Hydrology Research fully Open Access from 2020
We are pleased to announce the transition of Hydrology Research (HR) to a fully Open Access journal from 1 January 2020. The move to Open Access coincides with the 50th anniversary of the journal and a 37.4% increase in Impact Factor (to 2.47). To make this transition possible, all articles submitted after 31 October, 2019 will be subject to Open Access fees if they are accepted for publication.
Through Open Access, Hydrology Research will reach a more global audience, ultimately increasing readership and impact of this increasingly topical field. All papers will be published under Creative Commons OA licenses allowing for greater reuse, transparency and promotion of published research. We look forward to celebrating this momentous transition with the Hydrology Research community and look forward to publishing all of your future HR research Open Access!
Hydrology Research publishes results across the entire spectrum of hydrology in partnership with the Nordic Association for Hydrology (NHF). It is also the official journal of the German Hydrological Society (DHG) and Italian Hydrological Society (IHS). Members of the International Water Association (IWA), DHG, HIS, BGS and NHF will be granted full Open Access waivers for 2020. As with all Open Access at IWA Publishing, we grant fee waivers for authors from less-economically developed countries through our Research4Life program and to authors affiliated with our institutional partners.