Sustainable western US municipal water system (MWS) management depends on quantifying the impacts of supply and demand dynamics on system infrastructure reliability and vulnerability. Systems modeling can replicate the interactions but extensive parameterization, high complexity, and long development cycles present barriers to widespread adoption. To address these challenges, we develop the Machine Learning Water Systems Model (ML-WSM) – a novel application of data-driven modeling for MWS management. We apply the ML-WSM framework to the Salt Lake City, Utah water system, where we benchmark prediction performance on the seasonal response of reservoir levels, groundwater withdrawal, and imported water requests to climate anomalies at a daily resolution against an existing systems model. The ML-WSM accurately predicts the seasonal dynamics of all components; especially during supply-limiting conditions (KGE > 0.88, PBias < ±3%). Extreme wet conditions challenged model skill but the ML-WSM communicated the appropriate seasonal trends and relationships to component thresholds (e.g., reservoir dead pool). The model correctly classified nearly all instances of vulnerability (83%) and peak severity (100%), encouraging its use as a guidance tool that complements systems models for evaluating the influences of climate on MWS performance.
Machine learning models capture water system response to climate-driven supply and municipal demand.
Machine learning can bypass the high parameterization and development challenges associated with systems models.
Predictions of water system component status from the XGBoost algorithm can produce representative estimates of reliability, vulnerability, and severity to support management decision-making.
Western US municipal water system (MWS) management makes critical operational decisions based on the estimated volume of winter water storage (i.e., snowpack), projected surface water yields, and the anticipated timing and magnitude of water demands. The accumulation of winter precipitation (e.g., snow-water-equivalent (SWE)) functions as a high-elevation storage reservoir, driving groundwater recharge through hydrological mechanisms and providing the greatest surface water yield during spring snowmelt (April through early July). Municipal water demand exhibits an opposing seasonal pattern with minimal demand during spring and a high peak during the mid-to late-summer as outdoor water use for irrigation increases to mitigate greater evapotranspiration (Monteith 1965; Shuttleworth et al. 2009; Lhomme et al. 2015). The seasonal variability in surface water supply, year-to-year fluctuations in annual yield, persistent summer drought, and dynamic climate-demand interactions require active monitoring and reliable projections of key MWS components (e.g., reservoir levels) to inform management decisions, particularly, in a changing climate (Purkey et al. 2007; Harpold et al. 2012; MacDonald et al. 2012; Barnett et al. 2019; Johnson et al. 2021; Jennings et al. 2022; Wlostowski et al. 2022).
Building climate resilience in MWS planning and management requires a standardized platform that is capable of characterizing system performance, highlighting potential vulnerabilities, and establishing a framework to gauge the degree of potential improvements from different strategies. Hashimoto et al. (1982) applied the concepts of reliability, resilience, and vulnerability (RRV), based on predetermined thresholds, to serve as a standardized protocol for evaluating reservoir performance to various conditions and assisting in the evaluation and selection of alternative design. The framework defines reliability as the probability of the non-exceedance of the threshold, resilience as the speed of recovery from an exceedance event (e.g., the number of days to return to a specified reservoir level once exceeded), and vulnerability as the severity of an exceedance event (i.e., the magnitude of a failure). The introduction and evolution of the RRV framework establish a platform to evaluate many aspects of the MWS to a range of alternative futures, including seasonal to decadal projections of surface water supplies, estimates of demand, and the operations and development of infrastructure (Makropoulos et al. 2018; Nikolopoulos et al. 2019). By modeling the MWS with a system modeling approach and evaluating the outcomes with an RRV assessment, researchers, planners, and managers can characterize the projected system performance and explore solutions to mitigate vulnerabilities (Wang & Blackmore 2009; Füssel 2010; Goharian et al. 2017; Goharian & Burian 2018).
Models reflecting water system operations play a significant role in the planning, management, and design of water resource systems (Reuss 2003). Among water systems models, the systems modeling framework establishes a foundation to create a digital representation of the MWS, aiding in the understanding of the feedbacks and interactions between components as well as external influences. The application of a systems model framework to an MWS needs to include all key components that influence the overall performance, including but not limited to infrastructure connectivity, institutional and policy actions, and component capacity limitations to fit the conceptual model (Gastelum et al. 2008). Systems models use the continuity equation to define the intrasystem interactions, accounting for system-wide mass balance changes that describe the observed cause–effect relationships (Winz et al. 2008; Gastelum et al. 2009; Madani & Mariño 2009). While complex in model size and development, a systems model simplifies the hydrological system to the primary physical drivers, which must be explicitly defined to reflect real-world operations (Antunes et al. 2018; Jaiswal et al. 2020).
Given the systems modeling framework is versatile and applicable to a suite of water resource applications, MWS modeling brings a unique set of challenges. Fu et al. (2022) identifies multiple obstacles in the development of systems models for urban water system applications: (1) the complexity of MWS and interactions with ecosystems and climate systems (behaviors and cascading impacts) is particularly difficult to accurately capture, (2) there remains great difficulty in determining modeling assumptions, various processes and model structures, and calibrating a large number of model parameters, (3) the human resources and skills required challenges model development, and (4) the models are system-specific preventing the transferability from one MWS to another. Parameters include but are not limited to, the capacities of water treatment facilities, maximum flow rates of water transfer infrastructure, storage and operations of reservoirs, and overall connectivity of the system (Goharian et al. 2017). Calibration refers to the manual adjustment of parameters to reflect a test condition from observations. The calibration process may adjust aqueduct lengths, diameters, slope, or Manning values to reflect observations surrounding lag time, velocity, and/or volume. In a complex system, although simplified, there are often several sources, a variety of users (e.g., domestic, commercial, industrial), multiple reservoirs, different pressure zones, source prioritization schemes, and connectivity. Accurately integrating all of the key features to describe the real-world system interactions, high model complexity, an extensive period of development, and intrinsic limitations present obstacles to model development and have led to a stall in research capabilities (Marçais & de Dreuzy 2017; Jaiswal et al. 2020).
The effective use of extensive and semantically connected data describing systems demonstrates the potential to transform the modeling paradigm (Jadidoleslam et al. 2019; Fu et al. 2022). The exploration of data-driven models stems from the ability to simulate feedbacks and interactions between MWS components without an a priori understanding of the dominant driving mechanisms or interconnections (Kalin et al. 2010; Sarkar & Pandey 2015). McCuen (2016) found that data-driven machine learning (ML) can model hydrological change without explicit knowledge of the system, accelerating the development of models targeting water quality compared to systems models. Rather than parameterizing and calibrating each unique process or component (e.g., inputting flow capacities, reservoir volumes, travel time), ML elicits useful criteria and trends derived directly from data during training to determine and optimize internal parameters (Mahmoudi et al. 2016; Noori et al. 2020). Bypassing the need to define every component and interaction within the MWS makes ML approaches appropriate where the objective is to model behavior or outcomes of a system rather than to explicitly characterize the interconnected physical processes (Shen 2018). The demonstrated success in model skill results in the transdisciplinary application of ML to serve as a highly performant decision-making tool and an alternative to systems models (Ma et al. 2019; Haskins et al. 2020).
