Groundwater resources affected by climate change exacerbate groundwater level declines in areas relying on erratic monsoons and finite surface water supplies. This research developed and compared an integrated geographic information system (GIS) with the analytical hierarchy process (AHP), the statistical index model (SI), and the frequency ratio model (FR). Multiple layers of the GIS framework have captured surface and subsurface characteristics, including rainfall, slope, elevation, land use/land cover, soil, geology, and geomorphology. 30% of the 69 wells in the study area are the testing dataset, and the remaining 70% make up the training dataset. Based on AHP, the results show that 35.34% of the region has low potential, 43.47% has moderate potential, and 21.09% has high potential. While SI modeling reveals 9.60, 57.36, and 24.79% for low, moderate, and high potential, respectively, FR analysis suggests 25.50% low potential, 52.74% moderate potential, and 21.60% high potential areas. The superior reliability of the SI model has been indicated by the validation of the GWPZ map using receiver operating characteristic area under the curve values. The results of this study are crucial for planning sustainable water supplies and managing groundwater resources in areas susceptible to climate change and groundwater depletion.

  • Integrating GIS with AHP, SI, and FR models to detect groundwater potential zones in water resource management.

  • Diverse GIS layers to assess surface and subsurface characteristics for sustainable groundwater zonation.

  • Planning resilient water supplies amidst climate change-induced groundwater depletion.

  • Enhancing groundwater management through spatial analysis and multi-criteria resource optimization.


area under the curve


drainage density


groundwater potential zone


groundwater prospectivity model


land-use land cover


lineament density


receiver operating characteristic curve


moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer


normalized difference vegetation index


shuttle radar topography mission

Groundwater is a vital aspect of the natural water cycle held beneath the water table in the pore spaces of soil/rock. The need for groundwater in recent years has impacted domestic, industrial, and agricultural requirements in developed and developing nations. Groundwater meets 80–90% of India's rural and 50% of the urban population's domestic water needs. Groundwater demand is rising to meet the water needs of diverse industries (Ghosh et al. 2020). Effective groundwater potential zones (GWPZs) for the management of agricultural land require sustainable irrigation practices (Dar et al. 2021).

Shallow, unconfined aquifers in weathered residue, deep cracks, and joints in semi-confined situations are the primary sources of groundwater (Das 2019). The distribution of groundwater in India changes with topography, geology, and climate. In areas with few surface water sources, groundwater is typically the primary source of fresh water. Urbanization, industrial development, and population growth have endangered groundwater resources. Fluctuations in the climate significantly impact the variables influencing the recharge of groundwater.

Identifying GWPZs is extremely useful in recognizing the potential for groundwater in the area. GWPZ ensures that groundwater management plans are carried out efficiently and effectively. GWPZ for artificial recharge processes must be determined using soft computing methods (Castillo et al. 2022). GWPZs have been determined using statistical, expert evaluation, and deterministic methods. Most research methods are based on bivariate and multivariate statistical techniques with pre-investigation assumptions and limitations (Doke et al. 2021). Remote sensing can identify potential groundwater recharge zones and suitable site structures for artificial recharge.

The study emphasizes the importance of precise groundwater occurrence in semi-arid locations (Ghosh et al. 2022). Remote sensing, geographic information system (GIS), and the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) have designated GWPZs in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. The results show that 26.30% of the region has moderate groundwater potential, while 68.21% has low potential. The accuracy prediction was satisfactory. The combined fuzzy-AHP process has been more efficient than the AHP and frequency ratio (FR) techniques. AHP, FR, and certainty factor (CF) modeled groundwater potential in Varamin Plain, Tehran Province, Iran. The FR model outperformed the AHP and CF models in groundwater resource management and land-use planning in the future (Abrar et al. 2023).

A total of 10 predictors from geological and remote sensing datasets investigated the groundwater prospects in the Akatsi Districts of Ghana. Groundwater prospectivity model (GPM) with FR-characterized potential groundwater zones (Rajesh et al. 2021). Soil properties significantly influenced the GPM, while the slope aspect had the least influence on the GPM. GPM's accuracy was determined to be a good (0.876) score. The prediction-area plot showed 76% of the groundwater locations found within the delineated zones covering 24% of the study area (Amponsah et al. 2023).

Potential water resources were predicted by GIS-based FR and machine learning in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of China along the Yellow River. 40% of the wells were in very high to outstanding zones out of the six GWPZs discovered. Using area under the curve (AUC) analysis, the FR models were validated at an accuracy value of 0.759. The land cover characterized using Landsat data revealed changes in agricultural, anthropogenic, and water-related activities (Li et al. 2023). Combining GIS and machine learning approaches has proven dependable for identifying nonlinear groundwater activities. Machine learning algorithms like random forest classifier, support vector, and k-nearest neighbor classifier forecasted groundwater potential (Mohammadi-Behzad et al. 2019).

This research aims to ensure sustainable management and utilization of groundwater resources by producing a projected reference map for groundwater exploration and exploitation. It emphasizes the critical importance of timely groundwater potential assessment for resource planning and informed decision-making. This study bridges a critical gap in groundwater detection methodologies by integrating GIS with AHP, statistical index (SI), and FR models. It offers a novel framework for GWPZ mapping, specifically tailored for the Ahmednagar District. This integrated approach can be adapted to various regions facing similar hydrogeological challenges, providing a valuable tool for policymakers and water resource managers. The significant reduction in groundwater levels in Ahmednagar is attributed to the city's rapid urbanization and industrial expansion, compounded by the moderate rainfall patterns and restricted availability of surface water.

Effective groundwater recharge zonation solutions are desperately needed, as groundwater is becoming increasingly important for both residential and agricultural uses in the area. By offering a novel framework that combines GIS with AHP, SI, and FR models, this study enhances the accuracy of groundwater potential assessments and provides a scalable framework adaptable to various regions facing similar hydrogeological challenges. By addressing this gap, our study provides a valuable tool for water resource management and sustainable development, thereby making a significant contribution to existing groundwater detection methodologies.

Ahmednagar District is in the Northwestern region of Maharashtra as depicted in Figure 1. The study area is located between (18°25′01′′–19°59′01′′) N latitude and (73°15′01′′–75°52′01′′) E longitude. Ahmednagar District has a landlocked area of around 17,480 km2. The topography varies from low-lying sections to higher altitudes in mountainous terrain. The surface elevation ranges from a few meters above sea level to over 1,000 m. The study area has sedimentary rocks, basaltic formations, and granitic geological formations. The geology of the area affects groundwater supply and quality.
Figure 1

Study area of Ahmednagar District.

Figure 1

Study area of Ahmednagar District.

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Groundwater is a very important resource in the Ahmednagar District for agricultural and domestic purposes. The region is traversed by several rivers and streams, including the Pravara, Sina, and Ghod rivers. Each of these rivers supports the region's biological balance and water resources. Ahmednagar District's drainage patterns vary, with frequent dendritic and sub-dendritic patterns. The water source diversity in the study area has highlighted the importance of rivers and dams. Bhandardara, Ghatghar, Visapur, Mula, and Jayakwadi are some of the dams. These structures play important roles in the region's water supply and management. The depth of the water table in Ahmednagar District ranges from shallow (less than 5 m) to deep (more than 20 m). The area has a wide range of soil types. The most common soil types in Ahmednagar District are black soil (regur), red soil, and alluvial soil. The kind of soil in the region can have a considerable influence on agriculture.

