The S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment has demonstrated preliminary potential as an effective ultrafiltration (UF) pretreatment technology. However, a comprehensive understanding of its impact on UF membrane fouling control and the dynamic evolution of membrane fouling during prolonged operation is still lacking. In this study, a relatively prolonged fouling experiment was conducted. Results revealed that the S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment exhibited superior performance over Al(III) coagulation pretreatment in mitigating the transmembrane pressure difference and addressing both reversible and irreversible membrane fouling. The application of a cluster analysis method to classify membrane fouling evolution stages further confirmed that S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment effectively decelerated the rate of membrane fouling evolution. The surface cake layer of UF membranes pretreated with S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM exhibited greater looseness and smoothness. It also showed better results than Al(III) coagulation pretreatment in reducing the accumulation of organic foulants, controlling the Si content and reducing the total microorganisms and live microorganisms in the UF feed water. Variance Partitioning Analysis indicated that the combined contribution of organic, inorganic, and biological foulants was the most significant for UF membranes after S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment (50.4%) and UF membranes after Al(III) coagulation pretreatment (70.2%). These findings underscore the efficacy of S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment in controlling UF membrane fouling under prolonged operation.

  • S(IV)/Fe(II)/PM pretreatment efficiently mitigated UF membrane fouling during long-term operation.

  • S(IV)/Fe(II)/PM pretreatment yielded a long uncontaminated stage and accelerated contaminated stage.

  • S(IV)/Fe(II)/PM pretreatment suppressed the contribution of organic–inorganic–biological composite fouling.

Due to stringent drinking water quality standards and the limited availability of high-quality water sources, ultrafiltration (UF) technology has gained recognition as an exceptionally effective solution for safe drinking water production. This recognition is attributed to its ability to efficiently retain particles and microorganisms, along with its relatively lower investment and operational costs. Nevertheless, membrane fouling has emerged as a significant hurdle, impeding its widespread adoption in drinking water production (Gao et al. 2011; Zhang et al. 2023). Membrane fouling not only diminishes water permeability but also leads to increased operating expenses and reduced membrane lifespan (Peters et al. 2021). Consequently, the effective management of membrane foulant in UF systems has become a prominent concern in the field of UF drinking water treatment in recent years.

Presently, methods for mitigating UF membrane fouling encompass membrane surface modification (Song et al. 2012), membrane pretreatment (Liu et al. 2023b), optimization of operational parameters (Taheri et al. 2019), and the application of electromagnetic fields (Rouina et al. 2016). Among these methods, membrane pretreatment (e.g., coagulation, adsorption, and oxidation) is the most prevalent approach for controlling membrane fouling in practical production (Ma et al. 2018; Yu et al. 2018; Li et al. 2020; Xing et al. 2021; Yan et al. 2021; Liu et al. 2022). Gao et al. (2011) analyzed the effectiveness of coagulation, adsorption, and oxidation pretreatment, in addition to optimizing operational aspects such as mode of operation, rinsing procedures, and chemical cleaning, to manage membrane fouling. They highlighted certain limitations when using coagulation, oxidation, and adsorption pretreatment methods individually. For example, coagulation pretreatment demonstrates notably low efficiency in removing algal organic matter (AOM), especially extracellular organic matter, which results in residual AOM that can lead to substantial membrane fouling (Yan et al. 2017). Adsorption pretreatment, such as powdered activated carbon adsorption, met with controversy due to the potentially complex interactions between powdered carbon and organic contaminants which aggravated membrane fouling (Shao et al. 2016, 2017). Additionally, pre-oxidation may exacerbate membrane fouling when dealing with algae-containing water by causing the release of organic substances and toxins from algal cells (Wert et al. 2014; Qu et al. 2015).

