As one of the most important influencing factors, inter-basin water resource development has been exerting an increasingly evident impact on the hydro-environment of river basins. The Han River was selected as a case study to reveal the hydro-environmental response to China's inter-basin water resource development. The hydrological changes and water-quality variations resulted from the middle route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project (SNWTP) and the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) operation were examined based on a hydro-environmental model. The results indicated that the runoff reduction is obvious after the SNWTP operation, and the low-flow duration significantly increased by 4–5 months. Consequently, the flow decrease significantly contributed to the water quality deterioration in the middle and lower Han River, while the Yangtze-Han Water Diversion Project (YHWDP) can not alleviate the situation completely. Moreover, the nutrient assimilative capacity decreased after water diversion, which agrees with the hydrological changes along the middle and lower Han River. The quantitative analysis performed in this study distinguishes the spatiotemporal variation in water quality variables using the integrated model. It provides insights into water quality management under the influences of inter-basin water resource development.

  • A coupled hydro-environmental model was set up to evaluate the river health.

  • Long low-flow duration was examined along the lower Han River.

  • Water quality of the middle and lower Han River deteriorated after the TGR and SNWTP operation.

  • SNWTP significantly contributed to the water environment deterioration.

  • YHWDP can not completely offset the adverse environmental influences resulted from the SNWTP operation.

Graphical Abstract

Graphical Abstract
Graphical Abstract

The construction of water conservancy projects in river basins is an important way for human beings to utilize water resources comprehensively. However, the increasing intensity of human activities imposed on the natural river system seriously threatens the river water environment (Bond et al. 2008; Pruden et al. 2012; Koster et al. 2021). In the past decades, the hydro-environmental problems caused by strong inter-basin water resource development have attracted much attention (Palmer 2010; Vörösmarty et al. 2010; Bakker 2012; O'Connor et al. 2015). Construction and operation of large-scale water conservancy projects generally have continuously physical and ecological influences on the downstream river channels. Liechti et al. (2015) analyzed the impact of water conservancy construction on the hydrological situation of the Zambezi River in Africa and southern China based on historical data and found that the reservoirs have a significant impact on river flow fluctuations and seasonal hydrological changes. Bonacci & Oskorus (2010) conducted a study on the hydrological situation of the Drava River in Italy for nearly 30 years and clarified the effects of the construction and operation of the reservoirs on the water level, flow, and sediment transport in the lower reaches of the river. More than half of the large rivers in the world are under the influence of strong human activities, these rivers are facing higher pressures of hydro-environmental changes than the ones under natural conditions (Gurría 2009; Yang et al. 2017).

Sustainable development and integrated utilization of water resources while considering river health have become an increasingly important issue in the current research areas of water conservancy and hydro-environment (Scionti et al. 2018; Hao et al. 2021). At present, the construction of water conservancy projects in China has gradually shifted from traditional water conservancy to ecological water conservancy, more and more attention was paid to the coordinated development of engineering and environment, and more importance was attached to maintaining the ecological environment and safeguarding humanity (Cheng et al. 2019). To improve the nationwide utilization of water resources in China, the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) and the South-to-North Water Transfer Projects (SNWTP) were constructed and put into service successively. The TGR and SNWTP, up to now, are the largest hydraulic structure and the inter-basin water transfer project all over the world. Both projects have greatly improved the utilization of water resources and alleviated the water shortage in northern China, which contributed a great deal to the optimal water resources allocation and economic development (Gao et al. 2016; Rogers et al. 2020).

