Due to the depletion of natural resources including land and water as a result of rapid population increase, industrialisation, and urbanisation, effective resource management is essential for long-term development. The Kinnerasani Watershed in Telangana State was chosen for the research based on morphological analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), and land use/land cover (LULC) analysis in this study. A catchment's morphometric characteristics, PCA, and LULC analysis can be estimated using geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) approaches. The watershed generated 24 sub-watersheds (SWs) in all (SW1–SW24). SWs were ranked using morphometric features, PCA, and LULC features. To determine the final priority of SWs, several morphometric characteristics, including linear, shape, and relief aspects, have been estimated for each SW and given ranks based on compound parameter values. To prioritise SWs, the PCA was used to extract five parameters from morphometric characteristics. The LULC analysis used four characteristics to prioritise the SWs. SW3, SW9, and SW12 have been prioritised for morphometric analysis; SW2 and SW3 have been prioritised for PCA; and SW17, SW19, SW23, and SW24 have been prioritised for LULC analysis. The common SWs within each priority according to three different methodologies are SW4, SW6, SW10, SW13, SW15, and SW21. The results show that the high-priority locations have greater runoff and soil erosion issues, so it is essential to design and implement watershed management techniques such as check dams, construction of farm ponds, and construction of earthen embankments in these areas. The decision-making authorities might use the findings to plan and implement watershed management initiatives to minimise soil erosion in high-priority locations.

  • Sub-watershed prioritisation using GIS and RS approaches is essential for better watershed management.

  • Novel methods like PCA and LULC were introduced to prioritise sub-watersheds.

  • The decision-making authorities may utilise the findings to plan and implement watershed management activities to prevent soil erosion in high-priority locations.

Graphical Abstract

Graphical Abstract
Graphical Abstract

Geomorphometric is a quantitative land surface study science that uses statistical, mathematical, and image analysis techniques to assess the morphology, hydrology, ecology, and other features of any geographical location (Obi et al. 2002). The assessment and quantitative examination of the planet's surface layout, structure, and size of features is known as morphology (Clarke 1966; Agarwal 1998). According to multiple morphometric studies, drainage basin morphology reflects various geomorphological and geological processes across time, which is a well-acknowledged morphometric principle (Strahler 1952; Miller 1953).

The drainage divide is the drainage catchment or basin's physical boundary. All locations above the elevation of the outlet and inside the drainage divide that separates adjacent watersheds are included in the watershed area (Banerjee et al. 2015). A catchment's classification is determined by its size, drainage, form, and land use pattern. There are many types of watersheds, including mini watersheds, micro watersheds, milli watersheds, sub-watersheds (SWs), and macro watersheds (Singh 1994). Morphometric analysis is beneficial for watershed studies because it demonstrates the connection between numerous characteristics of a river catchment, such as the order of a stream and the length of the stream (Sreedevi et al. 2005). In addition, watershed management has raised awareness of the planet's natural resources, including water and soil (Redvan & Mustafa 2021).

The size, structure, gradient, drainage density, and other catchment features can be linked to different hydrological measurements (Singh et al. 2021). As a result, morphometric studies reveal details concerning the production of a wide range of ground-level processes (Singh 1992), which can be effectively depicted through the assessment of the relief feature, the shape or aerial feature, and the linear feature (Nautiyal 1994). Using traditional techniques, the drainage features of numerous river catchments and sub-basins around the world have been investigated (Horton 1945; Strahler 1957, 1964). Geomorphic parameters and morphometric aspects can be used to assess the drainage system's surface runoff and flow intensity (Ozdemir & Bird 2009).

For the morphometric study, geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) techniques can be utilised to measure the linear feature, areal feature, and relief feature of a watershed (Bogale 2021; Khan et al. 2021). In comparison to the traditional method (Horton 1945), the incorporation of GIS approaches is very appropriate for morphometric evaluation. Numerous morphometric investigations have been conducted in numerous places around the globe, as well as in India's several river basins (Chalam et al. 1996; Chaudhary & Sharma 1998), and they have all come to the same conclusion: GISs are an effective approach for investigating catchment morphology (Prakash et al. 2019). Many watershed features have been investigated using the traditional approach, which is time-consuming and inconvenient (Strahler 1954, 1957). The morphometric assessments of natural drainage and their drainage network assessments may be done more precisely and inexpensively with the advancement of RS and GIS (Arabameri et al. 2020).

To highlight the catchment's natural qualities related to the primary issue of interest, geomorphometric criteria are mostly used in prioritising analysis. According to Malik & Bhat (2014), geomorphometric parameters could be used with other thematic maps to identify the optimal region for soil and water conservation and watershed prioritisation. Additional thematic maps that focus on managerial features, which are human-made, are provided. It has been considered a management factor for prioritising because the change in land use has an impact on the hydrological process, particularly in the acceleration of soil erosion (Javed et al. 2009). Geomorphometric and land use/land cover (LULC) data were combined by Puno & Puno (2019) to identify watersheds for conservation in the Philippines. Geomorphometric and land use/landcover data were utilised in a study by Javed et al. (2011) that looked at prioritising SWs using RS and GIS techniques.

Previous research has mainly used a standard compound value for the analysis method of prioritising, which is calculated by averaging the starting ranks of importance for all parameters (Aher et al. 2014). However, principal component analysis (PCA) has been utilised to inform a few investigations (Farhan et al. 2017; Meshram & Sharma 2018). The authors (Sharma et al. 2015; Arefn et al. 2020) proposed reducing the dimension of morphometric parameters based on the PCA and finding variables that largely account for the variance exhibited in a variety of metrics. Examples of multivariate statistical methods that can be used to pinpoint the underlying components or variables that largely account for system fluctuations include factor analysis (Shrestha & Kazama 2007). They are created to condense a large number of components into a condensed set of features while maintaining the linkages between the actual data.

The regionalisation of the hydrologic models is made easier by recent geomorphologic research. The study of the geomorphologic properties of such catchments becomes significantly more relevant because the majority of catchments are either ungauged or lack appropriate data (Sharma et al. 2009). Due to the acceleration of watershed management programmes for the protection, development, and good use of all-natural resources, including soil and water, the demand for precise information on watershed runoff and sediment output has expanded significantly over the past few decades (Mishra et al. 2013).

The Kinnerasani watershed was chosen for this study because no previous investigations have been conducted. For this study's SW prioritisation, morphometric analysis, PCA and LULC analysis for soil, water conservation, and natural resource management were taken into consideration. Furthermore, the study uses these three methods to identify the SWs related to the common priority.