Recognizing the limitations of traditional pretreatment technologies and the complexity of raw water quality, researchers have increasingly explored combined pretreatment processes, such as oxidation–coagulation, adsorption–coagulation, and oxidation–adsorption (Bu et al. 2019; Xing et al. 2019a; Cheng et al. 2021a, 2021b). Xing et al. (2019b) introduced Fe(II) into the UV/chlorine pretreatment technology system, upgrading the system to a purification system integrating flocculation, UV/Fe(II), and chlorine/Fe(II), which resulted in a decrease in the resistance to irreversible membrane fouling of subsequent UF membrane by >30%. Sarasidis et al. (2017) coated powdered activated carbon with Fe(II) and harnessed the oxidation of Fe(II)/H2O2 along with the adsorption capabilities of powdered activated carbon to enhance the removal of irreversible membrane contaminants. In a continuous-flow small-scale trial spanning 3 h, they successfully achieved consistent removal of irreversible membrane contaminants, maintaining a stable water production flux. Chang et al. (2020) achieved the mitigation of irreversible membrane fouling by reinforcing free radical generation through the addition of Fe(II) and introducing Fe(III) flocculation in the UV/persulfate system. These findings suggest that the combination of oxidation or adsorption with flocculation can enhance the removal of irreversible membrane contaminants before the membrane.

Combined pretreatment processes, such as permanganate (PM) oxidation or activated PM oxidation along with coagulation (PM-coagulation), have recently garnered attention for their impressive performance in algae removal, pollutant degradation, and mitigating membrane fouling (Qi et al. 2016; Yan et al. 2017; Liu et al. 2023a, 2023b). This is primarily due to their ability to simultaneously employ oxidation, adsorption, and coagulation properties. However, these processes typically involve two stages. Inspired by this, we introduce the S(IV)–Fe(II) binary-activated PM pretreatment technology (Liu et al. 2023c). The S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM system effectively combines oxidation, adsorption, and coagulation by generating Fe(III) (serving as a flocculating agent), newly formed MnO2 (serving as an adsorbent and coagulation aid), and oxidizing agents (activated manganese species and free radicals) in situ. Moreover, it simplifies the process into a one-stage operation. The previous experimental results demonstrated that the S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment reduced the amount of membrane contaminants in the source water and mitigated the subsequent development of the membrane surface fouling layer by regulating the deposition environment at the water-membrane interface, which initially proved the feasibility of S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM as a membrane pretreatment technology. However, the long-term control effect of S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment on UF membrane fouling needs to be further verified.

In this study, a continuous-flow experimental system of S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment-UF process was established using real lake-type raw water as the test water source. S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment was compared with a conventional Al(III) coagulation pretreatment, commonly employed in waterworks. This work aims to (i) assess the fouling alleviation potential of S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM over a long operation period (32 days), (ii) analyze the dynamic evolution in UF membrane fouling behavior, and (iii) quantify the individual and combined contributions of organic, inorganic, and biological contaminants via physicochemical and biological characterization and assisted with statistical techniques. The findings of this study will offer both technical and theoretical support for the practical implementation of S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM as UF pretreatment in drinking water treatment.

Chemicals and materials

Potassium permanganate, ferrous chloride, sodium chloride, sodium hypochlorite, sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid were purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagents Co. Polymeric aluminum chloride (PAC), anhydrous sodium sulfite and anhydrous ethanol were purchased from Aladdin Reagent (Shanghai) Co. Unless otherwise stated, deionized water (Smart-N, Heal Force) was used to prepare solutions for this study. Sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, and sodium hypochlorite, used for chemical cleaning, were ordered from J&K Scientific Ltd (Shanghai).

Raw water

Raw water samples were taken from a lake-type reservoir (March to April) in Zhejiang Province, China. The collected raw water was stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 4 °C. The specific water quality parameters of the water samples are shown in Supplementary material, Table S1.

