Advances in Wastewater Treatment
Advances in Wastewater Treatment presents a compendium of the key topics surrounding wastewater treatment, assembled by looking at the future technologies, and provides future perspectives in wastewater treatment and modelling. It covers the fundamentals and innovative wastewater treatment processes (such as membrane bioreactors and granular process). Furthermore, it focuses attention on mathematical modelling aspects in the field of wastewater treatments by highlighting the key role of models in process design, operation and control. Other topics include:
Anaerobic digestion
Biological nutrient removal
Instrumentation, control and automation
Computational fluid dynamics in wastewater
IFAS systems
New frontiers in wastewater treatment
Greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater treatment
Each topic is addressed by discussing past, present and future trends.
Advances in Wastewater Treatment is a valid support for researchers, practitioners and also students to have a frame of the frontiers in wastewater treatment and modelling.
ISBN: 9781780409702 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9781780409719 (eBook)
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Primary treatment: Particle separation by rotating belt sievesByH. ØdegaardH. Ødegaard2Hallvard Ødegaard, Scandinavian Environmental Technology and NTNU, Trondheim, Norway (SET AS, Hellemsveien 421, N 7165 Oksvoll, Norway)Search for other works by this author on:
Chapter 2: Biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems with membranesByV. Parco;V. Parco1Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Department, University of Palermo, 90100, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:G. J. G. du Toit;G. J. G. du Toit2Water Research Group, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, Cape Town, South Africa ([email protected])Search for other works by this author on:G. A. EkamaG. A. Ekama2Water Research Group, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, Cape Town, South Africa ([email protected])Search for other works by this author on:
Chapter 4: Aerobic granular sludge: State of the art, applications, and new perspectivesByS. F. Corsino;S. F. Corsino1Department of Civil, Environmental, Aerospatial Engineering and Material, University of Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, building 8, 90128, Palermo - ItalySearch for other works by this author on:T. R. Devlin;T. R. Devlin2Department of Civil Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg - Canada, R3T 5V6Search for other works by this author on:J. A. Oleszkiewicz;J. A. Oleszkiewicz2Department of Civil Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg - Canada, R3T 5V6Search for other works by this author on:M. TorregrossaM. Torregrossa1Department of Civil, Environmental, Aerospatial Engineering and Material, University of Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, building 8, 90128, Palermo - ItalySearch for other works by this author on:
Chapter 6: Organic micropollutant controlByHansruedi Siegrist;Hansruedi Siegrist1Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, CH-8600 Dübendorf, SwitzerlandSearch for other works by this author on:Adriano Joss;Adriano Joss1Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, CH-8600 Dübendorf, SwitzerlandSearch for other works by this author on:Marc Boehler;Marc Boehler1Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, CH-8600 Dübendorf, SwitzerlandSearch for other works by this author on:Christa S. McArdell;Christa S. McArdell1Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, CH-8600 Dübendorf, SwitzerlandSearch for other works by this author on:Thomas TernesThomas Ternes2BfG, Federal Institute of Hydrology, D-56068 Koblenz, GermanySearch for other works by this author on:
Chapter 7: Anaerobic digestion processesByM. M. Yeshanew;M. M. Yeshanew1University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, via Di Biasio 43, 03043 Cassino, FR, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:G. Esposito;G. Esposito1University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, via Di Biasio 43, 03043 Cassino, FR, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:D. J. Batstone;D. J. Batstone2University of Queensland, Advanced Water Management Centre (AWMC), Level 4, Gehrmann Laboratories, Bldg. 60, Research Road, Brisbane 4072Search for other works by this author on:P. N. L. LensP. N. L. Lens3UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Westvest 7, 2611 AX Delft, The NetherlandsSearch for other works by this author on:
Chapter 8: Greenhouse gas emissions from membrane bioreactorsByG. Mannina;G. Mannina2Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering, Columbia University, 500 West 120th Street, New York, NY 10027, USASearch for other works by this author on:M. Capodici;M. Capodici1Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali, Università di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, Ed. 8, 90128, Palermo, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:A. Cosenza;A. Cosenza1Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali, Università di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, Ed. 8, 90128, Palermo, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:D. Di Trapani;D. Di Trapani1Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali, Università di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, Ed. 8, 90128, Palermo, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:M. C. M. van LoosdrechtM. C. M. van Loosdrecht3Department of Biotechnology, Delft University of Technology, Julianalaan 67, 2628 BC, Delft, NetherlandsSearch for other works by this author on:
Chapter 9: Mixing – new insights and opportunities through computational fluid dynamicsByI. Nopens;I. Nopens1BIOMATH, Department of Mathematical Modelling, Statistics and Bioinformatics, Ghent University, Gent, BelgiumSearch for other works by this author on:U. RehmanU. Rehman2AM-TEAM, Advanced modelling for process optimisation, Oktrooiplein 1, bus 603, 9000 Gent, BelgiumSearch for other works by this author on:
Chapter 10: Making water operations smarterByGustaf Olsson;Gustaf Olsson1Lund University, Sweden ([email protected])Search for other works by this author on:Pernille IngildsenPernille Ingildsen2Kalundborg Forsyning A/S, Kalundborg, Denmark ([email protected])Search for other works by this author on:
Chapter 11: Global sensitivity analysis in wastewater treatment modellingByG. Mannina;G. Mannina1Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali – Università di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, 90128 Palermo, Italy2Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering, Columbia University, 500 West 120th Street, New York, NY 10027, USASearch for other works by this author on:A. Cosenza;A. Cosenza1Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali – Università di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, 90128 Palermo, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:M. B. Neumann;M. B. Neumann3Basque Centre for Climate Change – BC3, Leioa, Spain4Ikerbasque, Basque Foundation for Science, Bilbao, SpainSearch for other works by this author on:P. A. VanrolleghemP. A. Vanrolleghem5modelEAU, Département de génie civil et de génie des eaux, Université Laval, 1065 av. de la Médecine, Québec (QC) G1V 0A6, Canada6CentrEau, Water Research Centre of Université Laval, Québec, QC, G1V 0A6, Canada ([email protected])Search for other works by this author on: