CEQUEAU is a process-based hydrological model capable of simulating river flows and temperatures. Despite an active user base, no facility yet exists for the automatic assembly and input of watershed data required for flow simulations. CEQUEAU can therefore be time-consuming to implement, particularly on large (≥104 km2) watersheds. We detail a new MATLAB toolbox designed to remove this key limitation by automatically computing CEQUEAU's key drainage direction and physiographic inputs from geographic information system (GIS) data. With the toolbox, model implementation can now be achieved extremely quickly (<1.5 hr) given suitable inputs. This time saving enabled us to assess CEQUEAU's sensitivity to changes in grid size by implementing the model on a large (14,990 km2) watershed at successively decreasing resolution (2.5 km to 112 km), using a fixed calibration parameter set. Results of this analysis showed that despite some model strength fluctuations linked to variability in computed basin size/land-use, only a minor decrease in model strength (mean Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) reduction = 0.03) was observed at relatively fine resolutions (2.5 km to 20 km). Although results might change if the model was recalibrated at each resolution step, findings indicate that CEQUEAU is able to provide realistic flow simulations at a wide range of resolutions.
Given the growing threat of anthropogenic pressures to stream ecosystems (e.g., Jonsson & Jonsson 2009; Tockner et al. 2010; van Vliet et al. 2013), hydrological models are increasingly important for the simulation and forecasting of river flows. Advances in computing power and storage mean that a wide variety of hydrological models now exists (Singh 1995; Devia et al. 2015). At the most basic level, hydrological models can be categorised as either statistical or process-based. While statistical models (which function by means of statistical linkages between model inputs and outputs (Yevjevich 1987)) are generally considered simpler than process-based models (which attempt to mimic real-world hydrological processes in order to simulate river flows (e.g., Clark et al. 2015)), process-based models explicitly incorporate land-use information as model inputs, and are therefore especially useful to simulating flows in ‘modified’ environments (e.g., Kite 2001; Hart et al. 2002; Ouyang et al. 2011). Process-based models are generally data-intensive and highly parameterised, often requiring numerous inputs pertaining to the physiographic and hydrological processes of a given watershed (Beven 2001; Ajami et al. 2004; Khakbaz et al. 2012). Lumped process-based models attempt to minimise these data requirements by summarising model parameters into global values representative of the entire watershed (Khakbaz et al. 2012). However, they are therefore unable to encapsulate spatial variability in hydrological processes. Conversely, fully distributed process-based models provide simulations of flow throughout a watershed by discretising model parameters across a user-defined grid (Carpenter & Georgakakos 2006; Khakbaz et al. 2012). However, they are often difficult to implement, requiring a good understanding of the variability in model parameters across the watershed (Beven 1989; Refsgaard 1997). Semi-distributed models aim to bridge the gap between lumped and full distribution by holding certain model parameters and data inputs as global values while discretising others at intermediate (e.g., sub-basin) scales (e.g., Schumann 1993; Ajami et al. 2004; Khakbaz et al. 2012). Semi-distributed models are therefore often seen as offering the best trade-off between ease of implementation and spatial discretisation (Marcé et al. 2008; Jajarmizadeh et al. 2012).
While recent studies on semi-distributed models have focused on optimising the ratio of global to discretised inputs in order to achieve an ideal balance between simulation quality and model parsimony (e.g., Khakbaz et al. 2012), semi-distributed models can nonetheless be demanding to implement because of the need to input spatially explicit meteorological, physiographic and stream network topology data. In order to address these limitations, researchers have increasingly looked to geographic information systems (GIS) to facilitate or automate data input (Sui & Maggio 1999). While GIS has long been used in a supportive capacity to assemble the data required to run hydrological models (DeVantier & Feldman 1993; Bhatt et al. 2014), more recent advances have enabled full integration of hydrological models within GIS environments (e.g., Anderson et al. 2002; Olivera et al. 2006; Hughes & Liu 2008; Merkel et al. 2008; Bhatt et al. 2014). The advent of open-source GIS packages means that model customisation and modification possibilities are now essentially limitless (e.g., Formetta et al. 2014). However, despite these key advances, a large number of widely used hydrological models still lack GIS integration, presumably due to their age and the relative difficulty of implementing them in a GIS interface. Even in the case of models that work well for a given application, the stagnation and eventual decline of their user base resulting from the difficulty of assembling data inputs may eventually lead to the model's obsolescence, as newer, GIS-interfaced systems are deemed preferable.
This is a potential weakness of CEQUEAU, a semi-distributed process-based hydrological and water temperature model originally developed by the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Québec, Canada (Morin & Couillard 1990). Renewed interest in CEQUEAU for flow and water temperature simulations (particularly in regulated rivers) has spurred efforts to update and modernise the current version of the model. Rio Tinto, one of the model's largest users, has led the development of a new modular C ++ implementation of CEQUEAU. This new version allows CEQUEAU to run on ×64 CPUs, removes previous limitations on the size and resolution of the model grid, and allows users familiar with C ++ to develop alternative new snowmelt and evapotranspiration routines (St-Hilaire et al. 2015). Furthermore, the high degree of interoperability between MATLAB (MathWorks 2015) and C ++ means that CEQUEAU routines in the form of MATLAB ‘MEX’ files can be called directly from MATLAB, allowing researchers and river managers with limited programming experience the ability to easily run and script CEQUEAU simulations. However, despite these advances, the new implementation of CEQUEAU currently has no facility for the automatic extraction of basin physiography or the computation of drainage direction between model cells. Because these inputs are still assembled manually, this represents a considerable limitation when working in large (i.e., ≥104 km2) or complex watersheds comprising many hundreds or thousands of grid squares. A GIS-like system capable of assembling the physiography data and computing drainage direction between model cells would, therefore, be a substantial boon to CEQUEAU users, speeding up model implementation and aiding research efforts.
