Environmental data are critical to understanding environmental phenomena, yet their consistent collection and curation can be cost-prohibitive. This paper describes a recipe for the design, development, and deployment of a low-cost environmental data logging and transmission system for environmental sensors and its connection to an open source data-sharing network. The hardware is built using several low-cost, open-source, mass-produced components. The system automatically ingests data into HydroServer, a standards-based server in the open source hydrologic information system (HIS) created by the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences Inc. (CUAHSI). By publishing data in this way, they are discoverable through the geographic information system (GIS)-based CUAHSI tools, HydroDesktop and HydroShare. In addition, because they follow WaterML encoding, open hardware data stored in the HIS can be included in international catalog such as the global earth observation system of system catalog. A recipe for building the system is provided. Multiple deployments used to test proof-of-concept of the system are described and their results are given. Ease of deployment and reliability of the logging and transmission system is also addressed.
It is generally accepted that to understand and address environmental phenomena, environmental observations are required (Baker 1936). While important, it is often very costly to install and maintain systems that collect environmental data at high spatial and temporal resolutions; thus cost is a common barrier to exhaustive environmental monitoring. This barrier affects many organizations including researchers, educators, and government agencies around the world. For example, more than 200 USGS gauging stations have been recently discontinued, with dozens more threatened with the same fate due to funding issues (US Geological Survey 2014).
High costs are especially problematic when sensors are deployed for a brief time period, in a high-risk environment, or in developing countries with limited resources. A short-term investigation of an area requiring several nodes may be needed for an environmental model calibration (Quinn et al. 2010). In these cases, an investment of several thousand dollars for equipment to be used only for short-term deployments may be infeasible. When several nodes are needed, costs, and thus infeasibility, rise quickly (Younis & Akkaya 2008). Another example where the expense of sensor systems may be an especially significant barrier is when the equipment is likely to be, or intended to be, destroyed (Oliveira & Rodrigues 2011; Kean et al. 2012). A final example is the collection of data in developing countries where the capital required to invest in expensive monitoring and telemetry equipment may be in short supply (Basha & Rus 2007). For example, since flooding is one of the costliest natural disasters, stream stage and rainfall data are invaluable to countries that are especially affected by these events, such as many of the developing countries in Latin America (Baker 1936; Berz 2000; Charvériat 2000). The costs associated with purchasing, implementing, and maintaining equipment needed to collect stream level and rainfall data can be burdensome to developing economies.
In recent years, the advancement of open-source hardware has sparked significant reductions in the cost of scientific equipment in many technical areas. A key contributor to this movement is the Arduino, an open-source, programable microcontroller. This easy-to-use electronics prototyping platform is adaptable to both simple and complex tasks (Arduino 2014). For example, an Arduino has been coupled with 3D printers to manufacture custom equipment for experimental laboratories, significantly reducing costs (Pearce 2012; Anzlone et al. 2013). Similar technology has been used to address broad problems such as energy availability and efficiency (Pourmirza & Brooke 2013; Mousa & Claudel 2014). More specifically, researchers have used low-cost open-source hardware in environmental monitoring to measure parameters such as latrine usage, snow depth, soil moisture, air quality, marine environments, and even pathogen levels (Lundquist & Lott 2008; Clasen et al. 2012; Trevathan et al. 2012; Fedi et al. 2013; Mitchell et al. 2014).
In addition to hardware costs, difficulties with the interoperability can threaten the value of environmental data. As science becomes increasingly data-intensive and collaborative, the need for easily shareable data grows as well (Michener et al. 2012). The ability to share heterogeneous data from a variety of sources can be greatly enhanced through the use of data structure and sharing standard formats (Giuliani et al. 2011). While the importance of data sharing is generally accepted and can be facilitated through industry standards, in many cases the effort needed to make data shareable is a considerable hindrance (Borgman 2012).
Lower financial and technical barriers for data collection have increased the amount of data that can be affordably collected (Henson et al. 2013). Recently, plans for managing and sharing data collected for research have become heavily emphasized by funding institutions such as the US National Science Foundation (Tenopir et al. 2011).
The effective and creative use of newly developed and more affordable technologies to increase the spatial and temporal resolutions of environmental data is an active area of research (Newman et al. 2012; Hut 2013; Zaslavsky et al. 2013; van de Giesen et al. 2014). A number of low-cost hardware solutions to collect and transmit environmental data have been developed and described (Baker 2014; Wickert 2014).
