Hydraulic power capacity of the water distribution network (WDN) is analyzed, and energetically maximum flows in pipes and networks are determined. The concept of hydraulic power for the analysis of WDN characteristics is presented. Hydraulic power capacity characterizes the WDN capacity to meet pressure and flow demands. A capacity reliability indicator called the surplus power factor is introduced for individual transmission pipes and for distribution networks. The surplus power factor s that characterizes the reliability of the hydraulic system can be used along with other measures developed to quantify the hydraulic reliability of water networks. The coefficient of the hydraulic efficiency ηn of the network is defined. A water distribution system in service is analyzed to demonstrate the s and ηn values in the water network in service under different demand conditions. In order to calculate the s factor for WDNs, a network resistance coefficient C was determined. The coefficient C characterizes overall head losses in water pipelines and is a basis for the s factor calculation. This paper presents a theoretical approach to determine the coefficient C through matrix equations.

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