In light of this, this article details the development of a MATLAB toolbox designed to remove these key limitations to CEQUEAU, automating the computation of drainage direction and the extraction/input of physiographic data necessary to run the model. First, we give a brief overview of the CEQUEAU hydrological model. We then discuss the implementation and functionality of the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox, a series of MATLAB functions designed to automate data entry to the CEQUEAU model. The toolbox, as well as documentation explaining the various functions, is freely available at https://github.com/sjdugdale/cequeauPhysiography. Finally, we examine the sensitivity of the CEQUEAU model to changes in grid size by using the toolbox to implement CEQUEAU on a large (14,990 km2) watershed at successively decreasing resolutions until it essentially functions as a lumped model. Such an exercise would not previously have been possible owing to the large amount of time required to manually repeat the drainage direction and physiographic data input steps at each resolution iteration. The results of this exercise have the potential to improve the quality and decrease the computation time of future CEQUEAU flow simulations by providing important information regarding the effect of grid resolution on model performance.
Given suitable physiography, drainage directions and meteorological data, and provided a reasonable calibration has been achieved, the production and transfer functions of CEQUEAU allow for the simulation of streamflow within each partial square comprising the watershed at the chosen model timestep.
In spite of recent updates to CEQUEAU, the principal limitation of the model is the necessity of determining the direction of flow from each partial square to its neighbour (Figure 1). Although digital elevation model (DEM)-based drainage network analysis packages such as Arc Hydro Tools (Maidment 2002) or TopoToolbox (Schwanghart & Kuhn 2010) can support the subdivision of each ERA into its constituent partial squares through the delineation of watershed sub-basins, no tool currently exists for automatically determining the drainage direction between CEQUEAU's partial squares. This key stage of model implementation is currently accomplished manually by visually identifying drainage direction from DEMs or contour maps. However, modern DEM-based drainage network analysis techniques mean that this process can now be automated.
Function name . | Description . |
IO/control | |
CEQUEAUphysiography.m | Master function controlling IO and assembly of data into a CEQUEAU MATLAB structure |
createCEgrid.m | Creates raster ERA grid from ArcGIS fishnet |
createCPgrid.m | Creates raster partial square grid by intersecting ERA grid with sub-basin raster |
populateStructs.m | Populates CEQUEAU structure with data generated by drainage direction/physiography functions |
Drainage direction computation | |
doCProuting.m | Computes drainage direction between partial squares |
doRoutingTable.m | Re-organises drainage direction table to conform with CEQUEAU input requirements |
removeCPsegments.m | Removes and merges partial squares <1% of ERA size |
removeFACzeroCPs.m | Removes and merges partial squares with maximum flow accumulation of zero |
do4CPs.m | Ensures that each ERA contains no more than 4 partial squares |
outletRoutes.m | Traces downstream path from each partial square to watershed outlet |
redoCPgrid.m | Re-draws raster partial square grid based on computed drainage direction |
redoCEgrid.m | Re-draws raster ERA grid based on computed drainage direction |
doCEcoordinates.m | Assigns (I,J) coordinates necessary for CEQUEAU to ERAs and partial squares |
Physiographic data extraction | |
getCPareas.m | Computes area of each partial square as % of ERA |
getCumulCPareas.m | Computes cumulative basin area upstream of each partial square |
getAltitudes.m | Extracts ERA and partial square altitudes from DEM |
doRasterLandCover.m | Extracts ERA and partial square land cover (forest/bare soil cover) from raster |
doVectorLandCover.m | Extracts ERA and partial square land cover (waterbodies/wetlands) from shapefile |
getCumulLandCover.m | Computes cumulative land cover areas upstream of each partial square |
Function name . | Description . |
IO/control | |
CEQUEAUphysiography.m | Master function controlling IO and assembly of data into a CEQUEAU MATLAB structure |
createCEgrid.m | Creates raster ERA grid from ArcGIS fishnet |
createCPgrid.m | Creates raster partial square grid by intersecting ERA grid with sub-basin raster |
populateStructs.m | Populates CEQUEAU structure with data generated by drainage direction/physiography functions |
Drainage direction computation | |
doCProuting.m | Computes drainage direction between partial squares |
doRoutingTable.m | Re-organises drainage direction table to conform with CEQUEAU input requirements |
removeCPsegments.m | Removes and merges partial squares <1% of ERA size |
removeFACzeroCPs.m | Removes and merges partial squares with maximum flow accumulation of zero |
do4CPs.m | Ensures that each ERA contains no more than 4 partial squares |
outletRoutes.m | Traces downstream path from each partial square to watershed outlet |
redoCPgrid.m | Re-draws raster partial square grid based on computed drainage direction |
redoCEgrid.m | Re-draws raster ERA grid based on computed drainage direction |
doCEcoordinates.m | Assigns (I,J) coordinates necessary for CEQUEAU to ERAs and partial squares |
Physiographic data extraction | |
getCPareas.m | Computes area of each partial square as % of ERA |
getCumulCPareas.m | Computes cumulative basin area upstream of each partial square |
getAltitudes.m | Extracts ERA and partial square altitudes from DEM |
doRasterLandCover.m | Extracts ERA and partial square land cover (forest/bare soil cover) from raster |
doVectorLandCover.m | Extracts ERA and partial square land cover (waterbodies/wetlands) from shapefile |
getCumulLandCover.m | Computes cumulative land cover areas upstream of each partial square |
Drainage direction computation
Although the resulting drainage direction table should in theory be suitable for input to CEQUEAU, it must be checked to ensure that each ERA contains no more than 4 partial squares, a key input requirement of CEQUEAU. This can generally be avoided when preparing the drainage network analysis inputs to the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox by taking care to ensure that the sub-basins in CAT are sufficiently large that they will not produce more than 4 partial squares when intersected with the ERA grid (as required by CEQUEAU). This is achieved by modifying the flow accumulation threshold used to delineate sub-basins in CAT. Although preliminary investigations indicate that a flow accumulation threshold equivalent to 20 times the area of the ERA will generally yield no more than 4 partial squares per ERA, this is unlikely to represent a universal rule. The CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox therefore contains three functions to correct ERAs containing >4 partial squares. The first function loops through each ERA within CEgrid and detects any partial squares within the corresponding area of CPgrid that comprise ≤1% total area of the ERA. These partial square ‘fragments’ are subsequently merged with neighbouring partial squares within the ERA. The second function acts in a similar way, identifying and merging partial squares in which the corresponding area of FAC only contains flow accumulation values equal to zero. Finally, the third of these functions loops through each ERA, counting the number of partial squares contained within it. Should an ERA contain more than 4 partial squares, the smallest of these is again merged with a neighbouring partial square. In order to ensure that the downstream drainage direction between partial squares remains hydrologically correct, the newly created drainage direction table is used to ensure that partial squares are only merged with those into which their flow will subsequently converge in the next ERA downstream. The 4·n + 1st partial squares are thus merged without causing circular drainage direction problems.