An open hardware system developed by the Stroud Research Center is used to collect data in the Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory. With Arduino boards and other open-source electronics such as Zigbee radios, the system uses several custom sensor modules including a radio reporting stream gauge, soil moisture sensor systems, pressure transducer readout, and respirometer controllers. These data are made available in WaterML1.1 format via WaterOneFlow web services created by the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences Inc. (CUAHSI) (Hicks et al. 2013).
Our goal is to improve upon the methods used in the cases above for managing and sharing collected data. For example, Trevathan et al. (2012) and Fedi et al. (2013) do not describe a specific plan to make the collected data publicly available, and the latrine usage data described by Clasen et al. (2012) were stored on an SD memory card but not made publicly available. The data storage and sharing schema of Hicks et al. (2013) are quite extensive, with streaming data viewable via a custom website and accessible through web services, but lacks implementation of Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards.
To improve the management and shareability of the data collected by low-cost systems, our system automatically inserts observed data into a customized, OGC-compliant CUAHSI HydroServer (Kadlec & Ames 2012). This approach leverages the capabilities and standards of the relatively mature CUAHSI hydrologic information system (HIS) (CUAHSI 2014). Hence this solution provides a lightweight, low-cost connector that could be used to automatically ingest data collected by existing and future low-cost data collection systems into a federated, standards-based software system for sharing time series data.
The HIS enables standards-based storage, sharing, publication, and discovery of time series data (Horsburgh et al. 2009). There are over 85 data sources currently cataloged in the CUAHSI Central Catalog, some of which use sensor data streams. Our work builds on and adds to such capabilities by enabling real-time data streaming from low-cost hardware through a custom HydroServer that supports the OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) and the newly adopted OGC WaterML2.0 standard (Taylor et al. 2014). Our custom HydroServer, called ‘HydroServer Lite’, is built on the open source Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP (LAMP) software stack, requiring only a simple computer and inexpensive, or free, webhosting. Because it does not use closed-source hardware or software, the system is extremely inexpensive and light-weight to deploy and hence can be highly suitable in rapid deployment, low-cost, short term, underfunded, or citizen science monitoring efforts (Buytaert et al. 2014). This paper is the first complete description of the integration of low-cost environmental data collection equipment and a free, open-source data management system that follows industry standards (i.e. WaterML1.0 and WaterML2.0).
The remainder of the paper describes the methods used to develop a low-cost data logging and transmission system configured to automatically input collected data into a HydroServer – including a recipe for others to follow to create a similar system. We also outline methods for testing the success of the hardware, the interoperability of the data, and, the ease-of-configuration of the hardware. The results of each of these assessments are given, followed by a brief conclusion.
We chose the Arduino Uno (Arduino 2014) as an easy-to-use and inexpensive prototyping platform. We initially used a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor, and later made the system compatible with SDI-12 (serial data interface at 1,200 baud) (www.sdi-12.org/index.php) sensors to allow the use of any of the many SDI-12 sensors available, many of which are generally well-respected and trusted as manifested by their use in organizations including the USGS (Fitzpatrick 2010). The SDI-12 sensor used in this research was a KPSI pressure transducer water level sensor that meets USGS standards.
We chose to use the cell phone network to eliminate the need for expensive long-range radio telemetry, and to avoid the spatial limitations of short-range radios like Zigbees; the system need only be deployed in a location with cell phone coverage. Furthermore, cell phone coverage is spreading rapidly everywhere, including in developing countries which could greatly benefit from low-cost sensor and data-transmission systems (Thomson et al. 2012). For power, a 6 W solar panel with an accompanying 4,000 mAh lithium ion battery were purchased for a total of $88 USD. This constituted the largest portion of the total cost.
In addition to being free and simple to use, our custom HydroServer is an endpoint for web services including CUAHSI WaterOneFlow services. The HIS provides a well-defined system and several software tools to make data easily discoverable and downloadable in standards-compliant WaterML1.1 format through WaterOneFlow web services. Through these services the data on a HydroServer can be accessed through REST and SOAP services, making the data discoverable and downloadable by client tools such as HydroExcel and HydroDesktop (Ames et al. 2012). As an endpoint for WFS, HydroServer makes the data interoperable across platforms such as ArcGIS and Quantum GIS. In addition, with WaterML1.1 and WaterML2.0, data on a HydroServer can be included in international catalogs such as the global earth observation system of system (GEOSS) catalog.
