Treatment Wetlands
Treatment Wetlands is the seventh volume in the Biological Wastewater Treatment series, which gives a state-of-the-art presentation of the science and technology of sewage treatment. The major variants of wetland systems are covered in this volume, namely: (i) horizontal flow wetlands; (ii) vertical flow wetlands; (iii) French vertical flow wetlands; (iv) intensified wetlands; (v) free water surface wetlands; (vi) other applications of treatment wetlands. The book presents in a clear and didactic way the main concepts, working principles, expected performance, design criteria, design examples, construction aspects and operational guidelines. The book has been written by an international team of top experts in the field of treatment wetlands.
About the series:
This highly acclaimed series comprises seven textbooks – available in print or as Open Access ebooks – which provide a state-of-the-art presentation of the science and technology of biological wastewater treatment. All volumes of the series have been thoroughly used by students, researchers and practitioners in developed and developing countries.
Titles in the Biological Wastewater Treatment series:
Volume 1: Wastewater Characteristics, Treatment and Disposal
Volume 2: Basic Principles of Wastewater Treatment
Volume 3: Waste Stabilisation Ponds
Volume 4: Anaerobic Reactors
Volume 5: Activated Sludge and Aerobic Biofilm Reactors
Volume 6: Sludge Treatment and Disposal
Volume 7: Treatment Wetlands
This title belongs to Biological Wastewater Treatment Series
ISBN: 9781780408767 (Print)
ISBN: 9781780408774 (eBook)
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