Following recommendations of a preliminary meeting in Calgary, Canada, in February 1974 between representatives of the IHD Committees of Canada, USA and Sweden, and discussions at the Unesco House in Paris, France, in September 1974 between representatives of the IHD Committees of Canada, USA, Finland, Norway and Sweden, a Workshop Symposium on Northern Research Basins - Objectives and Measurements was organized at Edefors, Sweden, 7–11 April 1975.

The meeting was convened jointly by the Swedish IHD Committee and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute and organized by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. It was held close to the Lapptrasket Research Basin.

Participation in the workshop was arranged through the National IHD Committees of the participating countries: Canada, USA, Norway, Finland, the Soviet Union and Sweden.

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