The location of the Kinnerasani catchment is depicted in Figure 1. The Kinnerasani catchment lies between longitudes 80 °10′0′′ and 81 °50′0′′ east, and longitudes 17 °10′0′′ and 18 °10′0′′ north. The Kinnerasani River's outlet can be found at longitudes of 80 °53′48′′ east and latitudes of 17 °38′15′′ north. The catchment area covers 3,316 km2 in total. According to the shuttle radar topography mission digital elevation model (SRTM-DEM), the height of the Kinnerasani River basin spans from 38 to 784 m above sea level.
Figure 1

The Kinnerasani catchment's location.

Figure 1

The Kinnerasani catchment's location.

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Morphometric analysis

As represented in Figure 2, the processing of DEM entails fill, flow direction, flow accumulation, stream definition, stream to features, and so on. SWs are categorised based on stream order, stream number, etc., using ArcGIS 10.8.2 software. Linear, relief, and aerial aspects of morphometric aspects were calculated and categorised. Numerous empirical techniques are used to determine these features, as given in Table 1. The Kinnerasani catchment's linear features (SW1–SW24) were determined and are shown in Table 2. The next stage is to determine the rank of each feature in every SW after obtaining all the morphometric values. The following stage is to evaluate the value of the compound parameter (Cp) based on ranking and features. The SWs were categorised into three categories: high, medium, and low after the Cp values were calculated.
Table 1

Methods or formulae

Parameters or featuresMethods or formulaeUnits
Linear aspects 
Stream order (UHierarchical rank Dimensionless 
Stream number (NuNu = Nu1 + Nu2 + ··· + Nun Dimensionless 
Stream length (LuLu = Lu1 + Lu2 + ··· + Lun Kilometre (km) 
Mean stream length (LsmLsm = (Lu/NuKilometre (km) 
Bifurcation ratio (RbRb = (Nu/Nu + 1) Dimensionless 
Stream length ratio (RlRl = (Lu/Lu − 1) Dimensionless 
Constant of channel maintenance (CcmCcm = (1/Ddkm2/km 
Mean bifurcation ratio (RbmAverage of bifurcation ratio of all orders Dimensionless 
Stream frequency (FsFs = (km−2 
Mean stream length ratio (RlmAverage of the stream length ratio of all orders Dimensionless 
Infiltration number (IfIf = (Fs × Ddkm−3 
Length of overland flow (LoLo = (1/(2Dd)) Kilometre (km) 
Drainage texture (DtDt = (/Pkm−1 
Drainage intensity (DiDi = (Fs/Ddkm−1 
RHO coefficient ( = (Rlm/RbmDimensionless 
Drainage density (DdDd = ( /Akm/km2 
Relief aspects 
Minimum elevation (hGIS software Meter 
Relative relief (RhpRhp = (H × 100/PDimensionless 
Maximum elevation (HGIS software Meter 
Ruggedness number (RnRn = (Bh × DdDimensionless 
Relief ratio (RhRh = (Bh/LbDimensionless 
Relief (BhBh = (HhKilometre (km) 
Areal/shape aspects 
Basin length (LbLb = (1.312 × A0.568Kilometre (km) 
Elongation ratio (ReRe = (2*(A/π)0.5)/ Lb; where π = 3.14 Dimensionless 
Perimeter of the watershed (PGIS software Kilometre (km) 
Lemniscate ratio (KK = (Lb2 /4ADimensionless 
Area of watershed (AGIS software km2 
Form factor (FfFf = (A/Lb2Dimensionless 
Circulatory ratio (RcRc = 4πA/P2 Dimensionless 
Hypsometric analysis 
Elevation to relief ratio (EE = (Mean elevation − Minimum elevation/Maximum elevation − Minimum elevation) Dimensionless 
Parameters or featuresMethods or formulaeUnits
Linear aspects 
Stream order (UHierarchical rank Dimensionless 
Stream number (NuNu = Nu1 + Nu2 + ··· + Nun Dimensionless 
Stream length (LuLu = Lu1 + Lu2 + ··· + Lun Kilometre (km) 
Mean stream length (LsmLsm = (Lu/NuKilometre (km) 
Bifurcation ratio (RbRb = (Nu/Nu + 1) Dimensionless 
Stream length ratio (RlRl = (Lu/Lu − 1) Dimensionless 
Constant of channel maintenance (CcmCcm = (1/Ddkm2/km 
Mean bifurcation ratio (RbmAverage of bifurcation ratio of all orders Dimensionless 
Stream frequency (FsFs = (km−2 
Mean stream length ratio (RlmAverage of the stream length ratio of all orders Dimensionless 
Infiltration number (IfIf = (Fs × Ddkm−3 
Length of overland flow (LoLo = (1/(2Dd)) Kilometre (km) 
Drainage texture (DtDt = (/Pkm−1 
Drainage intensity (DiDi = (Fs/Ddkm−1 
RHO coefficient ( = (Rlm/RbmDimensionless 
Drainage density (DdDd = ( /Akm/km2 
Relief aspects 
Minimum elevation (hGIS software Meter 
Relative relief (RhpRhp = (H × 100/PDimensionless 
Maximum elevation (HGIS software Meter 
Ruggedness number (RnRn = (Bh × DdDimensionless 
Relief ratio (RhRh = (Bh/LbDimensionless 
Relief (BhBh = (HhKilometre (km) 
Areal/shape aspects 
Basin length (LbLb = (1.312 × A0.568Kilometre (km) 
Elongation ratio (ReRe = (2*(A/π)0.5)/ Lb; where π = 3.14 Dimensionless 
Perimeter of the watershed (PGIS software Kilometre (km) 
Lemniscate ratio (KK = (Lb2 /4ADimensionless 
Area of watershed (AGIS software km2 
Form factor (FfFf = (A/Lb2Dimensionless 
Circulatory ratio (RcRc = 4πA/P2 Dimensionless 
Hypsometric analysis 
Elevation to relief ratio (EE = (Mean elevation − Minimum elevation/Maximum elevation − Minimum elevation) Dimensionless 
Table 2