Proceeding in this manner, the algorithm parses the drainage direction table, ensuring that CEQUEAU's input requirements are met. Once complete, the drainage direction table is used by the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox to assemble the remaining flow network topology data required by the C ++ implementation of CEQUEAU. The index values of each partial square's upstream neighbours and the cumulative basin area upstream of each partial square are computed by recursively looping through the list of neighbouring partial squares. Additionally, the partial square and ERA index values are re-numbered in a reverse streamwise direction (downstream-most partial square/ERA is denoted as the 1st model square), in order to satisfy CEQUEAU's input requirements.
Physiographic data extraction and CEQUEAU structure assembly
After computing partial square drainage direction, the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox assembles the physiographic data necessary to run the hydrological model (Figure 3(c)). First, ERA and partial square altitudes are extracted directly from the watershed DEM. As per the requirements of CEQUEAU, ERA altitude is defined as the DEM elevation at the south-west most corner of each ERA, whereas partial square altitude is calculated as the mean elevation for all pixels bounded by the area of each partial square. Next, percentage forest and bare soil cover is attributed to each ERA and partial square by intersecting a raster land cover map with the ERA/partial square locations. The raster land cover routine is encoded to recognise land cover values corresponding to the North American Land-Change Monitoring System classes (Latifovic et al. 2012) whereby areas of forest cover are defined as NALCMS classes 1–6 (various combinations of needleleaf, broadleaf evergreen, broadleaf deciduous and mixed forest cover) and bare soil is defined as NALCMS classes 7–13 (shrubland, grassland) and 15–17 (cropland, barren land and urban environments). However, simple modifications to the lines of code pertaining to the class definitions would enable the routine to be applied to raster land cover data from other sources (e.g., GeoBase 2009; Morton et al. 2011). Although raster land cover sources such as these also comprise information regarding surface waters and marshlands, such data are often of lower resolution than vector maps that are commonly available from national cartographic agencies. The CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox is therefore designed to accept waterbodies and wetlands inputs formatted as ArcGIS polygon shapefiles. The toolbox's vector land cover routines function by looping though each ERA/partial square in CEgrid/CPgrid and finding their perimeter coordinates using a Moore-Neighbour contour tracing algorithm (Gonzalez et al. 2004). These perimeter vectors are subsequently transformed to map coordinates using Equation (4), and Boolean intersections performed to determine the areas of waterbody/wetland that are bounded by the nth ERA/partial square. The percentage of the ERA/partial square surface covered by waterbodies/wetlands can subsequently be tabulated.
Finally, all drainage direction and physiographic data necessary to run CEQUEAU are assembled into a MATLAB structure compatible with the C ++ implementation of the model. The CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox also outputs the final CEgrid and CPgrid rasters and a range of further variables which can also be displayed within a GIS environment to visualise the CEQUEAU grid topology. Provided with the appropriate meteorological variables (see Morin & Couillard (1990) and St-Hilaire et al. (2000) for details) and model parameters, the resulting MATLAB structure can now be executed using CEQUEAU in order to simulate discharge.
Although a range of previous studies (e.g., Charbonneau et al. 1977, 1979; Morin et al. 1986, 1987; Couillard et al. 1988; Ayadi & Bargaoui 1998; St-Hilaire et al. 2000, 2003; Turcotte et al. 2004; Dibike & Coulibaly 2005; Coulibaly 2008) detail the implementation of CEQUEAU on small and medium watersheds (100–103 km2), the few that describe its use in larger systems (104–105 km2) (Morin & Couillard 1990; Morin et al. 1994; Arsenault et al. 2014; Brisson et al. 2015) were compelled to use a relatively coarse ERA grid (≥10 km2), owing to the difficulty of manually defining the partial square drainage direction at finer resolutions. The use of the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox effectively removes this limitation, allowing for the implementation of CEQUEAU on large (i.e., ≥104 km2) watersheds at increased resolution (<10 km2) with a minimum of user input. Indeed, the only limitations on watershed size and resolution are determined by the memory of the computer on which the toolbox is run. However, little is known concerning the relative performance of semi-distributed models such as CEQUEAU at different resolutions. In this section, we detail the use of the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox to implement CEQUEAU on a large eastern-Canadian watershed at successively decreasing ERA resolution, with a view to assessing variability in model performance at varying ERA size.
