Northeast China (NEC) has become one of China's most obvious examples of climate change because of its rising warming rate of 0.35 °C/10 years. As the indicator of climate change, the dynamic of surface soil moisture (SSM) has not been assessed yet. We investigated the spatiotemporal dynamics of SSM in NEC using a 32-year SSM product and found the following. (1) SSM displayed the characteristics of being dry in the west and wet in the east and decreased with time. (2) The seasonal difference was found for the temporal dynamics of SSM: it increased in summer and decreased in spring and autumn. (3) For all four regions studied, the temporal dynamics of SSM were similar to those of the whole of NEC, but with different rates of SSM change. Moreover, SSM in regions B and D had a lower spatial variance than the other two regions because of the stable spatial pattern of cropland. (4) The change rates for SSM were consistent with that observed for the warming rates, which indicated that SSM levels derived from remote sensing data will correlate with climate change. In summary, a wetter summer and a drier spring and autumn were observed in NEC over the past 30 years.

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