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It is projected that by 2025, more than 50% of the population in the Global South will be living in urban areas accounting for a population of 3.75 billion. As the resources are limited, expanding cities in the Global South are facing severe crisis with regard to resource depletion, lack of space, equitable access to critical infrastructure, among other problems. Moreover, the existing infrastructure is aged and is in a dilapidated condition, requiring immediate attention. Adequate supply of water is not only important for living, but also from the perspective of hygiene, public health and control of diseases. However, despite the provision of adequate water, the incommensurate mismanagement of wastewater leads to non-hygienic conditions. Thus, provision of water supply infrastructure should necessarily go hand in hand with appropriate collection and management of wastewater. Further, management of rainwater and prevention of urban flooding through appropriate implementation of storm water drainage is crucial. In this chapter, we review the current status of urban water infrastructure in India. The review includes domestic water supply systems, sewerage systems and storm water drainage systems. The challenges that are being faced towards the evolution of water-sensitive urban areas are identified, and the way forward for surmounting those challenges is proposed.

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