Study area
The Saint John River is impounded at several locations for the purposes of hydroelectric generation. The most significant of these is the Mactaquac Dam (Figure 5(a)), a 670 MW run-of-the-river dam located approximately 18 km to the west of Fredericton, New Brunswick at (45.952° N, 66.872° W) with a mean daily outflow of 745.5 m3s−1. The concrete portions of the dam are currently experiencing an alkali–aggregate reaction causing unwarranted expansion of the dam structure (Stantec 2015), necessitating its removal or replacement by 2030. As a result, efforts are currently underway to understand the potential impacts of dam removal/replacement on the physico-chemical and biological regimes of the lower Saint John River. One aspect of this work is the implementation of a hydrological model of the watershed in order to quantify the likely impacts of dam replacement/removal on the lower Saint John River's flow regime. CEQUEAU was chosen for this role due to both its ability to simulate flows in impounded water courses and its capacity for modelling stream temperatures, another key requirement of potential impact assessments regarding the removal or replacement of the dam.
CEQUEAU model implementation
CEQUEAU was implemented on the portion of the watershed downstream of the Mactaquac Dam (approximately 14,990 km2 comprising the lowland and coastal regions of the watershed; Figure 5(b)). The model presently functions by imposing recorded discharges from the Mactaquac Dam at the partial square corresponding to the location of the Mactaquac Dam's outflow. Thus, simulated discharges within the Saint John River itself will largely be a reflection of these data (in addition to contributions from downstream tributaries). However, the various sub-basins represented within the model contain no such limitation. Given the large number of gauged unregulated tributaries present within the lower portion of the Saint John River basin, the current model presents a prime opportunity to assess the effect of changing ERA size by comparing modelled discharges to real data recorded by hydrometric stations on several of the Saint John River's sub-basins.
The CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox was used to extract and assemble the drainage direction and physiographic data necessary to run the model. The flow accumulation and sub-basin rasters required by the toolbox were generated by applying the Arc Hydro Tools package (ESRI 2011) to a 1 arc-second (∼25 m) SRTM DEM (Farr et al. 2007) of the study area obtained from the USGS Earth Explorer service (http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/). Raster land use data necessary for the calculation of forest and bare soil cover were acquired from the North American Land-Change Monitoring System (Latifovic et al. 2012). Vector shapefiles used to compute percentage cover of waterbodies and wetlands were obtained from the Government of New Brunswick's GeoNB geospatial data portal (http://www.snb.ca/geonb1/e/index-E.asp). Meteorological data necessary to run the model (daily precipitation, minimum temperature and maximum temperature) were assembled from records from 27 Environment Canada weather stations in or near the lower Saint John River basin (Figure 5(b)). Preliminary findings indicated that this was the optimal number of stations for maximising model performance against all hydrometric stations.
Model calibration/validation strategy
Initial model calibration/validation was performed on a CEQUEAU model implemented using ERAs of 5 × 5 km (25 km2), comprising 689 ERAs subdivided into 1,271 partial squares. The only discharge gauge in the main stem Saint John River is situated directly below the Mactaquac Dam. It was therefore not logical to calibrate/validate the model on the Saint John River itself as observed flows will be very similar to those imposed in the model square corresponding to the Mactaquac Dam outflow. Instead, observed flows used to calibrate/validate the model were assembled from 11 Environment Canada hydrometric stations (https://wateroffice.ec.gc.ca/) located within the various tributaries of the lower Saint John River (Figure 5(b)). Principal calibration/validation efforts were centred on data from hydrometric station 01AL002 on the Nashwaak River, a major tributary of the lower Saint John River. This is because the hydromorphology of the Nashwaak River sub-basin provides a good analogue of the main Saint John River area around Fredericton where dam replacement/removal will have the largest potential impact. However, the model was calibrated to ensure that it was also able to provide reasonable discharge simulations at the remaining ten gauging stations. Model strength was assessed at each gauging station to (a) assess model performance across the watershed and (b) understand whether the effects of varying ERA size on model performance are basin size-dependent.
Sensitivity analysis
Once calibrated, the model was iteratively re-implemented at ERA sizes ranging from 2.5 × 2.5 km (6.25 km2, 2,592 ERAs, 4,293 partial squares) to 112 × 112 km (12,544 km2, 4 ERAs, 16 partial squares) using the optimum calibration parameter set. Drainage directions computed by the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox at each ERA size iteration were checked against real hydrographic data from the New Brunswick Hydrographic Network (http://www.snb.ca/geonb1/e/index-E.asp) to ensure that flow was routed in the correct direction. The same calibration was used for all resolution iterations to ensure that any variability in model performance was solely due to changes in ERA resolution and not the re-calibration procedure. Furthermore, given the time involved in achieving a reasonable calibration, it was not feasible to re-calibrate the model at each ERA size iteration. ERA sizes between 2.5 × 2.5 km and 5 × 5 km were iterated at 0.5 km increments. However, it was not feasible to continue incrementing the resolution at 0.5 km steps up to 112 × 112 km because the time involved in the Arc Hydro Tools data preparation stages would have been prohibitive. Instead, resolutions between 5 × 5 km and 10 × 10 km were implemented at 1 km increments, 10 × 10 km–20 × 20 km at 2 km increments, 20 × 20 km–40 × 40 km at 4 km increments, 40 × 40 km–80 × 80 km at 8 km increments and 80 × 80 km–112 × 112 km at 16 km increments. Exploratory analyses indicated that these increments were sufficient to encapsulate variability in model strength as a function of ERA size, and that minor variations in increment at larger ERA sizes (>20 × 20 km) did not produce notably different results. At the largest ERA size iteration, the entire watershed was covered by only four ERAs, meaning that all gauged sub-basins within the watershed were essentially functioning as lumped models. It was not possible to increase the ERA size further, as any simulated flows would have essentially reflected that of the entire watershed, far in excess of those produced by the various gauged sub-basins.