Applications using data-driven approaches to model hydrological systems indicate accurate predictions that benefit decision-making despite reduced computational and developmental complexities compared to systems models. Aghelpour & Varshavian (2020) used multilayered perceptron (MLP) networks to model daily Zilakirud River flows in northern Iran with high levels of accuracy during wet and dry years. The model operates as a flood warning system to trigger evacuation measures and mitigation actions, reducing the cost of life and damages. Mohammadi et al. (2020) applied support vector regression, random forest (RF), principal component analysis (PCA), and a grey wolf optimization algorithm to forecast monthly Lake Titicaca fluctuations in water level with low error. The framework supports the optimization of water storage for drinking, the production of hydroelectric power, and the balancing of beneficial water use practices concerning environmental, agricultural, and industrial users. Using an artificial neural network (ANN) and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, Imani et al. (2021) predicted the resilience of water quality in São Pablo, Brazil to identify basins with urgent needs for remediation. Rozos (2019) developed a reservoir optimization model built using a feedforward neural network, providing an array of options to mitigate contemporaneous system-compromising externalities to enhance the management of urban water resources. While previous research explores the expansion of ML approaches throughout many aspects of water resources, the application of ML to inform MWS decision-making to climate anomalies has not been studied to date.
The interactions between infrastructure, operations, and climate strongly influence the performance and vulnerabilities of an MWS. While systems modeling can capture MWS interactions and feedbacks, high parameterization, an immense period of development, and the simplification of complex hydrological processes hinder its widespread adoption. ML approaches demonstrate the capacity to address the limitations of systems models for MWS applications but have not been applied or investigated as a tool to support decision-making. We develop the Machine Learning Water Systems Model (ML-WSM) as a novel application of ML to address the research gap, investigating the achievable level of performance by ML approaches for modeling the responses of key MWS components to variations in supplies and demands driven by climate anomalies. Recognizing the heterogeneity of MWS, we design the ML-WSM as a modular and model-agnostic workflow to extend its application to any MWS with ample data, predict key components of the MWS, and coupled with a vulnerability assessment to support decision-making. We apply the ML-WSM framework to the Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities (SLCDPU) water system in Utah, where the ML-WSM predicts the response of reservoir levels, groundwater withdrawal, and imported water use at a daily temporal resolution to extreme dry through wet climate conditions, benchmarking model performance to an existing systems model.
We develop the ML-WSM as a generalizable ML framework to reduce the barriers to entry for evaluating the MWS response to externalities compared to a systems model. The framework consists of outlining the conceptual workflow (Section 2.1); model inputs, incorporation of system connectivity, and methods for feature optimization (Section 2.2); algorithm selection (Section 2.3), and evaluating the model (Section 2.4). Section 2.5 describes the coupled vulnerability assessment to gauge the projected reliability and vulnerability of the key MWS components.
Conceptual workflow of the ML-WSM
The conceptual workflow (1) determines the key municipal water system (MWS) components, (2) identifies features that influence the key components, (3) selects ML algorithm(s) for evaluation, and (4) evaluates model performance to iteratively improve the model.
The conceptual workflow (1) determines the key municipal water system (MWS) components, (2) identifies features that influence the key components, (3) selects ML algorithm(s) for evaluation, and (4) evaluates model performance to iteratively improve the model.
Defining the goals of the ML-WSM will guide the development process and assist in identifying key MWS components to model. The goals can consider several forecast horizons and temporal resolutions that uniquely aid in planning and management guidance, such as sub-daily to support daily operations (e.g., peak daily MWS performance), daily to guide monthly to seasonal supply and demand management (e.g., drought contingency planning), or annual to inform long-term infrastructure development, and/or prepare for growth. The extent of the forecast horizon depends on the availability of model inputs (e.g., estimates of streamflow or climate) to develop an effective model. If the goal is to model sub-daily water system performance but only daily data is available, a data-driven model may not be appropriate because the available data does not match the modeling goals. If daily resolution data is available and the goal is to assess water system performance to seasonal climate variations, the ML-WSM could meet the expected modeling goals. We further recommend connecting the effective forecast horizon to prescribed levels of decision reliability quantified by the error bound, i.e., the largest difference between the optimal decisions made under any two climate scenarios (Zhao et al. 2019).
Aligning with the modeling goals, the user needs to identify specific MWS components of interest. Examples include reservoirs for storage, sustainable groundwater yields, imported water allotments, and multiple sectors of water use that define MWS performance and are of operational importance to management. If a component is important to decision-making, then it is an essential component of the conceptual framework.
Developing a representative ML-WSM depends on identifying the optimal features of each modeled MWS component to leverage the power of ML to bypass the manual calibration procedures of systems models. Selecting features containing the embedded intrasystem relationships for each MWS component minimizes prediction errors, reduces model complexity, and removes features that can be detrimental to performance (e.g., collinearity) and increase prediction uncertainty (Dormann et al. 2013; Sit et al. 2020). For example, a systems model requires the inflow to reservoir A, reservoir A levels, reservoir A level-capacity rating curve, reservoir A release rates, reservoir B levels, reservoir B level-capacity rating curve, and reservoir B release rates to model the reservoir interactions. A data-driven model may only require reservoir B levels or reservoir A inflow as these components may have all other system components embedded within the data. Section 2.2 provides a deeper perspective into feature considerations, including the availability of data and the temporal resolution to support the intended use of the model.
Modeling the MWS with ML can provide flexibility in model architecture that can adapt to the system of interest and/or preference of the developer. The ML-WSM can be as simple as a single ML model to predict many outputs (e.g., reservoir levels and groundwater withdrawal) or as complex as several interconnected submodules to predict individual components of a system (e.g., one for reservoir A, one for reservoir B, and one for groundwater withdrawal). A multimodel approach supports one-to-one and one-to-many relationships between MWS components, provides a platform to evaluate a variety of input features, and explores different algorithm types (Section 2.3) to optimize each submodule. Model configuration and development can leverage existing ML pipelines for algorithm optimization (e.g., grid search parameter optimization) and training (e.g., training/testing splits, hold-one-out) (Garreta et al. 2017).
Model evaluation forms the final step of the conceptual workflow, where Section 2.4 describes a sample of evaluation metrics that the developer can tailor to the respective problem. The ML-WSM workflow encourages iterative model development, where the developer engineers and tests new features, assesses system performance to different levels of feature collinearity, investigates different methods of feature selection, and explores a variety of ML algorithms to improve and adapt the ML-WSM framework to decision-making goals.
Feature engineering and selection
The modeled MWS components and the overall objectives will guide the feature development processes. Data availability is a strong determinate and guiding factor because there must be ample data at the appropriate temporal resolution to support model training, and by proxy, predictions (Ficchì et al. 2016; Sunkara & Singh 2022). Temporally relevant features are critical for developing ML models as the models exhibit a direct link between feature optimization and prediction skill (Chandrashekar & Sahin 2014; Li et al. 2017), and exhibit a preference for modeling at higher temporal resolutions because of the overall increase in training data quantity (Eggimann et al. 2017). Developing a model at a higher temporal resolution supports the upscaling of prediction (e.g., daily to monthly) as opposed to downscaling (e.g., monthly to daily). The optimal resolution will be a balance between the availability of data, dimensionality, and computational efficiency. The feature development process consists of two generalizable steps: (1) feature engineering and (2) feature selection that prepare, transform, construct, and filter features to optimize model performance (Sun et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2022).
