The planning and management of decentralized technologies in water systems is one of the promising, yet overlooked, domains where artificial intelligence (AI) can be successfully applied. In this study, we develop and deploy a reinforcement learning (RL)-based ‘smart planning agent’ capable of designing alternative decentralized water systems under demanding operational contexts. The agent's aim is to identify optimal water infrastructure configurations (i.e., proposed decisions on water management options and interventions) for different conditions with regard to climate, occupancy and water technology availability in a demanding, off-grid setting, i.e., a water system with high requirements of independence from centralized infrastructure. The agent is coupled with a source-to-tap water cycle simulation model capable of assessing and stress-testing the proposed configurations under different conditions. The approach is demonstrated in the case of a military camp deployed abroad for peacekeeping operations. The agent is tasked with selecting optimal interventions from an array of real-world camp water management technologies and evaluating their efficiency under highly variable, operational conditions explored through simulation. The results show that RL can be a useful addition to the arsenal of decision support systems (DSS) for distributed water system planning and management, especially under challenging, highly variable conditions.
We present a design framework coupling a water cycle simulation model with a reinforcement learning (RL) agent to support the planning of distributed water infrastructure.
The framework is demonstrated in an off-grid camp and is tested against a highly variable environment with multiple external drivers, including climate, occupancy and technology availability.
The results show that RL agents can be a useful planning aid for water infrastructures under deep uncertainty.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has triggered a paradigm shift in multiple scientific fields, water included, with numerous applications ranging from hydrology to water quality management (Doorn 2021; Tyralis et al. 2021). AI applications in the water domain have seen rapid development in recent years (Savic 2019), with most cases focusing on exploratory data analyses and operational water management, including, for example, forecasting and water system control (Solomatine & Ostfeld 2008). In this context, tactical and strategic levels of water resource management, such as water systems planning, have received less attention to date with even fewer applications exploring the role of AI in decision-making practice (Hadjimichael et al. 2016). In this study, we demonstrate an AI application at the tactical and strategic level by supporting the selection of alternative, distributed water management technologies for a closed community (a deployed camp). The specific AI algorithm demonstrated is reinforcement learning (RL), a promising type of agent known for its efficiency and adaptability in highly variable environments, coupled with a previously developed water cycle simulation model, Urban Water Optioneering Tool (UWOT), that has been successfully employed in several strategic water resource management studies (e.g., Rozos & Makropoulos 2013; Bouziotas et al. 2019). The novelty of this work is that UWOT, in the present context, is not run as a user-driven planning model but acts as a simulation testbed, helping the AI ‘learn’ what constitutes optimal selection policies for distributed water infrastructures. While UWOT has been applied in diverse water systems before, this study constitutes the first case of this model being coupled with RL agency in a combined simulation-optimisation problem, as well as one of the first applications of RL agency in water planning under uncertainty in general.
Moreover, the study presents an application of RL algorithms for real-case tactical and strategic planning that is novel in literature, as most RL applications for water focus on operational contexts and simple topologies (Wang et al. 2021). As RL algorithms have not always converged or led to optimal policies for complex water systems (Mullapudi et al. 2020), the applicability of this AI technology to real planning cases remains to be explored. The approach is demonstrated in a particularly challenging case: that of a stand-alone (off-grid) water system with a high degree of decentralization and increased requirements of autonomy. This is a context found, for example, in isolated communities and military or refugee camps and disaster relief facilities, where decentralized interventions can be used to increase the robustness of water supply, reduce dependence on external sources that can be costly, sparse or simply unavailable, and increase overall system resilience (Bouziotas et al. 2019; Van de Walle et al. 2022). Such an off-grid system is of particular interest, not only because it allows the application of multiple decentralized supply technologies in a standardized (modular) format, but also because it must be deployed anywhere, under varying climates and operational characteristics, thus posing a challenge for efficient water supply management under uncertainty. The goal of the application is to increase water efficiency and reduce relevant supply costs of said deployable camp, given the constraints of:
A set of demand patterns and corresponding potable and non-potable water requests dictated by the camp characteristics and operations.
