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Planned water management is inevitable in India's path towards sustainable development. Rapid urbanization and population growth have resulted in significant amounts of wastewater being generated and severe water pollution-related issues in the country. Given the scarcity of freshwater resources and the extent of pollution, it is essential to implement and maximize safe wastewater reuse. The primary impediment to reaching this goal is the enormous disparity between treatment capacity and wastewater generation. Only effective water usage and wastewater reuse practices will help to meet future water demand. Enforcing zero liquid discharge and stringent regulations to ensure treated wastewater quality are necessary to optimally reuse industrial wastewater. The release of untreated industrial wastewater into municipal sewerage system must be prevented. Selection of the appropriate treatment units, operation and maintenance, and real-time monitoring of wastewater quality are the key measures in ensuring the treated wastewater quality. Moreover, the current wastewater treatment methods need to be modified or upgraded to remove the toxic and emerging contaminants too. This chapter discusses the role of domestic and industrial effluents in water pollution, the challenges encountered, and regulations and policies related to water management. Examples of wastewater reuse and zero liquid discharge are also included in the chapter.

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