Kinnerasani catchment's linear features

SWStream order (U) (maximum)Stream number NuStream length LuMean stream length LsmMean bifurcation ratio RbmMean stream length ratio Rlm
SW1 96 127 24.56 4.90 0.58 
SW2 130 186 33.39 5.02 0.64 
SW3 192 161 12.40 4.41 0.54 
SW4 50 79 17.45 3.94 0.57 
SW5 113 141 12.05 3.63 0.52 
SW6 102 161 21.66 4.31 0.60 
SW7 69 93 15.14 4.17 1.34 
SW8 135 158 11.41 3.75 0.52 
SW9 90 108 17.94 4.74 0.50 
SW10 51 73 11.35 3.67 0.49 
SW11 79 88 13.92 4.03 0.58 
SW12 72 95 17.73 8.23 0.55 
SW13 62 114 25.04 4.01 0.63 
SW14 101 211 21.68 4.60 0.41 
SW15 96 144 18.12 3.05 0.77 
SW16 48 72 17.81 3.50 0.74 
SW17 77 94 16.92 3.96 0.65 
SW18 51 144 29.40 7.00 0.56 
SW19 60 168 17.95 3.59 0.40 
SW20 79 125 14.86 3.93 0.47 
SW21 73 163 27.47 3.76 0.66 
SW22 40 81 19.88 5.75 0.71 
SW23 31 88 29.42 5.00 0.81 
SW24 25 78 21.90 5.00 0.54 
SWStream order (U) (maximum)Stream number NuStream length LuMean stream length LsmMean bifurcation ratio RbmMean stream length ratio Rlm
SW1 96 127 24.56 4.90 0.58 
SW2 130 186 33.39 5.02 0.64 
SW3 192 161 12.40 4.41 0.54 
SW4 50 79 17.45 3.94 0.57 
SW5 113 141 12.05 3.63 0.52 
SW6 102 161 21.66 4.31 0.60 
SW7 69 93 15.14 4.17 1.34 
SW8 135 158 11.41 3.75 0.52 
SW9 90 108 17.94 4.74 0.50 
SW10 51 73 11.35 3.67 0.49 
SW11 79 88 13.92 4.03 0.58 
SW12 72 95 17.73 8.23 0.55 
SW13 62 114 25.04 4.01 0.63 
SW14 101 211 21.68 4.60 0.41 
SW15 96 144 18.12 3.05 0.77 
SW16 48 72 17.81 3.50 0.74 
SW17 77 94 16.92 3.96 0.65 
SW18 51 144 29.40 7.00 0.56 
SW19 60 168 17.95 3.59 0.40 
SW20 79 125 14.86 3.93 0.47 
SW21 73 163 27.47 3.76 0.66 
SW22 40 81 19.88 5.75 0.71 
SW23 31 88 29.42 5.00 0.81 
SW24 25 78 21.90 5.00 0.54 
Figure 2

Flow chart of morphometric analysis.

Figure 2

Flow chart of morphometric analysis.

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Principal component analysis (PCA)

PCA was utilised to evaluate one of the important morphometric characteristics for prioritising catchments based on characteristics that are highly correlated with components. Using statistical programme for the social sciences (SPSS) version 22.0 software, the 18 morphometric characteristics were reduced to 5 important components in current research. The rotated component matrix reveals that each component considers one highly correlated characteristic. After utilising the PCA approach to obtain five parameters, the following step is to rank each SW feature. The following stage is to determine the Cp value. The SWs were classified into three categories based on their Cp values: high, medium, and low.

Land use/land cover (LULC) analysis

Using 2020 land cover Sentinel-2 imagery from the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), the LULC mapping was done at the SW level. The LULC categories were determined based on the ESRI land cover. Based on a common criterion that applies to each SW, the LULC categories are taken into consideration for prioritising SWs. The Cp value should be calculated next. Based on the SWs' Cp values, three categories, high, medium, and low, were created.

Morphometric investigation of Kinnerasani SWs

Each SW of the Kinnerasani is classified into three categories for examination and analysis: linear, relief, and shape features.

Linear features

The stream order, stream length, RHO coefficient, and other linear aspects of catchment morphometric analysis are discussed here.

Stream order (U)

‘Order of the stream’ is the process of determining a stream's position in a hierarchy of streams and branches. The stream ordering method was originally created by Horton (1945), but it was updated and published by Strahler (1952). Strahler's approach is utilised to order streams in this current study, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3

Stream order of 24 sub-watersheds.

Figure 3

Stream order of 24 sub-watersheds.

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Stream number (Nu)

The number of stream segments in a single order is calculated individually and is referred to as the ‘stream number of that order’ (Horton 1945). As the order of the stream gets higher, the stream's number decreases. The order of the streams and the stream number in the respective order have a negative connection.

Bifurcation ratio (Rb)

According to Schumm (1956), it is the ratio of the overall number of stream segments of one order to the next maximum order in a river catchment, and it is associated with the arrangement of branches of a river system. SW12 has a maximum value in this study, whereas SW24 has a minimum value.

Stream length (Lu)

The overall length of every order's distinct stream segments is called the order's stream length. It is computed by classifying the overall distance of every stream in a specific order by the stream number in that order to get the average distance of a stream in each order (Horton 1945). In the present research, SW14 has a maximum stream length and SW16 has a minimum stream length.

Mean stream length (Lsm)

It is determined by multiplying the overall length of order's stream by the overall number of segments in the order (Strahler 1964). In the present research, SW2 has a maximum Lsm and SW10 has a minimum Lsm.

Stream length ratio (Rl)

It is the ratio of the average stream length of the current order to that of the next smaller order. In the current study, SW7 has a maximum stream length ratio and SW24 has a minimum stream length ratio.

Mean bifurcation ratio (Rbm)

In order to arrive at a more accurate Rb, Strahler (1954) used a weighted average ratio of bifurcation, which was calculated by multiplying the Rb for every successive set of patterns by the overall number of streams occupied in the ratio. In the present research, SW12 has a maximum mean bifurcation ratio and SW13 has a minimum mean bifurcation ratio.

Stream frequency (Fs)

The overall amount of passage segments of all stream patterns in each unit area is called stream frequency. In the present research, SW3 has a maximum stream frequency and SW24 has a minimum stream frequency.

Drainage density (Dd)

According to Horton (1945), it is described as the length of streams in each unit area. The five classifications of drainage densities are: very coarse (is less than 2), coarse (is between 2 and 4), moderate (is between 4 and 6), fine (is between 6 and 8), and very fine (is greater than 8) (Strahler 1964). In the present research, SW3 has a maximum Dd and SW24 has a minimum Dd.

Drainage texture (Dt)

It is the overall amount of stream segments of all orders in a catchment to the catchment's perimeter. SW3 has the maximum value, whereas SW24 has the minimum value in this present research.

Length of overland flow (Lo)

According to Schumm (1956), the maximum result of the Lo indicates maximum surface runoff, and the minimum result of the Lo shows minimum surface runoff. In the present research, SW24 has a maximum Lo and SW3 has a minimum Lo.

RHO coefficient (ρ)

It is a significant measure that links Dd to the physiographic improvement of a catchment, making it easier to assess the drainage network's storage capacity and, as a result, a predictor of the watershed's eventual degree of drainage development (Horton 1945). In the present research, SW12 has a maximum RHO coefficient and SW7 has a minimum RHO coefficient.

