The current reservoir safety guidance within the UK recommends the use of the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model to estimate PMF (probable maximum flood) peak flows for reservoirs within the highest risk category (A). However, the FSR/FEH model has been superseded by the ReFH2 rainfall-runoff model for all other flood risk purposes in the UK. This study develops a new modelling framework for PMF estimation using ReFH2 by translating the assumptions made within the current FSR/FEH PMF procedure and applying these within the ReFH2 rainfall-runoff model. Peak flows from the methodology are compared with those from the FSR/FEH model for 400+ catchments. The study highlights the potential for ReFH2 to be used as the rainfall-runoff model for all return periods, up to and including the PMF, thereby paving the way for using the ReFH2 model for reservoir safety studies.

  • Application of the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff method for probable maximum flood (PMF) estimation in the UK at 400+ catchments.

  • Use of the ReFH2 rainfall-runoff model, often recommended for standard design periods, using the same assumptions as current PMF methods, for PMF estimation.

  • Development of a flexible method for PMF estimation that can be improved as further research is completed.


Meaning                        Units


BFI (baseflow index) estimated using HOST (Hydrology of Soil Types) classification


Baseflow recession constant (or lag)           hours


Baseflow recharge


Initial soil moisture depth                mm


Maximum soil moisture depth              mm


Catchment wetness index                mm


Mean drainage path length                km


Dynamic percentage runoff dependent on CWI      %


Dynamic percentage runoff dependent on P        %


Mean drainage path slope                km


Estimated maximum 2-h rainfall             mm


Estimated maximum 24-h rainfall            mm


Total design storm depth                mm


Peak flow of a PMF event                m3/s


Total depth of a design PMP storm           mm


Percentage runoff                   %


Index of proportion of time that soils are wet


Standard Annual Average Rainfall            mm


Standard percentage runoff         %


SPR estimated using HOST (Hydrology of Soil Types) classification


Unit hydrograph time to peak       hours


FEH index of fraction urban extent

Reservoir safety in the UK is regulated through the Reservoirs Act 1975 (RA75). The safety regulations require the estimation of the probable maximum flood (PMF) for reservoirs which fall within category A, where failure of a reservoir can result in loss of life. The ICE (2015) states that the PMF represents ‘the flood hydrograph resulting from PMP [probable maximum precipitation] and, where applicable, snowmelt, coupled with the worst flood-producing catchment conditions that can be realistically expected in the prevailing meteorological conditions’. Current guidelines for estimating the PMF are summarised by Pether & Fraser (2019) and detailed within the fourth edition of the Floods and Reservoir Safety publication (ICE 2015). These guidelines stipulate that the PMF is estimated using the method outlined in Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH) volume 4 (Houghton-Carr 1999); a restatement of the original method described in the Flood Studies Report (FSR) (NERC 1975). While the original FSR method has been replaced by the revitalised flood hydrograph (ReFH) method for design flood estimation (Kjeldsen et al. 2005; WHS 2019), the estimation of PMF still relies on the original FSR method.

Depending on the category of dam, flood hydrographs (and peak flows) are required for the 150-, 1,000- and 10,000-year events as well as the PMF. For each dam category, a different combination of design rainfall and rainfall-runoff models may be recommended. A subset of these is presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Rainfall depth-duration-frequency model and rainfall-runoff model used for flood hydrology at UK dams (excerpt from Pether & Fraser (2019))

150-year return period1,000-year return period10,000-year return periodPMF
Rainfall depth-duration-frequency model FEH2013 FEH2013 FEH2013 FSR 
Rainfall-runoff model FSR/FEH and/or ReFH and/or ReFH2 FSR/FEH and/or ReFH2 FSR/FEH ReFH2a FSR/FEH 
150-year return period1,000-year return period10,000-year return periodPMF
Rainfall depth-duration-frequency model FEH2013 FEH2013 FEH2013 FSR 
Rainfall-runoff model FSR/FEH and/or ReFH and/or ReFH2 FSR/FEH and/or ReFH2 FSR/FEH ReFH2a FSR/FEH 

aReFH2.3, released in 2019, allows users to estimate the 10,000-year hydrograph.

