The present study employs regional climate model projections for assessing the impact of root-zone water balance and groundwater levels using crop and groundwater models. The projections from Hadley Regional Model 3 (HRM3) for A1B scenario showed an increase in temperature and rainfall (RF) of 1.8 °C and 328 mm, respectively, during mid-century (MC) (2021–2050) for Indian central Punjab. The respective increase in values for the end of century (2071–2098) would be 4.4 °C and 486 mm, compared with present time slice (PTS) (2000–2010). In future, irrigation requirement would reduce, because of increased RF and decreased transpiration from cropped area owing to a shortening of crop duration of rice-wheat cropping system with temperature. The reduced irrigation need in future would decrease groundwater withdrawal resulting in the rise of groundwater level.
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February 02 2015
Assessing climate change impact on root-zone water balance and groundwater levels
Samanpreet Kaur;
1Department of Soil Water Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India
E-mail: [email protected]
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S. K. Jalota;
S. K. Jalota
2Department of Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana 10004, India
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K. G. Singh;
K. G. Singh
1Department of Soil Water Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India
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Prit Pal Singh Lubana;
Prit Pal Singh Lubana
3College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana 141004, India
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Rajan Aggarwal
Rajan Aggarwal
1Department of Soil Water Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India
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Journal of Water and Climate Change (2015) 6 (3): 436–448.
Article history
February 05 2014
December 15 2014
Samanpreet Kaur, S. K. Jalota, K. G. Singh, Prit Pal Singh Lubana, Rajan Aggarwal; Assessing climate change impact on root-zone water balance and groundwater levels. Journal of Water and Climate Change 1 September 2015; 6 (3): 436–448. doi:
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