Feature engineering should develop features describing water system component feedbacks and interactions. With the performance and resilience of arid MWS subject to reservoir level(s) (Goharian et al. 2017), groundwater withdrawal (Moghaddasi et al. 2022), and the volume of imported water requests (Mukheibir 2008) as well as influencing factors such as the availability of surface water (streamflow if used for an MWS), municipal water demand (water use across all sectors), hydroclimate conditions (temperature, precipitation, evapotranspiration), socioeconomic factors (population, number of households), and/or the time of year (day of year or month), it is essential to develop dynamic features at the respective time step representing these influences on the water system (Sun & Scanlon 2019). Feature engineering may require application-specific data processing methods, such as gap filling in time series data or scaling observations to match the desired temporal resolution (Rebora et al. 2016; Dembélé et al. 2017; Arriagada et al. 2021). Features describing the connectivity of the MWS can improve model performance and we recommend exploring MWS components from the previous timestep as features for the prediction of MWS components, as they can support the memory of initial conditions and interactions into the model (Längkvist et al. 2014; Hu et al. 2018; Moishin et al. 2021). For example, reservoir A levels from the preceding timestep (e.g., July 1) could be a feature of reservoir B levels (e.g., July 2). While ML-WSM development encourages the exploration of many water system components as influencing features, the feature space can become increasingly large and subject to the curse of high model dimensionality (Castelletti et al. 2010).

Feature selection methods aim to reduce model dimensionality to ultimately improve model performance, whether through a reduction in the total number of features or combining the information embedded between many features into fewer model inputs (Keogh & Mueen 2017; Jia et al. 2022). Common methods include PCA, LASSO regularization, recursive feature elimination (RFE), and auto-encoders. PCA functions as a statistical analysis method that transforms several features into a few integrated features reflecting the information contained in the original set of features (Moore 1981). LASSO regularization penalizes features of a model to a coefficient value of zero that are of minimal modeling significance, with the non-zero coefficient features being key model predictors (Muthukrishnan & Rohini 2016). The RFE algorithm prioritizes dimensionality reduction through the identification of strong predictors from the complete feature space to improve both model skill and minimize model complexity, removing noisy and non-informational features (Chen & Jeong 2007; Toloşi & Lengauer 2011). An autoencoder is a type of neural network that learns a compressed representation of the original feature space, commonly referred to as a bottleneck, where the autoencoder ingests the original feature space and the output of the model at the bottleneck functions as the input into the modeling algorithm (Wang et al. 2017; Han et al. 2018). We summarize the benefits and limitations of each method in the Supplementary Material. There are many dimensionality reduction methods available and we encourage examining their impact on model skill during development.
ML algorithm selection
ML algorithms determine patterns and relationships embedded within the data between inputs and outputs during the training process rather than the explicit instructions of static programming algorithms. Leveraging the power of ML requires the correct use of and selection of the algorithm (s) for the respective tasks (Raschka 2018; Lee & Shin 2020). ML algorithms can be fit into two main categories: unsupervised and supervised learning. The basis of unsupervised algorithms is that a machine can learn patterns without human guidance, useful for clustering and dimensionality reduction (Hofmann 2001) but does not support regression tasks. Supervised ML algorithms are flexible, comprehensive, and support both classification and regression modeling tasks by identifying general patterns that support predictions from a given set of inputs (Choudhary & Gianey 2017). Supervised learning connects the inputs to a labeled set of outputs, or targets, through extensive data processing (e.g., cleaning, randomizing, and structuring the input and target data) and model training procedures that align with the goals.
Algorithm selection can be challenging as there are many choices and the transferability of the optimal algorithm for one water system may not be ideal for another. Common ML algorithms for water resources modeling include ANNs (Kouziokas et al. 2018; Raj & David 2020; Xu et al. 2020), recurrent neural networks (RNN) (Kratzert et al. 2018; Gangrade et al. 2022; Krishnan et al. 2022), and decision tree algorithms (Li et al. 2022; Wu et al. 2022; Yusri et al. 2022). ANNs consist of a feedforward network utilizing three types of layers: an input layer, middle hidden layers that perform the computational tasks, and an output layer with the prediction. Commonly used ANNs for water resources include MLP and Extreme Learning Machines. RNNs are a type of ANN that excel at time series modeling applications, demonstrating a memory-like capability by using prior inputs of a sequence to influence the predictions. The Long Short-Term Memory algorithm is a popular RNN. Decision tree learning imitates the human decision-making process with the model prediction pathway emulating the appearance of a tree (e.g., if-else statements), supporting greater interpretability of model architecture compared to other ML algorithms. Xtreme Gradient Boost (XGBoost), RF, and Light Gradient Boosted Machine are common decision tree algorithms within water resources. We summarize the benefits and limitations of these ML algorithms in Supplementary Material, Table S1. We recommend a review of the contemporary applications of supervised ML algorithms throughout water resources management (Choudhary & Gianey 2017; Tyralis et al. 2019; Ghobadi & Kang 2023) and exploring multiple ML algorithms during the development process.
Model evaluation

Each evaluation metric characterizes model performance differently. The RMSE conveys error in component units; KGE expresses in a single metric the similarity between observed and simulated from correlation (r), Bias ratio (), and the variability ratio (
); and PBias measures the average tendency (±%) of the predicted values relative to the observed.
Vulnerability metrics

From the SPI, we can calculate the RRV of the MWS.


Peak severity

Improving the interpretability of the vulnerability assessment
The RRV values of 0–1 provide minimal operational guidance and to provide a useful tool for system management, we apply the Jenks classification algorithm to categorize the level of vulnerability and severity. Jenks classification minimizes the average deviation within each category while maximizing the deviation from the means of other categories (Jenks 1967). We suggest three categories ranging from Category 1 (Low) to Category 3 (High), connecting the simulated performance of each component to historical levels of vulnerability and severity. The categorized vulnerability results relate model predictions to the historical record.
We investigate the utility of the ML-WSM by applying it to the SLCDPU water system and evaluate the performance of the model in three climate conditions. The MWS has an extensive data record to train the ML model and a refined systems model to serve as a performance benchmark (Section 3.1). We follow the conceptual ML-WSM framework to determine the key MWS components and corresponding model input features that are sensitive to changes in surface water supply availability and municipal demands (Section 3.2). Model development describes the selection and evaluation of different ML algorithms and assesses the influence of different features on model performance, exemplifying the iterative development process (Section 3.3). The evaluation scenarios (Section 3.4) describing the three climate scenarios complete the section.
Study area and systems model
The location of the SLCDPU in Utah shares many similarities with other western US water utilities in growing metropolitan areas. The municipality serves approximately 350,000 people across residential, institutional, and commercial sectors in four cities: Salt Lake City, Mill Creek, Holladay, and Cottonwood Heights. The interannual climate variability and seasonality of the region strongly influence winter snowpack extent and duration, the primary mechanism controlling surface water supplies (Scalzitti et al. 2016). The region experiences a cold semi-arid (BSk) climate that determines seasonal water use (Peel et al. 2007), outdoor water use can approach 1,000 mm for commercial and residential landscape irrigation from April to October but is negligible from November to March (Collins & Associates 2019). High seasonal water use places Utah as the second or third highest per-capita water use state depending on the year (Dieter 2018). The SLCDPU reports its monthly treated water releases into the distribution system, including leakage and unaccounted system losses, to the Utah Division of Water Rights (UDWR 2023).

The Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities (SLCDPU) water system depends on the winter snowpack in the adjacent Wasatch mountains for surface water supplies, filling the Dell reservoir storage system, and replenishing valley aquifers.
The Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities (SLCDPU) water system depends on the winter snowpack in the adjacent Wasatch mountains for surface water supplies, filling the Dell reservoir storage system, and replenishing valley aquifers.
Changing climate conditions and the need for system resilience prompted the SLCDPU to develop a water system model. The Salt Lake City Water Systems Model (SLC-WSM) uses GoldSim modeling software (Goldsim 2013) to examine the impact of changes in surface water availability on system performance and investigate actions to build system resilience (Goharian et al. 2017). GoldSim supports submodels and linear programming to replicate the interconnections between different MWS components, demonstrated through investigations of water system response determined by reliability and cost (Lillywhite 2008), water system management decision-making to optimize reservoir operations (Alemu et al. 2011), MWS vulnerabilities to climate and population changes (Goharian et al. 2017), and the impact of modeled water demand accuracy on water system vulnerabilities during drought conditions (Johnson et al. 2021).
The Salt Lake City Water Systems Model (SLC-WSM) models the interconnections, operations, and capacity limitations observed in the SLCDPU water system, including the gravity-centric distribution system and source prioritization structure tracking as water from the sources to demands to discharge.
The Salt Lake City Water Systems Model (SLC-WSM) models the interconnections, operations, and capacity limitations observed in the SLCDPU water system, including the gravity-centric distribution system and source prioritization structure tracking as water from the sources to demands to discharge.
The water allocation module models the gravity-centric design and the operational structure of the water system (Goharian et al. 2017; Strong et al. 2020). The gravity-centric architecture governs the allocation of water throughout the service area. For example, Cottonwood Heights, UT in the southwest corner of the service area in Figure 3 has the highest elevation and access to surface water supplies from Little and Big Cottonwood Creeks, a select number of wells, and imported water. In contrast, Salt Lake City, UT in the northern portion of the service area has access to all sources due to its geographical location having the lowest elevation. The water allocation module defines source prioritization, i.e., surface water sources before groundwater withdrawal and imported water from Deer Creek Reservoir. The module initiates groundwater withdrawal when surface water supplies cannot satisfy demands. Imported water requests occur when surface and groundwater supplies (i.e., limited by the number of wells, extraction rates, and annual withdrawal limitations) cannot satisfy demands. The source prioritization scheme optimizes supply sources based on water quality, storage, and cost (Strong et al. 2020). Imported water from Deer Creek Reservoir is the least prioritized because it is a shared resource among other users (e.g., municipalities and irrigation districts) and is susceptible to harmful algae blooms (Malmfeldt 2021), requiring additional treatment to achieve acceptable water quality.
The three modules model the movement of water into, through, and out of the SLCDPU water system. Goharian et al. (2016, 2017) provide additional details on the iterative development, calibration, and validation of the SLC-WSM. While the SLC-WSM can replicate the feedbacks and interactions between water system components, there are nearly 4,300 elements that required manual calibration over a 10-year period.
Key components of the MWS and model inputs
Conceptualization of the ML-WSM begins by identifying key water system components and potentially influential features (Figure 1). The utility is primarily concerned with system vulnerabilities driven by the differential timing of surface water availability and peak municipal demands from April to October. The SLCDPU identified Mountain and Little Dell Reservoir levels, groundwater withdrawal, and imported water from Deer Creek Reservoir as indicators of system performance as part of the Salt Lake City Climate Vulnerability project (Strong et al. 2021). The Dell reservoir system is the only long-term water storage within the system, thus monitoring and forecasting levels support management decision-making. Daily pumping rates and sustainable annual yield limit the amount of groundwater the utility can use and water system management will benefit from the projected timing of the sustainable withdrawal threshold. The volume and timing of imported water from Deer Creek reservoir is the most critical indicator of system vulnerability, with estimates supporting proactive vs. reactive management.
Feature identification is the next step in the ML-WSM workflow. We include surface water supply features of City Creek, Parleys Creek, Big Cottonwood Creek, and Little Cottonwood Creek to represent water supply availability and total municipal demand as the primary system influencing features. To represent system connectivity and a temporal connection, we include the previous state () of reservoir levels (% of full capacity), groundwater withdrawal, and imported water requests. If Mountain Dell Reservoir is 90% full today, the proceeding day's prediction should be within a few percentage points of 90% capacity. We include daily surface water supply (combined), day of the year, month, and population to complete the feature development phase.
Feature data comes from multiple sources. The utility provided a near-continuous long-term record of daily streamflow observations (1910–present) from the canyon mouths prior to extensive diversion. We create the total surface water supply feature by combining the flow rates of each supply creek from the streamflow observations. The Utah Department of Water Rights provides the total volume of water entering the distribution system, including all connected demands, leaks, and unaccounted-for losses (UDWR 2023). The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute provides population estimates for each city within the service area. We use the simulated reservoir levels, groundwater withdrawal, and imported water requests from the SLC-WSM. While observed data would support a comparison between the SLC-WSM and ML-WSM, the motivation is to train the ML-WSM to replicate the SLC-WSM programming and use the SLC-WSM simulations to benchmark the prediction performance of the ML-WSM.
Model development
We develop the ML-WSM using Python v3.10.1 to take advantage of open-source libraries throughout the ML pipeline (e.g., Pandas, Numpy, Scikit-Learn), including feature selection and modeling algorithms. Given the need to identify the optimal drivers for the key MWS components, we begin by removing collinearity among the potential feature inputs. We use the Python Collinearity package (v0.6.1) to streamline the process with a VIF of 10 as recommended in the literature (Menard 2002; Chatterjee & Simonoff 2013), Equation (1). We use RFE within the Scikit-Learn package (v1.0.2) to identify the optimal features for each MWS component (Pedregosa et al. 2011). The Scikit-Learn RFE algorithm applies an exhaustive grid search to assign feature importance weights and recursively prunes the number of features via five-fold cross-validation. Preliminary model development investigated the use of PCA for dimensionality reduction but model preference was for interpretable features compared to components, favoring RFE.
The research and development process indicated that a multimodel approach, through the use of submodules for the modeling of each key MWS component, best replicates the interactions and feedbacks present in a complex MWS and we explore MLP and XGBoost algorithms. The MLP algorithm demonstrates functionality in handling large datasets, quickly converging to a solution, and successful application for water resources modeling activities (Kouziokas et al. 2018; Raj & David 2020; Xu et al. 2020). For each MWS component, MLP development uses mean squared error as the loss function, Adam optimizer (1e-4), batch size of 100, 2,000 epochs, and a standardized architecture consisting of 6 hidden layers with the following number of nodes: 128, 128, 64, 64, 32, and 16, respectively. Algorithm training uses 17 years of daily data spanning from 2000 to 2020, omitting the three testing years described in Section 3.4. The MLP algorithm uses a random selection of 75% of the training data for training and performs cross-validation on the remaining 25% of training data to determine model performance.
