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Blue-Green Systems Special Issue on

Digital Water



The water sector is increasingly adopting digital technologies to address customer needs, enhance the performance of water systems, and ensure reliable services. These technologies are crucial for managing the adverse effects of major global changes, such as climate change and rapid urbanization, which alter the hydrological cycle and impact customer demands, thus intensifying the challenges faced by water service providers. In response, the International Water Association (IWA) has recently launched the Digital Water Programme. This initiative aims to advance the digital transformation of the water sector by integrating sensors connected via the Internet of Things (IoT), and employing tools for data analytics, real-time monitoring, and decision-support systems to facilitate the transition.

This Special Issue is dedicated to exploring the forefront of research in the field of Digital Water, highlighting the role of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in understanding complex physical phenomena within water systems. We strongly advocate for submissions from interdisciplinary research that leverages ML techniques to simulate water-related processes in both rural and urban settings. This encompasses studies on flood prediction, environmental assessment, reservoir operation management, and planning of water resources under current and future climate scenarios, as well as research focused on nature-based solutions for reducing flood impacts and improving ecological and human well-being. We welcome contributions from engineers from diverse scientific disciplines, urban water planners, ecologists, architects, landscape designers, policymakers, and stakeholders engaged in shifting water-related challenges into the domain of digital water solutions.


Relevant topics include (but not limited to):

  • IoT and ML Technologies for Water System Monitoring
  • AI in Real-Time Monitoring and Prediction of River and Lake Water Quality
  • Machine Learning Models for Flood Prediction in Urban and Rural Areas
  • Hybrid Methods for Hydrological Simulations Combining Physically and ML-Based Models
  • Reservoir Operation Optimization Using Advanced ML Methods
  • Integrative Data Analytics for Sustainable Water Resource Management
  • Innovative Digital Solutions for Water Systems
  • AI-informed NBSs for Flood Risk Reduction
  • Exploratory modelling of NBSs across different spatial scales
  • Decision-Support Systems for Water Resource Planning
  • Digital tools for improving ecological and human well-being in aquatic environments
  • Policy and Governance in Digital Water Management
  • Case Studies on Successful Digital Transformations in the Water Sector
  • Cybersecurity in Digital Water Systems
  • Digital Twins in Water Management
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality for Water Education


Key dates:

Deadline for manuscript submission: 1st June 2025

Expected publication: Articles will be published online as soon as possible after acceptance.


Managing Editor:

Veljko Prodanovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia


Guest Editors:

Milan Stojković, The Institute for Artificial Intelligence Research and Development of Serbia, Serbia

Guang Yang, Hohai University, China

Donghoon Lee, University of Manitoba, Canada

João P. Leitão, Swiss Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag), Switzerland

Tiantian Yang, School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, University of Oklahoma, USA


How to submit:

Please make sure that your paper follows the Instructions to Authors of the journal, before submitting your paper directly to Blue-Green System’s peer review system. Then choose the article type – ‘Special Issue Article OA’ and the submission category – Special Issue: Digital Water. This will send your paper to one of the Guest Editors.

Information about Publication Fees, discounts and waivers can be found here:

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