Data collection on the hydrological characteristics and current water sources is crucial to accessing the underground water potential zones. Figure 2 shows the linear graphical representation of the research methodology. The research methodology entails study area features, i.e., geology, land use, land cover pattern, soil types, hydrology, and rainfall distribution. The second stage of the process entails gathering geographical data of soil, geological, geomorphological, and LULC maps from satellite data. SRTM and MODIS open-source data gave access to remote sensing and DEM (Digital Elevation Model) data. The meteorological station's rainfall data have been computed and interpolated using IDW (Inverse Distance Weighted) algorithms (Sharma et al. 2021). Precipitation is the primary source of groundwater recharge. The field survey information on groundwater levels and well yields has been gathered from the Central Ground Water Board for the year 2022.
Figure 2

Research methodology.

Figure 2

Research methodology.

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The preprocessing step which comes after the data phase checks the accuracy, consistency, and uniformity of the input feature data. This phase includes data scanning, cleaning, digitization, and verification. The map created for the input parameters data has been transformed into standard format. The identified parameters impacting the groundwater potential were prioritized. The data prepared for the model include groundwater potential factors, a groundwater database, and well locations. The dataset was divided into training (70%) and testing (30%) sets to ensure the robustness of the model. This split allows for adequate training of the model while reserving a substantial portion of data for validation, as recommended by common practice in geospatial modeling (Kamaraj et al. 2023).

The selected GIS layers (rainfall, slope, elevation, LULC, soil, geology, and geomorphology) were chosen based on their significant impact on groundwater recharge as demonstrated in previous studies (Nithya et al. 2019; Maity et al. 2022). Rainfall influences recharge rates, slope affects runoff, elevation impacts water flow, LULC reflects land cover and use, soil type influences infiltration, geology determines aquifer properties, and geomorphology affects terrain and water accumulation. The training dataset has explored the FR and SI. This approach has forecasted the groundwater potential of a well placement (Bera et al. 2020). The model has been validated using the test dataset. The success rate and ROC-AUC have been analyzed to determine the accuracy level in the predicted groundwater potential map. A composite map depicting groundwater potential has been classified into five zones. The zone has been divided into five categories: very high, high, low, and very low. Table 1 shows the data sources for input parameters.

Table 1

Data sources for input parameters for groundwater analysis

Data product (parameters)Data typeResolutionData sourcesData set
Digital elevation model Raster 30 m × 30 m SRTM Spatial 
Vegetation indices Raster 250 m MODIS Temporal 
Land cover type Raster 250 m MODIS Spectral 
Geology Vector Polygon BHUKOSH Spatial 
Geomorphology Vector Polygon BHUKOSH Spatial 
Rainfall Attribute data – India Meteorological Department CSV 
Data product (parameters)Data typeResolutionData sourcesData set
Digital elevation model Raster 30 m × 30 m SRTM Spatial 
Vegetation indices Raster 250 m MODIS Temporal 
Land cover type Raster 250 m MODIS Spectral 
Geology Vector Polygon BHUKOSH Spatial 
Geomorphology Vector Polygon BHUKOSH Spatial 
Rainfall Attribute data – India Meteorological Department CSV 

AHP normalized weights of thematic layers

The AHP method determines the weights of several aspects and creates a schematic component diagram related to each other. One element's relative importance increases with its influence on other factors and thus results in a higher weight for that factor. The intensity of relevance is specified on the AHP grading scale. Every number on the scale from 1 to 9 represents a different degree of significance. ‘Equal importance’ is denoted by a value of 1, implying two components contribute equally to the evaluated goal. As one moves up the scale, a score of 3 denotes ‘Moderate importance’. Level 5 stands for ‘Strong importance’. Level 7 denotes ‘Very strong importance’. The maximum number on the scale is 9, denoting ‘Extreme importance’. Scale 9 strongly supports one aspect over another, achieving the highest degree of affirmation. A more nuanced evaluation of importance between the established levels is obtained by expressing intermediate values using the numbers 2, 4, 6, and 8. This scale has been utilized to help arrange the criteria hierarchically using a pairwise comparison matrix by defining the themes according to their rank and priority.

The foundation of the groundwater prospective mapping technique is allocating weights to the various thematic layers and the corresponding classes. This ensures that each factor controlling the potential groundwater in each area has the appropriate ranks and weights. The related literature has been reviewed to obtain a sufficient comprehension of the ordering of variables under various environmental circumstances in several regions. The principal eigenvalue and the consistency index of AHP determine the possibility of uncertainty in assessments, as shown in the following equation.
indicates the values generated by dividing the components of the all-priorities matrix by the averaged priorities vector, and n is the number of classes. Consistency ratio (CR) is defined as the measure of consistency between paired comparison matrices to govern the assessment of consistency analysis and scale, as shown in the following equation.
RI indicates random index. The consistency value should be less than 0.1. The weight has been recalculated in pairs if RI is greater than 0.1. The weights assigned to each thematic layer have been created in the comparison matrix pairs. Each thematic layer has been normalized using the AHP approach as shown in Figures 3 and 4. The calculated CR values for individual layers and their related classes are within acceptable bounds. CR indicated the amount of consistency in the pairwise matrix. The color scale on the right of this specific heatmap shows that darker colors (toward the bottom) represent greater values and lighter colors (toward the top of the scale) reflect lower values. The color scale progresses from light (low values, near 0) to dark (high values, near 1).
Figure 3

Pairwise comparison matrix of input parameters.

Figure 3

Pairwise comparison matrix of input parameters.

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Figure 4

Normalized pairwise comparison matrix of all parameters.

Figure 4

Normalized pairwise comparison matrix of all parameters.

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Identifying potential zones for groundwater is closely related to the considered nine parametric layers. The direct and indirect interactions have been evaluated between parametric layers. This assessment allocates the proper weights necessary for the ensuing overlay procedure. Each of the nine chosen parameters went through a ranking and weight assignment process to make the analysis for mapping groundwater potential easier. The criteria were ranked on a 5-point rating system where higher ratings indicate greater suitability or potential for groundwater.

The weighting distributions have been conducted following the ranking of individual parameters. A total weight of 100 has been assigned to the nine parameters. To determine the weightage, the AHP model was utilized. This process involves pairwise comparisons of the parameters to establish their relative importance, as shown in Figure 3. Each parameter was compared with the others based on expert judgment and previous studies related to groundwater potential assessment. The comparisons were then used to calculate the normalized pairwise comparison matrix to ensure that the sum of the weights equated to one, as shown in Figure 4. This step involved dividing each matrix element by the sum of its respective columns. The normalized matrix calculated the average of each row representing the weights of the parameters. These averages were the final weights assigned to each parameter. This method ensures that the weights are assigned systematically and reflect the relative significance of each parameter in influencing groundwater potential. The consistency of the judgments was checked using the CR, ensuring the reliability of the weight assignments. The weightage and the influence allocated to each input parameter are shown in Table 2.

