The analysis of water distribution networks has to take into account the variability of users' water demand and the variability of network boundary conditions. In complex systems, e.g. those characterized by the presence of local private tanks and intermittent distribution, this variability suggests the use of dynamic models that are able to evaluate the rapid variability of pressures and flows in the network. The dynamic behavior of the network also affects the performance of valves that are used for controlling the network. Pressure reduction valves (PRVs) are used for controlling pressure and reducing leakages. Highly variable demands can produce significant fluctuation of the PRV set point, causing related transient phenomena that propagate through the network and may result in water quality problems, unequal distribution of resources among users, and premature wear of the pipe infrastructure. A model was developed in previous studies and an additional module for pressure control was implemented able to analyze PRVs in a fully dynamic numerical framework. The model was demonstrated to be robust and reliable in the implementation of pressure management areas in the network. The model was applied to a district of the Palermo network (Italy). The district was monitored and pressure as well as flow data were available for model calibration.

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