The XGBoost algorithm optimizes the use of computational hardware and supports the training of large models (Chen & Guestrin 2016), demonstrating high performance in many water resource applications (Xenochristou & Kapelan 2020; Wu et al. 2022; Yusri et al. 2022). Hyperparameter optimization is critical for tree-based algorithms, as hyperparameters cannot be estimated from data inputs and influence the performance and speed of prediction (Putatunda & Rama 2018; Probst et al. 2019). We use the Scikit-Learn GridSearchCV package to perform an exhaustive grid search across hyperparameter combinations to identify the optimal set for each submodule: objective: [reg:squarederror], learning rate: [0.01–1.0 by 0.05], max tree depth: [3–15, by 5], subsample: [0.6–0.9, by 0.1], column sample by tree: [0.6–0.9, by 0.1], lambda: [0.0–3.0, 0.1], alpha: [0.0–3.0, 0.5], minimum child weight: [2–10, by 1], and the number of estimators: [200–20,000, by 500]. T. Chen & Guestrin (2016) provides a comprehensive description of all hyperparameters. XGBoost model training uses the same 17 years of training data as the MLP model and undergoes three-fold cross-validation.

The iterative ML-WSM development process identified the following features for use in modeling the SLCDPU water system
Features . | Little Dell Reservoir . | Mountain Dell Reservoir . | Groundwater withdrawal . | Deer Creek requests . |
Day | ||||
Month | X | |||
Population | ||||
Deer Creek Request![]() | X | |||
Groundwater Withdrawal![]() | X | X | ||
Little Dell Reservoir![]() | X | X | ||
Mountain Dell Reservoir![]() | X | X | X | X |
Total Municipal Demands** | X | X | ||
Total Surface Supply* | X | |||
City Creek* | X | |||
Dell Creek* | X | X | X | |
Lambs Creek* | X | |||
Big Cottonwood Creek* | X | |||
Little Cottonwood Creek* |
Features . | Little Dell Reservoir . | Mountain Dell Reservoir . | Groundwater withdrawal . | Deer Creek requests . |
Day | ||||
Month | X | |||
Population | ||||
Deer Creek Request![]() | X | |||
Groundwater Withdrawal![]() | X | X | ||
Little Dell Reservoir![]() | X | X | ||
Mountain Dell Reservoir![]() | X | X | X | X |
Total Municipal Demands** | X | X | ||
Total Surface Supply* | X | |||
City Creek* | X | |||
Dell Creek* | X | X | X | |
Lambs Creek* | X | |||
Big Cottonwood Creek* | X | |||
Little Cottonwood Creek* |
We considered all features in the features column for each MWS submodel. Superscript –1 indicates observations or predictions from previous timesteps.
*Cubic meters per second (CMS), **Cubic meters per day, ***Percentage of full capacity (%).
The recursive feature engineering (RFE) features in the multilayered perceptron (MLP) model (MLP Iteration 1) miss the timing of and peak Deer Creek imported water use (a) and exhibits a strong underprediction bias (b). The MLP final model incorporates additional features to reflect system connectivity and significantly improves model performance (a and b). The final XGBoost model captures the observed peaks in Deer Creek imported water use (c) with increased accuracy compared to the final MLP model (d).
The recursive feature engineering (RFE) features in the multilayered perceptron (MLP) model (MLP Iteration 1) miss the timing of and peak Deer Creek imported water use (a) and exhibits a strong underprediction bias (b). The MLP final model incorporates additional features to reflect system connectivity and significantly improves model performance (a and b). The final XGBoost model captures the observed peaks in Deer Creek imported water use (c) with increased accuracy compared to the final MLP model (d).
A comprehensive evaluation of each model completes the development of each component model. For two of the models, we discovered physically impossible prediction values. Predictions of groundwater withdrawal exceeded the maximum allowable rate (/day) and predictions of Deer Creek requests were below 7.3 m
/s, which is the minimum combined flow rate for the Salt Lake Aqueduct, Provo Reservoir Canal, and Jordan Aqueduct (Figure 3). To address the physically impossible values, we constrained the model predictions to the above values if the predictions were above (groundwater withdrawal) or below (Deer Creek requests).
The final phase in model development is connecting each submodule, necessary for running time series simulations with the ML-WSM. Modeling predicts one time step at a time and by including system components from the previous time step (), the predictions of the previous time step influence the predictions for the following time step (e.g., the prediction of Little Dell Reservoir for July 1 forms an input for the prediction of Deer Creek requests for July 2).
All model development activities took place on a 6-core personal computer. The XGBoost models took ∼5.5 h per component while the MLP models converged in less than 10 min. The long training time for the XGBoost models is due to the comprehensive list of hyperparameters input into the GridSearchCV function. While using GPUs and/or high-performance computers will support faster model development, a personal computer benchmarks the development time for many users. The development times above do not include the time required to process the data into a model training ready format and the duration will depend on the number of training observations. Model development time will likely increase with increases in the data size.
Evaluation scenarios
Model evaluation design should align with the overall modeling goals identified in the conceptualization process. Aligning with the goals of the SLCDPU, we examine the ML-WSM performance to three different snowpack-driven scenarios describing the climate variability of the region and use the SLC-WSM simulations as the observed. Using the Alta Guard MesoWest weather station located at the headwaters of Little Cottonwood Creek, we identify the most recent dry (2015, 680 cm), average (2017, 1,270 cm), and wet (2008, 1,660 cm) conditions to define the simulations (NOAA 2021). A Log-Pearson Type III analysis of the long-term (i.e., 1945–present) snowfall record indicates the dry year and wet year having a 150-year and 15-year return interval, respectively (Bobee 1975). The three water years determine the respective streamflow for supply and influence on per-capita water use. The 85%/15% training–testing split (17 years for training, 3 years for testing) fits within the recommended testing partitioning of 10–30% (Dao et al. 2020; Pham et al. 2020). Other system factors such as conservation, policy, and initial reservoir levels remain constant between all simulations to establish a baseline relative to the climate anomaly. We begin the ML-WSM and SLC-WSM simulations with the same status of each component on March 31 to initiate a model run, with the first day of prediction on April 1.
The SLC-WSM and ML-WSM operate at a daily time step and require the downscaling of monthly demand to a daily resolution. We use cubic spline interpolation to iteratively reduce the residual difference between the monthly per-capita demand and the monthly interpolated daily values (Supplementary Material, Figure S1). While the downscaling algorithm does not capture spikes in daily use (e.g., unexpected pipe breaks), seasonal assessments emphasize the long-term MWS performance compared to unexpected short-term events (Goharian et al. 2017; Goharian & Burian 2018).
