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eBooks Gateway | IWA Publishing

  1. Bioelectrochemical Systems: From Extracellular Electron Transfer to Biotechnological Application
  2. Making Public Enterprises Work: From Despair to Promise: A Turn Around Account
  3. Principles of Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes
  4. Strategic Asset Management of Water Supply and Wastewater Infrastructures
  5. Climate Change and Water
  6. Waterborne Pathogens: Comprehensive Review for the Drinking Water Industry
  7. Alternative Water Management and Self-Sufficient Water Supplies
  8. Water Framework Directive: Model supported Implementation A Water Manager's Guide
  9. FISH Handbook for Biological Wastewater Treatment
  10. TECHNEAU: Safe Drinking Water from Source to Tap State of the art & Perspectives
  11. Environmental Technologies to Treat Nitrogen Pollution
  12. International Conference on Nutrient Recovery from Wastewater Streams (Vancouver, 2009)
  13. Southeast Asian Water Environment 3
  14. Public and Private Participation in the Water and Wastewater Sector
  15. Industrial Wastewater Treatment by Activated Sludge
  16. State of the Science: Review of Quantitative Tools to Determine Wastewater Soil Treatment Unit Performance
  17. Modeling Onsite Wastewater Systems at the Watershed Scale: A User's Guide
  18. Decentralized Stormwater Controls for Urban Retrofit and Combined Sewer Overflow Reduction, Phase 2
  19. Estimation of Mercury Bioaccumulation Potential from Wastewater Treatment Plants in Receiving Waters: Phase 1
  20. An Investigation into Biosoilds Sampling and Handling Methods for U.S. EPA-Approved Microbial Detection Techniques
  21. Estimation of Mercury Bioaccumulation Potential from Wastewater Treatment Plants in Receiving Waters: Phase 2
  22. Communication Principles and Practices, Public Perception and Message Effectiveness
  23. Contributions of Household Chemicals to Sewage and Their Relevance to Municipal Wastewater Systems and the Environment
  24. Fats, Roots, Oils, and Grease (FROG) in Centralized and Decentralized Systems
  25. Low Phosphorus Analytical Measurement Study
  26. Collection System Ventilation
  27. Sustainable Technology for Achieving Very Low Nitrogen and Phosphorus Effluent Levels
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