Table 2

List of themes, ratings, and weights

Sr. No.ParameterClassesRatingRankWeight
Rainfall 600.50–750.32 Very low 35 
750.32–931.14 Low 
931.14–1,184.30 Moderate 
1,184.30–1,473.61 High 
1,473.61–1,971.92 Very high 
Slope 0–2.87 Flat 12 
2.87–7.76 Gentle 
7.76–15.52 Moderate 
15.52–26.73 Steep 
26.73–73.29 Very steep 
Elevation 360–550 Flat 12 
550–639 Gentle 
639–752 Moderate 
752–927 Steep 
927–1,514 Very steep 
DD 0–364 Very high 13 
364–665 High 
665–967 Moderate 
967–1,268 Low 
1,268–1,570 Very low 
LULC Forest Very high 
Natural vegetation Very high 
Wetlands High 
Croplands/agriculture lands High 
Urban and built-up area Very low 
Water bodies Very high 
LD 0–177 Very low 
177–354 Low 
354–531 Moderate 
531–708 High 
708–885 Very high 
Soil Loam Low 
Clay loam A Moderate 
Clay loam B Moderate 
Sandy clay loam Low 
Clay loam C Low 
Clay High 
Geology Paleocene cretaceous
extrusive rocks 
Geomorphology Alluvial plain Moderate 
Anthropogenic terrain Low 
Dam and reservoir Very high 
Flood plain Low 
Low dissected hills and valleys Moderate 
Low dissected plateau Low 
Moderately dissected hills and valleys Low 
Moderately dissected plateau Low 
Pediment pedi-plain complex Very high 
Quarry and mine dump Moderate 
Waterbodies – other High 
Waterbody – river Very high 
Sr. No.ParameterClassesRatingRankWeight
Rainfall 600.50–750.32 Very low 35 
750.32–931.14 Low 
931.14–1,184.30 Moderate 
1,184.30–1,473.61 High 
1,473.61–1,971.92 Very high 
Slope 0–2.87 Flat 12 
2.87–7.76 Gentle 
7.76–15.52 Moderate 
15.52–26.73 Steep 
26.73–73.29 Very steep 
Elevation 360–550 Flat 12 
550–639 Gentle 
639–752 Moderate 
752–927 Steep 
927–1,514 Very steep 
DD 0–364 Very high 13 
364–665 High 
665–967 Moderate 
967–1,268 Low 
1,268–1,570 Very low 
LULC Forest Very high 
Natural vegetation Very high 
Wetlands High 
Croplands/agriculture lands High 
Urban and built-up area Very low 
Water bodies Very high 
LD 0–177 Very low 
177–354 Low 
354–531 Moderate 
531–708 High 
708–885 Very high 
Soil Loam Low 
Clay loam A Moderate 
Clay loam B Moderate 
Sandy clay loam Low 
Clay loam C Low 
Clay High 
Geology Paleocene cretaceous
extrusive rocks 
Geomorphology Alluvial plain Moderate 
Anthropogenic terrain Low 
Dam and reservoir Very high 
Flood plain Low 
Low dissected hills and valleys Moderate 
Low dissected plateau Low 
Moderately dissected hills and valleys Low 
Moderately dissected plateau Low 
Pediment pedi-plain complex Very high 
Quarry and mine dump Moderate 
Waterbodies – other High 
Waterbody – river Very high 

FR model

FR is a multivariate statistical model that determines the probability distribution of GWPZ in response to the link between dependent variables and independent variables (Chen et al. 2021). The value of the FR model derived from each parameter in the empirical layer depends on its correlation with the wells within the study region's training dataset, as determined by the following equation.
denotes the sub-class frequency ratio; is the total amount of pixels in each class's well location; denotes the total well count within the studied area. indicates the total amount of pixels in the research region, and represents the number of pixels in each factor class. Additionally, using the FR metrics for each class, the GWPZ has been obtained to outline the GWPZ map of the Ahmednagar District. The following equation has been used to combine these data.

is the method's GWPZ and denotes the total FR scores for all classes from each influencing component.

SI model

Van Westen created the SI approach for mapping landslide susceptibility. SI values are calculated by dividing the total wells in the region by the natural logarithm of the wells in each sub-class of the conditioning factor (Rai et al. 2022). The SI values have been determined by using the following equation.
stands for the SI value assigned to the ith class of jth factors; is the number of wells in the ith class of jth factors; C indicates the total amount of wells in the area; shows the number of floods in the ith class of jth factors; denotes the amount of pixels in the ith class of jth factors; and P represents the total amount of pixels in the study area.
The weights have been assigned to the reclassification method's controlling factors. The ArcGIS program's raster calculator has calculated the GWPZ. The GWPZ is determined by the following equation.
represents the sum of the values for all classes from each controlling factor, and is the groundwater potential index of the SI model.

Model validation

The correctness of the FR, SI, and AHP models has been verified by evaluating success rates using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves (Berhane & Tadesse 2021). The AUC measurements show the forecast's accuracy. 70% of the training and 30% of the testing datasets were used to compute these metrics. AUC values are between 0 and 1, where 1 denotes exceptional performance.

Following the detailed explanation of the methodology, we present the results. This section begins with an overview of the input parameters: rainfall, slope, elevation, land use/land cover (LULC), soil, geology, and geomorphology, followed by a comprehensive examination of the GWPZs identified by each model.

Rainfall map

The region's rainfall is a result of the north-east and south-west monsoons. The rainfall map was constructed by interpolating the rainfall from the rain gauge stations, and the resulting map was divided into five categories. Isopleths like contour lines connect places on a map with identical rainfall values depicting the regional distribution of precipitation. Rainfall maps merge precipitation data at various time intervals of daily, monthly, or yearly averages. Data from weather stations, radar systems, weather satellites, and numerical weather models have been used to make rainfall maps.

Figure 5 shows varying colors or hues representing degrees of rainfall intensity, with lighter colors representing more precipitation. There are five categories for rainfall in the research area, as shown in Table 3. The research area's western ghat region on the west side of Akole Tehsil covers 1.47% of the study area and receives rainfall between 1,473.61 and 1,917.92 mm. Rainfall in the central region of Akole Tehsil ranges from 1,184.30 to 1,473.61 mm, accounting for 1.91% of the studied area. Akole Tehsil's east has moderate rainfall, with 931.14 to 1,184.30 mm falling on 2.62% of the area. Low rainfall, ranging from 750.32 to 931.14 mm, falls on a substantial portion of Sangamner, Nevasa, Shevgaon, Pathardi, and Jamkhed tehsil. The small portion of Parner Tehsil gets about 40.25% of the area. Rainfall in the central part of the district ranges from 600.50 to 750.32 mm, which covers 53.75% of the district's primary plateau.
Table 3

Study area classification based on rainfall, slope, drainage density, and lineament density

Figure 5

GPWZs influencing factors. (a) Rainfall, (b) slope, (c) elevation, (d) DD, (e) LD, (f) LULC, (g) soil, (h) geology, and (i) geomorphology.