An array of different available supply technologies and relevant costs, including reverse osmosis (RO) units, imports of bottled water, and circular, decentralized onsite options such as rainwater harvesting (RWH) and greywater recycling (GWR). These technologies reflect real supply options available to a camp water planner when designing applications.
To explore multiple conditions of deployment in the off-grid system, we train the RL algorithm using the simulation capabilities of UWOT and assume a simulation environment characterized by high variability in terms of climate and rainfall characteristics, occupancy, and the availability of water infrastructure options.
RL agents
Traditionally, research for optimal water supply infrastructure management has focused on operational and tactical settings (Mala-Jetmarova et al. 2017) using mathematical methods such as linear and non-linear programming (Price & Ostfeld 2014) and, in recent decades, evolutionary algorithms (Maier et al. 2014). Most applications focus on specific issues related to central supply systems, such as pump scheduling and leakage control or water quality control (Mala-Jetmarova et al. 2017). Applications for off-grid settings (e.g., deployed camps) are nascent for water management, with most optimization works in literature focusing on off-grid energy system design (Twaha & Ramli 2018); to the authors' attention, only one study recently employed optimization in off-grid water supply using linear programming (Abdullah & Gunal 2022). Moreover, fewer applications handle optimization in cases with high complexity, as many of the conventional optimization approaches require the strict formulation of the problem at hand and cannot take into account inherent uncertainties in the water system, e.g., in future water demands or natural weather variability (Maier et al. 2014; Mala-Jetmarova et al. 2017). There is therefore strong potential for the application of more recent advances in optimization (including AI algorithms) in highly variable settings such as off-grid systems. Among several AI algorithms that have been developed in recent years, RL has attracted significant attention for its success in solving high-complexity problems, becoming a popular choice in fields such as industrial process control, real-time scheduling and optimization, and autonomous vehicle guidance (Nian et al. 2020). In water, RL is typically applied in operational contexts, for instance, in optimal reservoir operations and water system control (Castelletti et al. 2002; Bhattacharya et al. 2003; Wang et al. 2021), with more limited exposure in tactical and strategical water management (Mason et al. 2016). The field is open to more complex applications, as most of the discussed applications with RL methods remain relatively simple and small, with just a few control assets (Wang et al. 2021). The fundamental idea in RL is to design an agent that learns via experiential interaction with a (real or simulated) environment. The agent, upon being exposed to the environment, is called to take an action or a sequence of actions that yield (cumulative) reward. Through repeated environmental exposure, the agent has the goal of maximizing his reward by learning which actions are optimal. A key difference with other AI optimization algorithms is that RL learns by repeated experiential (self-)learning, thrives in settings without prior guidance, knowledge or exposure to environmental information and adapts efficiently to randomized and noisy environments (Silver et al. 2018). Over the years, different families of RL algorithms have been developed and are applied in different contexts, including for instance (deep) neural network-assisted Q-learning, associative search algorithms (also known as multi-armed bandits) and dynamic programming methods (Van Hasselt et al. 2016; Nian et al. 2020).
To choose the appropriate RL agent for policy planning and management, several potential RL algorithms were tested using a simplified version of the topology described in this work. Specifically, three algorithmic families were tested: deep Q-learning, multi-armed bandits and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithms (Kuleshov & Precup 2014; Van Hasselt et al. 2016; Schulman et al. 2017). Specifics on these initial tests with regard to the used software and hardware, optimization time and overall convergence are shown in Supplementary Material, Appendix A. Following test runs, it was observed that deep Q-learning exhibited problems of convergence and instability, while multi-armed bandits, although more consistent, possessed a very slow convergence speed (see Supplementary Material, Appendix A) to be efficient enough for practical applications. Hence, it was observed that PPO algorithms were the most efficient: while relatively slow (with RL learning taking 18–24 h to run on average), these algorithms displayed robustness and a steady convergence towards optima across multiple simulations and within randomized environments. These instabilities in some algorithmic families are in line with reports on RL limitations discussed in literature (Nian et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2021), indicating that there is no ‘silver bullet’ with regard to RL algorithms and that the usefulness and stability of RL agents may vary depending on the application.