In order to conduct a sensitivity analysis, it was necessary to relax the rules governing the generation of partial squares within the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox. CEQUEAU generates discharge simulations for the outlet of each partial square within the model grid. However, as ERA size increases, the probability of a partial square's outlet coinciding with the real geographic location of a hydrometric station decreases. This means that for larger ERA sizes, simulated flows may grossly under- or over-represent observed data in cases when the partial square's outlet is substantially upstream or downstream of the hydrometric station's true location. In order to resolve this problem, an additional routine was added to the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox that forced the creation of a partial square whose outlet corresponded to the location of each hydrometric station. If this additional partial square violated the condition of a maximum of 4 partial squares per ERA, one or more of the other partial squares within the ERA were merged in a hydrologically correct manner, following the process described in ‘Physiographic data extraction and CEQUEAU structure assembly’. The inclusion of this routine allowed for the generation of flow simulations that can be compared with observations for each gauged sub-basin, even at the largest ERA sizes tested here.
Hydrometeorological characterisation of calibration/validation period
Initial model calibration/validation results
Following calibration, the initial 5 × 5 km CEQUEAU model of the lower Saint John River basin was found to simulate discharge with reasonable accuracy in most sub-basins (Table 2). Taking the mean of all 4-year validation periods, it performed especially well at the Nashwaak (Durham Bridge) hydrometric station (01AL002; NSE = 0.86), unsurprising given that principal calibration efforts were focused on this sub-basin. A similarly high Nash–Sutcliffe value was achieved at another station located further upstream on the Nashwaak River (01AL008; NSE = 0.84), indicating that the model is able to simulate flows in the upper reaches of the Saint John River basin with a good degree of accuracy. %RMSE was lowest at the two hydrometric stations situated on the Nashwaak River, again suggesting that simulation quality was highest in this section of the watershed. Inspection of the simulated hydrograph (Figure 6) indicates that the model underestimates some peak flow events (especially during spring snowmelt); however, summer low flows are generally well simulated. This was deemed acceptable as the principal purpose of the model was the simulation of summer low flows that could engender high water temperature events. Model strength diminishes as a function of both distance from the principal calibration site and sub-basin size, with more distant hydrometric stations (e.g., 01AP004, 01AP006) and smaller sub-basins (i.e., 01AK005, 01AN001, 01AP009) reporting Nash–Sutcliffe values between 0.51 and 0.65. However, no significant geographic or sub-basin size trends in model performance were observed among the other validation sites. Furthermore, no significant correlation was observed between the various model strength criteria and sub-basin land-use (Table 2).
Station number . | Station name . | Sub-basin size (km2) . | % water-bodies . | % forest . | % marshland . | % bare soil . | NSE . | % RMSE . | % Bias . |
01AK005 | Middle Branch Nashwaaksis Stream | 26.9 | 0.23 | 95.47 | 3.42 | 0.85 | 0.60 | 101.05 | 39.06 |
01AN001 | Castaway Stream | 34.4 | 0.02 | 82.62 | 13.94 | 3.80 | 0.65 | 80.22 | 6.60 |
01AP009 | Parlee Brook Below | 35.4 | 0.06 | 96.86 | 0.33 | 3.22 | 0.51 | 88.79 | 3.70 |
01AO009 | Burpee Millstream | 93.2 | 0.09 | 82.42 | 14.64 | 2.90 | 0.67 | 83.37 | 4.22 |
01AP006 | Nerepis River | 293 | 0.31 | 82.92 | 5.39 | 11.39 | 0.64 | 102.52 | 5.99 |
01AM001 | North Branch Oromocto River | 557 | 8.02 | 76.58 | 11.62 | 3.79 | 0.70 | 85.19 | 3.06 |
01AL008 | Nashwaak River (Stanley) | 641 | 0.75 | 93.84 | 3.55 | 1.89 | 0.84 | 49.82 | 7.93 |
01AP002 | Canaan River | 668 | 0.26 | 80.01 | 12.70 | 6.99 | 0.70 | 84.98 | 12.39 |
01AN002 | Salmon River | 1,050 | 0.40 | 82.88 | 14.02 | 2.73 | 0.76 | 69.04 | 4.82 |
01AP004 | Kennebecasis River | 1,100 | 0.28 | 83.58 | 1.65 | 14.47 | 0.63 | 76.46 | 13.57 |
01AL002 | Nashwaak River (Durham Bridge) | 1,450 | 0.51 | 94.07 | 3.36 | 2.07 | 0.86 | 48.48 | 1.02 |
Station number . | Station name . | Sub-basin size (km2) . | % water-bodies . | % forest . | % marshland . | % bare soil . | NSE . | % RMSE . | % Bias . |
01AK005 | Middle Branch Nashwaaksis Stream | 26.9 | 0.23 | 95.47 | 3.42 | 0.85 | 0.60 | 101.05 | 39.06 |
01AN001 | Castaway Stream | 34.4 | 0.02 | 82.62 | 13.94 | 3.80 | 0.65 | 80.22 | 6.60 |
01AP009 | Parlee Brook Below | 35.4 | 0.06 | 96.86 | 0.33 | 3.22 | 0.51 | 88.79 | 3.70 |
01AO009 | Burpee Millstream | 93.2 | 0.09 | 82.42 | 14.64 | 2.90 | 0.67 | 83.37 | 4.22 |
01AP006 | Nerepis River | 293 | 0.31 | 82.92 | 5.39 | 11.39 | 0.64 | 102.52 | 5.99 |
01AM001 | North Branch Oromocto River | 557 | 8.02 | 76.58 | 11.62 | 3.79 | 0.70 | 85.19 | 3.06 |
01AL008 | Nashwaak River (Stanley) | 641 | 0.75 | 93.84 | 3.55 | 1.89 | 0.84 | 49.82 | 7.93 |
01AP002 | Canaan River | 668 | 0.26 | 80.01 | 12.70 | 6.99 | 0.70 | 84.98 | 12.39 |
01AN002 | Salmon River | 1,050 | 0.40 | 82.88 | 14.02 | 2.73 | 0.76 | 69.04 | 4.82 |
01AP004 | Kennebecasis River | 1,100 | 0.28 | 83.58 | 1.65 | 14.47 | 0.63 | 76.46 | 13.57 |
01AL002 | Nashwaak River (Durham Bridge) | 1,450 | 0.51 | 94.07 | 3.36 | 2.07 | 0.86 | 48.48 | 1.02 |
Sensitivity analysis results
Model performance
Representation of basin physiography and meteorology
Figure 9(b) shows that computed land-use follows similar trends to that observed for sub-basin size. However, the magnitude of land-use fluctuation is dependent on land-use type. Results show that bare soil cover is the most variable in response to increasing ERA size. However, this is presumably due in part to the spatially variable nature of bare soil cover present within the watershed; a minor change in the size or shape of a sub-basin could result in a relatively large difference in computed bare soil coverage should the boundary of the sub-basin lie close to an area of bare soil. Conversely, the forest/marshland classes more closely mirror trends in computed sub-basin size, probably because the distribution of these classes remains relatively constant throughout the lower Saint John River basin.