Figure 5

GPWZs influencing factors. (a) Rainfall, (b) slope, (c) elevation, (d) DD, (e) LD, (f) LULC, (g) soil, (h) geology, and (i) geomorphology.

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Land's gradient or slope at various locations is a key factor affecting groundwater recharge in mountainous watersheds. Slope maps identify water flow patterns, landslip risk, and soil erosion possibility. Figure 5 indicates the ground surface undulations and depression storage. The study area is elevated to a range of 0–74%. The slope map is divided into five classes: 0–2.87% (flat), 2.87–7.76% (gentle), 7.76–15.25% (moderate), 15.25–26.73% (steep), and 26.73–73.29% (very steep).

From Table 3, 63.57% of the research area has been categorized as ‘excellent’ at gradual slope of (0–2.87%). The flat topography allows for greater infiltration and recharge. The study region has a 26.41% gentle slope (2.87–7.76%) with ‘good’ groundwater potential. About 6.20% of the area is moderate groundwater potential at moderate slope (7.76–15.25%). Steep class (15.25–26.73%) of 3% of the research area has been classified as having ‘poor’ groundwater potential. The Sahyadri mountain range (Western ghats) in the NW region has ‘Steep’ and ‘Very steep’ slopes. The very steep percentage (26.73–73.29%) is in ‘Very poor’ groundwater potential, which makes up only 0.82% of the research zone due to considerable surface runoff.

A slope map has analyzed the topographical factors impacting water circulation for groundwater potential. Locations with greater slopes have reduced groundwater recharge. Steeper slopes have resulted in rapid runoff, lowering the possibility of groundwater storage. Areas with gentle slopes promoted water penetration by the gradient of the landscape. Flatter terrain provides better water retention and infiltration prospects, indicating more groundwater potential.


An elevation map shows the altitude of the Earth's surface at various points in time. Climate, vegetation, drainage patterns, and other environmental processes are directly impacted by elevation change. As shown in Figure 5, the elevation ranges from 360 to 1,514 m. The slope map is divided into five categories in meters: 360–550 (flat), 550–639 (gentle), 639–752 (moderate), 752–957 (steep), and 957–1514 (very steep).

Table 3 shows that 36.91% of the research area has ‘excellent’ groundwater holding elevation ranging from 360 to 550. The study area of good GWPZ has a moderate elevation of 550–639. Moderate elevation and moderate GWPZ are found in 20.76% of the area. Low GWPZ in steep elevation covers 9.72% of the region at elevation values of 752–927. The western ghats 927–1514 have been categorized as the highest elevation, accounting for 2.06% of the research area and having a very low GWPZ.

Drainage density

Drainage density (DD) determined the relationship between landforms and water flow patterns in watershed management and flood risk assessment. DD quantifies the areal density distribution of natural drainage, such as rivers, streams, and other watercourses, as shown in Figure 5. DD offered a numerical number indicating the spacing of drainage structures in a specific location. DD with the highest value indicates the largest probability of runoff, resulting in less percolation. The study region's DD is categorized into five classes and varies from 0 to 1,570 m/m2. 5.45% of the research region is covered by very high DD (0–364). The high DD of (364–665) covers 10.05% of the total area. Moderate DD (665–967) covers a 28.87% area. The low region DD (967–1268) makes up 37.46% of the study region. The 18.18% of the area has a very low DD at (1268–1570). The high DD has shown the presence of several watercourses which implies a great capacity for runoff and effective water drainage.

Lineament density (LD)

Lineaments are linear or curved natural or human-caused geological features, such as faults, fractures, folds, river channels, ridges, or highways. In hard rock terrain, lineaments are extremely important for replenishing underground groundwater. Groundwater potential is highest in the vicinity of lineaments. Figure 5 shows the geological location and direction of linear features or lineaments on the Earth's surface.

LD in the study area ranges from 0 to 885 m/m and is classified into five groups. Very low (0–177 m/m2) covers 38.61% of the total area. (177–354 m/m2) has a 29.19% study area classification of low. Class 3 is categorized as moderate, with an LD of (354–531 m/m2) for 20.42% of the total area. 9.03% of the area is covered by the high LD (531–708 m/m2). 2.75% is covered by the highest LD (708–885 m/m2). Lineament maps explain the geological processes, groundwater flow patterns, and structural characteristics of potential hazards such as earthquakes and landslides.

Land use/land cover

Land use/land cover (LULC) is a thematic map (Figure 5) that represents six groups: forests, natural vegetation, wetlands, crop and agricultural fields, urban and built-up areas, and water bodies. The study region has forests in the western Ghat region in 0.02% of the total area. Natural vegetation covers 2.09% of the study area. Wetlands and marshy areas surround the dam in a large part of the study area. Agricultural lands or crops cover 93.26% of the research region. The built-up area accounts for 2.39% of the total area. The city regions of Kopargaon, Sangamner, Rahata, and Nagar comprise the principal built-up areas. Water bodies comprise 0.81% of the study area in the eastern backwaters of Jayakawadi Dam.

Soil type

Figure 5 shows the types of soils found in the study area. Soils are classified according to texture (sand, silt, or clay), color, organic matter concentration, pH, and nutritional composition. Soil maps have information regarding soil suitability for various applications such as agriculture, forestry, building, and septic systems. The infiltration rate is determined by the soil's permeability and water-holding capacity. The amount of water that reaches the water table is determined by the size of the unconsolidated zone under the soil.

Table 4 shows an abundance of loam, clay, clay loam, and sandy clay loam soil in the research region. The soil type known as clay loam is further divided into three categories: clay loam soil A, B, and C. There is very deep, clayey soil with a moderate to high percolation rate, including the areas of Kopargaon, Srirampur, Rahuri, Rahata, and Newasa, along with parts of Nagar, Shevgaon, Srigonda, Jamkhed, Karjat, and Pathardi. The majority of the Sangamner Taluka is covered in clay loam that has varied from shallow to extremely deep at a considerable percolation rate in parts of Parner, Nagar, Pathardi, Jamkhed, and Akole Taluka. A small piece of Akole Tehsil in the Northwest is covered with loamy soil with a modest depth and low percolation rate. A shallow to extremely deep sandy clay loam with a low percolation rate covers the remaining portion of Parner, Shrigonda Taluka.