Water cycle simulation
RL algorithms can be trained in real settings or using synthetic datasets and simulation environments. In this study and to allow the agent to adapt to multiple, variable environments, we employ simulation as an AI testbed and use a water cycle model, the UWOT (Rozos & Makropoulos 2013), to mimic the response of the water system in terms of demands, water volumes supplied and runoff. The UWOT is a water cycle model of the metabolism modelling type, capable of simulating the complete water cycle from tap to source by modelling individual water uses and technologies/options for managing them at multiple scales with a bottom-up approach, starting from the micro-scale (individual water appliances) and going up to a neighbourhood, city or regional scale (Bouziotas et al. 2019). By using a topology of inter-connected demand and supply components, the UWOT can simulate multiple water cycle flows at a daily timescale, i.e., potable water demand and supply, generated wastewater and runoff, as well as their integration in terms of harvesting, reuse and recycling at different scales. The model follows a signal-based approach that builds demands from the bottom up, propagating them towards the source of water demands, i.e., the central drinking water network or any other central sources. The UWOT then matches demands with supply from different source types (Rozos & Makropoulos 2013) and logs time steps when a failure occurs, i.e., the demand cannot be met by provided supply.
In the case of a deployable camp, a simulation model is created that includes aspects of camp water demands at a fine level, i.e., at the level of camp appliances (lavatories, sinks, and washing machines) and nodal water needs (water usage by individuals, vehicle washing, etc.). To make results realistic and relevant to actual deployed camps, we rely on relevant NATO documentation describing demand planning specifics for deployable camps (USACE 2008), assuming a standard mechanized infantry company with a unit of 150 troops and 15 armoured vehicles. This is a tactical-sized unit which can also be used by the model as a baseline to simulate larger units or to introduce arbitrary extra demands, for instance, the need of aircraft washing, decontamination water, etc. For the purposes of this work, the camp is assumed to have, as its primary goal, a supportive (non-combat), training and advisory mission, and its water demands include, as per USACE (2008): (a) personnel needs, including drinking demands, personal hygiene and centralized hygiene, (b) food preparation demands, requiring potable water for ingredients washing and general food provision, (c) medical unit demands, (d) a common laundering unit, (e) vehicle washing and maintenance and (f) required demands for camp construction and maintenance. Based on these categories, total daily demands per person and per vehicle are calculated (see Table 1).
. | Per capita demand . | Total camp demand . | |||
Persons n | 150 | Personnel (L/person/day) | 177.4 | Personnel (m3/day) | 26.6 |
Vehicles m | 15 | Vehicle (L/vehicle/day) | 162.2 | Vehicle (m3/day) | 2.4 |
. | Per capita demand . | Total camp demand . | |||
Persons n | 150 | Personnel (L/person/day) | 177.4 | Personnel (m3/day) | 26.6 |
Vehicles m | 15 | Vehicle (L/vehicle/day) | 162.2 | Vehicle (m3/day) | 2.4 |
Based on the different demand categories and the planning guidelines on water supply quality characteristics, we assume that the camp relies on two main water quality standards for its planning, which also define the available sources (as per the NATO standard):
potable quality standards, which describe uses such as drinking water, hygiene and food preparation. These standards have a strict source policy – they can be either from RO units, secured central supply or from bottled water imports for safety reasons.
non-potable quality standards, which describe non-consumptive uses such as toilet, laundering, vehicle wash and construction uses. These uses have a more relaxed policy, allowing water from (light) greywater sources, such as locally collected, recycled or reclaimed water, to be used as well.
Besides demands, the UWOT also takes into account aspects of the camp water supply, which are selected based on both relevant NATO documentation (NATO 1994; USACE 2008) and from the wider technology market for deployable, modular systems. The options considered include bottled water imports (standard in many real camp settings), standardized RO units used by NATO members, access to central infrastructure or onsite groundwater abstractions (if any), and decentralized interventions such as RWH and GWR. To standardize the latter options and present them as modular units to be used by the RL agent, we assume that RWH is available as a modular unit, similar to the one presented by Nguyen et al. (2013), comprising a rainwater collection surface that is linked to a storage unit (onion tank) underneath. This modularity allows the agents to deploy one or many of these units at every simulation run. Similarly, we assume a containerized GWR unit with set capacity, bearing similarity to solutions available in the market (Jotem 2020). Besides sources, storage units are included as part of the supply system as self-supporting, deployable (onion) tanks with a set capacity.
