (Zhang et al. 2017) and the total stack cost can be calculated by multiplying proportionality constants. All these assumptions and constant values are shown in Table 2 along with the life of the membrane, operational duration and electricity cost. To obtain all these costs, we require a membrane area which is calculated by using a mathematical model of the ED process explained in the previous section.
Calculation assumption for cost analysis of the ED system
Items . | Cost . | Unit . |
Membrane cost | 145 | $ m−2 |
Membrane life | 3 | years |
Stack cost | 1.5 | times membrane cost |
Peripheral equipment cost | 0.5 | times stack cost |
Maintenance cost | 10% | of total investment |
Electricity cost | 0.1 | $ kWh−1 |
Working time | 24 | h d−1 |
Operational days | 300 | d y−1 |
Items . | Cost . | Unit . |
Membrane cost | 145 | $ m−2 |
Membrane life | 3 | years |
Stack cost | 1.5 | times membrane cost |
Peripheral equipment cost | 0.5 | times stack cost |
Maintenance cost | 10% | of total investment |
Electricity cost | 0.1 | $ kWh−1 |
Working time | 24 | h d−1 |
Operational days | 300 | d y−1 |
BRO process
A BRO process works on batch operation – which means it generates permeate in batch and not continuously, and also, the pressure varies from minimum to peak. So, the BRO process has a lower average pressure than the conventional RO process and results in a lower SEC. The peak pressure in BRO is the same as in continuous-RO, but is only reached momentarily at the end of each cycle. For the rest of the time, the pressure is lower (Park et al. 2020). So, the purpose of using the BRO process is to reduce energy consumption in brackish water desalination.
The cycle of the BRO system consists of two stages called pressurization and purge-and-refill. During the pressurization stage, feedwater is supplied to the left end of the pressure exchanger, pushing the piston to the right. The piston forces out water from the other side mixed with the recirculation stream and goes to the feed side of the RO module through the main valve which only opens during the pressurization stage. The reject stream from the RO module is recirculated by a recirculation pump. This stage produces permeate and works until the piston in the pressure exchanger reaches the right side end. During this cycle, the pressure gradually increases to the peak value and also the concentration of water in the recirculation loop gradually increases. In the second stage, saltwater in the system becomes very concentrated which needs to be taken out and replaced by feed water, and to do that, the purge valve is opened. To divert the fresh feed filled in the left side of the pressure exchanger, the bypass valve is also opened, and at the same time, the main valve is closed. The continued operation of the recirculation pump pushes the piston to the left until it reaches its original position.
Design and cost modeling of BRO

Here, the BRO process is used for 1,100 ppm salinity feedwater. The design inputs and other constant values are shown in Table 3.
Design parameter and cost data consideration for the BRO process
Symbol/Description . | Value . | Unit . |
r | 80 | % |
Rs | 93.34 | % |
ɳ2nd law | 33.2 | % |
ɳpump | 70 | % |
Membrane life | 5 | y |
Cm | 22 | $ m−2 |
Energy cost | 0.1 | $ kWh−1 |
Symbol/Description . | Value . | Unit . |
r | 80 | % |
Rs | 93.34 | % |
ɳ2nd law | 33.2 | % |
ɳpump | 70 | % |
Membrane life | 5 | y |
Cm | 22 | $ m−2 |
Energy cost | 0.1 | $ kWh−1 |
Feed water characterization
The feed water used in this study is tap water from the university, which is used for general purposes other than drinking. This water is extracted from the ground; so it represents the groundwater of the university in the city of Gandhinagar in the Gujarat state of India. The details of feed water characterization are shown in Table 4.
Feed water characterization used in this study
Parameter . | Value . | Unit . |
pH | 8.9 | |
TDS | 1,100 | mg L−1 |
Calcium | 11 | mg L−1 |
Magnesium | 18 | mg L−1 |
Sodium | 348 | mg L−1 |
Potassium | 3 | mg L−1 |
Total hardness as CaCO3 | 104 | mg L−1 |
Parameter . | Value . | Unit . |
pH | 8.9 | |
TDS | 1,100 | mg L−1 |
Calcium | 11 | mg L−1 |
Magnesium | 18 | mg L−1 |
Sodium | 348 | mg L−1 |
Potassium | 3 | mg L−1 |
Total hardness as CaCO3 | 104 | mg L−1 |
Standalone ED process layout
To generate 500 LPH of clean water, it requires 714.28 LPH of feedwater flow rate. Based on this feed and permeate data of the ED stack, the membrane area, current, voltage and energy consumption can be calculated by using mathematical model equations as shown in Table 5. The cost of the whole unit with operating cost is also calculated and shown in Table 5.