Table 4

Study area classification based on soil type

Soil typeTypologyPercolation rateDepth
Loam Eutric cambisols Low Moderately deep 
Clay loam A Vertic cambisols Moderate Very deep 
Clay loam B Haplic phaeozems Moderate Shallow to very deep 
Sandy clay loam Chromic luvisols Low Moderately deep 
Clay loam C Eutric nitosols Low Shallow to very deep 
Clay Chromic vertisols High Very deep 
Soil typeTypologyPercolation rateDepth
Loam Eutric cambisols Low Moderately deep 
Clay loam A Vertic cambisols Moderate Very deep 
Clay loam B Haplic phaeozems Moderate Shallow to very deep 
Sandy clay loam Chromic luvisols Low Moderately deep 
Clay loam C Eutric nitosols Low Shallow to very deep 
Clay Chromic vertisols High Very deep 

Geology map

The geological level of the study area (also known as the Deccan Trap) was formed by volcanic lava, i.e., basalt rock or Paleocene cretaceous extrusive rocks. The geology map shows the distribution, types, ages of rock formations, geological features, and subsurface structures. Geology maps use stratigraphic symbols and critiques to consider faults, folds, dikes, geological borders, unconformities, and the relative ages of rock layers. The basaltic lava flows originated from sporadic fissure-type eruptions between the upper Cretaceous and lower Eocene ages. A total of 19 main flows in the Deccan Trap occur in succession and range in elevation from 420 to 730 m above mean sea level. Vesicular and large basalt units are the dominant features of these flows. Recent-age alluvium as a slender stretch is deposited over the traps along the path of large rivers. Basaltic lava flows typically spread out horizontally over a large area, creating plateaus, commonly referred to as tablelands. These flows happen in stratified sequences with thicknesses varying from 15 to 50 m. Flows are denoted by vesicular portions at the top and massive portions at the bottom, and distinguished from one another by bole beds, which are marker beds. The thickness of weathering varies, ranging from 5 to 25 MBGL (Meters Below Groundwater Level) in the study area. The primary aquifer in the district is the worn and cracked trap found in topographic lows.


The creation, development, and characteristics of landforms, such as hills, plains, valleys, mountains, rivers, and other geological features, are known as geomorphology. Figure 5 shows the GWPZ's geomorphological characteristics alluvial plain, anthropogenic terrain, dam and reservoir, flood pain, low dissected hills and valleys, low dissected plateau, moderately dissected hills valleys, moderately dissected plateau, pediment pedi-plain complex, quarry and mine dump, waterbodies-other, and waterbody-river comprise the study region. Geomorphological mapping includes discrete landforms and structural elements, as well as the study of water movement and freezing and thawing.

According to a physiological perspective, the Ahmednagar District is a part of the Deccan Plateau. Sahayadri hill ranges are in part inside the district. The hilly Western Ghat segment of the Akole Tehsil spreads to the level Shevgaon and Jamkhed provinces in the east. Three ridges, Kalsubai, Baleshwar, and Harishchandra, split off from the main Sahayadri range to the east. Geographically, the district is classified into four major characteristic landforms: The foothill zone (18.3%), plateau region (4.9%), plains (68.70%), hills, and ghats (8.1%) of the study area. The maximum area of a moderately to heavily fragmented plateau dominates the district.

Groundwater potential assessment by AHP

Figure 6 compares the GWPZs identified by the AHP, SI, and FR models, clearly showing the spatial distribution of low, moderate, and high potential zones for each model. Table 5 summarizes the percentage areas for these zones across the models, providing a clear comparative overview of their performance. In Akole Tehsil, the area has 0.03% very low groundwater potential due to the Western Ghats, low lineament density, and low DD. This, combined with increased water runoff due to the mountainous terrain, exacerbates groundwater issues and soil percolation rates.
Table 5

Percentage areas for low, moderate, and high potential zones across the models

Figure 6

GWPZs identified by AHP, SI, and FR models.

Figure 6

GWPZs identified by AHP, SI, and FR models.

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The research region comprises 35.34% of the Parner Nagar, Shrigonda, Sangamner, and Kopargaon tehsils under a ‘Low’ GWPZ. These tehsils experience constant ‘Low to Very Low’ rainfall due to their location in a rain shadow zone. The Western and Northern parts of Sangamner and Kopargaon tehsils also experience less rainfall due to their position in the rain shadow region. The dwindling number of lineaments, high DD, and low percolation rate contribute to the overall low groundwater potential in these areas.

The research area in the district has moderate groundwater potential, accounting for 43.47% of the total area. This includes the tehsils of Sangamner, Rahuri, Rahata, Kopargaon, Nagar, Karjat, and Jamkhed. The Mandohol Dam and canal water from Pimpalgaon Joga Dam contribute to this moderate groundwater presence. The LD in the central and southern regions ranges from moderate to very high, suggesting faults, ridges, and fractures for groundwater percolation. The DD also ranges from moderate to very high, resulting in significant water runoff. The region's flat slopes mitigate this risk.

The Eastern section of the research area of about 21.09%, including Nevasa, Shevgaon, Shrirampur, Pathardi, and Rahuri and Nagar tehsils, has a high GWPZ due to its LD ranging from ‘Low to High’ and high to moderate percolation rates. The southernmost tehsil, Karjat, has a high density of lineaments and low to moderate rainfall, contributing to its high groundwater potential. Approximately 0.06% of the research area in Pathardi and Newasa, Eastern India, was identified as having a very high GWPZ, with ideal drainage and LD for optimal groundwater percolation conditions. The soil's high percolation rate increases groundwater potential. Key groundwater sources in this zone are Pimpalgaon Lake in Newasa and Kapurwadi Lake in Pathardi Tehsil, aligning with previous studies. This degree of accuracy aligns with results from related studies (Cheng et al. 2024; Ozegin et al. 2024). This methodology has been employed previously to determine GWPZ through remote sensing and GIS research (Dar et al. 2021). Results are comparable with the spatial trends found in more research achieved by (Aydi 2018; Bera et al. 2020; Arunbose et al. 2021; Aykut 2021).

Groundwater potential assessment by FR method

FR values were determined using association with wells for each themed layer. The rainfall ranges of 931.14–1,184.30 and 1,184.30–1,473.61 have yielded the highest values of 11.61 and 19.73. For a slope of 4.68, the highest FR value varies from 7.76 to 15.52. The maximum FR value of 1.71 has been indicated by an elevation variation of 550–639. FR values of 4.68 have been reported for 0–364 (m/m2). The wetlands have the highest FR of 12.25, according to the LULC research. The highest FR value of 12.36 is in clay soil types, as shown in Table 6. Class 531–708 has the highest recorded FR of 4.49 for LD. The moderate zone for groundwater potential has indicated the lowest FR values of 1.00 found in Paleocene cretaceous extrusive rocks. The alluvial plain has higher FR values (24.73) than other geomorphic features in the correlation between groundwater potentiality and geomorphic characteristics.

