New flood risk management policies account for climate and socio-economic change by embracing a more integrated approach. Their implementation processes require: collaboration between a group of stakeholders; combining objectives and funding from various policy domains; consideration of a range of possible options at all spatial scale levels and for various time horizons. Literature provides limited guidance on how to organise a collaborative planning process to devise integrated flood risk management (IFRM) plans. This paper presents a case study where a recently developed framework for process design and management has been used and evaluates whether or not the collaborative planning process led to an IFRM plan. The case study is Dordrecht (NL) where the new multi-layer-safety (MLS) approach has been applied in the context of the Delta Programme. The Delta Programme investigates how the Netherlands can adapt to the effects of climate change. MLS comprises three flood safety layers to reduce flood risk: flood protection, spatial planning, and emergency response. The framework has been shown to be effective in the delivery of an IFRM plan, it has been enriched by defining the interfaces between and phasing of planning activities, and can be further improved to better guide implementation and governance activities.
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November 22 2013
Process design and management for integrated flood risk management: exploring the multi-layer safety approach for Dordrecht, The Netherlands
Sebastiaan van Herk;
1Delft University of Technology, Stevinweg 1, Delft 2628 CN, The Netherlands
2Bax & Willems Consulting Venturing, Roger de Lluria 120, Barcelona 08037, Spain
3UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, P.O. Box 3015 DA Delft, The Netherlands
E-mail: [email protected]
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Chris Zevenbergen;
Chris Zevenbergen
1Delft University of Technology, Stevinweg 1, Delft 2628 CN, The Netherlands
3UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, P.O. Box 3015 DA Delft, The Netherlands
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Berry Gersonius;
Berry Gersonius
3UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, P.O. Box 3015 DA Delft, The Netherlands
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Hans Waals;
Hans Waals
4Waterschap Hollandse Delta, P.O. Box 4103, 2988 DC Ridderkerk, The Netherlands
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Ellen Kelder
Ellen Kelder
5Gemeente Dordrecht, P.O. Box 8, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands
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Journal of Water and Climate Change (2014) 5 (1): 100–115.
Article history
May 17 2013
September 17 2013
Sebastiaan van Herk, Chris Zevenbergen, Berry Gersonius, Hans Waals, Ellen Kelder; Process design and management for integrated flood risk management: exploring the multi-layer safety approach for Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Journal of Water and Climate Change 1 March 2014; 5 (1): 100–115. doi:
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