Experimental procedures

A ZR4-4 coagulation tester (Zhongrun Water Industry Technology Development Co., Ltd) was used to simulate the coagulation and sedimentation process of S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment and Al(III) coagulation pretreatment, similar to our previous study (Liu et al. 2023c). Briefly, one set of water samples (20 L) was spiked with a quantitative amount of PM, S(IV), and Fe(II) in the ratio of PM: S(IV): Fe(II) = 60 μM: 90 μM: 90 μM; and the other set of water samples (20 L) was spiked with 90 μM of PAC. The two sets of water samples were then subjected to the designed hydraulic stirring conditions (Gf = 200 rpm, Tf = 2 min) for rapid mixing (aggregation), followed by slow stirring (Gs = 20 rpm, Ts = 20 min) to undergo flocculation, and then precipitation (Tset = 30 min) before transferring the supernatant to the feed tank of the UF membrane module. The Schematic diagram of the device is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1

Schematic diagram of a continuous-flow ultrafiltration test device.

Figure 1

Schematic diagram of a continuous-flow ultrafiltration test device.

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The UF membrane utilized in this study was a polyethersulfone (PES) hollow fiber membrane with a molecular weight cutoff of 10 kDa, procured from Hangzhou Yuanxiang Membrane Technology Co., featuring an effective filtration area of 200 cm2. Prior to experimentation, the UF membrane underwent immersion in ultrapure water for a minimum of 24 h, with water replacement every 12 h. Following this, the membrane was pre-filtered using ultrapure water for 12 h to attain a stable flux. To mimic practical operational conditions, the UF membrane was operated at a flux of 10 L/(m2·h), with periodic adjustments to the water production rate facilitated by a peristaltic pump to maintain a consistent flux. Regularly cut quantities of membrane fibers from the UF modules were subjected to physicochemical and biological characterization, with the water temperature maintained at 25 °C through the use of a heating rod in the pool. To accelerate the evolution of distinct membrane fouling stages and minimize interference from backwashing on membrane surface characterization and measurements, no backwashing was employed in the UF unit. The experimental period spanned 32 days, and actual sampling occurred at intervals of 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 14, 18, 25, and 32 days. The apparatus was equipped with a pressure gauge to transmit transmembrane differential pressure data to a computer in real time.

Analytical methods

A Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (FT-ICR-MS, Bruker SolariX) was used to analyze the dissolved organic matter composition. The extraction and the fluorescence excitation–emission matrix (EEM) detection of organic matter in the contaminated layer on the membrane surface was carried out as follows: the cake layer was carefully scraped from the UF membrane and then mixed with 0.05% NaCl solution, the resulting mixture was ultrasonicated for 3 min and then filtered through a 0.45-μM membrane, and the post-filtered water was used to measure EEM of dissolved organic matter in it using an RF-5301 Shimadzu spectrofluorometer (excitation range: 220–500 nm, data interval: 5 nm; emission range: 200–500 nm, data interval: 2 nm), and parallel factor analysis and regional integration were carried out using the drEEM toolbox of MATLAB 9.11.

Heterotrophic plate count (HPC) measurement was used to quantify the bacteria in water. Laser scanning confocal microscopy (CLSM) was applied to analyze the bacteria on the membrane surface: after staining with SYTO9 and propidium iodide (LIVE/DEAD Biofilm Viability Kit, FilmTracer, Inc.), microbial fluorescence images were observed using CLSM (LSM780, Zeiss, Germany), observations were analyzed with the ZEN2010 software, and biomass content was calculated using the ImageJ add-on plug-in Comstat2 (Singhal et al. 2012). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM, Quanta FEG 650, FEI, USA) was used to observe the frontal and cross-sectional morphology of the UF membranes operated for different durations. X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was used in conjunction with SEM to analyze the elemental species and content of contaminated layers on the surface of the UF membranes.

Calculation of membrane fouling resistance and membrane fouling index

The tandem resistance model was used to calculate the total fouling resistance (Rt), the irreversible fouling resistance (Rir), and the reversible fouling resistance (Rr) (Lin et al. 2009). The membrane fouling index (FI) was then calculated based on the tandem resistance model and assuming that the membrane fouling resistance is proportional to the amount of filtered water (Nguyen et al. 2011). The detailed calculation methods are described in Supplementary material, Text S1.