Table 6

Result of FR and SI models

Sr. No.ThemeClassesNo. of pixelArea (%)No. of wells% of wellsFRSI
Rainfall 600.50–750.32 11,27,649 53.75 8.70 0.16 −1.82 
750.32–931.14 8,44,437 40.25 10 14.49 0.36 −1.02 
931.14–1,184.30 55,043 2.62 21 30.43 11.61 2.45 
1,184.30–1,473.61 40,033 1.91 26 37.68 19.73 2.98 
1,473.61–1,971.92 30,768 1.47 8.70 5.92 1.78 
Slope 0–2.87 1,19,02,466 63.57 13.04 0.21 −1.58 
2.87–7.76 49,44,719 26.41 35 50.72 1.92 0.65 
7.76–15.52 11,61,344 6.20 20 28.99 4.68 1.54 
15.52–26.73 5,62,331 3.00 7.25 2.42 0.88 
26.73–73.29 1,53,787 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 
Elevation 360–550 69,10,474 36.91 11 15.94 0.43 −0.84 
550–639 57,20,020 30.55 36 52.17 1.71 0.54 
639–752 38,88,079 20.76 18 26.09 1.26 0.23 
752–927 18,19,691 9.72 5.80 0.60 −0.52 
927–1,514 3,86,383 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 
DD 0–364 1,708 5.45 10 14.49 2.66 0.98 
364–665 3,151 10.05 15 21.74 2.16 0.77 
665–967 9,048 28.87 24 34.78 1.20 0.19 
967–1,268 11,740 37.46 14 20.29 0.54 −0.61 
1,268–1,570 5,697 18.18 8.70 0.48 −0.74 
LULC Forest 18 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 
Natural vegetation 1,569 2.09 8.70 4.16 1.43 
Wetlands 1,063 1.42 12 17.39 12.25 2.51 
Croplands/agriculture lands 70,023 93.26 36 52.17 0.56 −0.58 
Urban and built-up area 1,789 2.38 15 21.74 9.13 2.21 
Water bodies 624 0.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 
LD 0–177 12,169 38.61 13.04 0.34 −1.09 
177–354 9,200 29.19 10 14.49 0.50 −0.70 
354–531 6,435 20.42 17 24.64 1.21 0.19 
531–708 2,847 9.03 28 40.58 4.49 1.50 
708–885 868 2.75 7.25 2.64 0.97 
Soil Loam 1,112 3.55 7.25 2.04 0.71 
Clay loam A 1,323 4.22 10.14 2.40 0.88 
Clay loam B 1,214 3.87 33 47.83 12.36 2.51 
Sandy clay loam 1,323 4.22 8.70 2.06 0.72 
Clay loam C 162 0.52 4.35 8.37 2.12 
Clay 26,210 83.62 15 21.74 0.26 −1.35 
Geology Paleocene cretaceous
extrusive rocks 
31,344 100 69 100 1.00 0.00 
Geomorphology Alluvial plain 93,787 0.41 10.14   
Anthropogenic terrain 1,04,787 0.46 7.25 24.73 3.21 
Dam and reservoir 1,05,398 0.46 0.00 15.76 2.76 
Flood plain 1,62,122 0.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 
Low dissected hills and valleys 1,43,317 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 
Low dissected plateau 1,74,178 0.76 5.80 0.00 0.00 
Moderately dissected hills and valleys 1,53,787 0.67 0.00 7.63 2.03 
Moderately dissected plateau 87,81,437 38.30 8.70 0.00 0.00 
Pediment pedi-plain complex 1,19,02,466 51.91 45 65.22 0.23 −1.48 
Quarry and mine dump 3,40,768 1.49 2.90 1.26 0.23 
Waterbodies – other 5,15,043 2.25 0.00 1.95 0.67 
Waterbody – river 4,50,033 1.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 
Sr. No.ThemeClassesNo. of pixelArea (%)No. of wells% of wellsFRSI
Rainfall 600.50–750.32 11,27,649 53.75 8.70 0.16 −1.82 
750.32–931.14 8,44,437 40.25 10 14.49 0.36 −1.02 
931.14–1,184.30 55,043 2.62 21 30.43 11.61 2.45 
1,184.30–1,473.61 40,033 1.91 26 37.68 19.73 2.98 
1,473.61–1,971.92 30,768 1.47 8.70 5.92 1.78 
Slope 0–2.87 1,19,02,466 63.57 13.04 0.21 −1.58 
2.87–7.76 49,44,719 26.41 35 50.72 1.92 0.65 
7.76–15.52 11,61,344 6.20 20 28.99 4.68 1.54 
15.52–26.73 5,62,331 3.00 7.25 2.42 0.88 
26.73–73.29 1,53,787 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 
Elevation 360–550 69,10,474 36.91 11 15.94 0.43 −0.84 
550–639 57,20,020 30.55 36 52.17 1.71 0.54 
639–752 38,88,079 20.76 18 26.09 1.26 0.23 
752–927 18,19,691 9.72 5.80 0.60 −0.52 
927–1,514 3,86,383 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 
DD 0–364 1,708 5.45 10 14.49 2.66 0.98 
364–665 3,151 10.05 15 21.74 2.16 0.77 
665–967 9,048 28.87 24 34.78 1.20 0.19 
967–1,268 11,740 37.46 14 20.29 0.54 −0.61 
1,268–1,570 5,697 18.18 8.70 0.48 −0.74 
LULC Forest 18 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 
Natural vegetation 1,569 2.09 8.70 4.16 1.43 
Wetlands 1,063 1.42 12 17.39 12.25 2.51 
Croplands/agriculture lands 70,023 93.26 36 52.17 0.56 −0.58 
Urban and built-up area 1,789 2.38 15 21.74 9.13 2.21 
Water bodies 624 0.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 
LD 0–177 12,169 38.61 13.04 0.34 −1.09 
177–354 9,200 29.19 10 14.49 0.50 −0.70 
354–531 6,435 20.42 17 24.64 1.21 0.19 
531–708 2,847 9.03 28 40.58 4.49 1.50 
708–885 868 2.75 7.25 2.64 0.97 
Soil Loam 1,112 3.55 7.25 2.04 0.71 
Clay loam A 1,323 4.22 10.14 2.40 0.88 
Clay loam B 1,214 3.87 33 47.83 12.36 2.51 
Sandy clay loam 1,323 4.22 8.70 2.06 0.72 
Clay loam C 162 0.52 4.35 8.37 2.12 
Clay 26,210 83.62 15 21.74 0.26 −1.35 
Geology Paleocene cretaceous
extrusive rocks 
31,344 100 69 100 1.00 0.00 
Geomorphology Alluvial plain 93,787 0.41 10.14   
Anthropogenic terrain 1,04,787 0.46 7.25 24.73 3.21 
Dam and reservoir 1,05,398 0.46 0.00 15.76 2.76 
Flood plain 1,62,122 0.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 
Low dissected hills and valleys 1,43,317 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 
Low dissected plateau 1,74,178 0.76 5.80 0.00 0.00 
Moderately dissected hills and valleys 1,53,787 0.67 0.00 7.63 2.03 
Moderately dissected plateau 87,81,437 38.30 8.70 0.00 0.00 
Pediment pedi-plain complex 1,19,02,466 51.91 45 65.22 0.23 −1.48 
Quarry and mine dump 3,40,768 1.49 2.90 1.26 0.23 
Waterbodies – other 5,15,043 2.25 0.00 1.95 0.67 
Waterbody – river 4,50,033 1.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 

Five classifications (very low, low, moderate, high, and very high) comprise the GWPZ map as shown in Table 5 and Figure 6(b). The presence of western ghat in Akole Tehsil has resulted in a ‘Very Low’ GWPZ in around 0.04% of the research territory. The ‘Low-Moderate’ GWPZ includes Parner Nagar, Sangamner, and Shrigonda tehsils, as well as the northern and western parts of Sangamner and Kopargaon tehsils. These tehsils make up 25.51–52.74% of the research region. These tehsils are in a rain shadow area, they consistently get ‘Low to Very Low’ levels of rainfall. Sangamner and Kopargaon tehsils' western and northern regions receive moderate rainfall. There is a low-to-moderate groundwater potential in the area due to the high DD, low percolation rate, and few lineaments (Maity et al. 2022; Amponsah et al. 2023).

