Membrane Biological Reactors: Theory, Modeling, Design, Management and Applications to Wastewater Reuse
The MBR market continues to experience a massive growth. The best practice in the field is constantly changing and unique quality requirements and management issues are regularly emerging. The second edition of Membrane Biological Reactors: Theory, Modeling, Design, Management and Applications to Wastewater Reuse comprehensively covers the salient features and emerging issues associated with the MBR technology. The book provides thorough coverage starting from biological aspects and fundamentals of membranes, via modeling and design concepts, to practitioners’ perspective and good application examples.
In the second edition, the chapters have been updated to cover the recently emerged issues. Particularly, the book presents the current status of the technology including market drivers/restraints and development trend. Process fundamentals (both the biological and membrane components) have received in-depth coverage in the new edition. A new chapter has been added to provide a stronger focus on reuse applications in general and the decisive role of MBR in the entire reuse chain. The second edition also comes with a new chapter containing practical design problems to complement the concepts communicated throughout the book. Other distinguishing features of the new edition are coverage of novel developments and hybrid processes for specialised wastewaters, energy efficiency and sustainability of the process, aspects of MBR process automation and recent material on case studies.
The new edition is a valuable reference to the academic and professional community and suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology.
ISBN: 9781780409160 (paperback)
ISBN: 9781780409177 (eBook)
ISBN: 9781780409184 (ePub)
Chapter 10: Gas-diffusion, extractive, biocatalytic, and electrochemical membrane biological reactors
Published:July 2019
Oskar Modin, Faisal I. Hai, Long D. Nghiem, Angelo Basile, Kensuke Fukushi, 2019. "Gas-diffusion, extractive, biocatalytic, and electrochemical membrane biological reactors", Membrane Biological Reactors: Theory, Modeling, Design, Management and Applications to Wastewater Reuse, Faisal I. Hai, Kazuo Yamamoto, Chung-Hak Lee
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