Implementation recipe
This section is an implementation guide for the system describing the HydroServer installation and giving step-by-step guidance for the hardware configuration. To use the PHP based HydroServer, the primary requirement is basic web-hosting with access to a MySQL database and permissions to run PHP scripts. Once proper hosting is acquired, the HydroServer source code must be downloaded and copied onto the webserver domain. The source code and details about installation and configuration for use with the hardware in this paper are available at the project's CodePlex site (HydroServer Lite 2014).
Regarding hardware, we used two independent but similar configurations. Our first test case used the DHT22 sensor and secondly we used the SDI-12 pressure transducer. Assembling the system hardware was relatively simple, requiring minimal soldering and very few tools (i.e. drill, soldering iron, solder, pin-wire connector, male-to-male jumpers). All of the parts were purchased online and are listed, excluding sensors, along with their prices and online purchasing locations in Table 1. Table 2 lists the same information for the two sensors we used.
Item (where to purchase) . | Cost . |
Arduino Uno (www.amazon.com/Arduino-UNO-board-DIP-ATmega328P/dp/B006H06TVG) | $16 |
SIMCOM SIM900 Quad-band GSM GPRS Shield (www.ebay.com/itm/like/151121095914?lpid=82) | $35 |
Miniature breadboard (www.sparkfun.com/products/12045) | $4 |
SIM card and phone plan (www.ptel.com/phones) | $15 |
MicroSD Card (www.amazon.com/b?node=3015433011) | $10 |
Voltaic 6W Solar Panel and 4,000 mAh Battery (www.voltaicsystems.com/6-watt-kit) | $90 |
Pelican 1050 Clear Micro Case (www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=&sku=257883&gclid=CjwKEAiAj) | $15 |
Total cost | $181 |
Item (where to purchase) . | Cost . |
Arduino Uno (www.amazon.com/Arduino-UNO-board-DIP-ATmega328P/dp/B006H06TVG) | $16 |
SIMCOM SIM900 Quad-band GSM GPRS Shield (www.ebay.com/itm/like/151121095914?lpid=82) | $35 |
Miniature breadboard (www.sparkfun.com/products/12045) | $4 |
SIM card and phone plan (www.ptel.com/phones) | $15 |
MicroSD Card (www.amazon.com/b?node=3015433011) | $10 |
Voltaic 6W Solar Panel and 4,000 mAh Battery (www.voltaicsystems.com/6-watt-kit) | $90 |
Pelican 1050 Clear Micro Case (www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=&sku=257883&gclid=CjwKEAiAj) | $15 |
Total cost | $181 |
Item (where to purchase) . | Cost . |
DHT22 Temperature and humidity sensor (www.sparkfun.com/products/10167) | $10 |
SDI-12 Pressure transducer (www.meas-spec.com/product/t_product.aspx?id=9023#) | ∼$700 |
Item (where to purchase) . | Cost . |
DHT22 Temperature and humidity sensor (www.sparkfun.com/products/10167) | $10 |
SDI-12 Pressure transducer (www.meas-spec.com/product/t_product.aspx?id=9023#) | ∼$700 |
The hardware system can be assembled in six steps:
Attaching the GPRS shield to the Arduino.
Preparing the weatherproof box.
Connecting the sensor to jumpers/wires.
Wiring the sensor jumpers to GPRS shield via the mini-breadboard.
Uploading sketch (custom source code) to Arduino.
Connecting the system to power source.
Fifth, the sketch (source code) was uploaded using an A/B USB cable. A sketch is the program that the Arduino runs. Sketches are written in a programing language derived from C ++ and are uploaded using the free Arduino IDE (Arduino 2014). We used existing Arduino libraries to interface with the GPRS shield and the two sensors. For interaction between with the GPRS shield, the built-in Software Serial library was used. A third party open source library was used for the DHT22 sensor (Adams 2012). The compatibility with SDI-12 sensors was provided by a library written by the Stroud Research Center (Hicks et al. 2013; Stroud Research Center 2014). To make the Software Serial library and the SDI-12 libraries run at the same time, a small modification had to be made to both codes. This change, more detailed instructions, pictures, and all the sketches that we used can be accessed on GitHub (Sadler 2014).
