Large basins with small to negligible slopes are seldom considered in the hydrological literature. An example of such basins is the Río Negro catchment in Uruguay. The first of this two-paper series showed the following special features: a) the existence of strongly developed horizontal layers and an essentially impervious B-horizon, b) significantly high soil moisture storage in terms of normally expected rainfall during a storm and c) the importance of vertical water transport processes to establish the soil moisture condition prior to a storm and its role concerning basin runoff response. These observations and hypotheses were taken into account by the lumped conceptual hydrological model called Hidro-Urfing through the percolation function and the basin runoff response function. This second paper shows its application to the Laguna I basin, a sub-basin of the Río Negro catchment with a surface area of 13,945 km2, and its ability to model the major storm hydrographs without any subdivision into smaller sub-basins. Modelling of low flows requires disaggregation of spatial-scale issues. A hydrological model of the entire Río Negro catchment did not previously exist.

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