CEQUEAU interpolates meteorological inputs across the ERA grid using a nearest-neighbours approach. Changes in grid resolution will therefore lead to variability in the meteorology applied to a sub-basin, as the nearest meteorological observations to a given ERA will change depending upon the size and layout of the ERA grid. Figure 9(c) and 9(d) demonstrate how variability in ERA resolution drives changes in sub-basin air temperature and precipitation. Results indicate that interpolated meteorology in the larger sub-basins (≳500 km2; with the exception of 01AP004) is relatively stable at lower ERA sizes, although a gradual increase in precipitation and temperature is apparent as ERA size approaches its maximum. However, the smaller sub-basins are less stable, exhibiting periodic air temperature and precipitation fluctuations of ±∼ 0.5 °C and ∼100 mm, respectively. Despite these initial fluctuations, meteorology within all sub-basins eventually stabilises as spatial variability in meteorology across the lower Saint John River basin is lost as a function of ERA size increase.
Inspection of the physiographic and meteorological trends (Figure 9) indicates that some sub-basins appear to show small but sustained increases in sub-basin size, land-use, precipitation or temperature as a function of ERA size. However, this increase was not observed to be significant (p < 0.01) for the vast majority of sub-basins. Furthermore, there appears to be no consistency regarding which sub-basins demonstrate significant correlations between ERA size and a given physiography/meteorological variable. Therefore, there does not appear to be any clear ERA-size dependency effect with regards to the physiographic and meteorological data computed with the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox.
CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox computation times and ease of implementation
Using a 2014 specification high-powered laptop computer (Intel Core i7-4700MQ 2.4 GHz quad-core CPU, 16Gb RAM, solid-state drive with 520 MB/s read and 400 MB/s write speed), implementation of CEQUEAU on the lower Saint John River basin took approximately 1 h 24 min at the smallest ERA size tested in the present study (2.5 × 2.5 km) using the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox. At coarser ERA resolutions, the time needed to implement the model is even further reduced (on the order of 5–10 min). This represents a very substantial time-saving over previous manual model implementation methods; indeed, conversations with researchers who have previously manually implemented CEQUEAU on similar sized watersheds (i.e., 104–105 km2) indicate that the time required to compute the partial square drainage direction and input the required physiography data into CEQUEAU is on the order of 2–6 weeks (Boisvert, J., Ouellet-Proulx, S., personal communications).
In addition, the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox requires relatively low levels of GIS and MATLAB expertise to use. The appropriate GIS inputs can be prepared simply by following established Arc Hydro Tools procedures (e.g., Maidment 2002), while execution of the toolbox within MATLAB consists simply of calling the master CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox function. A simple user guide to assembling the necessary data inputs and executing the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox is provided with the MATLAB .m files for download. Given that most CEQUEAU users working with the C ++ implementation of the model will already be familiar with MATLAB, there is considerable potential for further toolbox development, as most users will possess the knowledge to modify and add to the code detailed here. The CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox therefore represents a substantial benefit in terms of time saved and ease of implementation when compared to previous manual methodologies.
Hydrological model of lower Saint John River basin
In the initial 5 × 5 km CEQUEAU model, model strength was observed to vary across the watershed, diminishing as a function of both distance from the principal calibration site and sub-basin size. This spatial trend is likely a function of variability in basin physiography and meteorology. Although no significant correlation was observed between model strength and sub-basin land-use, CEQUEAU does not account for more detailed physiographic variability such as soil type or watershed geology. Minor spatial variability in model strength among the more well-conditioned areas of the watershed therefore presumably results from localised hydrogeological differences between sub-basins. Furthermore, the lower calibration/validation NSE towards the southern extent of the watershed (i.e., hydrometric stations 01AP009, 01AP006 and 01AP004) is presumably due to the increasingly different hydrogeology (e.g., Zelazny 2008) of the northern and southern sections of the watershed. The maritime climate of the southern regions of the watershed (characterised by increased precipitation and cooler summer temperatures; Cunjak & Newbury 2005; Zelazny 2008) is also likely to contribute to reduction in NSE compared to the drier and warmer areas where principal calibration took place. Nevertheless, the generally high NSE and relatively low %RMSE and %Bias metrics obtained in the upper sections of the modelled watershed indicate that the model has good potential for simulating flows in the regions of most interest for understanding the impacts of the removal of the Mactaquac Dam (i.e., the upstream sections of the watershed below the Mactaquac Dam).