Variance Partitioning Analysis

Variance Partitioning Analysis (VPA) is the process used to assess the impact of independent variables on the outcomes of a study by examining how much they contribute to changes in the dependent variable (Lin et al. 2019). The extent of this contribution can be measured using the sum of squared deviations, denoted as R2, which quantifies the influence of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The contributions of organic, inorganic, and biological foulants to overall membrane fouling in the fouling process were analyzed. The detailed analysis methods are described in Supplementary material, Text S2.

Cluster analysis

Cluster analysis (CA) is a statistical method based on a large amount of data or samples to cluster the closest samples into one category based on the similarity or distance between the samples. In this study, UF membrane samples with different levels of fouling were categorized using CA (Liu et al. 2018), to achieve a scientific division of membrane fouling development stages. The detailed analysis methods are described in Supplementary material, Text S3.

Evolution of specific transmembrane pressure and membrane fouling

Figure 2 shows the changes in the specific transmembrane pressure (P/P0) of the UF membranes during 32 days of operation for the S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment + UF membrane (M1) and the Al(III) coagulation pretreatment + UF membrane (M2) systems. Overall, the P/P0 of both M1 membrane and M2 membrane went through two phases of continuous growth and gradual stabilization. The maximum P/P0 was reached in about 2 weeks for the M1 membrane, while the M2 membrane reached the maximum P/P0 in the first week. The Rt of M2 membrane was 3.57 times and 1.15 times that of M1 membrane at 7 and 15 days, respectively. From Figure 2, it can be seen that due to the absence of flushing during operation, foulants on the surfaces of both the M1 membrane and M2 membrane are gradually accumulating. The accumulation on the M2 membrane is faster and reaches stability earlier. Consequently, the difference in the Rt values between the M1 and M2 membranes diminishes over time. At the end of the 32-day experimental operation, hydraulic flushing was performed. The Rt (actually equal to Rir) of the M2 membrane was 2.23 times that of the M1 membrane. The FI of the M1 membrane on day 7 was 0.57 m2/L, while that of the M2 membrane was 1.39 m2/L. Clearly, the increase rate of P/P0 and the FI of the M1 membrane was much lower than that of the M2 membrane. These results indicate that S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment can mitigate UF membrane fouling for 32 days of operation better than Al(III) coagulation pretreatment, especially irreversible membrane fouling. Previous research had demonstrated that during prolonged UF membrane operation, macromolecular organic substances like polysaccharides, proteins, and proteinoids play a significant role in causing irreversible membrane fouling (Chang et al. 2022). S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM can effectively reduce the proportion of polysaccharides and proteins in organic pollutants, which in turn reduces irreversible membrane fouling (Liu et al. 2023c).
Figure 2

Variations in the specific transmembrane pressure (P/P0) for M1 and M2 membranes over a long-term operation. M1 and M2 denote membranes post S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM and Al(III) coagulation pretreatments, respectively.

Figure 2

Variations in the specific transmembrane pressure (P/P0) for M1 and M2 membranes over a long-term operation. M1 and M2 denote membranes post S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM and Al(III) coagulation pretreatments, respectively.

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To provide a more detailed characterization of the temporal development of membrane fouling for the M1 membrane and M2 membrane, the stages of fouling development were categorized using CA. Typically, CA identifies four fouling stages: the uncontaminated stage, initial fouling stage, accelerated fouling stage, and fouling stabilization stage. The resulting cluster dendrogram illustrates the degree of distance variation among different samples. The CA results are depicted in Figure 3. For M1 membrane fouling: the uncontaminated stage (Stage I, 0–2 days), initial fouling stage (Stage II, 2–4 days), accelerated fouling stage (Stage III, 4–14 days) and fouling stabilization stage (Stage IV, 14–32 days). For M2 membrane fouling: the uncontaminated stage (Stage I, 0 day), initial fouling stage (Stage II, 1–4 days), accelerated fouling stage (Stage III, 4–10 days), and fouling stabilization stage (Stage IV, 10–32 days). The fouling status of the M1 membrane on day 0 and days 1–2 was grouped into a single category, indicating significant suppression of its initial membrane foulants deposition through S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment. In contrast to the M1 membrane, the fouling status of M2 membrane on day 1 showed clear differentiation from day 0, suggesting that the Al(III) coagulation pretreatment was not effective in inhibiting the initial deposition of foulants on the membrane surface. In addition, compared to the M2 membrane, the M1 membrane had a shorter time for initial fouling and a longer time for accelerated fouling, indicating that the rate of membrane fouling of the M1 membrane had been slowed down. The CA results further confirm that the S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment could effectively alleviate UF membrane fouling.
Figure 3