The evaluation procedure includes the methods defining the vulnerability calculations for each MWS component. We use Equation (8) to calculate reservoir, total groundwater withdrawal, and imported water Deer Creek request SPI () as a function of each respective component (
) at time t according to the component thresholds (Table 2). We derive the daily values from SLC-WSM simulations of the observed water demand, supply, and systems operations from 2000–2020 (omitting testing scenarios) to determine the thresholds for groundwater withdrawal and imported water requests. We use the dead pool level of 15% of capacity to form the vulnerability threshold for the Little Dell Reservoir. While the dead pool for Mountain Dell occurs at 25% capacity, reservoir rules adjust outflow rates to prevent a dead pool scenario, even during extreme supply-limited conditions. Given the reservoir operations, we set the unsatisfactory conditions threshold to be 45% of full capacity to allow for a greater degree of Mountain Dell Reservoir vulnerability between scenarios and models, emphasizing the differences related to the timing of snowmelt and late-season drawdown. Equation 13 determines vulnerability as a function of severity and exposure. Goharian et al. (2017) analyzed the relative importance of the contributing factors based on judgment, stakeholder surveys, management, and sensitivity analysis to determine that equal weighting was appropriate. We run the Jenks classification algorithm on the historical simulations to identify the natural breaks and categorize the levels as Low, Medium, and High. Supplementary Material, Tables S3 and S4 display the categorical ranges of vulnerability and peak severity.
Unsatisfactory condition thresholds of the SLCDPU water system components
. | Deer Creek requests . | Groundwater . | Little Dell reservoir . | Mountain Dell reservoir . |
Threshold | >Historical daily mean | >Historical daily mean | <15% | <45% capacity |
. | Deer Creek requests . | Groundwater . | Little Dell reservoir . | Mountain Dell reservoir . |
Threshold | >Historical daily mean | >Historical daily mean | <15% | <45% capacity |
Using dry, average, and wet climate scenarios, we assess the performance of the ML-WSM on the April–October daily predictions of reservoir levels, groundwater withdrawal, and imported water requests. We investigate the capabilities of the ML-WSM by calculating the predictive performance, comparing the produced measures of vulnerability, and critically evaluating the April to October predictions of each climate scenario. We conclude with a discussion of the observed benefits and limitations taken from the application of the ML-WSM to the SLCDPU water system, and overall ML, for the planning and management of water resources.
Performance of the ML-WSM
The ML-WSM exhibits high performance across all metrics during average and dry climate conditions but demonstrates limitations during wet climate conditions for imported water requests
Component . | Climate conditions . | RMSE . | KGE . | PBias . |
Mountain Dell Reservoir level | Dry | 3.25* | 0.88 | 2.06 |
Average | 2.57* | 0.91 | −1.15 | |
Wet | 6.59* | 0.82 | 8.18 | |
Little Dell Reservoir level | Dry | 2.10* | 0.97 | 2.85 |
Average | 1.95* | 0.98 | −0.32 | |
Wet | 3.86* | 0.82 | 4.47 | |
Groundwater withdrawal | Dry | 0.88** | 0.89 | −2.08 |
Average | 1.12** | 0.91 | −2.93 | |
Wet | 1.09** | 0.94 | 1.6 | |
Deer Creek request | Dry | 2.19** | 0.91 | 3.45 |
Average | 2.14** | 0.89 | −3.03 | |
Wet | 1.78** | −0.33 | 87.16 |
Component . | Climate conditions . | RMSE . | KGE . | PBias . |
Mountain Dell Reservoir level | Dry | 3.25* | 0.88 | 2.06 |
Average | 2.57* | 0.91 | −1.15 | |
Wet | 6.59* | 0.82 | 8.18 | |
Little Dell Reservoir level | Dry | 2.10* | 0.97 | 2.85 |
Average | 1.95* | 0.98 | −0.32 | |
Wet | 3.86* | 0.82 | 4.47 | |
Groundwater withdrawal | Dry | 0.88** | 0.89 | −2.08 |
Average | 1.12** | 0.91 | −2.93 | |
Wet | 1.09** | 0.94 | 1.6 | |
Deer Creek request | Dry | 2.19** | 0.91 | 3.45 |
Average | 2.14** | 0.89 | −3.03 | |
Wet | 1.78** | −0.33 | 87.16 |
*Units in % of full reservoir level, **Units in m
The ML-WSM produces accurate MWS component predictions and vulnerability estimates during dry climate conditions, emphasized by the minimal prediction bias in the prediction vs. observed plots. The model captures the snowmelt-storage increase in the Dell reservoir system, increased initial groundwater withdrawal, and bimodal seasonal imported Deer Creek water requests, demonstrating the system response to reduced surface water supply and low reservoir levels.
The ML-WSM produces accurate MWS component predictions and vulnerability estimates during dry climate conditions, emphasized by the minimal prediction bias in the prediction vs. observed plots. The model captures the snowmelt-storage increase in the Dell reservoir system, increased initial groundwater withdrawal, and bimodal seasonal imported Deer Creek water requests, demonstrating the system response to reduced surface water supply and low reservoir levels.
Dry hydroclimate
The ML-WSM accurately predicts the seasonal time series of each MWS component during dry climate conditions. For the Dell reservoir system, the predictions mirror the observed from the rise in storage from spring snowmelt to peak reservoir level (i.e., ∼75% Mountain Dell and ∼35% Little Dell of full capacity) as well as the drawdown timing and rate, resulting in a low RMSE, a high KGE, and a small positive PBias that indicates a slight underprediction in reservoir level (Table 3). Figure 5 illustrates the Mountain Dell Reservoir predictions surpassing the 45% of capacity threshold within 2 days of the observed and Little Dell Reservoir predictions nearing dead pool about a month early. While earlier predictions of a dead pool could be a critical error, the observed is only 5% higher and would likely support similar management actions.
The groundwater withdrawal and imported Deer Creek water requests predictions demonstrate system connectivity that resembles the observed difference in timing (i.e., early and late seasons), the magnitude of withdrawal/request, and the duration of use compared to the historical mean (Figure 5). The RMSE, KGE, and PBias metrics illustrate the high model performance. The model captures the increased early-season groundwater withdrawal rates driven by low surface water supplies and near-critical reservoir levels. Nearing the end of the season, the ML-WSM captures the groundwater withdrawal response to below-average reservoir levels, high demand, and increased rates of Deer Creek requests with the appropriate increase in daily withdrawal. Evaluating Deer Creek water requests, the model predicts the correct timing, rapidly increasing rate of request, bimodal seasonal request peaks, and peak magnitude. The accurate predictions result in the reliability, vulnerability, and peak severity mirroring the observed.
Vulnerability assessment
We determine the error of the ML-WSM vulnerability assessment for each climate scenario to complete model evaluation. The simulations of historical MWS interactions and feedbacks from the SLC-WSM, coupled with unsatisfactory/satisfactory thresholds defining the status of each MWS component, support the categorization of vulnerability and peak severity with the Jenks natural breaks algorithm. We compare the classification of the system vulnerabilities suggested by the ML-WSM to those provided by the SLC-WSM (Table 4).