Drainage intensity (Di)

According to Faniran (1968), it is described as the ratio of Fs to Dd. Di is the symbol for it. In the present research, SW3 has a maximum drainage intensity and SW24 has a minimum drainage intensity.

Infiltration number (If)

According to Faniran (1968), it is the product of Fs and Dd. If is the symbol for it. In the present research, SW3 has a maximum If and SW24 has a minimum If.

Constant of channel maintenance (Ccm)

It was first proposed by Schumm (1956). It is the reverse of Dd. In the present research, SW24 has a maximum Ccm and SW3 has a minimum Ccm.

Relief features

The relief features of the relief, the relief ratio, the relative relief, and the roughness number have all been determined.

Relief (Bh)

It is the difference in elevation between catchment's upper and lower points (outlet). In the present research, SW21 has a maximum relief and SW24 has a minimum relief.

Relief ratio (Rh)

It is the ratio of catchment's overall relief to its longest dimension that is similar to the major drainage line (Schumm 1956). In the present research, SW4 has a maximum relief ratio and SW18 has a minimum relief ratio.

Relative relief (Rhp)

From the maximum level on the catchment perimeter to the stream's mouth, the maximum basin relief was achieved (Melton 1957). In the present research, SW4 has a maximum Rhp and SW14 has a minimum Rhp.

Ruggedness number (Rn)

It is the product of higher catchment relief and Dd, both of which are measured in the same unit. In the present research, SW3 has a maximum ruggedness number and SW24 has a minimum ruggedness number, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4

Eighteen morphometric parameters.

Figure 4

Eighteen morphometric parameters.

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Areal or shape features

It refers to the overall region estimated on a horizontal plane that contributes overland flow to the canal segment of the provided order, which contains all lower-order branches. It includes the form factor, circularity ratio, and elongation ratio.

Area of watershed (A)

The watershed region is defined as the area enclosed by the catchment boundary. It has a direct impact on the amount of runoff produced by a watershed. A total area of 3,316 km2 is covered by the watershed. It is the most important parameter because it provides a precise estimate of how much water is available in a watershed. Greater size intercepts more precipitation, which results in increased runoff and peak discharge. The maximum floods and sedimentation have occasionally been observed in smaller sizes. This is due to various watershed features such as stream networks, length, relief features, and so on. In this study, the watershed delineation was done using the SRTM-DEM. The steps involved in processing a DEM, such as fill, flow accumulation, flow direction, stream definition, stream to features, and so on. SWs (SW1–SW24) were created using ArcGIS 10.8.2. According to Figure 5, the area of the SWs in this study ranges from 68.21 to 272.92 km2, with SW19 being the largest and SW16 being the smallest.
Figure 5

Areas of sub-watersheds.

Figure 5

Areas of sub-watersheds.

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Perimeter of a watershed (P)

The watershed perimeter is the watershed's outer edge that encloses its territory. It can be used to determine the shape and size of a watershed by measuring it along the divide between neighbouring watersheds. The elongation ratio and circulation ratio are two features that are influenced by the perimeter of a watershed. Figure 6 shows that the perimeter varies between 61.96 and 141.29 km, with SW10 having the smallest and SW18 having the longest.
Figure 6

Perimeter of sub-watersheds.

Figure 6

Perimeter of sub-watersheds.

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Basin length (Lb)

According to Schumm (1956), the longest dimension of a watershed is parallel to the main drainage channel. It represents the watershed's main channel, which carries the bulk of the water. The mathematical equation in the current study provides the basin length, as indicated in Table 2 (Nookaratnam et al. 2005). According to Figure 7, SW19 had the longest and SW16 had the shortest SWs, with the length of the SWs in this study ranging from 14.44 to 31.74 km.
Figure 7

Watershed length of sub-watersheds.

Figure 7

Watershed length of sub-watersheds.

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Circulatory ratio (Rc)

According to Miller (1953), it is the ratio of catchment's region to the region of a circle with the same circumference as the catchment's perimeter. In the present research, SW12 has a maximum Rc and SW3 has a minimum Rc.

Elongation ratio (Re)

It is the ratio of the diameter in a circle of the same region as the catchment to the catchment's maximum length (Schumm 1956). In the present research, SW16 has a maximum Re and SW14 has a minimum Re.

Form factor (Ff)

It is the ratio of the catchment region to the square of the catchment distance. According to Horton (1932), the intensity of the flow of a catchment in a specific area is represented by this factor. The basin would be extended as the Ff value decreases. Maximum peak flows of a shorter span occur in a catchment with high form factors, whereas minimum peak flows of a longer span occur in extended catchments with low form factors. In the present research, SW16 has a maximum Ff and SW14 has a minimum Ff.

Lemniscate ratio (K)

According to Chorley et al. (1957), the gradient of the catchment is determined by the Lemniscate value. In the present research, SW19 has a maximum K and SW16 has a minimum K.

Hypsometric analysis

The structure of the curve of hypsometric provides comparative insights into the previous erosional environment of distinct catchments under similar climatic conditions and roughly comparable areas (Willgoose 1994). Depending on the values obtained from the hypsometric integral (HI) erosional cycle, Strahler (1952) defines the monadnock or old stage as having an HI value of less than 0.3, the mature stage as having HI values of between 0.3 and 0.6, and the young stage as having an HI value greater than 0.6 (Shekar & Aneesh Mathew 2022b). The altitude range of the Kinnerasani catchment was separated by using the natural break method, and the catchment area ratio was determined for each interval to obtain the HI. The HI was calculated by utilising Pike & Wilson's (1971) method (Table 1), and the result of the HI was 0.28, indicating that the soil was monadnock or old stage. The elevation chart of the Kinnerasani catchment is shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8

Kinnerasani catchment's hypsometric curve.

Figure 8

Kinnerasani catchment's hypsometric curve.

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SW prioritisation based on morphometric analysis

The most essential quantitative morphometric features for this research are identified and utilised. The three types of morphometric features (linear, relief, and shape) have been used to rank highly vulnerable SWs since they are associated with surface overflow and the possibility of soil erosion either directly or indirectly (Nookaratnam et al. 2005; Javed et al. 2009). The most erodible soil in a basin is indicated by the most significant value of the relief and linear features. As a result, the SW with the highest value receives a rank of 1 and so on. On the other hand, the most erodible soil in a basin is indicated by the lowest value of the shape features. As a result, the SW with the lowest value receives a rank of 1 and so on. For example, the Cp value would be 12.17 if all the SW1 ranks were totalled up and divided by the 18 features. Other SWs have undergone the same process.