While the ReFH2 model is not cited within Pether & Fraser (2019) for use in 10,000-year return period events, simulation of design events up to a return period of 10,000 years was tested and enabled within the ReFH2.3 software released in November 2019 (WHS 2022). Thus, the PMF event is the only return period where the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model is still required to be used. Many of the issues relating to the current estimation of PMF within the UK are summarised in Faulkner & Benn (2019) and included in a recent review of current methods by the Environment Agency (EA 2023). Many of the areas highlighted for improvement require substantial investment and further research. The aim of this study is not to resolve the larger issues but to investigate whether it is feasible to use a consistent rainfall-runoff model (ReFH2) for all return periods, up to and including the PMF event. Notably, Pucknell et al. (2020) present a framework for estimating PMF using the ReFH2 model, by translating the FSR/FEH procedure into an equivalent ReFH2 procedure. Here, we develop these methods further to show that PMF peak flows (and hydrographs) can be estimated using the PMP rainfall event, the ReFH2 rainfall-runoff model and the assumptions associated with the current PMF method. Updates can be incorporated within the framework without recourse to older methods.

The FSR/FEH and ReFH2 models are conceptual unit hydrograph rainfall-runoff models and are described in subsequent sections. Both can be utilised in ungauged catchments as parameters can be estimated from catchment descriptors. This is a requirement of the method as many reservoired catchments (or those where reservoirs may be planned) are ungauged.

Current method for PMF estimation

PMP estimation

The estimation of the PMP event is independent of that for design rainfall events of lower return periods. Details are provided by Houghton-Carr (1999) and only a summary provided here. The baseline data for the method uses the FSR estimated maximum (EM) rainfall depths for the 2-h and 24-h events (EM-2h and EM-24h) which are interpolated or extrapolated for different duration events. A ‘nested’ approach is used in which, for each subsequent larger duration, the shorter duration event PMPs are retained. Areal reduction factors and seasonal correction factors are also applied. For the winter event, the 100-year snowmelt event may be added to both the PMP and antecedent conditions. In the past, there has been confusion on how to apply snowmelt and a generic 42 mm/day has often been used. Recent guidance (DEFRA 2022) has clarified that the Hough & Hollis (1997) method, based on observed snowmelt records, should be applied.

PMF estimation

The PMP event is used as input data to the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model. This is an update of the FSR rainfall-runoff model, utilising catchment descriptors released in the FEH, Volume 5 (Bayliss 1999). The model consists of three main components: a loss model, a routing model and baseflow component model.

Within the loss model, a static percentage runoff is used through the event (Equation (1)).
where PR is the percentage runoff, SPR is the standardised percentage runoff (based on SPRHOST, where HOST is the Hydrology Of Soil Types, Boorman et al. 1995), DPRCWI is based on the CWI (catchment wetness index) an indication of pre-event saturation and DPRRAIN is event specific, based on the rainfall depth of the event, P.

Routing is based on a unit hydrograph, with time-to-peak Tp, which can be estimated from catchment characteristics (DPSBAR, PROPWET, DPLBAR and URBEXT).

Baseflow is constant and can be estimated using the CWI and catchment descriptors (AREA and SAAR; the Standard-period i.e. 1961–1990, Average Annual Average Rainfall).

To reflect the ‘ultra conservative assumptions’ (NERC 1975) required for PMF estimation, adjustments are made to the rainfall and rainfall-runoff model. These adjustments are summarised in Table 2.

Table 2

Components of the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model for standard design and PMF events

ComponentFSR/FEH standard designFSR/FEH PMF
Rainfall FSR or FEH99 PMP
Winter: additional input from snowmelt and rainmelt. 
Loss Model Static PR Static PR, increased due to antecedent conditions.
Winter: additional antecedent rainfall from snowmelt and rainmelt.
Winter: Frozen ground; SPRHOSTa is set to a minimum 53%. 
Routing Triangular unit hydrograph, controlled by Tpb Triangular unit hydrograph, reduce Tp by a third. 
Baseflow Static baseflow Static baseflow linked to increased CWI
ComponentFSR/FEH standard designFSR/FEH PMF
Rainfall FSR or FEH99 PMP
Winter: additional input from snowmelt and rainmelt. 
Loss Model Static PR Static PR, increased due to antecedent conditions.
Winter: additional antecedent rainfall from snowmelt and rainmelt.
Winter: Frozen ground; SPRHOSTa is set to a minimum 53%. 
Routing Triangular unit hydrograph, controlled by Tpb Triangular unit hydrograph, reduce Tp by a third. 
Baseflow Static baseflow Static baseflow linked to increased CWI

aSPRHOST is the standard percentage runoff derive using the HOST soil classification.

bTp is the unit hydrograph time-to-peak.