However, such large-scale water conservancy projects also brought a series of hydro-environmental impacts on the downstream river channels (Zhou 2020; Sayed et al. 2021). As the largest tributary of the Yangtze River, the middle and lower Han River suffered from the hydrological impact resulting from the TGR and SNWTP. The middle and lower Han River has been seriously polluted for six consecutive years after the middle route of SNWTP operation, which resulted in the frequent occurrence of river eutrophication (Jing et al. 2019). Diatom blooms frequently broken out after the SNWTP operation despite adopting some mitigation measures, e.g., the Yangtze-Han Water Diversion Project (YHWDP) (Zhu et al. 2008). The current river regulation problem urgently needs to be solved is how to alleviate the adverse influences resulting from the TGR and the middle route of SNWTP in the lower Han River and maintain hydro-environmental health. In recent years, although the effect of the middle route of SNWTP on the middle and lower Han River was studied from different perspectives, little quantitative research was conducted to examine the TGR impact on the hydro-environmental processes of downstream tributaries (Wilson et al. 2017; Zhou et al. 2017; Zhang et al. 2018; Du et al. 2019; Zhuang et al. 2019). Besides, the former research on the middle route of SNWTP impact on the hydro-environment of the middle and lower Han River is mainly based on assuming or planning conditions because the middle route of SNWTP was just put into operation since 2014 (Zhu et al. 2008; Jing et al. 2019). However, the actual hydrological processes of the Han River are bound to be different from the planning situations. The numerous environmental factors' variation characteristics and response mechanisms in the middle and lower Han River before and after the scientific identification of water diversion need to be further studied.

This study focused on the hydro-environmental response of the middle and lower Han River to the TGR and the middle route of the SNWTP operation. The research aimed to clarify two key questions: (1) What changes have occurred in hydrology, water quality in the middle and lower Han River before and after the TGR, and the middle route of SNWTP operation? (2) How to identify and quantify the different influences that resulted from both projects, which provides a basis for revealing the causes of the frequent blooms in the lower Han River. Based on a hydro-environmental model and the statistical methods, hydrological changes and the water quality variations under the flow regulation of the TGR and the middle route of SNWTP operation were examined, and quantitative evaluation was conducted in this study. The scientific identification of the formation and evolution mechanism of the hydro-environmental changes in the middle and lower Han River was carried out, which provided an important scientific basis for maintaining the sustainable management of water resources and water environmental health in the Han River basin.

Study area

The stretch of the Han River falls between 106°∼114°E, 30°∼34°N, the drainage area is 15.1 × 104 km2, and the total length of the mainstream is 1,577 km. As shown in Figure 1, Danjiangkou and Zhongxiang divide the mainstream into the upper, middle, and lower reaches. The middle and lower Han River is about 580 km long and flows through Laohekou, Xiangyang, Zhongxiang, Qianjiang, Xiantao, Hanchuan, and Wuhan cities. As the largest tributary of the Yangtze River, the Han River connects its channels with the Yangtze River in Wuhan city. The climate in the Han River basin is mild and humid, and the rainfall is abundant. The multi-year average temperature is about 15∼17 °C.

Figure 1

Overview of the study area.

Figure 1

Overview of the study area.

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There are four dams (Danjiangkou, Wangfuzhou, Cuijiaying, and Xinglong) along the middle and lower Han River, constituting the cascade reservoirs system. The dams are typical low-head run-of-river hydroelectric plants except for the Danjiangkou dam. The middle route of SNWTP is an enormous inter-basin water transfer project, which significantly contributed to the optimization of China's water resource allocation. The middle route of SNWTP draws water from the Danjiangkou Reservoir (DJKR) in the upper reaches of the Han River. Since its gate of the middle route of SNWTP officially opened on December 12, 2014, it has transferred water up to 2.55 × 1010 m3 and greatly alleviated the water shortage in northern China.

The TGR is located 603 km upstream of the Han River estuary (Figure 1), which was put into operation in 2003. Significant hydrological changes occurred after the TGR operation during its flow regulation periods, which has an appreciable impact on the downstream flow processes and stage variation along the channels. The variations in the water level at the conference area of the two rivers also affect the outflow from the Han River. Therefore, this study focused on the coupled effects of TGR and the middle route of SNWTP on the hydro-environment along the lower Han River.