Cost calculation and designed parameter values of standalone ED
Symbol/Description . | Value . | Unit . |
Input variables | ||
Cfd | 1,100 | ppm |
Cd | 100 | ppm |
Qd | 500 | L h−1 |
ΔP | 139.86 | kPa |
Calculated output variables | ||
Aprac | 8.63 | m2 |
Ist | 10.72 | A |
Ust | 7.87 | V |
Etotal | 0.25 | kWh m−3 |
Cc | 3,433 | ppm |
Reject flow rate | 214.3 | L h−1 |
Cost calculations | ||
Membrane cost | 2,502.7 | $ |
Stack cost | 3,754.0 | $ |
Peripheral equip cost | 1,877.0 | $ |
Total investment | 5,631.0 | $ |
Charge on investment | 1,877.0 | $ y−1 |
Maintenance cost | 187.7 | $ y−1 |
Total clean water production | 3,600 | m3 y−1 |
Energy cost | 98.0 | $ y−1 |
Total cost | 2,162.7 | $ y−1 |
Clean water production cost | 0.6 | $ m−3 |
Symbol/Description . | Value . | Unit . |
Input variables | ||
Cfd | 1,100 | ppm |
Cd | 100 | ppm |
Qd | 500 | L h−1 |
ΔP | 139.86 | kPa |
Calculated output variables | ||
Aprac | 8.63 | m2 |
Ist | 10.72 | A |
Ust | 7.87 | V |
Etotal | 0.25 | kWh m−3 |
Cc | 3,433 | ppm |
Reject flow rate | 214.3 | L h−1 |
Cost calculations | ||
Membrane cost | 2,502.7 | $ |
Stack cost | 3,754.0 | $ |
Peripheral equip cost | 1,877.0 | $ |
Total investment | 5,631.0 | $ |
Charge on investment | 1,877.0 | $ y−1 |
Maintenance cost | 187.7 | $ y−1 |
Total clean water production | 3,600 | m3 y−1 |
Energy cost | 98.0 | $ y−1 |
Total cost | 2,162.7 | $ y−1 |
Clean water production cost | 0.6 | $ m−3 |
In this standalone ED process, the clean water production cost was found to be 0.6 $ per cubic meter of treated water. Here, the major contributor to cost is the capital cost of the ED system because of the high price of the ion exchange membrane. To reduce the water cost, it is required to reduce the membrane area requirement in the ED stack.
Standalone BRO process layout
To generate 500 LPH of pure water through the BRO process, it requires 625 LPH of feed flow rate having a recovery rate of 80%. This standalone BRO process having a solute rejection of over 93% can produce clean water of 73.2 ppm, which is less than the ED process. Detailed cost calculation results are shown in Table 6.
Cost calculation and designed parameter values of standalone BRO
Description . | Value . | Unit . |
Membrane | 451.0 | $ |
Membrane housing | 235.2 | $ |
Pressure exchanger | 235.2 | $ |
Pump | 332.7 | $ |
Total capital | 1,254.1 | $ |
Piping cost | 188.1 | $ |
Total CAPEX | 1,442.2 | $ |
CAPEX/year | 288.4 | $ y−1 |
Maintenance | 28.8 | $ y−1 |
Pure water production | 3,600 | m3 y−1 |
Energy cost | 53.0 | $ m−3 |
Total cost | 370.2 | $ y−1 |
Clean water production cost | 0.10 | $ m−3 |
Description . | Value . | Unit . |
Membrane | 451.0 | $ |
Membrane housing | 235.2 | $ |
Pressure exchanger | 235.2 | $ |
Pump | 332.7 | $ |
Total capital | 1,254.1 | $ |
Piping cost | 188.1 | $ |
Total CAPEX | 1,442.2 | $ |
CAPEX/year | 288.4 | $ y−1 |
Maintenance | 28.8 | $ y−1 |
Pure water production | 3,600 | m3 y−1 |
Energy cost | 53.0 | $ m−3 |
Total cost | 370.2 | $ y−1 |
Clean water production cost | 0.10 | $ m−3 |
Here, the cost of clean water production is found to be 0.1 $ per cubic meter of pure water generated, which is less than the standalone ED system. Here, the capital cost contribution is also more than the energy cost, similar to the ED system.