Classification of membrane fouling stages: (a) M1 membrane; (b) M2 membrane. Stage I (uncontaminated stage), Stage II (initial fouling stage), Stage III (accelerated fouling stage), Stage IV (fouling stabilization stage); M1 and M2 denote membranes post S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM and Al(III) coagulation pretreatments, respectively.

Figure 3

Classification of membrane fouling stages: (a) M1 membrane; (b) M2 membrane. Stage I (uncontaminated stage), Stage II (initial fouling stage), Stage III (accelerated fouling stage), Stage IV (fouling stabilization stage); M1 and M2 denote membranes post S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM and Al(III) coagulation pretreatments, respectively.

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Changes in the morphology of the cake layer on the membrane surface

To gain a more intuitive understanding of how S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment and Al(III) coagulation pretreatment affect the dynamic evolution of membrane fouling, continuous SEM monitoring was conducted on the surfaces of both M1 and M2 membranes (Figure 4). On day 1, the M1 membrane surface exhibited slight foulant adherence and appeared smooth, whereas the M2 membrane surface showed noticeable foulant adherence, resulting in a rough surface. By the fourth day, the M1 membrane surface began forming a thin filter cake layer, maintaining a relatively smooth appearance. In contrast, the M2 membrane surface developed a thicker cake layer with increased roughness. On the 14th day, although the M1 membrane's cake layer thickness continued to grow, the surface remained relatively smooth. In contrast, the M2 membrane exhibited obvious cake layer bumps with a greater accumulation of foulants. The evolution of membrane surface morphology from day 1 to 14 indicated that foulant accumulation on the M1 membrane surface was slower compared to the M2 membrane surface. After 32 days of operation, the M1 membrane surface eventually formed a relatively porous and loose filter cake layer, while the M2 membrane surface formed a dense and less porous filter cake layer. At this time, the thickness of the cake layer of the M2 membrane (180 μm) was 3.6 times the thickness of the cake layer of the M1 membrane (50 μm) (Supplementary material, Figure S2).
Figure 4

SEM-based surface morphology changes of M1 and M2 membranes during a long-term operation. M1 membrane refers to the UF membrane after the S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment; M2 membrane refers to the UF membrane after the Al(III) coagulation pretreatment.

Figure 4

SEM-based surface morphology changes of M1 and M2 membranes during a long-term operation. M1 membrane refers to the UF membrane after the S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment; M2 membrane refers to the UF membrane after the Al(III) coagulation pretreatment.

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Considering the absence of cleaning measures during operation, the thinner cake layer exhibited by the M1 membrane at 32 days suggests a weaker adhesion with the M1, allowing for detachment once the cake layer reaches a certain thickness. It can be verified by the almost identical appearance of the M1 membrane surface to that of an unused membrane after cleaning (Figure 4). The weak adhesion of the filter cake layer on the M1 membrane surface can be attributed to the S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment resulting in cake layer composed of medium-uniform particle size particles and organic matter with a lower proportion of polysaccharides/proteins (Liu et al. 2023c). Such a cake layer is considered to have weak binding to the membrane surface (Meng et al. 2007).

Changes in the composition of membrane fouling on the surface of UF membranes

The chemical composition of the cake layer plays a crucial role in determining the physicochemical properties of the cake layer, subsequently influencing the filtration performance of the cake layer-UF membrane composite and the accumulation of foulants within membrane pores. Therefore, it is imperative to analyze the dynamic changes in the organic, inorganic, and biological components of the cake layer. Consequently, the composition of the cake layer on the surfaces of M1 and M2 membranes was continuously monitored.