Sensitivity analysis: understanding and implications
Results indicate that CEQUEAU is able to provide realistic flow simulations at a wide range of resolutions. This is particularly the case at finer resolutions (≲20 × 20 km) where partial squares are small enough to preserve maximum spatial variability in basin physiography. The slight but persistent reduction in model strength as ERA size increases results from the loss of spatial variability in the input physiographic and meteorological data. As ERA size grows, land-use is progressively averaged across the sub-basin and the meteorological interpolation progressively incorporates data from more distant stations (see the section ‘Sensitivity analysis results’). This spatial ‘averaging’ explains the reduction in %Bias as ERA size increases. Indeed, as ERA sizes approach the maximum (112 × 112 km), all gauged sub-basins within the lower Saint John River basin begin to function as lumped models (i.e., each sub-basin is represented by a single partial square and all meteorological data are averaged). This indicates that, at least in this study, CEQUEAU is capable of reasonable discharge simulations even with an extremely coarse representation of basin physiography. Although lumped hydrological models have previously been shown to perform with a similar degree of accuracy to their semi-distributed or distributed counterparts (e.g., Beven 1989; Reed et al. 2004; Carpenter & Georgakakos 2006; Khakbaz et al. 2012), it is perhaps surprising that CEQUEAU performs well as a lumped model, given that it was not designed to function in such a way. This may be a ‘hidden’ benefit of CEQUEAU's 1970s-era programming; the limited computing power of this time meant that model grids were generally coarse, requiring CEQUEAU to produce robust results even in sub-optimal circumstances.
Aside from the general trend of decreasing model strength as a function of ERA size, results of the sensitivity analysis show occasional fluctuations in NSE, %RMSE and %Bias. These fluctuations are caused by both (a) variability in sub-basin size and land-use computed by the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox (Figure 9(a) and 9(b)) and (b) variability in sub-basin meteorology resulting from changes in ERA size (Figure 9(c) and 9(d)). Variability in computed sub-basin size and land-use primarily results from the inclusion in the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox of routines that merge small partial squares (see the section ‘Physiographic data extraction and CEQUEAU structure assembly’). These routines (essential for the production of hydrologically correct CEQUEAU model grids) mean that the computed area of a sub-basin will increase or decrease depending upon whether partial squares are merged into or away from a sub-basin. Such variability in sub-basin area and land-use will inevitably produce changes in modelled flows, explaining the model strength fluctuations observed in this study. Variability in sub-basin meteorology occurs when changes in the size and position of ERAs alters the selection of meteorological stations used in the nearest-neighbour interpolation. Changes to the meteorological interpolation will intrinsically alter the sub-basin's hydrological budget. Any variability in sub-basin meteorology will therefore be mirrored in the simulated flow data, leading to NSE/%RMSE fluctuations like those observed here.
Some of the model strength fluctuations occurring at larger ERA sizes (e.g., 36 × 36 km to 80 × 80 km) were observed to persist across several sub-basins. This persistence is the result of two processes. First, the partial square merging process intrinsically results in the simultaneous increase in size of one sub-basin and decrease in size of another, meaning that both sub-basins will exhibit a model strength fluctuation. Second, at coarser ERA resolutions, meteorology in neighbouring ERAs will become increasingly similar, meaning that any variability in the meteorology will produce model strength fluctuations across multiple sub-basins. While NSE/%RMSE only fluctuates by relatively small amounts, considerably more variability was noted in the computed %Bias values. This can again be explained as a result of variability in sub-basin size and meteorology; while a small change in sub-basin size or meteorology will not necessarily drive a substantive change in the precision of the model, it will generally result in a systematic over- or underestimation of flows. Such an occurrence will therefore engender a larger change in %Bias than in NSE/%RMSE. Normally, these biases are minimised during model calibration. However, because the same parameter set was used for the entire sensitivity analysis, the calibration is not optimised for each ERA size iteration, meaning that bias was larger than during CEQUEAU's ‘normal’ usage.
That CEQUEAU ceased to produce reasonable discharge simulations for the smaller sub-basins (01AK005, 01AN001, 01AP009 and 01AO009) at larger ERA sizes is unsurprising. Rather, it is in fact noteworthy that it continued to produce viable discharge simulations at all. This is presumably due to the addition of the routine in the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox that acts to force the creation of a partial square corresponding to the area of each gauged sub-basin (see the section ‘Sensitivity analysis’), which enabled CEQUEAU to simulate flows within an area corresponding to a very small fraction of the total ERA size. The fact that CEQUEAU eventually failed to simulate flows in these small sub-basins at larger ERA sizes is because the routine which forces the creation of a partial square is specifically programmed not to preserve this new partial square, should its inclusion preclude the hydrologically correct drainage direction computation. At such large ERA sizes, the inclusion of a small partial square in place of a legitimate partial square could result in a circular drainage loop, so any such small partial squares are removed. Such occurrences will intrinsically result in that sub-basin being merged with a much larger partial square, leading to the gross overestimation of discharge observed in smaller sub-basins once ERA size passes a given point (Figure 8).
