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Urban drainage operation, management and rehabilitation can be divided into two distinct segments: traditional grey infrastructures (i.e. pipes and associated components) and green infrastructures. For piped systems this boils down to maintaining the operational safety, stability and tightness of the sewers and special structures. However, this chapter provides an overview on both realms and highlights that, while there is a lot of standardization for grey infrastructures, the knowledge on green ones is much more fractured. They are often composed of both engineered and natural elements such as pipes, flow control systems, vegetation, micro-organisms in the soil or growing media, and also deliver a broad range of beneficial services to our communities and their inhabitants. Existing terminology for pipe networks is adapted by defining a similar distinction for green infrastructures based on the severity of the necessary actions. There will be no focus on other special structures and machinery. Adopting these distinctions, this chapter consists of three parts: (1) pipe network operation and maintenance (O&M), (2) structural rehabilitation of pipe networks and the connected manholes and (3) green infrastructure rehabilitation including O&M focusing on some examples. Consequently, this chapter can be used as guidance on available technologies, existing guidelines and research gaps.

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