In the present study, an attempt has been made to estimate the snow/glacier melt contribution in the head water region of the Beas Basin using a conventional hydrograph approach and a modeling (SNOWMOD) technique. The discharge and other meteorological data from 1996 to 2008 of the Manali site were used for the study. The results of SNOWMOD modeling reveal that snow/glacier melt contribution to the Beas River in the head water region varied between 52 (minimum) and 56% (maximum) with an annual average of 54% during the study period. The results obtained using the conventional approach showed the contribution of snow/glacier melt varied between 48 (minimum) and 52% (maximum) with an annual average of 50%. Results obtained using both techniques corroborate each other. This study reveals that the Beas River is mainly sustained by the snow/glacier melt contribution in the head water region.

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