The high prediction accuracy of the ML-WSM produced reliability, vulnerability, and peak severity estimates with minimal differences from the observed (in parenthesis) for each MWS component, resulting in the correct classification of 10 out of 12 vulnerability classes and all peak severity classes
Metric . | Climate scenario (snowpack) . | Mountain Dell . | Little Dell . | Groundwater withdrawal . | Deer Creek request . |
Reliability | Dry | 0.39 (0.41) | 0.79 (0.88) | 0.58 (0.55) | 0.47 (0.43) |
Average | 0.91 (0.90) | 1.0 (1.0) | 0.47 (0.55) | 0.75 (0.76) | |
Wet | 0.85 (0.94) | 1.0 (1.0) | 0.64 (0.66) | 0.99 (1.0) | |
Vulnerability | Dry | 0.79 (0.78) | 0.48 (0.49) | 0.55 (0.51) | 0.50 (0.45) |
Average | 0.57 (0.62) | 0.50 (0.50) | 0.55 (0.53) | 0.47 (0.39) | |
Wet | 0.67 (0.54) | 0.50 (0.50) | 0.48 (0.46) | 0.13 (0.02) | |
Peak severity | Dry | 1.0 (0.91) | 0.31 (0.23) | 0.57 (0.60) | 0.60 (0.52) |
Average | 0.19 (0.32) | 0.0 (0.0) | 0.30 (0.27) | 0.73 (0.65) | |
Wet | 0.43 (0.11) | 0.0 (0.0) | 0.20 (0.18) | 0.01 (0.0) | |
Vulnerability level | Dry | M (M) | L (L) | H (M) | H (H) |
Average | M (M) | L (L) | H (H) | H (H) | |
Wet | M (M) | L (L) | M (M) | M (L) | |
Peak severity level | Dry | H (H) | M (M) | M (M) | M (M) |
Average | M (M) | L (L) | L (L) | H (H) | |
Wet | M (M) | L (L) | L (L) | L (L) |
Metric . | Climate scenario (snowpack) . | Mountain Dell . | Little Dell . | Groundwater withdrawal . | Deer Creek request . |
Reliability | Dry | 0.39 (0.41) | 0.79 (0.88) | 0.58 (0.55) | 0.47 (0.43) |
Average | 0.91 (0.90) | 1.0 (1.0) | 0.47 (0.55) | 0.75 (0.76) | |
Wet | 0.85 (0.94) | 1.0 (1.0) | 0.64 (0.66) | 0.99 (1.0) | |
Vulnerability | Dry | 0.79 (0.78) | 0.48 (0.49) | 0.55 (0.51) | 0.50 (0.45) |
Average | 0.57 (0.62) | 0.50 (0.50) | 0.55 (0.53) | 0.47 (0.39) | |
Wet | 0.67 (0.54) | 0.50 (0.50) | 0.48 (0.46) | 0.13 (0.02) | |
Peak severity | Dry | 1.0 (0.91) | 0.31 (0.23) | 0.57 (0.60) | 0.60 (0.52) |
Average | 0.19 (0.32) | 0.0 (0.0) | 0.30 (0.27) | 0.73 (0.65) | |
Wet | 0.43 (0.11) | 0.0 (0.0) | 0.20 (0.18) | 0.01 (0.0) | |
Vulnerability level | Dry | M (M) | L (L) | H (M) | H (H) |
Average | M (M) | L (L) | H (H) | H (H) | |
Wet | M (M) | L (L) | M (M) | M (L) | |
Peak severity level | Dry | H (H) | M (M) | M (M) | M (M) |
Average | M (M) | L (L) | L (L) | H (H) | |
Wet | M (M) | L (L) | L (L) | L (L) |
The ML-WSM demonstrates high skill in estimating the reliability, vulnerability, and peak severity of all MWS components for all climate scenarios. The reliability estimates for the Dell reservoir system exhibit the greatest difference from the observed with an underprediction of 0.09 during wet (Mountain Dell, 0.85 vs. 0.94) and dry (Little Dell, 0.78 vs. 0.88) conditions. For Mountain Dell, the response is because the modeled drawdown rate surpassed the critical threshold approximately 2 weeks before the simulation from the SLC-WSM (Supplementary Material, Figure S4). The ML-WSM correctly estimates the vulnerability classification in ten out of twelve scenarios/components. The misclassifications align with the dry scenario and groundwater withdrawal (i.e., high predicted vs. medium observed) and during the wet scenario for Deer Creek requests (i.e., medium predicted vs. low observed). While the ML-WSM does misclassify groundwater withdrawal during the dry scenario, the natural break between Medium and High from the Jenks algorithm (i.e., 0.53) splits the difference between the actual (i.e., 0.51) and predicted (i.e., 0.55) values. The peak severity of each component predicted by the ML-WSM matches the observed for each climate scenario. While the model correctly classifies the peak severity of each component, peak severity values exhibit the greatest deviations from the observed compared to other metrics.
The vulnerability and peak severity values and classifications highlight the information differences between each metric. For example, the supply and demand factors influencing the MWS during the dry climate conditions lead to a Deer Creek water request pattern similar to historical conditions but at a greater magnitude. While there is a greater overall quantity of water requested at the seasonal scale (High vulnerability), the conditions result in a Medium level of peak severity because there are no large differences between the modeled and the historical mean (i.e., unsatisfactory/satisfactory threshold). During the average climate conditions, the increased municipal water demand and seasonal supply limitations drive the Deer Creek requests to a peak in July compared to the historical mean peak in mid-August. While the spike in July imported water use leads to a High level of peak severity, the model estimates vulnerability to be medium because the seasonal request volume is minimally greater than the historically observed. We find peak severity communicates the most extreme state of the system while vulnerability refers to the average state of the system for the season, with the differences in information exemplifying the benefits of a multi-metric assessment to inform MWS planning and guidance activities.
Data-driven water system planning and management
Applying the ML-WSM to the SLCDPU water system demonstrates the benefits of incorporating ML methods into the planning and management tool kit. The ML model delivers minimal prediction error and captures the overall MWS dynamics and relationships without the need for an extensive system understanding or high parameterization. While we train the ML-WSM on the data from the SLC-WSM simulations, the model demonstrates the skill to model reservoir operations, imported water requests, and groundwater withdrawal as a function of their physical operations, limitations, and system connectivity. We foresee no significant deviations in model performance compared to a systems model for real-world application and view the use of physical observations as an opportunity to compare the performance between the ML-WSM and systems models. Although not a direct measure of prediction accuracy, the ML-WSM predicts 60× faster than the systems model (2 s vs. 120 s, respectively), allowing for more rapid simulations and investigations of MWS response. With respect to model development, algorithm training requires minimal developer input compared to systems models and collectively has 36 parameters (e.g., nine hyperparameters per MWS component model) compared to the 4,300 parameters in the SLC-WSM. Even though the XGBoost training took approximately 5.5 h/MWS component, model training can occur outside of business hours or in the background while the developer addresses other tasks. In comparison, the systems model required constant attention and iteration by the developers over many years.
The demonstration of system connectivity, high prediction performance, and open-source nature support the ML-WSM as a tool to advance water system management. Future research applications using a probability of inputs (e.g., stochastic modeling) or developing the ML-WSM with probabilistic algorithms (e.g., Gaussian Process Regression) could provide a probable range of predictions (Dhara et al. 2018; Castellani et al. 2021; Fang et al. 2022) that reflect intrasystem variability and support risk-tolerance-based decision-making (Towler et al. 2013). While not modeling the components of an MWS, Sun et al. (2014) and Bonakdari et al. (2019) probabilistic algorithms successfully forecast streamflow and lake water levels, respectively.