The SWs were classified into three classes, high (≥8.33 to <11.03), medium (≥11.03 to <13.73), and low (≥13.73 to <16.447) based on the Cp value. Among 24 SWs, SW3, SW9, and SW12 fall within a high priority, as shown in Figure 9 and Table 3. This indicates that the peak flow and risk of soil erosion are highest in the SWs with the highest priority. Consequently, it is crucial to organise and carry out watershed management measures in these areas.
Table 3

Calculating compound parameters, prioritisation, and ranking (high = H, medium = M, low = L)

ParametersSW1SW 2SW3SW 4SW5SW6SW7SW8SW9SW 10SW 11SW 12SW 13SW 14SW 15SW 16SW 17SW 18SW 19SW 20SW 21SW 22SW 23SW 24
Bifurcation ratio 10 14 19 11 12 17 18 23 24 22 21 13 20 15 16 
Stream length ratio 11 16 13 18 10 19 20 12 15 22 23 14 24 21 17 
Stream frequency 11 14 10 13 18 19 12 15 21 22 16 20 17 23 24 
Drainage density 15 12 11 13 10 14 18 17 20 22 19 21 16 23 24 
Drainage texture 17 12 11 18 14 10 16 13 22 21 15 19 20 23 24 
Length of overland flow 10 18 24 22 13 23 14 12 16 15 11 20 21 19 17 
Rho coefficient 11 16 15 14 24 13 12 17 18 23 22 20 21 10 19 
Drainage intensity 10 15 14 11 17 19 12 13 22 21 16 20 18 23 24 
Infiltration number 14 12 11 13 19 18 10 15 21 22 17 20 16 23 24 
Constant of channel maintenance 10 18 24 22 13 23 14 12 16 15 11 20 21 19 17 
Relief 20 22 21 23 16 17 18 15 10 19 14 11 12 13 24 
Relief ratio 17 20 14 18 19 22 23 10 11 12 24 15 16 13 21 
Relative ratio 21 16 10 13 14 19 11 24 12 17 15 23 18 20 22 
Ruggedness number 21 19 20 11 13 14 15 12 16 18 23 22 17 10 24 
Circulatory ratio 18 23 16 19 20 21 13 24 10 14 11 15 22 17 12 
Elongation ratio 11 12 23 10 13 16 17 21 22 18 14 24 19 20 15 
Form factor 15 11 22 10 12 18 16 23 19 20 13 24 21 17 14 
Lemniscate ratio 11 20 10 15 12 16 17 23 13 21 24 19 22 18 14 
Compound parameter 12.17 12.44 9.00 11.44 13.39 13.22 11.56 12.22 8.33 13.83 11.50 9.94 12.83 13.67 12.11 15.17 11.56 13.67 14.00 14.17 11.67 13.44 12.22 16.44 
Ranking 10 13 16 15 11 20 14 18 23 19 21 22 17 12 24 
Final priority 
ParametersSW1SW 2SW3SW 4SW5SW6SW7SW8SW9SW 10SW 11SW 12SW 13SW 14SW 15SW 16SW 17SW 18SW 19SW 20SW 21SW 22SW 23SW 24
Bifurcation ratio 10 14 19 11 12 17 18 23 24 22 21 13 20 15 16 
Stream length ratio 11 16 13 18 10 19 20 12 15 22 23 14 24 21 17 
Stream frequency 11 14 10 13 18 19 12 15 21 22 16 20 17 23 24 
Drainage density 15 12 11 13 10 14 18 17 20 22 19 21 16 23 24 
Drainage texture 17 12 11 18 14 10 16 13 22 21 15 19 20 23 24 
Length of overland flow 10 18 24 22 13 23 14 12 16 15 11 20 21 19 17 
Rho coefficient 11 16 15 14 24 13 12 17 18 23 22 20 21 10 19 
Drainage intensity 10 15 14 11 17 19 12 13 22 21 16 20 18 23 24 
Infiltration number 14 12 11 13 19 18 10 15 21 22 17 20 16 23 24 
Constant of channel maintenance 10 18 24 22 13 23 14 12 16 15 11 20 21 19 17 
Relief 20 22 21 23 16 17 18 15 10 19 14 11 12 13 24 
Relief ratio 17 20 14 18 19 22 23 10 11 12 24 15 16 13 21 
Relative ratio 21 16 10 13 14 19 11 24 12 17 15 23 18 20 22 
Ruggedness number 21 19 20 11 13 14 15 12 16 18 23 22 17 10 24 
Circulatory ratio 18 23 16 19 20 21 13 24 10 14 11 15 22 17 12 
Elongation ratio 11 12 23 10 13 16 17 21 22 18 14 24 19 20 15 
Form factor 15 11 22 10 12 18 16 23 19 20 13 24 21 17 14 
Lemniscate ratio 11 20 10 15 12 16 17 23 13 21 24 19 22 18 14 
Compound parameter 12.17 12.44 9.00 11.44 13.39 13.22 11.56 12.22 8.33 13.83 11.50 9.94 12.83 13.67 12.11 15.17 11.56 13.67 14.00 14.17 11.67 13.44 12.22 16.44 
Ranking 10 13 16 15 11 20 14 18 23 19 21 22 17 12 24 
Final priority 
Figure 9

Sub-watersheds' priority utilising morphometric analysis.

Figure 9

Sub-watersheds' priority utilising morphometric analysis.

Close modal

SW prioritisation based on PCA

A correlation matrix is generated using the SPSS version 22.0 software to determine the inter-correlations between the geomorphic features. The correlation matrix of the 18 features reveals that the perfectly positive (correlation coefficient +1 or −1) correlation occurs between Ccm and Lo. The strong correlations (correlation coefficient more than 0.90) occur between Dd and Fs; between Lo and Dd; between Di and Fs; If with Fs, Dd and Di; between Ccm and Dd; between Ff and Re; K with Ff and Re. A good correlation (correlation coefficient more than 0.75) occurs between Rhp and Rh; Dt with Fs and Dd; Lo with Fs and Dt; Di with Dd, Dt and Lo; If with Dt and Lo; Ccm with Fs, Dt, Di, and If. Moderately correlated parameters (correlation coefficient more than 0.60) occur between P and Rbm; Rn with Bh and Rh. At this point, dividing the features into components is quite challenging and assigning physical significance. Therefore, the correlation matrix has been subjected to the PCA in the next phase.