As a final pre-processing step, the UWOT also needs time-series of rainfall and occupancy patterns to produce demands. We randomized rainfall regimes and occupancy patterns using stochastically generated climate and variable occupancy settings, so that every simulation run represents unique camp deployment conditions for the agent. This stochastic nature exposes the agent to multiple, highly variable environments at each run, leading to more resilient options. To enable the exploration of scenarios based on realistic climatic conditions, historical rainfall data were obtained from the KNMI data platform (KNMI 2022) for two different climates: (i) temperate climate conditions and (ii) dry climate conditions, and a random subset of the rainfall time-series t equal to 10 days is used at every deployment, with the length value being selected as a trade-off between steady convergence rates and long simulation times (seen when t > 10 days). A key research question of interest in this context is if and how these different climates lead the RL agent to select different water infrastructure options.
Occupancy variability is treated by assuming two occupancy scenarios: (i) a steady occupancy scenario, where the camp is filled with its planned occupancy (see Table 1), and remains constant across the simulation period, (ii) a variable occupancy scenario with randomly generated patterns. This reflects camp missions where personnel and vehicles need to leave the camp ( and , respectively), following a set probability of absence per day ( and , respectively). Troops and vehicles outside the camp are assumed not to contribute to the water demands of the camp (with the troop potable water demands being covered by bottled water). In real deployments, the randomness factors for the variable occupancy scenario (, , , ) could be derived from the operational characteristics of the camp; for this case, it is empirically assumed, following feedback from real (undisclosed) cases, that 30% of personnel and 20% of the vehicles need to be outside the camp with an independent daily absence probability of .
Coupling of the water cycle model with the RL agent
Based on the source-to-tap model topology and prior to model simulation, a selection of supply options is exposed as a decision (action) space to the RL agent, so that the agent can choose combinations of supply options (turning certain supply options on or off) as a water planning and management policy for a particular deployment. This means that the agent acts as a camp water ‘planner and designer’, choosing a specific policy and, iteratively through its learning process, explores combinations of different policies under specific camp deployment conditions and ‘learns’ from this experience.
More specifically, the RL agent may:
1. select from different operationally available RO units (USACE 2008), if RO is available as an option, including the Lightweight Water Purifier (LWP) and two variants of the Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU), with a capacity of 600 gallons per hour (2.27 m3/h) and 3,000 gallons per hour (11.35 m3/h), respectively. For the LWP option, combinations of multiple units can be also selected (in this case, an array of 1, 3 or 5 units).
2. activate and design a containerized, modular GWR unit using a combination of different treatment capacities (1, 2, 5, 10, and 15 m3/day) and storage, i.e., onion tanks with different volumes (in this case, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, and 20 m3).
3.activate and design a modular, portable RWH unit, similar to the one presented in Nguyen et al. (2013) that includes a preset collection surface (20 m2), a set treatment capacity (in this case, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, and 15 m3/day) and a selection of onion tanks for collected water storage (in this case, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, and 20 m3). The RWH and GWR unit is designed as a hybrid system (Leong et al. 2017), so that the agent can choose which non-potable demands to allocate in each subsystem (including solutions where one of the two systems is deactivated).
4. choose to cover demands by bottled water imports. This is considered standard practice but comes with high costs in logistics and exposure to transport risks. Other imports or central infrastructure options, while modelled in the general topology (Figure 2), are deactivated and not considered in the RL agent learning process, so as to emulate off-grid deployments that rely exclusively on decentralized options, RO and bottled water imports.