The content of different types of organic matter on the membrane surface during the operation period was continuously monitored using the EEM analysis technique (Supplementary material, Figure S3), and the results are shown in Figure 5. Protein-like substances (Regions I and II), soluble microbial by-product (SMP)-type organic matter (Region IV), humic acid and fulvic acid-type substances (Regions III and V) all experienced a gradual increase in the early stage and stabilization in the later stage for both M1 and M2 membranes. Compared with the M2 membrane, the content of all three types of organic matters for the M1 membrane was much less than that of the M2 membrane, especially the protein-like substances and SMP-type organic matter. This indicates that the organic fouling of the M1 membrane was less than that of the M2 membrane. It is well known that protein-like substances and SMP-type organic matter are two important types of irreversible membrane foulants. This well explains the excellent irreversible membrane fouling control ability exhibited by the S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment on UF membranes. The low content of these two types of organics can be explained by the good removal of them by the S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM system (Liu et al. 2023c).
Figure 5

Dynamic evolution of different types of organic matters on the surface of M1 and M2 membranes during long-term operation based on EEM: (a) protein-like substances (Regions I and II); (b) SMP-type organic matters (Region IV); and (c) humic acid and fulvic acid-type substances (Regions III and V). M1 membrane refers to the UF membrane after the S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment, M2 membrane refers to the UF membrane after the Al(III) coagulation pretreatment.

Figure 5

Dynamic evolution of different types of organic matters on the surface of M1 and M2 membranes during long-term operation based on EEM: (a) protein-like substances (Regions I and II); (b) SMP-type organic matters (Region IV); and (c) humic acid and fulvic acid-type substances (Regions III and V). M1 membrane refers to the UF membrane after the S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment, M2 membrane refers to the UF membrane after the Al(III) coagulation pretreatment.

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Based on previous studies (Lin et al. 2015; Lin et al. 2020), Si and Ca were the two main inorganic elements affecting membrane fouling. Figure 6 shows the continuous monitoring results of elemental Ca and Si on the membrane surface. Both Ca and Si elements exhibited a pattern of gradual increase in the early stage and subsequent stabilization in the later stage during the long-term operation process of M1 and M2 membranes. This trend suggested the involvement of inorganic foulants in the membrane surface fouling process. Notably, the percentage of silica content on the M2 membrane surface was notably higher than that on the M1 membrane. Research indicated that Fe and Al salt-based coagulation has limited efficacy in removing silica, requiring higher coagulant dosage and alkaline pH adjustment for desired silica removal efficiency (Latour et al. 2014). Moreover, Al salts strongly inhibit silica polymerization (Duan & Gregory 1996), rendering them less effective in silica removal compared to iron salts. In this context, Fe(III) produced in situ by S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment proves more effective than Al(III) in silica removal through flocculation. Additionally, the later-stage elemental Ca content on the M1 membrane surface was slightly higher than that on the M2 membrane. This could be attributed to the transformation of high-molecular-weight organic compounds into medium or low-molecular-weight organic compounds in the raw water due to the oxidation by the S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM system. Consequently, more Ca(II) is present in the form of hydrophilic organo-calcium complexes (Lin et al. 2022), making them more accessible to the membrane surface. Given previous studies demonstrating that silica, synergizing with other contaminants like natural organic matter, enhances membrane fouling (Schulz et al. 2016; Chen et al. 2018), it can be inferred that the control of inorganic fouling by S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment is linked to its regulation of Si deposition. It should be noted that after observing the membrane surfaces on the 32nd day of operation, there was an accumulation of Fe and Mn on the M1 membrane surface and Al on the M2 membrane surface (Supplementary material, Figure S2). This implies that in addition to the Ca and Si elements mentioned in previous literature, the impact of Fe and Mn should also be considered for UF systems utilizing S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment.
Figure 6

EDS-based dynamic evolution of Si and Ca elemental ratios on the surface of M1 and M2 membranes during a long-term operation. M1 membrane refers to the UF membrane after the S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment; M2 membrane refers to the UF membrane after the Al(III) coagulation pretreatment.