As summarised by the Environment Agency (2023), many of these adjustments are somewhat arbitrary and have not been updated since the FSR (NERC 1975).

The adjustment to the antecedent conditions (not winter-specific conditions), is based on the assumption that an event 2 times the duration of the PMP rainfall model falls prior to the event, producing the EMa, Equation (2). This is then used to estimate the CWI, Equation (3).
where EMa is the antecedent rainfall, ARF5D and ARFD are the areal reduction factors for the 5D and 1D durations and EM_5Dh and EM_Dh are the seasonal EM depths for the 5D and 1D durations.
where CWI is the catchment wetness index, EMa is the antecedent rainfall and D is the duration in hours of the event.

The revitalised flood hydrograph rainfall-runoff model (ReFH)

The revitalised flood hydrograph rainfall-runoff model (ReFH) was first developed by Kjeldsen et al. (2005). The ReFH conceptual model has a number of improvements over the existing FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model, summarised in Table 3. In addition, the development used more calibration data and higher-resolution soils data.

Table 3

The components of the conceptual unit hydrograph FSR/FEH and ReFH rainfall-runoff models

ComponentFSR/FEH standard design rainfallReFH standard design rainfall
Rainfall FSR FEH99/FEH13 
Loss Model Static PR PR varies spatially and temporally. Parameters are Cini, the initial soil moisture depth and Cmax, the maximum soil moisture depth. 
Routing Triangular unit hydrograph, controlled by Tp ‘Kinked’ unit hydrograph, controlled by Tp
Baseflow Static baseflow equal to BF0, the initial baseflow Varies throughout event. Parameterised by the BL (baseflow recession constant), BR (baseflow recharge) and BF0
ComponentFSR/FEH standard design rainfallReFH standard design rainfall
Rainfall FSR FEH99/FEH13 
Loss Model Static PR PR varies spatially and temporally. Parameters are Cini, the initial soil moisture depth and Cmax, the maximum soil moisture depth. 
Routing Triangular unit hydrograph, controlled by Tp ‘Kinked’ unit hydrograph, controlled by Tp
Baseflow Static baseflow equal to BF0, the initial baseflow Varies throughout event. Parameterised by the BL (baseflow recession constant), BR (baseflow recharge) and BF0

The ReFH loss model has one static parameter, , which represents the maximum soil moisture depth and an initial soil moisture depth (), which can vary between (observed) events.

For a given event, the percentage runoff PR is calculated as a function of , and rainfall depth P (mm), as presented in Equation (4).

The first term on the right-hand side relates to the antecedent conditions, while the second part represents the dynamic rainfall effects. This form is similar to the FSR/FEH loss model, presented in Equation (1). Unlike the FSR/FEH loss model, the losses in the ReFH model are calculated for each time step of the simulation to account for the wetting-up of the soil during the flood event.

Subsequently, there have been a number of additional updates including the incorporation of the FEH13 rainfall model (Stewart et al. 2013), improved parameterisation (as well as a bespoke calibration for Scotland) and, more recently within ReFH2.3, inclusion of water balance features. The latest release also increased the maximum return period, such that the 1 in 10,000-year event can now be estimated.

The ReFH2 model is recommended for use, and widely utilised, within flood risk assessments where return periods up to 1,000 years are required. It is widely accepted that the form of the ReFH rainfall-runoff model offers considerable improvements over the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model and the ReFH2 rainfall-runoff model is recommended for use within reservoir studies for lower return period estimates. Use of the ReFH2 model for PMF estimation would therefore offer improvement relating to the structure of the model, as well as allowing consistency across all return periods. While by no means the largest issue relating to PMF estimation, consistency will better enable users to make informed decisions relating to differences between lower and higher return period peak flows without the complicating factor that these have been estimated using different rainfall-runoff models.