PCA is a statistical tool for identifying hidden factors that explain the pattern of correlations within a set of observable variables while maintaining true initial data. Using SPSS version 22, correlation analysis was used to evaluate the relationship between each morphometric feature and the others. Blue and red cells with values of 1 and −1, respectively, represent the strongest positive and negative correlation between two features in the provided correlogram, as shown in Table 4. A component loading matrix is used in PCA to express quantitatively how closely the component values relate to the original morphometric features. Each component has a certain parameter assigned to it, and these weights are referred to as loadings on each component. In addition to comprehending the mechanisms that lead to the observed connections between the selected variables, PCA offers a reduced data matrix called the component score (or weightings) matrix. The component loading matrix shows how the initial 18 morphometric features were reduced to 5 significant components, and it occasionally takes into account the interactions between the rotated components and the original values. These connections are shown in terms of the percentage they each contributed to the variation in the starting set of data. Furthermore, it is evident that each component has stronger correlations with some parameters than others, depending on which parameters are thought to be the most beneficial. The component loading matrix is shown in Table 5. The first five components, whose combined eigenvalues are more than 1 and account for 90.205% of the total variance in the original data, are clearly significant. Component 1 is substantially connected with stream frequency, component 2 is highly correlated with form factor, component 3 is highly correlated with the ruggedness number, component 4 is highly correlated with mean bifurcation ratio, and component 5 is highly correlated with circulatory ratio, according to the rotated component matrix (Table 6) (Meshram & Sharma 2017). Stream frequency, form factor, ruggedness number, mean bifurcation ratio, and circulatory ratio are the essential morphometric characteristics derived from PCA. As a result, these factors are used to prioritise the Kinnerasani catchment's 24 SWs.

Table 4


Table 5

Overall variance explained of the morphometric indices

ComponentInitial eigenvalues
Extraction sums of squared loadings
Rotation sums of squared loadings
Total% of varianceCumulative %Total% of varianceCumulative %Total% of varianceCumulative %
7.950 44.164 44.164 7.950 44.164 44.164 6.595 36.641 36.641 
3.088 17.156 61.320 3.088 17.156 61.320 3.718 20.654 57.295 
2.282 12.678 73.997 2.282 12.678 73.997 2.759 15.325 72.620 
1.908 10.600 84.597 1.908 10.600 84.597 1.718 9.545 82.165 
1.009 5.608 90.205 1.009 5.608 90.205 1.447 8.040 90.205 
0.855 4.752 94.957       
0.406 2.254 97.211       
0.282 1.569 98.779       
0.081 0.451 99.230       
10 0.064 0.358 99.588       
11 0.034 0.190 99.778       
12 0.018 0.101 99.879       
13 0.012 0.068 99.947       
14 0.006 0.034 99.981       
15 0.003 0.015 99.996       
16 0.001 0.004 99.999       
17 0.00009560 0.001 100.000       
18 0.0000002650 0.000001472 100.000       
ComponentInitial eigenvalues
Extraction sums of squared loadings
Rotation sums of squared loadings
Total% of varianceCumulative %Total% of varianceCumulative %Total% of varianceCumulative %
7.950 44.164 44.164 7.950 44.164 44.164 6.595 36.641 36.641 
3.088 17.156 61.320 3.088 17.156 61.320 3.718 20.654 57.295 
2.282 12.678 73.997 2.282 12.678 73.997 2.759 15.325 72.620 
1.908 10.600 84.597 1.908 10.600 84.597 1.718 9.545 82.165 
1.009 5.608 90.205 1.009 5.608 90.205 1.447 8.040 90.205 
0.855 4.752 94.957       
0.406 2.254 97.211       
0.282 1.569 98.779       
0.081 0.451 99.230       
10 0.064 0.358 99.588       
11 0.034 0.190 99.778       
12 0.018 0.101 99.879       
13 0.012 0.068 99.947       
14 0.006 0.034 99.981       
15 0.003 0.015 99.996       
16 0.001 0.004 99.999       
17 0.00009560 0.001 100.000       
18 0.0000002650 0.000001472 100.000       
Table 6

Rotated component matrix

Mean bifurcation ratio −0.062 0.039 −0.080 0.926 0.045 
Mean stream length ratio 0.165 0.101 0.275 0.112 0.352 
Stream frequency 0.957 0.195 0.060 −0.033 −0.061 
Drainage density 0.917 0.329 0.054 −0.002 −0.021 
Drainage texture 0.940 −0.129 −0.083 −0.016 0.278 
Length of overland flow −0.894 −0.324 −0.036 0.031 −0.045 
RHO coefficient −0.050 −0.215 −0.074 0.864 0.169 
Drainage intensity 0.935 0.169 0.025 −0.105 0.016 
Infiltration number 0.940 0.178 0.090 0.011 −0.126 
Constant of channel maintenance −0.894 −0.325 −0.035 0.032 −0.046 
Relief −0.332 −0.372 0.850 −0.111 0.012 
Relief ratio −0.059 0.507 0.810 −0.206 −0.030 
Relative ratio 0.054 0.433 0.680 0.002 0.518 
Ruggedness number 0.415 −0.053 0.891 −0.034 −0.039 
Circulatory ratio −0.086 0.051 −0.071 0.131 0.950 
Elongation ratio 0.299 0.934 0.005 −0.082 0.068 
Form factor 0.292 0.942 0.055 −0.053 0.072 
Lemniscate ratio −0.308 −0.938 −0.052 0.064 −0.093 
Mean bifurcation ratio −0.062 0.039 −0.080 0.926 0.045 
Mean stream length ratio 0.165 0.101 0.275 0.112 0.352 
Stream frequency 0.957 0.195 0.060 −0.033 −0.061 
Drainage density 0.917 0.329 0.054 −0.002 −0.021 
Drainage texture 0.940 −0.129 −0.083 −0.016 0.278 
Length of overland flow −0.894 −0.324 −0.036 0.031 −0.045 
RHO coefficient −0.050 −0.215 −0.074 0.864 0.169 
Drainage intensity 0.935 0.169 0.025 −0.105 0.016 
Infiltration number 0.940 0.178 0.090 0.011 −0.126 
Constant of channel maintenance −0.894 −0.325 −0.035 0.032 −0.046 
Relief −0.332 −0.372 0.850 −0.111 0.012 
Relief ratio −0.059 0.507 0.810 −0.206 −0.030 
Relative ratio 0.054 0.433 0.680 0.002 0.518 
Ruggedness number 0.415 −0.053 0.891 −0.034 −0.039 
Circulatory ratio −0.086 0.051 −0.071 0.131 0.950 
Elongation ratio 0.299 0.934 0.005 −0.082 0.068 
Form factor 0.292 0.942 0.055 −0.053 0.072 
Lemniscate ratio −0.308 −0.938 −0.052 0.064 −0.093 

The Cp value would be 14 if all the ranks in SW1 were totalled up and divided by the five features. Other SWs have undergone the same process. Table 7 shows the final priority ranks and Cp values based on the five morphometric features calculated using the PCA approach. On the basis of Cp values, SWs were categorised into high (≥4.8 to <9.2), medium (≥9.2 to <13.6), and low (≥13.6 to <18). Among 24 SWs, SW1 and SW2 fall within a high priority. Figure 10 displays the final PCA priority map of the Kinnerasani SWs.
Table 7