Data source

The research data include topographical, hydrological, meteorological, and water quality datasets. The digital elevation model data was provided by the Bureau of Hydrology, Changjiang Water Resources Commission. The hydrological data were obtained from the hydrological yearbook of the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The daily monitoring data were collected, including the inflow and outflow of the Danjiangkou Reservoir, series of gauged flow and stage at the Huangjiagang, Xiangyang, Huangzhuang, Xiantao, and Hanchuan hydrological stations in the middle and lower Han River and the Hankou station in the Yangtze River. The hydrological data cover the periods from 1996 to 2019.

The meteorological data is downloaded from the China Meteorological Data Network in the middle and lower Han River, including the gauged data at the Laohekou, Zaoyang, Zhongxiang, Tianmen, and Wuhan stations (Figure 1). The time series of meteorological data are consistent with the hydrological data. Besides, the monthly averaged water quality data from 1996 to 2019 at the Shilou, Yujiahu, and Zongguan stations were provided by the Water Environment Monitoring Center of the Yangtze River Basin. The monitoring indicators at these stations include water temperature, ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), total phosphorus (TP), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), and pH. Besides, the locations and the waste flow data of the sewage outfalls and water intakes along the middle and lower Han River were collected from the Hubei Environmental Protection Bureau. The data of socioeconomic indicators used in this study was collected from the Hubei Statistical Yearbooks. All the collected data are consistent, and there is no missing data in the time series.

Research methods

Hydro-environmental modeling for the lower Han River

In this study, a hydro-environmental model was set up for the middle and lower Han River based on the integrated simulation modules developed by the Danish Hydraulic Institute. The framework and modules of the model are shown in Figure 2. The coupled model includes hydrodynamic module and environmental module, and the governing equations are shown as follows.

Figure 2

The modeling framework for the hydro-environmental variation assessment in the middle and lower Han River basin.

Figure 2

The modeling framework for the hydro-environmental variation assessment in the middle and lower Han River basin.

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1D Saint-Venant equations
Continuity equation:
Motion equation:
where S is the distance between the cross-sections; t is the time; g is the acceleration of gravity; A is the cross-sectional area of the river channels; Q is the flow discharge through the cross-sections; q is the lateral flow per unit width, including inflow and outflow of tributaries and water transfer projects, water consumption for industries and agriculture, the precipitation and evaporation, and the sewage flow; z is the water level; is the flow modulus, in which R is the hydraulic radius, and n is the Manning resistance coefficient.
Convection-diffusion equation
The convection-diffusion equation was applied to describe the mass transfer in the hydro-environmental model:
where x is the longitudinal coordinate component; u is the mean flow velocity of sections; ϕ is the pollutant concentration; k is the diffusion coefficient; η is the decay rate of pollutants; is the sink/source term of contaminants, including pollutants from the point sources and non-point sources.
Boundary condition treatment

In this study, flow and mass transport boundary conditions were specified in this hydro-environmental model. The inflow of the Danjiangkou reservoir was the upstream flow boundary condition for the coupled model, and the stage-discharge relation curve at the Hankou station was specified as the downstream model condition. The lateral inflow and outflow of branches and the agricultural and industrial water demand were calculated as the source or sink terms of the continuity equation. Moreover, the cascade reservoirs downstream of the Danjiangkou Reservoir are low-head run-of-river hydropower plants, and their scheduling rules are not complex. The reservoir stage will be kept at the normal pool level when the upstream inflow is less than the designed flow.

On the contrary, the reservoir will discharge according to its discharge capacity curve when the inflow is larger than the designed flow. In this study, the dispatching rules of cascade reservoirs are adopted during the hydro-environmental model setup. Besides, the load boundary conditions were specified at the sewage outfall and water intakes based on the collected data. The non-point loads from the subbasins were estimated using the tool of Mike Load Calculator, which was also specified in the coupled model (Zhu et al. 2008). The detailed information on the boundary conditions for flow and pollution load along the middle and lower Han River were presented in the Supplementary Material (Text S1).