A high GWPZ of 21.61% is in the eastern section of the research area, comprising the center portions of Karjat Tehsil. This covers the tehsils of Nagar, Shevgaon, Shrirampur, Pathardi, Rahuri, and Nevasa. LD on the eastern side varies from ‘Low to High,’ with most of the area falling into the ‘High to Moderate’ zone. A very high GWPZ, with the right drainage and LD for perfect groundwater percolation conditions, makes up about 0.10% of the research area in Pathardi and Newasa, Eastern India. The high rate of percolation of the soil raises the potential of groundwater. Pimpalgaon Lake in Newasa and Kapurwadi Lake in Pathardi Tehsil are important groundwater sources in this zone, demonstrating the tremendous potential of the area (Elvis et al. 2022; Ghosh & Bera 2023).

Groundwater potential assessment by SI method

A positive SI value indicated the best potential of locating groundwater in the region, while a negative value indicated a poor chance of locating groundwater. As indicated in Table 6, the region's rainfall had maximum SI values of 2.98 and 1.78, respectively, ranging from 1,184.30 to 1,473.61 and from 1,473.61 to 1,971.92. The negative results of low-value SI for rainfall classes indicated a low chance of groundwater potential (Abdo 2022). A relationship between slope and groundwater revealed a maximum SI value of 1.54 for areas with slopes ranging from 7.76 to 15.52%, followed by places with slopes ranging from 15.52 to 26.73% and SI values of 0.88 for moderate slopes, as shown in Table 6. The highest SI value of 0.54 was obtained for low elevations of 550–639 m, indicating a high potential for groundwater occurrence in the region (Table 6). For DD, the greatest value of SI 0.98 is seen in class 0–364, indicating a greater probability of groundwater potential.

The LULC parameters indicated a positive SI value for urban and built-up areas, followed by wetlands regions. LD showed a positive maximum value of 1.50 for classes 531–708, indicating the largest groundwater potential. The soil classes and groundwater yielded a positive maximum value of SI 2.51 for clay soil. In the case of Paleocene cretaceous extrusive rocks, the correlation coefficient between the region's geology and the probability of groundwater was positive. The region's geomorphology and groundwater potentiality analysis indicated that the pediment pedi-plain complex had a higher SI value (3.21) than other geomorphic characteristics (Abdo et al. 2022).

The GPMZ map, displayed in Figure 6(c), is categorized into five classifications as shown in Table 5: very low, low, moderate, high, and very high. The GWPZ map generated by the SI model revealed that 2.43% of the research region has ‘Very Low’ groundwater potential, including Akole Thesil. The ‘Low’ GWPZ covers 9.60% of the research area, including the majority of the Akole Thesil and a piece of the Sangamner and Parner thesils. A sizeable portion of the study area has moderate groundwater potential, accounting for around 57.36%. The high zone in the eastern portion of the study region, covering 24.97%, falls under the ‘High’ GWPZ. 5.37% of the area covered by the research region falls within the ‘Very high’ GWPZ. The significance of the statistical model has been highlighted recently in hydrological issues (Yaseen 2024).

Groundwater potential zone validation

Validating the GWPZ mapping generated by the AHP, FR, and SI models is essential to determining the precision of the predicted groundwater potential results and guaranteeing the models are operating as expected. The ROC-AUC method has been utilized for the comparison of the AHP, FR, and SI models' success rates with a 70% training dataset and 30% testing dataset as shown in Figure 7. The AHP model had an AUC result of 0.81, the FR model of 0.87, and the SI model of 0.93, indicating the highest value, as shown in Figure 8. The results showed that the FR and AHP models perform less well than the SI model. The SI model is better suited for identifying GWPZ than the FR and AHP models.
Figure 7

Well-yield map of study area.

Figure 7

Well-yield map of study area.

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Figure 8

ROC curve for the GWPZ mapping produced by (a) AHP, (b) FR, and (c) SI model.

Figure 8

ROC curve for the GWPZ mapping produced by (a) AHP, (b) FR, and (c) SI model.

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The research conducted by the AHP model in the region indicated that 0.03% (6.82 km2) exhibits very low potential, while 35.34% (6,024.15 km2) of the region demonstrated a low potential for groundwater. A sizable section of 43.47%, or 7,410.01 km2 was under moderate groundwater potential. The research findings highlighted that 21.09% (3,595.42 km2) of the region has high groundwater potential, while a very high potential for the region covers 0.06% (10.22 km2). In contrast, the FR model results reveal that 0.06% (10.23 km2) of the study area has very low groundwater potential, while 25.50% (4,346.89 km2) exhibited low groundwater potential. The largest portion of the study area, 52.74% (8,990.39 km2), demonstrates a moderate groundwater potential. About 21.60% (3,682.07 km2) was identified as high groundwater potential, and 0.10% (17.05 km2) as very high groundwater potential.

Conversely, the SI model indicated that 2.43% (414.23 km2) of the study area has very low groundwater potential, while 9.60% (1,672.27 km2) falls under the low groundwater potential category. A sizeable portion, accounting for 57.36% (9,777.94 km2) of the study area, was classified as a moderate groundwater potential region. 24.79% (4,225.86 km2) of the study area was identified as having high groundwater potential, and 5.37% (959.72 km2) of the study area was designated as having very high groundwater potential. This analysis shows that the SI model's ROC-AUC value of 0.93 outperforms the AHP (0.81) and FR (0.87) models, indicating its superior reliability. This finding is consistent with previous studies that also highlight the effectiveness of the SI model in groundwater potential zonation (Pawar et al. 2024).

The findings of this study provide a critical tool for policymakers and water resource managers in the Ahmednagar District. The superior reliability of the SI model in delineating GWPZ enables these stakeholders to identify and prioritize areas for groundwater development and conservation. This information is invaluable for formulating effective water management strategies, ensuring sustainable agricultural practices, and mitigating water scarcity issues. The results generated by the SI model will assist regulatory bodies in devising policies that enhance water resource utilization and protect groundwater reserves.

The FR approach located groundwater pockets in the hard rock terrain of Chhotanagpur, including geology, hydrogeomorphology, rainfall, soil texture, slope, DD, groundwater fluctuation, and land use/cover. 70 and 30% of the 56 tube wells were utilized as testing and training samples, respectively. According to the results, the south-west region had very low potential zones, while the southern region had very high zones (Elvis et al. 2022). The FR model's accuracy rate is 79.1%, indicating good prediction rates for sustainable groundwater development and management (Ghosh & Bera 2023). The LSM (Landslide Susceptibility Mapping) using the FR framework provided the best accuracy in predicting (AUC = 0.824) compared to the SI model (0.801 AUC). Based on success rate graphs, the AUC for the FR and SI models were 0.799 and 0.778, respectively (Abdo 2022). The study used SI approaches and logistic regression to determine landslide susceptibility in 470 out of 658 landslides. With success rates of 0.793 and 0.811, respectively, the results demonstrated high prediction curve rates (AUC) for both approaches. The SI and logistic regression R-index values were 88.54 and 83.66, respectively, showing highly vulnerable hazard classes. Several non-topographic elements have also been considered, including geology, land use, precipitation, and the distance from rivers in the study (Rai et al. 2022). A study in Nigeria mapped GWPZ in the Edo North region, revealing moderate to high recharge and storage potential in the eastern and northern sections (Cheng et al. 2024). This finding aligns with a study in India's Kangsabati River basin, where low-lying flat plains and a centrally located dam were found ideal for groundwater recharge. GIS maps are useful for hydrogeological studies and identifying suitable bore well/dug well sites.

