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eBooks Gateway | IWA Publishing

  1. Groundwater Management in Large River Basins
  2. Inspection Guidelines for Ferrous Force Mains
  3. Factors for Success in Developing Use Attainability Analysis
  4. The Adaptiveness of IWRM: Analysing European IWRM research
  5. Water Reuse: An International Survey of current practice, issues and needs
  6. Evaluation of Bacterial Pathogen and Indicator Densities After Dewatering of Anaerobically Digested Biosolids Phase II and III
  7. Develop and Demonstrate Fundamental Basis for Selectors to Improve Activated Sludge Settleability: Phase II Lab Investigation
  8. Pathways for Sustainable Sanitation Achieving the Millennium Development Goals
  9. Health Impact Assessment for Sustainable Water Management
  10. Effective Cross-Border Monitoring Systems for Waterborne Microbial Pathogens
  11. Biological Nitrogen Removal Activated Sludge Process in Warm Climates
  12. Biological Wastewater Treatment: Principles, Modelling and Design
  13. DayWater: an Adaptive Decision Support System for Urban Stormwater Management
  14. Performance Assessment of Urban Infrastructure Services
  15. Reform of China's Urban Water Sector
  16. Restoring Floodplains in Europe: Policy contexts and project experiences
  17. Institutional Governance and Regulation of Water Services
  18. Risk Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities
  19. Guidelines for the Identification of Ciliates in Wastewater Treatment Plants
  20. Silver Biotic Ligand Model (BLM): Refinement of an Acute BLM for Silver
  21. Protocols for Studying Wet Weather Impacts and Urbanization Patterns
  22. Disinfection of Wastewater Effluent—Comparison of Alternative Technologies
  23. Emergency Communications with Your Local Government and Community
  24. Biosolids Processing Modifications for Cake Odor Reduction (Phase 3 of Identifying and Controlling the Municipal Wastewater Environment)
  25. Factors Affecting the Performance of Primary Treatment in Onsite Systems
  26. Minimization of Odors and Corrosion in Collection Systems
  27. Research Digest: Bioassessment: A Tool for Managing Aquatic Life Uses for Urban Streams
  28. LOWRGREP: Landscape-use optimisation with regards to the groundwater resources protection in mountain hardrock areas
  29. Research Digest: Promoting Equitable Consideration of Decentralized Wastewater Options
  30. Analysis of Existing Community-Sized Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems
  31. Technical Brief: Trace Organic Compounds and Implications for Wastewater Treatment
  32. Innovation in Dewatering Sludges
  33. Biosolids Samples processing for Analyses of Pathogens
  34. Protocols for Assessing Condition and Performance of Water and Wastewater Assets
  35. Epidemiologic Surveillance and Investigation of Symptoms of Illness by Neighbors of Biosolids Land Application Sites
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