Many of the adjustments summarised in Table 2 can be directly applied to the ReFH2 model. The least straightforward adjustment to apply relates to the initial soil moisture. In winter, there is the additional complication that frozen ground also needs to be taken into account. Pucknell et al. (2020) presented a method, trialled on 14 catchments that illustrated how the ReFH2 rainfall-runoff model could use the assumptions of the PMF method to estimate the PMF. The PMF Cini (Cini_PMF)i required to produce the increase in PR from the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model within ReFH2, was first estimated by rearranging Equation (4). A relationship was then established between the ratio of Cini_PMF to Cini and Cmax (Equation (5)).
where Cini_PMF is the Cini for the PMF event and a and b are coefficients for either the winter or summer event.

The resulting PMF peak flows were comparable with those estimated using the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff method.


The main aim of this study is to develop a framework by which ReFH2 can be used to implement the current PMF methods based on a translation of the assumptions listed in Table 2 from the FSR to the ReFH modelling method. The framework should be sufficiently flexible to ensure that, as further research is completed and any assumptions or datasets are updated, they can be readily translated into operational practice.

Pucknell et al. (2020) illustrated that it was possible to estimate the PMF using the ReFH2 rainfall-runoff model. However, there were a number of limitations to this study, including the small study size (14 catchments), the use of the ‘recommended duration’ only, and the use of the 42 mm/day snowmelt assumption. This study builds on this work by firstly increasing the sample size. Secondly, the ‘recommended duration’ is the duration which, in the absence of any storage, is estimated to produce the highest peak flows. However, other durations may be necessary as part of reservoir design; ICE (2015) states that PMF estimation with a number of different durations may be required, in the event that the ‘recommended’ duration is not the ‘critical’ duration. This study, therefore, aims to develop a method in which any duration can be used. Finally, this study retains the 42 mm/day snowmelt assumption, allowing results from this study to be compared with those reported by Pucknell et al. (2020).

The catchment data were obtained from the NRFA (National River Flow Archive) Peak Flow dataset version 10 (NRFA 2021). This dataset contains catchment descriptors and annual maxima (AMAX) for each gauging station. 467 catchments, smaller than 1,000 km2 and flagged as ‘suitable for pooling’, were selected for this study (Figure 1).
Figure 1

Location of the 467 catchments (gauging stations) used in the study.

Figure 1

Location of the 467 catchments (gauging stations) used in the study.

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The dataset was maximised to capture a good spatial distribution and cross-section of catchment types (although Northern Ireland was excluded due to a lack of digital EM data). The existence of good quality gauged data at these sites also means that the resulting PMF values can be compared with observed AMAX values.

Different methods have been adopted for incorporating effects of urbanisation on storm runoff within the FSR/FEH and ReFH2 rainfall-runoff models. As the aim is to understand the difference between how the two models estimate the PMF, and given that the incorporation of urban impacts may complicate our understanding of this, the rural estimates of PMF are used.

The EM-2h and EM-24h were obtained from the UKCEH FSR database at the centroids of each catchment; a justified assumption given the comparative aim of the study.

The 100-year snow depth, which limits the snowmelt that may occur, was obtained from a digitised version of Figure 4.7 in the FEH Volume 4 (Houghton-Carr 1999). The mid value of each snow depth contour boundary at the centroid of each catchment was used. Given the resolution of the map and aims of the study, this assumption is justified.

As far as the authors are aware, this dataset represents the largest catchment set for which the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff PMF has been estimated in the UK.

Three main methods, with a fourth for comparison purposes only, were trialled, and the results compared to ascertain the credibility of the proposed ReFH2-PMF modelling framework:

  • 1.

    Replication of the Pucknell et al. (2020) method for a large number of stations. Referred to as the ‘Delta PR Rec Duration’ method.

  • 2.

    Extension of the Pucknell et al. (2020) method to include greater flexibility in duration selection. Referred to as the ‘Delta PR’ method.

  • 3.

    Development of flexible method with no link to the FSR method. Referred to as the ‘Direct Antecedent’ method.

  • 4.

    The Cini_PMF for ReFH2 was increased using the direct PR increase from the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model. Referred to as ‘FSR/FEH Percent Diff’, this is for comparison purposes only. Methods 1 and 2 are effectively ‘fitting’ to this dataset.