Cost Ci . | Process . | €/gallon . | €/L . | Proportionality to reference RO (ROWPU) cost Ci/CROWPU . |
CB | Bottled water | 5.00 | 1.32 | 5.0 |
CROWPU | RO – ROWPU | 1.00 | 0.26 | 1.0 |
CLWP | RO – LWP | 0.70 | 0.18 | 0.7 |
CRWH | RWH | 0.50 | 0.13 | 0.5 |
Cspill | Spill | 0.10 | 0.03 | 0.1 |
CGWR | GWR production | 2.50 | 0.66 | 2.5 |
Cost Ci . | Process . | €/gallon . | €/L . | Proportionality to reference RO (ROWPU) cost Ci/CROWPU . |
CB | Bottled water | 5.00 | 1.32 | 5.0 |
CROWPU | RO – ROWPU | 1.00 | 0.26 | 1.0 |
CLWP | RO – LWP | 0.70 | 0.18 | 0.7 |
CRWH | RWH | 0.50 | 0.13 | 0.5 |
Cspill | Spill | 0.10 | 0.03 | 0.1 |
CGWR | GWR production | 2.50 | 0.66 | 2.5 |
Upon calculating the relevant cost of a given supply policy, the RL agent training process is then set as a negative cost (reward) maximization problem and the RL agent iteratively selects different supply options as policies and explores the action space. The initial agent actions (supply options) are fully randomized at every application. Considering that the RL agent may (de-)activate supply options and also choose how to divide non-potable demands between RWH and GWR, the order of magnitude of all possible combinations for technologies (i.e., all possible water management policies) is and as such cannot be exhaustively explored manually. In reality, the RL agent faces even larger complexity, given the stochasticity inherent in the scenarios of rainfall and occupancy. The framework is coded using python 3.x, with RL agents being operated through the respective AI python libraries of TensorFlow and Scikit-Learn.
Following the approach described in the previous section, the RL agent self-learns and selects optimal supply options at each run (i.e., through repeated exposure to a stochastically generated environment), thus creating technology bundles driven by the most cost-efficient solutions. Clearly, this selection is not the same across simulations, as stochasticity is introduced by:
(a) considering different climates in the area of deployment (specifically either temperate or dry climatic conditions). Relevant time-series for each climate type are selected and a random subsample of them is used each time to create the rainfall regime for the deployed camp;
(b) considering different occupancy in the camp, with the introduction of two occupancy settings: steady, i.e., constant, maximum occupancy at the camp, and variable, i.e., changing stochastically each day, according to the assumptions seen in Section 2.2. The results for the variable occupancy setting are discussed separately in the section that follows;
(c) allowing access to different supply options, with the introduction of two availability scenarios for RO units. In the first scenario, RO units are available to the planning agents who can use them in their array of options. In the second scenario, there is no RO unit availability, reflecting deployments where there is no locally treatable source with RO or the RO units are unavailable due to high logistics and deployment costs. The RO supply options were chosen as the basis for option availability scenarios, as they proved to be highly influential in managing costs and securing supplied water against bottled water imports (see also Figure 4).
Supply policies vis-à-vis different climate regimes
The results indicate that GWR can substitute a large part of the demands and that higher capacity RO units are needed only when an intermittent source – such as RWH – is selected, introducing an element of uncertainty. It is also noted that there is no optimal policy that includes a single LWP RO unit; this is a sign that a single LWP is too small for the scale of the studied camp.
With regard to the decentralized elements of the system design (namely RWH/GWR), the agent can choose to utilize both of them, or to select one of them to cover part of non-potable demand. The agent then proceeds with the design of the hybrid system (defining capacity for treatment and storage for either GWR, RWH or both). The first design factor is included in the UWOT as the percentage of non-potable water demands split between the two subsystems; this percentage takes values between [0,100] with an interval of 10%; a value of 0% means that no demand is directed to the RWH system (and this system is inactive/closed), while a value of 100% means that all demands are directed to the RWH system (so that the GWR system is inactive/closed). Intermediate percentages mean that both units are active, and demands are split between the two units. Figure 5(b) shows the selection of the dominant RWH/GWR division for different runs, depending on the rainfall regime of the area. From these results, it is clear that rainfall has a strong effect on the design of the hybrid decentralized system: in dry deployments and under general water unavailability, the agent chooses to prioritize the GWR system and deactivate the RWH system for non-potable demands. However, in temperate climate deployments, RWH becomes increasingly important as an alternative with a lower overall cost.