This study underscores the significance of an integrated RS-GIS approach coupled with AHP, FR, and SI models for practical and cost-efficient groundwater recharge. The significant decline in groundwater levels in Ahmednagar has been ascribed to the city's swift industrial and urban growth, which is further exacerbated by the city's moderate rainfall patterns and limited surface water supplies. Since groundwater is becoming increasingly vital for local residential and agricultural applications, effective groundwater recharge zonation solutions are needed. This work emphasizes the value of using AHP, FR, and SI models in conjunction with an integrated RS-GIS method for realistic and affordable groundwater management. The best models and recharge zones were found using this integrated framework, and thematic data layers were created to make potential zone demarcation easier. Rainfall, slope, elevation, DD, LULC, LD, soil, geology, and geomorphology are thematic layers that have a substantial impact on the GWPZ. The study area's final GWPZ map was divided into five zones: very high, high, moderate, low, and very low.

The results were validated using ROC-AUC analysis. The SI model demonstrated superior reliability with an ROC-AUC value of 0.85, indicating a high level of accuracy in GWPZ prediction. This was further validated through field verification and comparative analysis with existing groundwater wells, confirming the model's effectiveness in identifying potential zones (field verification details: 69 wells, 85% accuracy rate).

There are several promising avenues for future research in GWPZ mapping. Investigating the integration of novel remote sensing techniques and geospatial data sources may improve the spatial resolution and accuracy of groundwater potential assessments (Sharma et al. 2020). Using emerging technologies like hyperspectral imaging and LiDAR data fusion shows promise for capturing fine-scale groundwater-related features and improving model performance. Investigating the effects of climate change and land-use dynamics on groundwater dynamics is critical for developing dependable predictive models. Future research could investigate incorporating climate projections and land-use scenarios into groundwater potential mapping frameworks to predict potential shifts in groundwater availability and quality under various climate and land-use change scenarios. More comprehensive validation studies are required, considering temporal variability in groundwater conditions. Longitudinal studies of groundwater dynamics over time can provide valuable insights into the temporal stability of GWPZs, as well as identify trends and anomalies that may affect model performance.

Exploring interdisciplinary approaches that incorporate hydrological, geophysical, and socioeconomic factors can help us better understand groundwater systems and inform more comprehensive groundwater management strategies. Collaborative research efforts that cross disciplinary boundaries can help to develop integrated modeling frameworks capable of capturing the complex interactions between natural and human-induced factors that influence groundwater dynamics. Promoting open-access data repositories and collaborative research networks can facilitate knowledge sharing and replication of findings, thereby increasing transparency and reproducibility in groundwater potential mapping research. Future research efforts that encourage data sharing and interdisciplinary collaboration can advance our understanding of groundwater systems and contribute to sustainable groundwater management practices.

While this study provides a comprehensive approach to GWPZ mapping, it is limited by the selection of GIS layers, which may not capture all relevant variables affecting groundwater recharge. Future research should consider incorporating additional variables such as land subsidence, human extraction rates, and climate change impacts. Moreover, the study's scope is confined to the Ahmednagar District, and further research is needed to test the model's applicability in different hydrogeological settings.

To address these limitations, future research should consider incorporating a broader range of variables that impact groundwater recharge, such as detailed geological data, vegetation indices, and human impact metrics. Utilizing higher resolution and more accurate data will improve the reliability of groundwater potential mapping. Efforts should be made to obtain and use the best available data. Implementing temporal analysis methods to account for seasonal and annual variations in groundwater recharge can provide a more dynamic understanding of GWPZs. Developing and testing new models or refining existing ones can help reduce subjectivity and improve accuracy. Increasing the extent and rigor of field validation efforts will help verify and refine the results obtained from remote sensing and GIS analyses.

All relevant data are included in the paper or its Supplementary Information.

The authors declare there is no conflict.

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Delineation of groundwater potential zones (GWPZs) in a semi-arid basin through remote sensing, GIS, and AHP approaches
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Landslide susceptibility mapping using statistical bivariate models and their hybrid with normalized spatial-correlated scale index and weighted calibrated landslide potential model
Environmental Earth Sciences
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Quantification and visualization of groundwater contamination prevention regionalization based on analytic hierarchy process method (AHP) in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, South China
Journal of Hydrology
Delineation of potential groundwater recharge zones using analytical hierarchy process (AHP)
Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes
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Geospatial mapping of groundwater potential zones using multi-criteria decision-making AHP approach in a hardrock basaltic terrain in India
Ecological Indicators
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Integration of Shannon entropy (SE), frequency ratio (FR) and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) in GIS for suitable groundwater potential zones targeting in the Yoyo river basin, Méiganga area, Adamawa Cameroon
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies
Delineation of groundwater potential zones in the hard rock terrain of an extended part of Chhotanagpur plateau applying frequency ratio (FR) model
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Case Studies in Geospatial Applications to Groundwater Resources
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Impact of hydro-geological environment on availability of groundwater using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and geospatial techniques: A study from the upper Kangsabati river basin
Groundwater for Sustainable Development
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Assessment of groundwater potential zone using MCDA and AHP techniques: Case study from a tropical river basin of India
Applied Water Science
Mapping of groundwater potential zones by integrating remote sensing, geophysics, GIS, and AHP in a hard rock terrain
Urban Climate
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Comparative analysis of groundwater potentiality zone using fuzzy AHP, frequency ratio and Bayesian weights of evidence methods
Applied Water Science
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Delineation of groundwater potential zones using remote sensing (RS), geographical information system (GIS) and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) techniques: A case study in the Leylia–Keynow watershed, southwest of Iran
Carbonates and Evaporites
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Assessment of groundwater potential zones in Chittar basin, Southern India using GIS based AHP technique
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment
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Spatial evaluation of groundwater vulnerability using the DRASTIC-L model with the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and GIS approaches in Edo State, Nigeria
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C
Mapping of groundwater potential zones in a drought prone Marathwada region using frequency ratio and statistical index methods, India
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An investigation of landslide susceptibility using logistic regression and statistical index methods in Dailekh District, Nepal
Chinese Geographical Science
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Exploration of groundwater potential zones using analytical hierarchical process (AHP) approach in the Godavari river basin of Maharashtra in India
Applied Water Science
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Downscaling of coarse resolution land surface temperature through vegetation indices based regression models
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Principal component based fusion of land surface temperature (LST) and panchromatic (PAN) images
Spatial Information Research
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