Prioritisation and ranking

ParametersFsFfRnRbmRcSum of rankings (x)Total number of features (y)Cp (x/y)RankingFinal priority
SW1 15 21 18 70 14.00 18 Low 
SW2 11 19 43 8.60 High 
SW3 11 10 24 4.80 High 
SW4 14 22 14 57 11.40 Medium 
SW5 10 20 19 23 79 15.80 21 Low 
SW6 10 12 11 11 16 60 12.00 12 Medium 
SW7 18 13 12 57 11.40 Medium 
SW8 14 17 19 60 12.00 13 Medium 
SW9 16 20 52 10.40 Medium 
SW10 13 23 15 18 21 90 18.00 24 Low 
SW11 19 12 23 13 69 13.80 17 Low 
SW12 20 24 57 11.40 Medium 
SW13 18 24 65 13.00 15 Medium 
SW14 19 16 10 55 11.00 Medium 
SW15 12 13 22 58 11.60 10 Medium 
SW16 15 24 18 21 86 17.20 23 Low 
SW17 21 13 49 9.80 Medium 
SW18 21 23 52 10.40 Medium 
SW19 22 20 14 67 13.40 16 Medium 
SW20 16 22 15 11 72 14.40 19 Low 
SW21 20 16 15 58 11.60 11 Medium 
SW22 17 17 17 22 76 15.20 20 Low 
SW23 23 10 17 64 12.80 14 Medium 
SW24 24 14 24 12 80 16.00 22 Low 
ParametersFsFfRnRbmRcSum of rankings (x)Total number of features (y)Cp (x/y)RankingFinal priority
SW1 15 21 18 70 14.00 18 Low 
SW2 11 19 43 8.60 High 
SW3 11 10 24 4.80 High 
SW4 14 22 14 57 11.40 Medium 
SW5 10 20 19 23 79 15.80 21 Low 
SW6 10 12 11 11 16 60 12.00 12 Medium 
SW7 18 13 12 57 11.40 Medium 
SW8 14 17 19 60 12.00 13 Medium 
SW9 16 20 52 10.40 Medium 
SW10 13 23 15 18 21 90 18.00 24 Low 
SW11 19 12 23 13 69 13.80 17 Low 
SW12 20 24 57 11.40 Medium 
SW13 18 24 65 13.00 15 Medium 
SW14 19 16 10 55 11.00 Medium 
SW15 12 13 22 58 11.60 10 Medium 
SW16 15 24 18 21 86 17.20 23 Low 
SW17 21 13 49 9.80 Medium 
SW18 21 23 52 10.40 Medium 
SW19 22 20 14 67 13.40 16 Medium 
SW20 16 22 15 11 72 14.40 19 Low 
SW21 20 16 15 58 11.60 11 Medium 
SW22 17 17 17 22 76 15.20 20 Low 
SW23 23 10 17 64 12.80 14 Medium 
SW24 24 14 24 12 80 16.00 22 Low 
Figure 10

Sub-watersheds' priority utilising using PCA.

Figure 10

Sub-watersheds' priority utilising using PCA.

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SW prioritisation based on LULC

Using 2020 land cover Sentinel-2 imagery from the ESRI, the LULC mapping was done at the SW level. LULC has a resolution of 10 m. The eight main types of LULC were flooded vegetation, bare land, water, crops, trees, grass, scrub/shrub, and built area. In the recent past, there has been an LULC analysis (Shekar & Aneesh Mathew 2022a). Figure 11 shows the study area's LULC categories. Based on a common criterion (trees, crops, scrub/shrub, and grass) that applies to each SW, the LULC categories are taken into consideration for prioritising SWs as described below.
Figure 11

LULC categories.

Figure 11

LULC categories.

Close modal


Trees are defined as any notable collection of tall (15 feet or higher) dense vegetation, typically with a closed or dense canopy; examples include wooded vegetation, collections of tall, dense vegetation within savannas, plantations, swamps, or mangroves (dense or tall vegetation with ephemeral water or a canopy too thick to detect water beneath). Any notable collection of tall (15 ft or higher) dense vegetation, usually with a closed or dense canopy; examples include wooded vegetation, collections of tall, dense vegetation within savannas, plantations, and mangroves. SWs with a maximum percentage (%) of trees have been provided with a minimum priority, whereas those with a minimum % of trees have been provided with a maximum priority. In the present research, SW2 has the maximum % of trees, whereas the minimum % of trees is found in SW24.


The definition of grass is ‘open areas covered in homogenous grasses with little to no taller vegetation; wild cereals and grasses without obvious human plotting (i.e., not a plotted field)’. Examples include natural meadows and fields with sparse to no tree cover, open savanna with few to no trees, parks, golf courses, lawns, and pastures. Open spaces with uniform grass cover and little to no higher plants. SWs with a maximum % of grass have been provided with a minimum priority, whereas those with a minimum % of grass have been provided with a maximum priority. In the present research, SW12 has the maximum % of grass, whereas the minimum % of grass is found in SW24.


Cereals, grasses, and crops not at tree height that have been planted or plotted by humans include corn, wheat, soy, and fallow areas of structured land. SWs with a maximum % of crops have been provided with a minimum priority, while those with a minimum % of crops have been provided with a maximum priority. In the present research, SW21 has the maximum % of crops, whereas the minimum % of crops is found in SW1.


Scrub/shrub is defined as a mixture of small groups of plants or a single plant scattered across a terrain with exposed rock or dirt; thick woodlands with visible gaps that are clearly not taller than trees; savannas with very scant grasses, trees, or other vegetation; and areas with a moderate to sparse cover of bushes, and tufts of grass. A landscape with single scattered plants, small groups of plants, and exposed dirt or rock. SWs with a maximum % of scrub have been provided with a minimum priority, while those with a minimum % of scrub have been provided with a maximum priority. In the present research, SW22 has the maximum % of scrub, while the minimum % of scrub is found in SW21.