Model calibration and validation

The middle and lower channel of the Han River was divided into four reaches in the coupled model by three reservoirs (Wangfuzhou, Cuijiaying, and Xinglong) with 316 sections. The largest section distance is 3.51 km, and the average distance is 1.83 km. The hydrological calibration of the model was conducted using the hydrological processes from April 1, 2013 to December 31, 2015, and its validation was carried out by the gauged hydrological data from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2017. As shown in Supplementary Material, Table S1, the calibrated Manning's roughness coefficient (n) ranged from 0.018 to 0.053. The calibration and validation results are shown in Supplementary Material, Figure S1. The simulation results were evaluated using the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficients (NSE), and the normalized root mean squared error (NRMSE) (Zhang et al. 2018). The NSE at the gauging stations is larger than 0.92, and RMSE is smaller than 0.16, implying the coupled model can be applied to predict and evaluate the hydrological changes accurately under the influences of inter-basin water resource development.

The parameters for the water quality simulation of the coupled model were also calibrated and validated based on the observed data in 2006 and 2007. The results indicate that the longitudinal dispersion coefficient k ranges from 0.035 to 0.050 m2/s. The detailed information for the model calibration results is shown in Table S1. Supplementary Material, Figure S2 presents the comparison results of water quality indicators between the observed and the simulated data. The statistical comparison results indicate that the average relative errors of NH3-N, TP, and BOD5 are 23.5%, 20.1%, and 17.9%, respectively. Therefore, the coupled model can be used to simulate the actual hydro-environmental processes within the acceptable error range.

Simulation scenarios for hydro-environmental evaluation

Based on the 1D hydro-environmental model and the collected data, as shown in Table 1, three simulation scenarios for the hydro-environmental evaluation of the middle and lower Han River were conducted in this study. Scenario 1 was applied to simulate the hydro-environmental processes without the water transfer projects (SNWTP, YHWTP) and TGR. Scenario 2 was used to reveal the backwater effect in the lower Han River. Moreover, Scenario 3 was applied to examine the coupled influences that resulted from the water transfer projects and TGR.

Table 1

Simulation scenarios for the hydro-environmental evaluation in the lower Han River

ScenariosTime intervalTGRSNWTP + YHWTP
1996–2019 ✗ ✗ 
1996–2019 ✓ ✗ 
1996–2019 ✓ ✓ 
ScenariosTime intervalTGRSNWTP + YHWTP
1996–2019 ✗ ✗ 
1996–2019 ✓ ✗ 
1996–2019 ✓ ✓ 

Note: ✓ indicates involving the engineering influences, while ✗ presents having no engineering impacts.

Hydro-environmental changes description

Spearman correlation analysis
In this study, the Spearman correlation analysis was applied to examine the interannual variation of the hydro-environmental regime in the lower Han River. The Spearman correlation analysis was one of the common nonparametric test methods, which can quantify the relationship between the variables (Lobo & Guntur 2018). The following formula can calculate the Spearman rank correlation coefficients of datasets:
in which, is the Spearman rank correlation coefficient, −1 < < 1; are the rank differences of a couple of samples within the computing variables; n is the sample size of computing variables. The significance test was examined by comparing the and its critical value.
When the sample size is less than 50, the critical value can be obtained to check the table enclosed to the Spearman rank correlation coefficients. Moreover, when the sample size is more than 50, the critical value can be calculated by the t-test as follows:
where n is the sample size of computing variables. The significance test can be conducted by comparing the calculated and the critical value t with the degree of freedom under the confidence level of α.
Flow distribution calculation
The coefficient of variation () was applied to reflect the uneven flow distribution in the lower Han River with and without the engineering influences, and its calculation formula was shown as follows:
where is the coefficient of unevenness; is the annual average flow; is the monthly average flow. It can be seen from Equations (6)–(8) that the larger value of , the more uneven flow distribution occurred during the whole year, and vice versa.
Flow variation range () is the ratio of the maximum and minimum values of the monthly average flow, reflecting the changing magnitude of the flow during the whole year.
where is the maximum monthly average flow; is the minimum monthly average flow.