The results are presented for the recommended duration at each catchment. The recommended duration is based on the Tp and SAAR, hence these are different for the FSR/FEH and ReFH2 rainfall-runoff models. Where the change in PR from the FSR was required (‘Delta PR Rec Duration’, ‘Delta PR’ and ‘FSR/FEH Percent Diff’ methods), this was calculated using the FSR recommended duration. Application within ReFH2 used the ReFH2 recommended duration.

  • 1.

    Delta PR Rec Duration

The absolute percentage difference in the PR for the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model between the standard design PR and PMF PR was calculated for all stations. The revised Cini required to produce this percentage difference was then calculated, and the relationship between the Cini_PMF/Cini and Cmax was determined. This was used to derive new coefficients for Equation (5), following Pucknell et al. (2020). The two models start to deviate in more permeable catchments (as Cmax increases), with the larger dataset model producing higher Cini_PMF/Cini ratios in these types of catchments. Application of the two models might therefore result in significant differences to the Cini_PMF/Cini ratio, thus peak flows, in highly permeable catchments.

The differences highlight the importance of testing methods within large representative datasets. While reservoirs in the past have been predominantly within small upland catchments, this may change in the future if more lower-altitude flood storage schemes are developed.

  • 2.

    Delta PR

The FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model was run for a number of durations and the absolute difference in PR was then calculated for each. A relationship between the PR and input parameters/descriptors was established such that the absolute difference in PR could be estimated. The Cini was then adjusted to account for the increasing PR using a rearrangement of Equation (4). Since it is the amount of antecedent rainfall that is important, the useful descriptors/data were found to be the ratio of EM-24h/EM-2h (an indication of the rate at which the PMP rainfall depths increase with duration), the duration, PMP rainfall depth and SAAR (an indication of how wet the catchment is) (Equation (6)).
where DeltaPR is the change in the percentage runoff, duration is the length of the event in hours, RatEM is the ratio of EM-24h/EM-2h, PMPRain is the PMP rainfall depth and SAAR is the 1961–1990 mean annual rainfall.
  • 3.

    Direct Antecedent

Within the FSR/FEH application, the EMa represents the depth of rainfall that falls prior to the PMP event, over a period two times the duration of the PMP event. Application of Equation (3) then uses this to estimate the PMF CWI. This process is replicated within ReFH2 by modelling the EMa as a constant-intensity event of 2 times the PMP event duration, with the initial Cini for this ‘event’ calculated from catchment descriptors. Within ReFH2.3, the ‘drainage’ feature then reduces the total impact that this has on the soil moisture. The soil moisture depth at the end of the EMa event is then used as Cini for the PMP rainfall event.

For each of the three methods, the ReFH2 rainfall-runoff model was applied in combination with the summer PMP event using the ReFH2 recommended duration, the PMP, the reduced Tp and the relevant Cini_PMF. For the ‘Delta PR Rec Duration’ and ‘Direct Antecedent’ methods, the winter PMP event was also run which included the additional snowmelt and rainmelt added to the PMP and antecedent conditions, and a minimum 53% (to represent frozen ground) PR for every timestep.

The PMF summer peak flows for each of the four methods, with the fourth presented for comparison reasons only, relative to the FSR/FEH PMF peak flows, are presented in Figure 2. As the PMF peak flow is unknown any comparison, graphical or statistical, is relative only. Thus, any comparison can only reflect differences between the models/methods, not performance.
Figure 2

The summer PMF peak flows estimated using ReFH2 for the four different methods.

Figure 2

The summer PMF peak flows estimated using ReFH2 for the four different methods.

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Figure 2 shows that the PMF peak flows are of a similar order for all models. The Bias (%, based on ln peak flows), which represents the difference between the models not performance, ranges from 7.59 to 12.7, with the ‘Direct Antecedent’ method having the lowest Bias.

Figure 3 presents the summer peak flows relative to SAAR and BFIHOST19 (BFI, baseflow index, as estimated using HOST (Hydrology of Soil Types) classification, Griffin et al. 2019).
Figure 3

The summer PMF peak flow using the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model and the ReFH2 rainfall-runoff model using the ‘Direct Antecedent’ method in the context of SAAR and BFIHOST19.