Figure 6

EDS-based dynamic evolution of Si and Ca elemental ratios on the surface of M1 and M2 membranes during a long-term operation. M1 membrane refers to the UF membrane after the S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment; M2 membrane refers to the UF membrane after the Al(III) coagulation pretreatment.

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Supplementary material (Figure S4) shows the results of continuous monitoring of the biocomponents on the membrane surface using the CLSM technique. The total biomass on the surface of the M1 and M2 membranes maintained a gradual increase throughout the long-term operation process (Figure 7), which indicated that biological fouling was involved throughout the membrane fouling process and the degree of fouling gradually increased. It should be noted that the surface biomass accumulation of the M2 membrane (90 m3/m2 on day 32) was significantly higher than that of the M1 membrane (42 m3/m2 on day 32) during the whole operation. By comparing the change in the percentage of live microorganisms amount and dead microorganisms for the M1 membrane and M2 membrane, one can see that the percentage of live microorganisms on the surface of the M2 membrane was higher than that of the M1 membrane at each moment. Oxidants such as Mn(III), Mn(V), hydroxyl radicals, and sulfate radicals have been proven to be generated in the S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM system (Liu et al. 2023c). These oxidants have high redox potentials and thus can inactivate microorganisms. Thus, the accumulation of living microorganisms on the surface of the M1 membrane was expected to be less. In addition, S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment made fewer microorganisms left in the UF feed water than Al coagulation pretreatment.
Figure 7

CLSM-based analysis of dynamic evolution of biomass on the membrane surface during a long-term operation (a) S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment and (b) Al(III) coagulation pretreatment.

Figure 7

CLSM-based analysis of dynamic evolution of biomass on the membrane surface during a long-term operation (a) S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment and (b) Al(III) coagulation pretreatment.

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Notably, the M2 membrane showed a higher percentage of dead microorganisms (>40%) on its surface after 2 days of operation compared to the case of the first day (97%). Considering that Al(III) pretreatment cannot effectively remove microorganisms (Supplementary material, Figure S5(a)), it may mean that PAC coagulation pretreatment can reduce the concentration of C/N nutrients in the UF membrane influent (indexed by CHO and CHON fractions (Supplementary material, Figure S5(b)), thereby affecting the survival and reproduction of microorganisms on the membrane surface. Additionally, considering the distribution of microorganisms in the filter cake layer (Supplementary material, Figure S4), the masking effect of the filter cake layer on microorganisms possibly influences the availability of nutrients, which may affect the proportion of dead microorganisms.

In the later stage (18–32 days), the gap in the percentage of live microorganisms amount and dead microorganisms amount for between the M1 and M2 membranes narrowed, which may be attributed to the formation of a large pore structure membrane surface filter cake layer (Figure 4). This resulted in microorganisms entering the pores and remaining undetected.

Analysis of the contribution of each pollution component to membrane fouling

Utilizing the VPA method, the membrane surface content of different types of foulants was considered as independent variables, while the degree of membrane fouling (increase in membrane fouling resistance and transmembrane pressure) served as the dependent variable. This approach was employed to quantitatively assess the individual or synergistic contributions of inorganic foulants, organic foulants, and biological foulants to the membrane fouling. Contributing factors to be assessed included: organic fouling alone (FOrg), inorganic fouling alone (FInorg), biological fouling alone (FBio), a composite of any two types of fouling (FOrgFInorg, FOrgFBio, FInorgFBio), a composite of all three types of fouling (FOrgFInorgFBio), and unexplained fraction (FUnexplained). The contribution of the change in the independent variables to the total change in the dependent variable can be measured by the sum of squared deviations (R2) of the independent variables. The results of linear fitting of multiple regressions with different variables are given in Supplementary material, Table S2 for M1 and M2 membranes, respectively. Figure 8 shows the contribution of the eight possible contributing factors to membrane fouling in the form of a Venn diagram.
Figure 8

Contribution analysis of variance decomposition based on multiple regression for different types of membrane fouling: (a) S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment and (b) Al(III) coagulation pretreatment.