Water quality evaluation

In this study, the integrated evaluation index was applied to evaluate the water quality of the Han River, which examines the water quality by comparing the extreme value or average value of the evaluation factors with the highest allowable value. The equations were shown as follows (Ministry of Ecology & Environment 2018):
where is the ratio of a pollution index; is the maximum measured concentration value (the minimum value of dissolved oxygen) of a pollution index; is the highest allowable value of the same index, is the integrated evaluation index, and is the number of pollutant components. The larger the -value, the worse water quality there is in the Han River. The water quality grade is determined by calculating the integrated evaluation index as follows: (i) excellent (), (ii) good (), (iii) marginal (), (iv) Poor (), and (v) very poor () (Pesce & Wunderlin 2000; Kannel et al. 2007). To better evaluate the nutrient status of water columns and the concentration of all biochemically degradable oxygen-consuming organic matter in the middle and lower Han River, the water quality indicators NH3-N, TP, and BOD5 were selected in this study.

Nutrient assimilative capacity calculation

Nutrient assimilative capacity evaluation refers to the pollutant amount that the water can accommodate or the ability to purify and maintain ecological balance without affecting the normal use of water. The pollutants in the small and medium rivers are easily mixed across the sections because of their large ratio between the river length, width, and depth. Therefore, 1D hydro-environmental model can be applied to simulate the environmental processes and predict the variations in nutrient assimilative capacity because the coupled model meets the steady-state requirements. Based on the convection equation of the 1D hydro-environmental model, the nutrient assimilative capacity can be calculated using the following Equation (12).
in which, is the nutrient assimilative capacity for kinds of pollutants within an objective river reach (g/s); Q is the discharge for the designed flow level (m3/s); q is the sewage discharge (m3/s); is the pollutant concentration after mixing in the computing element, and is the pollutant concentration in the upstream section of the computing element. In this study, the flow ratio, , was introduced to Equation (12). Thus the nutrient assimilative capacity for the computing element was deduced as follows:

Statistical characteristics of the hydrological changes

Figure 3 presents the flow duration curve at the Huangjiagang station. If the flow of less than 800 m3/s was considered the low flow, the low flow duration significantly increased after water diversion, which extended from 3.2–5.1 months to 7.0–10.1 months. As shown in Table 2, the average annual flow at the Xiantao station increased from 843.67 m3/s to 874.62 m3/s after the TGR operation, while it decreased to 775.31 m3/s after water diversion. In particular, there was much more distinct flow alteration during the flood seasons than the dry seasons. It should be noted that the multi-year average flow of scenario 3 decreased both in flood seasons and dry seasons comparing to Scenarios 1 & 2. Spearman correlation analysis was carried out based on the monthly flow of the three scenarios. The test results showed that the was less than the critical value in Scenarios 1 & 2, which indicated no obvious changing trend in flow series during the two periods. In particular, although there were evident flow variations during the dry seasons and flood seasons after the TGR and SNWTP operation, the Spearman test results did not show a distinct changing trend within the statistical periods of the three scenarios.

Table 2

Statistical results of the flow series and their Spearman test results at Xiantao station

PeriodsMulti-year average flow/(m3/s)
Spearman |T|
Scenario No.1Scenario No.2Scenario No.3Scenario No.1Scenario No.2Scenario No.3
Annual 843.67 874.62 775.31 0.143 0.081 0.800 
Dry seasons 633.31 669.44 604.76 0.119 0.091 0.860 
Flood seasons 1,051.31 1,269.79 915.55 0.333 0.100 0.800 
PeriodsMulti-year average flow/(m3/s)
Spearman |T|
Scenario No.1Scenario No.2Scenario No.3Scenario No.1Scenario No.2Scenario No.3
Annual 843.67 874.62 775.31 0.143 0.081 0.800 
Dry seasons 633.31 669.44 604.76 0.119 0.091 0.860 
Flood seasons 1,051.31 1,269.79 915.55 0.333 0.100 0.800 

Note: Spearman correlation analysis was conducted at the significance level of 0.05. The critical values used for the Spearman test in scenarios No.1-3 were 0.786, 0.587, and 0.900, respectively. The dry seasons involved here were from December to the following March, while the flood seasons were from June to September.