Figure 3

The summer PMF peak flow using the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model and the ReFH2 rainfall-runoff model using the ‘Direct Antecedent’ method in the context of SAAR and BFIHOST19.

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Figure 3 illustrates that, in general, higher peak flows occur in higher SAAR and lower BFIHOST19 catchments. This is confirmed within the Bias which ranges from 24.3 to 27.8 where SAAR is greater than 1,000 mm and from 16.1 to 19.6 where BFIHOST19 is less than 0.65.

There is a greater range of Bias in dry and permeable catchments between the methods with the ‘Direct Antecedent’ method consistently producing, in general, the lowest peak flows. Where SAAR is less than 1,000 mm, the Bias ranges from −9.75 to 0.04 and where BFIHOST19 is greater than 0.65, the Bias is −40.5 for the ‘Direct Antecedent’ method and ranges from −20.6 to −29.6 for the other methods. It is useful to note that over 90% of the permeable catchments (BFIHOST19 > 0.65) have a SAAR less than 1,000 mm.

The difference between the Cini_PMF and the design Cini for the ‘Direct Antecedent’ and ‘FSR/FEH Percent Diff’ methods is presented in Figure 4.
Figure 4

The ReFH2 design Cini and Cini_PMF for the ‘Direct Antecedent’ and the ‘FSR/FEH Percent Diff’ methods.

Figure 4

The ReFH2 design Cini and Cini_PMF for the ‘Direct Antecedent’ and the ‘FSR/FEH Percent Diff’ methods.

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Figure 4 illustrates that, while there is a large increase in the Cini_PMF at low Cini values for the ‘FSR/FEH Percent Diff’ method, this is not found for the ‘Direct Antecedent’ method. This large difference occurs in catchments where SAAR is very low and is attributed to the ‘disconnect’ between the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model standard and PMF CWI (which then impacts on the PR). For lower return periods, CWI decreases sharply for catchments with SAAR less than 934 mm; above this, the gradient of change is far lower. For the PMF method, the CWI is related to the size of the antecedent PMP event. This can result in large increases in PR for low-SAAR catchments (which in this dataset includes most of the permeable catchments) for the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model, which is replicated within the ‘Delta PR Rec Duration’ and ‘Delta PR’ methods.

This illustrates a weakness of the first two methods, where the implementation within the ReFH2 rainfall-runoff method is based on the impacts as modelled within the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model. The ‘Direct Antecedent’ method does not use these assumptions, hence that method is the most consistent application of the PMF method within the ReFH2 rainfall-runoff model.

For summer events, the differences between the rainfall-runoff models are generally attributed to the differences between the methods for deriving PR. The differences between the ‘Direct Antecedent’ method and the other methods are driven by the differences in the initial Cini values, particularly within low-SAAR catchments. As the permeable catchments are dominated by low-SAAR catchments, these differences are marked within this catchment type.

Winter results were produced for the ‘Delta PR Rec Duration’ and ‘Direct Antecedent’ method. The PMF peak flows for the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model and ReFH2 are presented in Figure 5.
Figure 5

The winter PMF Peak Flows estimated using ReFH2 for the ‘Delta PR Rec Duration’ and ‘Direct Antecedent’ methods.

Figure 5

The winter PMF Peak Flows estimated using ReFH2 for the ‘Delta PR Rec Duration’ and ‘Direct Antecedent’ methods.

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Figure 5 shows a greater agreement between the FSR/FEH and ReFH2 rainfall-runoff model peak flow estimates for winter events than summer events. This is borne out by the statistics where the overall Bias values are 6.2 and −5.16 for the ‘Delta PR Rec Duration’ and ‘Direct Antecedent’ methods, respectively, and the FSE (Factorial Standard Error) is 1.19 and 1.2, respectively; note that the FSE values for the summer events were higher at 1.28 and 1.36, respectively. The similarity between the two models is attributed to the frozen ground component, whereby the minimum PR is set to 53%, producing high percentage runoffs for all catchments.

In general, users apply both the summer and winter events to see which is the critical season for a particular reservoir; it is possible that one may be critical for peak flow and the other for volume.