Taken together, these results indicate that provided appropriate steps are taken to verify that sub-basin size and land-use computed using the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox are within acceptable limits, CEQUEAU is able to simulate realistic flows at a wide range of ERA resolutions without introducing substantial additional error into the model. Although lower resolution models are faster to implement using the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox, the speed of implementation even for increased resolution models (e.g., 2.5 × 2.5 km) is such that we advise the use of smaller ERAs in order to produce fine scale flow simulations across the entire watershed. Even in the case of a relatively large and complex watershed like that detailed here (comprising 2,592 ERAs divided into 4,293 partial squares), the simulation of daily flows over a 6,240 day period requires little time to compute (∼55 s using a 2014 specification high-powered laptop computer). In cases where this computation time precludes the use of an iterative optimisation routine (e.g., CMA-ES) for model calibration, we advocate a two-step process whereby a lower resolution model is used for initial model calibration and optimisation, but final simulations are run using its higher resolution counterpart. Given that the Riverscapes concept (Fausch et al. 2002) advocates the study of fluvial process–biota interactions at a scale of reference amenable to that used by fluvial organisms, the ability to model flows at the increased resolutions demonstrated here could be of considerable benefit to river scientists and managers.
Limitations and future improvements
Despite the promising results detailed here, it is pertinent to discuss potential limitations regarding the use of the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox. Of particular interest is the resolution of the GIS inputs to the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox. Although the DEM and land cover data used here were found to be sufficient for implementing CEQUEAU on a large watershed, their resolution posed problems when attempting to apply the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox to a much smaller watershed at higher resolution than that discussed here (0.25 × 0.25 km; Ouellet-Proulx, S; personal communication). Here, the particularly fine ERA size meant that many partial squares only covered ∼101 pixels in the FAC raster, and therefore sometimes only contained flow accumulation values equal to zero. Although the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox contains a routine that addresses this issue (see the section ‘Physiographic data extraction and CEQUEAU structure assembly’), the presence of multiple zero-accumulation partial squares can nonetheless cause the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox to produce erroneous results. This issue can be addressed simply by choosing a higher resolution DEM product, indicating that efforts should be made to acquire the highest possible resolution input data when desired model grid resolution is particularly fine.
In this study, we used Arc Hydro Tools (Maidment 2002) to generate the input CAT/FAC rasters used by the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox. However, the algorithm used by Arc Hydro Tools to compute raster flow directions (termed the D8 flow direction algorithm; see Tarboton 1997) has been shown to produce an overly simplistic representation of flow, particularly in flat terrain (Tarboton 1997; Schwanghart & Kuhn 2010). This algorithm is likely partially responsible for the problems linked to DEM resolution described above. Furthermore, while the use of Arc Hydro Tools to assemble the necessary data for the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox is useful for visualisation purposes, it is a proprietary software package, and may not be available to some researchers. Initial attempts to resolve these issues by implementing more advanced drainage network analysis algorithms (e.g., Tarboton 1997) directly within the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox proved computationally intensive. It was therefore decided that separating the drainage network analysis from the toolbox and allowing inputs from other software to be used provided the best compromise between flexibility, processing speed and ease of GIS data manipulation. However, future development of the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox should focus on integrating these algorithms within the toolbox itself.
In conducting the sensitivity analysis, we chose not to recalibrate the model at each ERA size iteration. This choice was one of expediency. Even using optimisation routines (e.g., Hansen & Ostermeier 2001), proper calibration of CEQUEAU can be time-consuming and would not have been feasible due to the number of re-calibrations necessitated by the ERA size iterations. We do not believe that this decision has made a substantial difference to the results of this study, primarily because most of CEQUEAU's model parameters are reasonably scale-independent. This means that the effects of variations in sub-basin size, land-use and meteorology (discussed in ‘Sensitivity analysis: Understanding and implications’) will likely have had a much greater impact on simulated water volumes than minor changes in model calibration. This conclusion is supported by the extent to which the computed model performance criteria mirror variations in physiography/meteorology (Figure 9). Nevertheless, it is possible that non-recalibration might account for some of the minor model strength fluctuations that do not correspond to variations in computed physiography/meteorology. Furthermore, given the fact that calibration efforts were focused on achieving maximum model strength in a relatively large sub-basin (Nashwaak River), the effect of this non-recalibration (particularly at larger ERA sizes) was likely greatest in smaller sub-basins, potentially accounting for some of the reduction in model strength observed at these sites. It is therefore possible that the results of this study may indeed change slightly were the model to be re-calibrated, particularly in smaller sub-basins. We therefore suggest that any future sensitivity testing using either CEQUEAU or the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox should aim to determine the relative important of re-calibration at different resolutions in order to address any uncertainties raised by this study.
In this article, we have documented the development of a GIS-like MATLAB toolbox for the computation of drainage direction and assembly of physiographic data necessary to implement the CEQUEAU hydrological model on a given watershed. Results indicate that the toolbox is both fast and relatively simple to execute and has considerable potential for reducing the time needed to implement CEQUEAU in a new location. The toolbox was used to test CEQUEAU's sensitivity to model grid resolution by successively increasing ERA size. Our findings show that CEQUEAU is robust to changes in ERA resolution, suggesting that model implementation efforts are best focused on achieving an optimum model parameter set rather than targeting the finest possible resolution. However, given the ease of implementation of the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox, it should now be possible to achieve both, using the toolbox to implement CEQUEAU at the highest resolution possible and using the time saved by the toolbox to improve model conditioning. It is hoped that the CEQUEAU Physiography Toolbox will both expose CEQUEAU to new users and spur further development of similar routines for GIS-model integration in order to generate high quality hydrological simulations. Such advances are invaluable to both applied and fundamental fluvial research and could help generate mitigation strategies to the effects of anthropogenic pressures on river ecosystems.
This work forms part of the Mactaquac Aquatic Ecosystem Study (MAES) funded by an NSERC/CSNRG collaborative research and development grant in partnership with NB Power/Énergie NB. The authors would like to thank Sébastien Ouellet-Proulx, Samah Larabi and Jasmin Boisvert for advice and information regarding the manual determination of partial square drainage direction and model optimisation. This manuscript benefited from comments/suggestions by the editor and three anonymous reviewers.