The Cp value would be 15.5 if all the ranks in SW1 were totalled up and divided by the four features. Other SWs have undergone the same process. The SWs were classified into three classes high (≥7 to <10.25), medium (≥10.25 to <13.5), and low (≥13.5 to <16.75) based on ranking and Cp (Table 8). Among 24 SWs, SW17, SW19, SW23, and SW24 fall under a high priority. Based on LULC analysis, Figure 12 displays the SWs' priority.
Table 8

Prioritisation and ranking

Sub-watershedsTrees (%)Grass (%)Crops (%)Scrub/shrub (%)Sum of rankings (x)Total number of features (y)Cp (x/y)RankingFinal priority
SW1 22 19 20 62 15.5 21 Low 
SW2 24 11 46 11.5 10 Medium 
SW3 11 12 17 48 12 12 Medium 
SW4 21 18 48 12 13 Medium 
SW5 15 18 22 61 15.25 19 Low 
SW6 18 13 10 44 11 Medium 
SW7 19 10 23 54 13.5 14 Low 
SW8 13 23 10 21 67 16.75 24 Low 
SW9 23 14 14 58 14.5 18 Low 
SW10 10 13 17 16 56 14 16 Low 
SW11 14 22 19 63 15.75 22 Low 
SW12 16 24 11 13 64 16 23 Low 
SW13 20 43 10.75 Medium 
SW14 20 19 15 61 15.25 20 Low 
SW15 11 14 41 10.25 Medium 
SW16 15 20 41 10.25 Medium 
SW17 17 15 40 10 High 
SW18 12 12 18 12 54 13.5 15 Low 
SW19 21 38 9.5 High 
SW20 17 16 44 11 Medium 
SW21 16 24 46 11.5 11 Medium 
SW22 21 24 56 14 17 Low 
SW23 22 37 9.25 High 
SW24 23 28 High 
Sub-watershedsTrees (%)Grass (%)Crops (%)Scrub/shrub (%)Sum of rankings (x)Total number of features (y)Cp (x/y)RankingFinal priority
SW1 22 19 20 62 15.5 21 Low 
SW2 24 11 46 11.5 10 Medium 
SW3 11 12 17 48 12 12 Medium 
SW4 21 18 48 12 13 Medium 
SW5 15 18 22 61 15.25 19 Low 
SW6 18 13 10 44 11 Medium 
SW7 19 10 23 54 13.5 14 Low 
SW8 13 23 10 21 67 16.75 24 Low 
SW9 23 14 14 58 14.5 18 Low 
SW10 10 13 17 16 56 14 16 Low 
SW11 14 22 19 63 15.75 22 Low 
SW12 16 24 11 13 64 16 23 Low 
SW13 20 43 10.75 Medium 
SW14 20 19 15 61 15.25 20 Low 
SW15 11 14 41 10.25 Medium 
SW16 15 20 41 10.25 Medium 
SW17 17 15 40 10 High 
SW18 12 12 18 12 54 13.5 15 Low 
SW19 21 38 9.5 High 
SW20 17 16 44 11 Medium 
SW21 16 24 46 11.5 11 Medium 
SW22 21 24 56 14 17 Low 
SW23 22 37 9.25 High 
SW24 23 28 High 
Figure 12

Sub-watersheds' priority utilising LULC analysis.

Figure 12

Sub-watersheds' priority utilising LULC analysis.

Close modal

Common SWs

To determine the common SWs falling under each priority, the results of the three methods, such as morphometric analysis, PCA, and LULC analysis, have been compared. Three methods identify five SWs as common SWs with a medium priority: SW4, SW6, SW13, SW15, and SW21. SW10 is a common SW that is low priority on the other side. The other 18 SWs exhibit a slight difference in their priority under the three methods. Table 9 shows the common priority among the three methods.

Table 9

Common priority ranking

Sub-watershedsMorphometric analysisPCALULCCommon priority
SW1 Medium Low Low – 
SW2 Medium High Medium – 
SW3 High High Medium – 
SW4 Medium Medium Medium Medium 
SW5 Medium Low Low – 
SW6 Medium Medium Medium Medium 
SW7 Medium Medium Low – 
SW8 Medium Medium Low – 
SW9 High Medium Low – 
SW10 Low Low Low Low 
SW11 Medium Low Low – 
SW12 High Medium Low – 
SW13 Medium Medium Medium Medium 
SW14 Medium Medium Low – 
SW15 Medium Medium Medium Medium 
SW16 Low Low Medium – 
SW17 Medium Medium High – 
SW18 Medium Medium Low – 
SW19 Low Medium High – 
SW20 Low Low Medium – 
SW21 Medium Medium Medium Medium 
SW22 Medium Low Low – 
SW23 Medium Medium High – 
SW24 Low Low High – 
Sub-watershedsMorphometric analysisPCALULCCommon priority
SW1 Medium Low Low – 
SW2 Medium High Medium – 
SW3 High High Medium – 
SW4 Medium Medium Medium Medium 
SW5 Medium Low Low – 
SW6 Medium Medium Medium Medium 
SW7 Medium Medium Low – 
SW8 Medium Medium Low – 
SW9 High Medium Low – 
SW10 Low Low Low Low 
SW11 Medium Low Low – 
SW12 High Medium Low – 
SW13 Medium Medium Medium Medium 
SW14 Medium Medium Low – 
SW15 Medium Medium Medium Medium 
SW16 Low Low Medium – 
SW17 Medium Medium High – 
SW18 Medium Medium Low – 
SW19 Low Medium High – 
SW20 Low Low Medium – 
SW21 Medium Medium Medium Medium 
SW22 Medium Low Low – 
SW23 Medium Medium High – 
SW24 Low Low High – 

The morphometric analysis, PCA, and LULC analysis determined using RS and GIS methodologies provided researchers with a good understanding of the development of a catchment and its response to hydrologic conditions, allowing for more effective natural resource management strategies in the Kinnerasani River basin. In the present research, 18 morphometric features, 5 PCA features, and 4 LULC features have been derived and scientifically investigated. The SW3, SW9, and SW12 SWs are of high priority according to the morphometric analysis-based prioritisation approach. The outcomes of the PCA-based prioritisation place a high priority on the SW2 and SW3 SWs. The results of the LULC-based prioritisation place a priority on the SW17, SW19, SW23, and SW24 SWs. The common SWs within each priority according to three different methodologies are SW4, SW6, SW10, SW13, SW15, and SW21. In order to stop additional soil degradation, it is also crucial to implement the proper soil erosion management techniques in high-priority SWs. The study results here suggest a helpful tool to define areas (high priority) for planning the methods to prevent soil erosion and encourage soil conservation. Depending on the appropriate location (high priority) and design criteria, this may involve both physical and biological solutions, including building bunds, check dams, providing vegetative and stone barriers, and planting multipurpose tree species. In addition, the study helps in protecting the existing natural resources and helps water resource managers and policymakers make better decisions in a field where data are scarce. This information can be utilised to design, execute, and adapt the best SW-level planning and management techniques.

The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their instructive comments, which helped to improve this paper.

P.R.S. conceptualized the whole article, developed the methodology, involved in software, conducted data curation, and wrote the original draft. A.M. supervised, visualised and investigated the article and wrote the review and edited the article.

There was no funding for this project.

All relevant data are included in the paper or its Supplementary Information.

The authors declare there is no conflict.

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