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Hydrology Research Special Issue on Advances in Monitoring and Modelling of River Ice Processes




Significant advances in field monitoring, lab experiments and computational modelling of river ice processes have been made in the past few decades. Different ice processes such as ice cover formation, ice breakup and ice jamming have been studied, as have linkages between the ice regime with water quality and sediment transport. There has also been extensive research on understanding hydro-climatic drivers and controls of river ice processes along with assessments of climatic effects on river ice hydrology. Recent studies have focused on evaluating the impact of future climate on more complex ice processes, such as ice jamming and ice-jam flooding. These efforts have not only improved process understanding, but have also led to innovations in tools, methods and models. This Special Issue aims to acknowledge these advances and highlight novel contributions.

We are pleased to invite you to submit a manuscript to Hydrology Research for peer review and possible publication in a Special Issue entitled “Advances in Monitoring and Modelling of River Ice Processes”.


Relevant topics include:

  • Freeze-up and breakup processes;
  • Advances in river ice monitoring;
  • Climatic impacts on river ice processes;
  • Ice-jam flood risk assessment and hazard mapping;
  • Advances in numerical and physical modelling;
  • Ice jam and ice-cover breakup forecasting;
  • Ice-structure interactions;
  • Ice affected water quality and sediment transport.


Key dates:

Deadline for manuscript submission: Submission Deadline Extended

Expected publication: Accepted papers will be published online as soon as possible after acceptance.


Guest Editors:

Dr. Prabin Rokaya, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Dr. Brandi Newton, Alberta Environment and Parks, Canada

Dr. Yuntong She, University of Alberta, Canada

Prof. Karl-Erich Lindenschmidt, University of Saskatchewan, Canada


How to submit:

Please make sure that your paper follows the Instructions to Authors of the journal, before submitting your paper directly to Hydrology Research’s peer review system. Then choose the article type – ‘Special Issue Article OA’ and the submission category – ‘Special Issue: River Ice Processes’. This will send your paper to one of the Guest Editors.

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