Figure 3

Flow duration curve at the Huangjiagang station.

Figure 3

Flow duration curve at the Huangjiagang station.

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The calculation results of flow distribution before and after the water diversion are shown in Table 3. There was a significant increase in the coefficient of variation and flow variation range of Scenario 3, which indicated the much more uneven flow distribution occurred after the water diversion. Compared with Scenario 1, there was no significant increase in the hydrologic alteration indicators of Scenario 2, which indicated that the TGR operation exerted slight influences on the flow distribution in the lower Han River.

Table 3

Variation in annual runoff distribution at the gauging stations

Scenario No.1Scenario No.2Scenario No.3Scenario No.1Scenario No.2Scenario No.3
Coefficient of variation 1.64 1.64 2.53 1.55 1.69 2.41 
Flow variation range 4.35 4.35 6.55 4.21 4.47 6.17 
Scenario No.1Scenario No.2Scenario No.3Scenario No.1Scenario No.2Scenario No.3
Coefficient of variation 1.64 1.64 2.53 1.55 1.69 2.41 
Flow variation range 4.35 4.35 6.55 4.21 4.47 6.17 

Moreover, the water level at the estuary of the Han River is the vital outflow boundary condition, which greatly contributed to the outflow processes variation of the lower Han River. The stage variation at the Hankou station can reflect the estuary outflow boundary changes, which are presented in Supplementary Material, Figure S3. There was a significant variation in the water level at the Hankou station after the TGR operation. The monthly average water level decreased obviously from April to December, especially stage decrease during October and November because of TGR impoundment. The maximum stage decrease was up to 2.34 m. On the contrary, the water level increased slightly during the water compensation from the TGR (from January to March), and the average stage increase was 0.78 m.

Performances assessment of water quality variables

Based on the simulation results of the hydro-environmental model, the changes in water quality indicators, NH3-N, TP, and BOD5, were presented in Figure 4. The environmental processes at the Yujiahu, Shilou, and Zongguan stations reflected the spatiotemporal variations in water quality along the Han River channels. As shown in Figure 4, there was a distinctly rising trend of Scenario 3 in NH3-N concentration at the Yujiahu, Shilou, and Zongguan stations compared with Scenarios 1 and 2. The largest monthly average concentration increase at the Yujiahu station was up to 0.109 mg/l. Compared with Scenario 1, the concentration variations in the NH3-N of Scenario 2 presented a different trend during the dry and flood seasons. In Scenario 2, there was a slight increase in the NH3-N concentration during the dry seasons (December to the following February), while it decreased to a different extent at the gauging stations during the flood seasons. The maximum NH3-N concentration decrease occurred at the Zongguan station by 0.06 mg/l during August. In terms of spatial variation along the channels, the closer to the estuary of the Han River, the more significant concentration variations occurred at the gauging stations. The monthly average NH3-N concentration increase of Scenario 2 was 0.048 mg/l at the Zongguan station than that of Scenario 1, which increased by 12.6% in contrast to that at the Yujiahu station.

Figure 4

Boxplots of hydro-environmental indices at the gauging stations.

Figure 4

Boxplots of hydro-environmental indices at the gauging stations.

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There were similar changing trends of TP, BOD5 at the gauging stations. In contrast to Scenario 1, the TP and BOD5 concentrations variated to a different extent in Scenarios 2 & 3. In particular, there was a significant concentration increase in TP and BOD5 of Scenario 3. Compared with Scenario 1, the largest concentration increases in TP and BOD5 of Scenario 3 at the gauging stations were 0.04 mg/l and 0.15 mg/l, respectively. In addition, the monthly average concentration of TP and BOD5 of Scenario 2 decreased by 0.005 mg/l and 0.089 mg/l than the ones of Scenario 1 during the flood seasons. On the contrary, the monthly average TP and BOD5 concentration of Scenario 2 increased by 0.002 mg/l and 0.037 mg/l than the ones of Scenario 1 during the dry seasons.

