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Water is an integral component of several sustainable development goals: SDG-2 (zero hunger); SDG-6 (clean water and sanitation); SDG-11 (sustainable cities and communities) and SDG-12 (responsible consumption and production). It is used in four major sectors: agricultural; domestic; industrial and ecological, and these needs could often be conflicting with each other. Further, there is a significant temporal and spatial variation in the availability of fresh water in India and in many countries in the Global South. Many countries in the Global South are already facing a major water crisis due to stressors such as increasing population and climate change, among others. Therefore, it is important to manage the scarcely available water in a sustainable way to not only meet the present needs, but also the needs of future generations. In this chapter, we briefly discuss the impending water crisis in India and other nations in the Global South and how to achieve water sustainability, both in urban and rural areas. We discuss index-based methods for measuring sustainability. We also discuss the challenges to achieve water sustainability and the way forward.

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