Figure 8

Contribution analysis of variance decomposition based on multiple regression for different types of membrane fouling: (a) S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment and (b) Al(III) coagulation pretreatment.

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As shown in Figure 8, concerning the individual contribution factors, the pollution contribution rates of FOrg to M1 and M2 membranes are 7.5 and 2.2%, respectively, while the contributions of FInorg and FBio are both <1.5%. This indicates that FOrg has a significant impact on membrane fouling, while the contributions of FInorg and FBio are relatively low. The severity of organic pollution may be related to the adsorption of organic substances on the membrane surface, while inorganic fouling is associated with the scaling of inorganic substances on the membrane surface. However, scaling typically requires a longer time and progresses slowly. Therefore, the contribution of scaling to membrane fouling is weak in this study. Biological fouling usually requires the auxiliary effect of other types of pollutants (such as organic substances) (Nguyen et al. 2012), so the contribution of individual biological fouling is also small.

It is noteworthy that, concerning the composite fouling contributing factors, the contribution of FOrgFInorg is low (<4.0%) for both M1 and M2 membranes. This finding contradicts some studies that reported more severe membrane fouling caused by mixed organic and inorganic contamination. Such discrepancies may be attributed to variations in the quality of raw water used in different studies (Tian et al. 2013; Ma et al. 2019). Additionally, the contribution of organic–biological interactions is higher (>12%) for both M1 and M2 membranes, indicating that the intricate interplay between organic and biological foulants can exacerbate membrane fouling. This phenomenon can be explained by the adsorption of organics on the membrane surface providing sites for microbial attachment (bridging), thus promoting the growth and aggregation of microorganisms. Moreover, the growth of microorganisms on the membrane surface may lead to the production of extracellular polymers (mainly organics), further intensifying the degree of organic fouling (Nguyen et al. 2012).

Concerningly, the combined contribution of FOrgFInorgFBio is 50.4% for the M1 membrane and 70.2% for the M2 membrane, signifying that membrane fouling during actual operation typically arises from the intricate interactions of organic, inorganic, and biological foulants. Notably, the contribution of FOrgFInorgFBio for the M1 membrane is 19.8% lower than that for the M2 membrane. This variance in contribution rates might be attributed to the superior removal efficiency of S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment on organic, inorganic, and biological foulants (Figures 57). The superior effectiveness of S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment in controlling UF membrane fouling is fundamentally rooted in its capacity to regulate membrane foulants at the source.

The continuous-flow UF experiments revealed that, over the 32-day operational period, S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment outperformed conventional Al(III) coagulation pretreatment in controlling fouling of the UF membrane. The membrane surface cake layer exhibited greater looseness and smoothness under the influence of S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment, diminishing subsequent contaminant deposition and favoring sustained membrane flux and surface cleaning. Notably, the S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment demonstrated remarkable efficacy in removing organic matters, especially proteinaceous organic matters and soluble microbial by-products, resulting in a significant reduction in the accumulation of organic foulants on the membrane surface. Additionally, the S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment effectively controlled Si in the UF feed water. Given its concurrent reduction of total microorganisms and living microorganisms in the UF feed water, biological fouling on the UF membrane surfaces was satisfactorily managed. VPA results affirmed the predominant contribution of the combined effects of organic, inorganic, and biofilm foulants to UF membrane fouling. The efficient removal of organic, inorganic, and biological membrane foulants by S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment positioned it as superior to conventional Al(III) pretreatment for composite fouling control. Subsequent research should conduct pilot experiments under rigorously simulated actual operational conditions to further validate the long-term membrane fouling control capabilities of S(IV)–Fe(II)/PM pretreatment.

This research was funded by the National Science and Technology Major Projects for Water Pollution Control and Treatment (No. 2017ZX07201003) and the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2023YFF0614500).

All relevant data are included in the paper or its Supplementary Information.

The authors declare there is no conflict.

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