Supplementary Material, Figure S4 shows the changing trend of the integrated evaluation index along the middle and lower Han River. There was an obvious increase in the integrated evaluation index of Scenario 3 at the gauging stations. After the TGR and SNWTP were implemented, the integrated evaluation index variated to different degrees at the Yujiahu, Shilou, and Zongguan stations. In particular, there was not a good consistency in the variations of integrated evaluation index P in Scenario 2. The largest P-decrease of Scenario 2 was 0.021, 0.035, and 0.041 than Scenario 1 during the periods from March to November, while the largest P-increase were 0.018, 0.020, and 0.022 during the dry seasons (December to the following February). Compared to the increase of integrated evaluation index P between the Shilou and Zongguan stations, the more obvious P-increase occurred at the estuarine Zongguan station of the Han River. It should be noted that the integrated evaluation index was still less than 1.0, which indicated that it was not larger than the highest allowable value along the middle and lower Han River.

The integrated evaluation index was examined by the Spearman test, and the results are shown in Table 4. The critical values of the Spearman test in scenarios 1–3 at the significance level of 0.05 are 0.786, 0.587, and 0.900, respectively. The integrated evaluation index at the gauging stations is less than the critical values. Therefore, there was no obvious increase or decrease trend in the integrated evaluation index at the gauging stations. Moreover, the SNWTP significantly influenced pollutants duration along the middle and lower channels when it was put into operation (Figure 5). In particular, the NH3-N concentration of Scenario 3 at the stations was larger than 0.30 mg/l during more than 50% of the statistical time. Also, the changing processes of TP and BOD5 had a similar trend with that of NH3-N. The duration of higher pollutant concentration was drastically extended in Scenario 3.

Table 4

Spearman test results of the integrated evaluation index at gauging stations

Scenario No.PeriodsYujiahuShilouZongguan
1996–2019 0.007 −0.182 −0.070 
1996–2019 −0.503 −0.503 −0.287 
1996–2019 0.343 0.168 0.021 
Scenario No.PeriodsYujiahuShilouZongguan
1996–2019 0.007 −0.182 −0.070 
1996–2019 −0.503 −0.503 −0.287 
1996–2019 0.343 0.168 0.021 
Figure 5

Pollutants duration curves during the different periods at the gauging stations.

Figure 5

Pollutants duration curves during the different periods at the gauging stations.

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Variations in nutrient assimilative capacity

The hydrological changes resulted in the variations in water quality indicators and influenced the nutrient assimilative capacity along the middle and lower Han River. The spatiotemporal variations in nutrient assimilative capacity are shown in Figure 6. Although the water quality indicators fluctuated, the decreasing trend was evident after the SNWTP operation. The more runoff flowed through the channels, the larger the nutrient assimilative capacity there was along the Han River, e.g., the nutrient assimilative capacity increased significantly during the rainy periods from 2011 to 2013.

Figure 6

Variations in nutrient assimilative capacity along the middle and lower Han River.

Figure 6

Variations in nutrient assimilative capacity along the middle and lower Han River.

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The average allowable capacity of NH3-N for the middle and lower Han River was 853.85 g/s, 870.69 g/s, and 586.27 g/s in Scenarios 1, 2, and 3, respectively. As shown in Figure 6, the average allowable capacity of NH3-N was much larger than that of TP. The TP was evident out of the limit downstream of the Xiantao city. In particular, the closer to the estuary of the Han River, the larger decrease occurred in nutrient assimilative capacity. Also, there was a similar spatiotemporal variation in the BOD5 along the lower Han River. With the increase of pollutants, it needed more oxygen to decompose the organic matter. Therefore, the available capacity for the BOD5 along the middle and lower Han River decreased significantly.

As shown in the results, the water environment of the Han River is deteriorating under the influences of inter-basin water resource development. The hydrological changes along the middle and lower Han River significantly contributed to the water environmental variations. The runoff decreased substantially after the SNWTP operation, directly increasing pollutant concentration and rapidly decreasing nutrient assimilative capacity (Figures 46).