Within the study dataset, for the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model, the winter event peak flows are greater than the summer event within 55% of catchments. For the ReFH2 rainfall-runoff model, the summer event peak flow exceeds the winter event within 71% of catchments. For both the FSR/FEH and ReFH2 rainfall-runoff models, the PMP volume is greater for summer, whereas the PRs are lower for summer events. Whether the summer or winter peak flows are higher is therefore attributed to a balance between the peakier, higher rainfall and the lower PR for the summer event and the less peaky, lower rainfall, but higher PR for winter events. This balance is different between the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model and the ReFH2 rainfall-runoff model. This study was completed using a constant snowmelt rate of 42 mm/day, and it is possible that the summer/winter balance would change if the Hough & Hollis (1997) snowmelt methods were used.

A number of studies have sought to determine whether PMFs have been exceeded in the past (Acreman 1989; EA 2023). Potential exceedances have generally been found to occur at ungauged sites, where peak flow has been modelled post-event. However, as this study has produced PMF estimates which represent a large dataset for the UK, it was thought to be advantageous to compare these with the observed AMAX values. Within this dataset, there are no AMAX that are higher than either the FSR/FEH urban winter or summer PMF. This does not necessarily mean that no events have exceeded the PMFs at these stations but that no quality-controlled AMAX values within the NRFA Peak Flow dataset have exceeded PMF at present. The winter PMF results may also differ if the H&H snowmelt method is used in the future. A similar assessment for the ReFH2 rainfall-runoff model rural PMF estimates (which may be an underestimation of the PMF) shows similar results, although the variability of the PMF for summer events is greater.

The 10,000-year return period peak flow from ReFH2 (rural) was estimated for each of these catchments. For the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model, the median ratios of the PMF to the 10,000 year peak flow are 2.5 and 2.1 for winter and summer, respectively. These ratios are related to both SAAR (lower ratios for higher rainfall) and BFIHOST19 (higher ratios for more permeable catchments). The median ratios for the ReFH2 rainfall-runoff model are 2.4 and 2.5 for winter and summer, respectively, with a similar relationship to SAAR and BFIHOST19.

This study has illustrated that the ReFH2 model can be used to estimate the PMF. The ‘Delta PR Rec Duration’ and ‘Delta PR’ methods utilise the outputs of the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff method for determining how the PR changes under PMF conditions. This can result in very large PR increases in low-SAAR conditions. This is avoided with the ‘Direct Antecedent’ method, resulting in lower initial conditions (hence lower resulting PR) within these catchments. The ‘Direct Antecedent’ method does not rely on the outputs of the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model, which means that any future improvement to the data/assumptions can be directly applied within ReFH2, without recourse to the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model.

We have presented a methodology for implementing PMF events within the structure of the ReFH2 rainfall-runoff method which:

  • 1.

    Is consistent with the current PMF assumptions implemented within the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model.

  • 2.

    Does not require recourse back to the FSR/FEH rainfall-runoff model and the way in which this responds to the PMF event.

  • 3.

    Is consistent with the rainfall-runoff model used within current design methods in the UK.

In addition, this study has illustrated the importance of testing methods with large datasets representative of the variability of catchment type/climate across the UK.

The dataset produced has been compared with gauged data from the NRFA Peak Flow dataset and has shown that PMFs have not been exceeded at present within this dataset. The median ratios between the FSR/FEH or ReFH2-PMF peak flow estimates and the ReFH2 rural 10,000-year peak flow estimates are between 2.1 and 2.5.

The dataset and methods offer opportunities for further analysis of catchments where current PMF estimates are close to the maximum AMAX or the 10,000 year peak flow estimates. The sensitivities of PMF peak flows to the assumptions within the PMF method (particularly snowmelt) could also be investigated further.

This study has illustrated that the ReFH2 rainfall-runoff model can be used for PMF estimation and the framework is such that, as aspects of the PMF modelling are improved (for example, the PMP or our understanding of how assumptions might be applied) that these can be easily incorporated.

Many thanks to those at UKCEH, particularly the FEH team and the NRFA, for providing datasets and advice on implementation to allow this work to be possible. Many thanks also to the anonymous reviewer who provided invaluable feedback to improve the clarity of the manuscript.

This work was funded by WHS and UKCEH, through reinvestment of FEH Software and FEH Web Service income, respectively.

Data cannot be made publicly available; readers should contact the corresponding author for details.

Tracey Haxton is an employee of WHS who develop and distribute the ReFH2 software.

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