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This chapter covers the main aspects of data archiving, as the last phase of data handling in the process of urban drainage and stormwater management metrology. Data archiving is the process of preparing and storing the data for future use, usually not executed by the personnel who acquired the data. A data archive (also known as a data repository) can be defined as storage of a selected subset of raw, processed, validated and resampled data, with descriptions and other meta-data, linked to simulation results, if there are any. A data archive should be equipped with tools for search and data extraction along with procedures for data management, in order to maintain the database quality for an extended period of time. It is recommended, mostly for security reasons, to separate (both in a physical and in a digital sense) the archive database from the working database. This chapter provides the reader with relevant information about the most important issues related to data archive design, the archiving process and data characteristics regarding archiving. Also, the importance of good and comprehensive meta-data is underlined throughout the chapter. The management of a data archive is evaluated with a special focus on predicting future resources needed to keep the archive updated, secure, available, and in compliance with legal demands and limitations. At the end, a set of recommendations for creating and maintaining a data archive in the scope of urban drainage is given.

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