The flow decrease in the Han River and the backwater effect of the water surface of the Yangtze River increased the estuarine water level of the Han River, which led to the hydraulic gradient decrease and velocity reduction along the lower Han River to a different extent. The monthly averaged flow velocity at the Yujiahu, Shilou, and Zongguan stations was presented in Supplementary Material, Figure S5. The flow velocity during the dry seasons decreased slightly after the TGR and SNWTP operation, and the flow velocity larger than 1.5 m/s rarely occurred along the lower channels. In particular, the monthly average flow velocity decreased by 0.1 m/s during the dry seasons under the coupled influences of the TGR and SNWTP (Supplementary Material, Figure S5). Due to the evident runoff reduction and flow velocity decrease, the pollutant dispersion becomes much slower. Therefore, water self-purification capacity decreased and the pollutants accumulated in the middle and lower Han River.

However, there was no consistency in the flow variations all year because of the different floods encountered between the two rivers. Compared with Scenario 1, the TGR indeed contributed to a certain degree to the estuarine level decrease and flow velocity increase along the lower Han River during the TGR impounding periods (September and October). There was a flow velocity increase by 0.13–0.52 m3/s in Scenario 2 during the TGR impounding periods. However, the flow velocity increase during the TGR impoundment was still unable to improve the water environment of the middle and lower Han River. Because the runoff decrease of the middle and lower Han River drastically reduced the water level after the SNWTP operation, there was no extremely significant flow velocity increase at all. In particular, the TGR impoundment impact lasts no more than 2.5 months annually. Although the flow in the Han River increased after the YHWDP was put into operation, the low flow duration had no remarkable changes (Zhang et al. 2018). Therefore, the YHWDP can improve the water quality after its operation but will not completely offset the adverse influences resulting from the SNWTP. The runoff decrease is the primary cause of water quality deterioration along the middle and lower Han River.

The concentration increase in NH3-N, TP, and BOD5 deteriorated the water quality in the lower Han River, which significantly reduced the nutrient assimilative capacity. Consequently, several algal bloom events occurred in recent years, which posed a great threat to water safety in the Han River basin (Xin et al. 2020). To deal with the water quality degradation and the series of negative influences resulted from the project operation on the hydro-environment, the outflow into the middle and lower channels of Han River should be increased to offset the flow decrease after the SNWTP operation. Moreover, pollutant emissions should be strictly limited, and wastewater treatment should also be taken seriously in the Han River basin. Last but not least, optimizing water resource scheduling of the inter-basin water resource may also be an effective measure to deal with the deterioration of water quality under the limited water quantity.

The SNWTP and TGR, as the important hydraulic engineering systems to optimize water distribution across watersheds, also had significant adverse effects on downstream river health. In this study, the hydro-environmental modeling and the middle and lower Han River data analysis were applied to evaluate the hydrological changes and water-quality variations resulting from the inter-basin water resource regulation. The lower Han River is under the combined effects of the hydrological variations in the Han River and the Yangtze River. After the SNWTP operation, the low flow duration was extended from 3.2–5.1 months to 7.0–10.1 months.

On the other hand, the water level of the Han River estuary, as one of the most important outflow boundary conditions, had remarkable variations after the TGR operation. There was an obvious stage decrease during the TGR impoundment, while the estuarine stage of the Han River increased slightly when the TGR began to supplement water to the downstream channels. The water quality of the middle and lower Han River deteriorated under the influences of the inter-basin water resource regulation of the SNWTP. The concentration increase in NH3-N, TP, and the BOD5 resulted in an obvious increase in the integrated evaluation index at the gauging stations. Consequently, the allowable nutrient assimilative capacity decreased significantly. Effective measures should be taken to improve the hydro-environment along the middle and lower Han River to reduce pollutant emission and optimize the reservoir operation.

This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Plan (2016YFC0400901) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51509273).

The authors have declared no conflict of interest.

All relevant data are included in the paper or its Supplementary Information.

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