Hybrid ED–BRO process layout
Flow diagram of the hybrid ED–BRO system with mass and flow balance.
To calculate the overall cost of clean water in the hybrid ED–BRO system, it is required to calculate the first individual process cost. The summation of both individual costs divided by the total clean water production gives the final water cost of the hybrid ED–BRO system. To calculate the individual process cost, the same process is followed as in the standalone process and it is shown in Table 7 along with the overall hybrid process cost.
Cost calculation and designed parameter values of the ED–BRO hybrid system
Description . | Value . | Unit . |
Calculation for the ED process | ||
Aprac | 1.72 | m2 |
SEC | 0.74 | kWh m−3 |
Membrane cost | 498.75 | $ |
Stack cost | 748.13 | $ |
Peripheral equipment cost | 374.01 | $ |
Total investment | 1,122.2 | $ |
Charge on investment | 374 | $ y−1 |
Maintenance cost | 37.4 | $ y−1 |
Energy cost | 49.3 | $ y−1 |
Total cost of ED | 460.7 | $ y−1 |
Calculation for the BRO process | ||
Membrane | 451.0 | $ |
Membrane housing | 180.1 | $ |
Pressure exchanger | 180.1 | $ |
Pump | 263.1 | $ |
Total capital | 1,074.3 | $ |
Piping cost | 161.1 | $ |
Total CAPEX | 1,235.4 | $ |
CAPEX/year | 247.1 | $ y−1 |
Maintenance | 24.7 | $ y−1 |
Energy cost | 45.1 | $ m−3 |
Total cost of BRO | 316.9 | $ y−1 |
Total cost of ED–BRO | 777.6 | $ y−1 |
Pure water production | 3,600 | m3 y−1 |
Clean water production cost of the hybrid ED–BRO system | 0.22 | $ m−3 |
Description . | Value . | Unit . |
Calculation for the ED process | ||
Aprac | 1.72 | m2 |
SEC | 0.74 | kWh m−3 |
Membrane cost | 498.75 | $ |
Stack cost | 748.13 | $ |
Peripheral equipment cost | 374.01 | $ |
Total investment | 1,122.2 | $ |
Charge on investment | 374 | $ y−1 |
Maintenance cost | 37.4 | $ y−1 |
Energy cost | 49.3 | $ y−1 |
Total cost of ED | 460.7 | $ y−1 |
Calculation for the BRO process | ||
Membrane | 451.0 | $ |
Membrane housing | 180.1 | $ |
Pressure exchanger | 180.1 | $ |
Pump | 263.1 | $ |
Total capital | 1,074.3 | $ |
Piping cost | 161.1 | $ |
Total CAPEX | 1,235.4 | $ |
CAPEX/year | 247.1 | $ y−1 |
Maintenance | 24.7 | $ y−1 |
Energy cost | 45.1 | $ m−3 |
Total cost of BRO | 316.9 | $ y−1 |
Total cost of ED–BRO | 777.6 | $ y−1 |
Pure water production | 3,600 | m3 y−1 |
Clean water production cost of the hybrid ED–BRO system | 0.22 | $ m−3 |
Cost and water recovery value of all three systems and their comparison
Description . | Cost ($ m−3) . | Recovery (%) . |
Total ED–BRO water cost | 0.22 | 94 |
Standalone ED | 0.60 | 70 |
Standalone BRO | 0.10 | 80 |
Description . | Cost ($ m−3) . | Recovery (%) . |
Total ED–BRO water cost | 0.22 | 94 |
Standalone ED | 0.60 | 70 |
Standalone BRO | 0.10 | 80 |
Contribution of different components of (a) BRO and (b) ED processes in freshwater cost.
Contribution of different components of (a) BRO and (b) ED processes in freshwater cost.