To adapt the Arduino code for a specific use, several variables in the sketch must be modified. These variables are all included in the HTTP GET sent by the GPRS shield. A proper request includes the URL corresponding to the desired HydroServer, the source id, the site id, and the variable id. It is noted that, although all the correct parameters (URL, source id, etc.) would be required for a malicious or negligent data entry into the system, there is no explicit authentication for the submission of data with the current configuration.
The final step is to connect the device to a power source. With the DHT22, we used the solar power device from voltaic systems (see Table 1). The panel and battery are easily connected with the adapters included with the shipment. The Arduino connects to the battery using the same A/B USB cord that connects the Arduino to the computer. To set the battery to ‘always-on’ mode, the proper setting for continuous monitoring, we pressed and held the power button for 6 s. With the pressure transducer we used a wired power source. While the DHT22 sensor was powered directly from the Arduino board, the SDI-12 required an external power supply. In this case, we used a wall-wart to power the rails on the breadboard. The rails then powered jumpers from the sensor and wires connected to a 2.1 mm center-positive plug inserted into the Arduinos power jack (see Figure 4).
Hardware testing
Three deployments of the system were conducted to demonstrate proof-of-concept of the low-cost environmental sensor, the link to HydroServer, and the interoperability of collected data made possible by web services. Each deployment took place in Provo, Utah, USA and in each deployment, data were collected every 15 min. In the first two deployments, the data were transmitted every hour but in the third deployment the data were sent every 15 min. After each deployment, the transmission success rate was recorded and reported. In the first deployment, the sensor system was deployed on the side of a building where temperature and relative humidity data were collected using the DHT22 sensor. The deployment was powered using the solar panel and battery described above. In this deployment, the collected data were received by the webserver and simply saved to a text file.
In the second deployment, the sensor system was placed on the roof of a three-storey university building on the Brigham Young University campus. As in the first deployment, temperature and relative humidity values were collected by the DHT22 sensor and the unit was powered by the solar panel and battery. Unlike the first deployment, however, the data in this deployment were inserted automatically into the ODM and thus were made accessible in HydroServer.
The third deployment was conducted on the Provo River. There, the water level in a stilling basin was recorded by the SDI-12 pressure transducer. The location was the Harbor Drive gauging station in Provo run by the Central Utah Water Conservancy District (CUWCD). The sensor used by the CUWCD is a guided-wave radar level sensor, and their data is transmitted via radio. In this deployment, the low-cost sensor system was powered using the CUWCD power source. The values collected and transmitted by the CUWCD were compared with the values collected by the system presented in this paper as a method of proving validity.
Data interoperability testing
To validate the open hardware/open software interconnectivity via custom PHP scripts and the HydroServer ODM database schema used in the second and third deployments, data search and discovery tasks were performed using two distinct data access systems: HydroDesktop and the open source geographic information system, Quantum GIS (QGIS 2014).
HydroDesktop was used to test WaterOneFlow and WaterML 1.1 web services access to the collected data. With the WSDL URL of the HydroServer, HydroDesktop was used to gather the metadata on the server including the Harbor Drive metadata (site geolocation, variables collected at the site, etc.). Once the metadata were gathered, the sites were discoverable data sources within the program. The Harbor Drive site was discovered and represented as a point on an online basemap using the HydroDesktop search function based on spatial extents, variable, and time frame (i.e. ‘Utah County’, ‘Stream Level’, and ‘7/1/14–8/31/14’ in this case). HydroDesktop provides several data viewing and processing tools including statistical tools such as an R portal, and a plotting tool. After the Harbor Drive site was discovered on the HydroDesktop map, the data were downloaded into the program by clicking a link in the Harbor Drive site popup window. The data were then plotted using the HydroDesktop plotting function.
Within Quantum GIS, our objective was to view the Harbor Drive site as a geographic information system (GIS) feature through WFS and to access the WaterML2.0 document of the time series data at the site. To use WFS in Quantum GIS, the WFS URL provided by HydroServer was input into the ‘Add WFS Service’ function. The service added features according to collected variable. We added all the sites where water level was collected. After the service call was complete, these points were added to the map as a new feature set. The attribute table of the new feature set, including the Harbor Drive site, contained URLs for each site corresponding with WaterML2.0 time series documents. Results of the HydroDesktop and Quantum GIS testing are provided in the Results and discussion section below.