Figure 5 presents another overview of how the agent's plans are affected by the variability of rainfall in each camp deployment. Both axes show rainfall characteristics (maximum and average), so this space can be divided into three groups (see upper left panel of Figure 5(a)): firstly, a group of ‘dry’ deployments, meaning low average rainfall amounts and low maximum values. Secondly, a group of deployments in climates dominated by convective events: low to moderate rainfall average values, but high maximum values, and thirdly, cases with a temperate climate, with moderate rainfall maximum but high rainfall average values (i.e., multiple days of steady rain). Figure 5 demonstrates how these groups lead to different decisions by the RL agent, as the agent begins by ‘closing off’ RWH and prioritizing high-capacity GWR for dry deployments and then increasing the percentage/importance of RWH in temperate climates. These different climate zones also affect the sizing of the RWH and GWR units (Figure 5(c) and (d)) and the selection of RO technology (Figure 5(b)). In temperate climates, the RWH designed by the RL agent has a smaller treatment capacity but larger storage, while for convective events GWR continues to be the dominant decentralized option, so storage in RWH does not seem to play a role. The availability of RO options (panel (b)) is correlated with the dominance of the GWR system over RWH, in accordance with the findings of Figure 5.
Supply policies vis-à-vis different occupancy scenarios
Results vis-à-vis the availability of supply options
In this work, we demonstrated an application of RL algorithms to assist in planning decisions for off-grid water systems employing decentralized technologies. The approach is demonstrated in a hypothetical but realistic deployed camp context based on real camp deployment supply options and doctrines and offers insights on how RL agents can aid complex water management planning at a proof-of-concept level. In particular, the PPO algorithm has been employed as a planning agent to design an off-grid camp under uncertainty both in terms of climate (rainfall) and in terms of occupancy patterns. The results demonstrate that the RL agent can self-learn and systematically identify optimal supply policies, despite the high-complexity stemming from the multitude of supply option choices paired with the stochastic nature of the environments on climate and occupancy.
Similarly to other recent applications using RL methods for water (Wang et al. 2021), we find that, while RL generally suffers from poor convergence and stability, PPO demonstrates stability and consistent convergence in a complex application while achieving good performance in terms of runtime. While the PPO family of RL algorithms proved to be the more stable technology for the problem in question, more in-depth research is needed in the field of RL to identify appropriate algorithms for water management challenges with due consideration on issues of convergence and stability, as these are well-known limitations of RL approaches (Nian et al. 2020). This study is limited by data availability, as it relies on a cost-based reward function and thus requires accurate information on costs associated with different supply options; while our work was based on available data, the assumed costs of Table 2 are indicative and suitable at a proof-of-concept level only. More reliable cost data for planning interventions – particularly with regard to decentralized systems – would be beneficial for applications of this approach to real cases, possibly coming from in situ pilots. Moreover, the algorithmic dependence on (and relative importance of) costs could be further investigated, for instance, with a sensitivity analysis, e.g., in the form of batch runs using different cost ratios.
Another limitation of this study is that the effect of different parameters on the performance of the RL agents remains unexplored. There are several environment variables (such as daily absence probabilities (, ) or the time of deployment per run t) that have been preselected in this study empirically, which potentially affect the convergence rate or the selection of technologies of the PPO algorithm. A more rigorous analysis is thus needed to estimate how robust RL agents are when faced with structural (i.e., parameter) uncertainty as well. Such an analysis is outside the scope of the work at this proof-of-concept level as it comes with high computational burden and the need of multiple recursive runs. We envision this analysis as stand-alone work, similar to the one seen, e.g., in Pasha & Lansey (2010), focusing on the sensitivity and robustness of PPO algorithms, and RL agents in general, for water applications, potentially using upgraded hardware to diminish runtimes and optimize RL applications for the tactical and strategic scale of planning.