The cost of the ED process in the hybrid system was found to be much less compared with the cost in the standalone system. It is because the running ED system in higher salinity in the hybrid system reduces the membrane area requirement from 8.63 to 1.72 m2 which reduces the capital cost of the ED process. The SEC of ED in the hybrid system increases when compared to the standalone ED due to higher salt removal, but the energy cost is less because of running at a smaller capacity in the hybrid system.
Sensitivity analysis of feed concentration in ED–BRO
Sensitivity of feed water concentration on freshwater cost including (a) process wise and (b) cost component wise.
Sensitivity of feed water concentration on freshwater cost including (a) process wise and (b) cost component wise.
For the feed concentration from 1,000 to 2,000 mg L−1, the freshwater cost and SEC of the hybrid ED–BRO system vary from 0.20 to 0.34 $ m−3 and from 0.81 to 1.60 kWh m−3, respectively. The freshwater cost in the hybrid ED-RO proposed system in the literature using conventional RO is slightly on the higher side as shown in Table 9. In the study by Generous et al. (2021), obtaining a product water quality of 200 mg L−1 and keeping a feed concentration of 5,000 mg L−1, the freshwater cost was 0.37 $ m−3 which is comparable to our study, but at a very large scale of 23,333 m3/day production capacity. On the other hand, in a small-scale study by Thampy et al. (2011), the SEC obtained was 8–10 kWh m−3, which is high and shows that a high system recovery at small-scale results in high freshwater cost. The obtained result in our study at 12 m3/day of small production capacity has a freshwater cost of 0.2–0.34 $ m−3, which shows the cost–benefit at a smaller scale.
Comparison of cost, capacity, and water quality of previous studies
Feed TDS (ppm) . | Permeate TDS (ppm) . | Capacity, (m3/day) . | Hybridization . | Recovery . | SEC (kWh m−3) . | Final Cost, ($ m−3) . | Ref. . |
5,000 | 200 | 23,333 | ED reject goes to RO feed and both permeate combined | – | 0.6516 | 0.37 | Generous et al. (2021) |
2,000–4,000 | 50–120 | 0.17–0.26 | ED dilute goes to RO feed and RO reject recirculated | 50–60% | 8–10 | – | Thampy et al. (2011) |
1,100 | 100 | 12 | Reject from BRO goes to ED as feed and both permeate combined | 94% | – | 0.22 | Current study |
Feed TDS (ppm) . | Permeate TDS (ppm) . | Capacity, (m3/day) . | Hybridization . | Recovery . | SEC (kWh m−3) . | Final Cost, ($ m−3) . | Ref. . |
5,000 | 200 | 23,333 | ED reject goes to RO feed and both permeate combined | – | 0.6516 | 0.37 | Generous et al. (2021) |
2,000–4,000 | 50–120 | 0.17–0.26 | ED dilute goes to RO feed and RO reject recirculated | 50–60% | 8–10 | – | Thampy et al. (2011) |
1,100 | 100 | 12 | Reject from BRO goes to ED as feed and both permeate combined | 94% | – | 0.22 | Current study |
This study of the hybrid ED–BRO process for brackish water desalination includes cost and sensitivity analyses to understand the benefit of the hybrid process. The hybrid ED–BRO process can produce clean water at a lower cost with high recovery even at small-scale applications in brackish water desalination.
The hybrid system can achieve 94% overall water recovery and has 0.22 $ m−3 cost when using feed of 1,100 ppm concentration. The hybrid system extracts 34 and 18% more clean water from feed water than standalone ED and BRO processes, respectively. The membrane area of ED and feed pressure requirement of the BRO process are the main affecting parameters when feed water salinity changes in the range of 1,000–2,000 ppm. Process hybridization reduces the capital cost of the ED process due to a smaller membrane area despite having a higher SEC. Very high recovery and comparatively less cost of the proposed system make it suitable for inland applications, where brine disposal and installation of a big desalination plant is challenging.
The authors acknowledge the project grant received from the Department of Biotechnology (Government of India, Project No. BT/IN/EU-WR/40/AM/2018) and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 820906. The authors are thankful to Pandit Deendayal Energy University for providing the necessary infrastructure and other facilities for the research work.
All relevant data are included in the paper or its Supplementary Information.
The authors declare there is no conflict.