Usability testing
To test the usability of the system, data from a user survey were gathered from a K-12 teacher's workshop. In the 105 min workshop, 16 teachers were organized into four groups and were given instructions and materials to assemble a temperature/humidity sensor system. At the end of the workshop the teachers were given surveys. Fourteen of the 16 teachers returned the survey. Eight of the teachers taught high school classes (grades 9–12) and six taught in middle schools (grades 6–8). All but one teacher indicated that they regularly taught sciences and one answer was left blank. The survey questions were focused on competence, difficulty, perceived educational value of the technology, interest, barriers, and applications in the classroom.
Results of the hardware, data interoperability, and usability tests described above are provided in this section.
Hardware testing results
First deployment
In the 10-day period, there were 30 instances in which the data were not successfully transmitted to the server. This is a transmission success rate of 96%. Of the 30 instances, a failure in consecutive hours only occurred three times. As an attempt to address this issue, a redundancy was written into the Arduino code. With the redundancy, at each hour the GPRS modem transmitted the data for the past 2 h. In this way, each set of data was transmitted twice in case of a problem with one of the connections.
Second deployment
Third deployment
Data interoperability testing results
Data interoperability testing using HydroDesktop and Quantum GIS yielded positive results indicating that the custom OGC standards-based HydroServer was successfully coupled with custom Ardiuno and PHP scripts. In both cases (HydroDesktop and Quantum GIS), all Harbor Drive data stored within the ODM database were retrieved from the custom HydroServer with 0% loss.
Usability workshop results
The usability workshop gave some insight into the difficulties in assembling a low-cost hardware system for environmental data collection. In the usability workshop survey both quantitative and qualitative questions were used. The quantitative questions were based on a six number scale (1–6). On the scale, one corresponded to ‘less confident’, ‘less difficult’, ‘less interested’, and ‘less valuable’, and six to ‘more confident’, etc. Because of the small sample size we cannot draw any quantitative conclusions; however, some qualitative results were interesting. Perhaps most notable were the teachers’ responses when asked about the most difficult part of the exercise. The majority (11 of 14) reported that getting the software working was the most difficult part. This part of the exercise included downloading the libraries needed for the DHT22 sensor and the real-time clock. To use these libraries, they had to be unzipped, renamed, and placed in the libraries folder of the Arduino IDE. This process was difficult for the teachers.
Hydrologic data logging and transmission hardware as well as software to curate and make collected data shareable can be prohibitively expensive. Often data interoperability is a problem. This paper presents a solution including a recipe and test cases using open hardware for data logging and transmission and the automatic ingestion of its data into the free and open source CUAHSI HIS. Excluding sensor, the total cost of the data logging and transmission hardware, including solar powering system, was $181. The system was successful as a low-cost solution for gathering environmental data, viewing that data in near-real-time, and storing the data in a standards-based system allowing for easy access and sharing through the widely used WaterOneFlow web services and WFS services.
Our results did reveal some shortcomings. The failure of data transmission, likely caused by either loss of power or loss of cell phone reception, was the primary area that could be improved in the system. Despite some transmission failure, the lowest transmission success rate of the system was over 88%. Programing Arduino to react according to the HTTP Response or using SMS for data transmission are possible solutions to this problem. The autonomy of the GPRS shield was also a problem in the third deployment. To make the hardware deployment more usable, the workshop results suggest focusing on the software needed to run the Arduino. Providing a downloadable version of the software, sketch, and any other needed external libraries would be a way to simplify this process in the future.
Our results serve as a proof-of-concept for a low-cost hardware system that automatically inserts data into a standards based HIS for data distribution. Future work in this area should include additional testing and refinement of the approach presented. Long-term testing would need to be performed to assess long-term deployment reliability. The use of many nodes on the same system is another area that should be tested. Finally, the integration of collected data into CUAHSI's newest software, HydroShare, as a Referenced Time Series resource would be a beneficial use of this technology.
We thank Measurement Specialties in Virginia for the generous donation of the KPSI 500 Pressure Transducer and Central Utah Water Conservancy District for their sharing of their stilling well, data, and time.