The open-source concept of the ML-WSM leverages and contributes to advancements throughout the community modeling enterprise. The open-source Scikit-Learn package supports data processing, train/test partitioning, variable selection, model algorithms, and evaluation tools at no charge to the developer. Community modeling supports the latest advances in ML, where platforms like GitHub provide a virtual arena to share tools, discuss problems, and create solutions that support the transition of research to operations as other tools now support hydrological hazard awareness (Khattar et al. 2021), such as forecast-informed reservoir operations (Delaney et al. 2020) or the Next-Generation water resources framework of the National Water Model (Bartel et al. 2021). Open-source software not only supports end-users and stakeholders but can have broad-reaching impacts related to user engagement and learning opportunities. Researchers can adapt the ML-WSM for their systems modeling objective, use it as an educational tool, and/or contribute and enhance model functionality. Compared to a licensed software platform, the limitations surrounding the quantity and quality of available external resources can create roadblocks that hinder development and often only provide access to a few select individuals.
Opportunities to advance the ML-WSM
Applying the ML-WSM to the SLCDPU system highlighted opportunities to advance the modeling framework ranging from general ML challenges to enhancing transferability among systems. A needed advancement is methods implementing physical constraints on MWS components to prevent impossible results, a known limitation of data-driven models (Qian et al. 2020). We encountered the prediction of impossible results during the preliminary phases of development with negative estimates of groundwater withdrawal and Deer Creek imported water requests less than the minimum flow rate. While we implemented model constraints, it implies that physically impossible errors can occur, such as reservoir levels exceeding 100%, below the dead pool, or even negative values. Future applications of the ML-WSM could explore physics-informed ML models which can address the physical limitations of the system, allowing network architectures to automatically satisfy some of the physical sets of assumptions before performing any computation (Qian et al. 2020). Physics-informed ML could account for the mass balance of reservoir level change, groundwater withdrawal, and imported water use from municipal water demand to ensure no net gain or loss of water at each time step of a simulation. Integrating methods to physically constrain model predictions can aid in model interpretability, addressing the black box and explaining the conceptual path to prediction (Molnar et al. 2020).
Another opportunity to advance ML models is to develop frameworks to improve the reliability of dynamical system predictions outside of the training bounds. Alterations of the statistical behavior between feature-target responses, such as from a changing climate or a change in service area composition, can challenge ML model prediction skill (Feudel et al. 2018; Kaszás et al. 2019). The parameterization and physical connections within a systems modeling framework can model interactions entering a state of non-stationarity, addressing a limitation of data-driven methods (Chantry et al. 2021; Shi et al. 2021). Evolving ML methods utilizing reservoir computing RNN models show promise in the prediction of long-term dynamical systems behavior influenced by non-stationarity, including sudden changes due to regime transitions (Patel et al. 2021; Patel & Ott 2023). While the use of the extreme wet and extreme dry testing scenarios exhibit conditions outside of the bounds of model training and the ML-WSM demonstrated high prediction skill, the high performance may be attributed to the selected forecasting horizon. To assess the long-term impacts of non-stationarity on MWS performance with ML, we recommend exploring reservoir computing RNN and/or physics-informed ML methods.
Model synergy
We see a synergistic approach for the integration of ML into MWS management and decision-making, as the results indicate that the ML-WSM does not need to replace the systems model to be beneficial. The systems modeling methods will likely provide the most physically representative estimates of MWS performance but the fast and accurate representation of the MWS from the ML-WSM can function as a first approximation. Fast simulation speeds can complement a systems model analysis by quickly evaluating many system scenarios, assessing the respective responses of each key MWS component, and developing preliminary scenario-driven system management actions in a short period of time. For example, the process could quickly inform system management on the level of conservation needed to maintain a specific reliability threshold during supply-limited conditions. For MWS without an existing model but with ample data, the ML-WSM can reduce the barriers to modeling the water system.
The ML-WSM framework demonstrates the potential to benefit MWS planning and management by establishing a pillar of increasing engagement throughout the community. The concept builds on the open-source nature of the ML community to interact with a larger audience than systems models. Open-source products like Tethys provide a platform to increase community awareness concerning system response to externalities (Swain et al. 2016). Maturing the ML-WSM into a web application targeting public water use awareness could engage a broad audience, as an interactive environment using a trained ML-WSM and multiple scenarios could present information within a game-like setting that encourages experimentation and serves as an education tool (Savic et al. 2016; Laucelli et al. 2019). A synergistic approach to water system modeling (ML and systems models) brings the benefits of physical and data-driven models to inform decision-making and address high-impact real-world water management challenges.
We apply the ML-WSM to the SLCDPU water system to identify the strengths and limitations of ML in modeling water system interactions between key MWS components that are critical to decision-making. Using the existing systems model as the observed baseline and three different climate scenarios affecting supply and demand, the ML-WSM demonstrates high prediction skill. Using the Xtreme Gradient Boosted (XGBoost) algorithm, the ML-WSM captures the defined feedbacks and interactions of seasonal reservoir level dynamics, groundwater withdrawal, and imported water requests with minimal error and without the high parameterization, high computational requirements, or the long development period of systems models. We couple the predictions to a vulnerability assessment that categorizes peak severity and vulnerability for each key component to improve the interpretability of the results, aiding in decision-making by providing a platform to compare simulations with the historically observed values. While a different measure of performance, the ML-WSM consistently predicted 60× faster than the systems model (2 s vs. 120 s, respectively) and model development took days compared to years, owing to minimal developer input compared to systems models. The novel application of ML for modeling MWS components demonstrates a key contribution to the water resources community by prototyping a complete data-driven MWS model that reduces the development barriers to entry, systematically bypassing the extensive parameterization of a systems model.
Even with the successful implementation of the ML-WSM on the SLCDPU water system, there is potential for improvement. The model evaluation identified impossible values that required physical model constraints to reflect system limitations. We recommend future work exploring physics-informed ML to address the identified limitations and reservoir pool algorithms to examine the feasibility of ML for modeling non-stationarity in water systems. Given the identified limitations, we foresee the ML-WSM to have broad-reaching impacts such as supporting interactive open-source tools, strengthening the understanding of the MWS for utilities without an existing systems model, and establishing a synergistic approach combining ML with physically based modeling systems to engage the greater community and contribute to a wide range of high-impact real-world water management challenges.
All Python v3.10.1-based models are available on Github: https://github.com/whitelightning450/Machine-Learning-Water-Systems-Model. The repository contains all data to train and run the ML-WSM, providing a framework guiding the adaptation of the code to another system of interest. The SLC-WSM is not provided for review due to security reasons specified by the SLCDPU. Permission for this model requires direct consent from the SLCDPU.
Funding for this project was provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and awarded to the Cooperative Institute for Research to Operations in Hydrology (CIROH) through the NOAA Cooperative Agreement with The University of Alabama, NA22NWS4320003. The authors would like to thank all the SLCDPU staff for their time and commitment to the Salt Lake City Vulnerability Project. The provided funding and enthusiasm for science accelerated this research. This research would also like to thank Margaret Wolf, Logan Jamison, Dr Paul Brooks, and Dr Courtney Strong for their collaborative work on this project.
All relevant data are available from an online repository or repositories: https://github.com/whitelightning450/Machine-Learning-Water-Systems-Model.
The authors declare there is no conflict.