The application used to demonstrate the approach, while simplified, is not significantly different from real-world camp deployments. Moreover, the coupling methodology shown in Figure 3 holds for different reward function formulations, for instance, non-cost-related ones. Examples could include rewards derived from minimizing demand deficits and thus bottled water imports (or equivalent transport trips, for instance). Similar reward functions can focus on energy or carbon emissions instead of costs, if data on energy consumption or carbon footprint of water supply options are available. In such cases, supply policies may differ considerably, as some of the supply options (e.g., RO and GWR) come with high related energy and carbon footprints. In these cases, the RL agent could be adapted to look for energy-efficient or carbon-neutral deployments for off-grid systems. We argue that this approach also holds for other applications of deployable systems in water management that share the need for autonomy and resilience, such as, for example, refugee camp designs or disaster risk mitigation installations (e.g., deployed to temporarily host the affected populations after extreme events such as earthquakes or hurricanes). Moreover, adaptations to address water quality issues in relevant systems could be explored (Eissa et al. 2022), if the RL agent is paired with a model capable of simulating water quality at a fine resolution.
In this work, a water infrastructure planning AI agent, based on RL, is integrated with a water cycle simulation model to explore different water supply policies for different camp deployment conditions. Uncertainty is factored in the studied case with regard to climate, occupancy and water infrastructure option availability, increasing the complexity of the application. The RL agent is supplied with data on the availability and cost of different water options and, at the same time, confronted with highly variable, randomized environments. The resulting framework is demonstrated in a hypothetical camp deployed off grid, with the agent being capable of selecting from a set of modular technologies that include conventional management options (i.e., RO units), as well as circular technologies (RWH/GWR).
The choice of the RL algorithm seems to be dependent on the complexity of the system at hand, with some methods generally demonstrating instability and the lack of convergence when facing higher complexity (Mullapudi et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2021). In our case, and in line with past literature (Wang et al. 2021), we find that some methods are unstable and that PPO outperforms other RL algorithm families with regard to stability, convergence and performance runtime in the planning task in hand. While not all solutions seem to be globally optimal, most simulations suggest that the agent can steadily find plateaus of optimality with shared design attributes, with most solutions having low potable water imports and overall cost. Interestingly, the results also indicate that, when confronted with less options (RO treatment unit unavailability), the agent can find robust, hybrid, autonomous RWH/GWR designs, which have similar design (sizing) parameters across different environments. This is encouraging for water planning and management in such settings, as it suggests the existence of transferable/reusable but still resilient water system designs for off-grid deployments. The results are significant, as most RL applications for water systems so far have focused on relatively simple applications in controlled systems not exposed to multiple dimensions of uncertainty (Wang et al. 2021). Moreover, they are encouraging the use of RL algorithms in general, as some of these algorithms have been found to be non-converging or unstable when faced with complex water applications (Mullapudi et al. 2020).
Based on the findings of this work, it is suggested that PPO RL algorithms can be a valuable addition to the water management decision support ‘toolkit’, which is also relevant for longer-term planning – beyond current applications in real-time control. In such contexts, these algorithms can scan decision spaces and explore considerably higher numbers of policies than planners can do through manual labour and conventional scenario analysis. Moreover, such applications are useful as management instruments that support the rationalization of decisions on complex water management problems, typically performed based on the prior operational experience of individuals (van Winden & Dekker 1998). The demonstrated application, although at a proof-of-concept stage, can be readily expanded to real-word settings provided real cases and data can be identified, collected and analysed to enrich training.
On a more general note, it is further suggested that the proposed coupling between RL agents and physically based models can be useful in cases of strategical planning and management for complex infrastructures (such as in climate change adaptation or critical infrastructure protection contexts), or to explore how different hydrological, terrestrial, socioeconomic and policy-related determinants affect decision-making (Khan et al. 2021; Cacal & Taboada 2022), thus offering a promising field of application for RL in hydroinformatics.
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Defence Agency under Contract Number: 19.RTI.OP.373 for the Operational Budget Study ‘ARTENET: Artificial Intelligence for Energy and Environmental Technologies’. The research and its conclusions reflect only the views of the authors, and the European Defence Agency is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein. The authors would like to acknowledge the help of Dr Kostas Eftaxias who provided valuable support with the RL algorithms and the setup of the smart agent. The authors would also like to thank Dr Ifigeneia Koutiva for her help during preliminary runs of the coupled agent-simulation system.
Data cannot be made publicly available; readers should contact the corresponding author for details.
The authors declare there is no conflict.