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Stormwater control measures (SCMs), also frequently referred to as sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS), are of growing importance in cities, as part of a global move towards mitigating the impacts of stormwater on receiving environments. They need to be monitored as parts of UDSM systems but require specific and sometimes innovative methods and sensors. This is particularly the case for SCMs such as swales, rain-gardens, bioretention filters, infiltration trenches, green roofs, etc., which have complex and varied configurations and hydrologic behaviour. This chapter deals with measuring the water balance in SCMs by accounting for its various components: inflows, outflows, overflows, storage, infiltration, exfiltration, intrusion, evaporation, and evapotranspiration. It presents a range of suitable methods and tools, indicates key points to consider, and discusses possible difficulties in obtaining accurate monitoring data. Routine monitoring of decentralized and diversified SCMs is still an emerging field for both researchers and practitioners. A significant evolution is therefore expected with its generalization in the next years.

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