Global indicators have warned of freshwater scarcity in Asia. However, the utilization of freshwater resources has skyrocketed for commercial and industrial purposes without any strategy for recycling and reuse. The power plant's wastewater/reject mainly consisted of cooling tower blowdown water and reverse osmosis (RO) plant reject water. Due to the high turbid nature of reject water, pretreatment was carried out to achieve SDI15 <3 by employing multimedia filters (MMF), activated carbon filters (ACF) and ultrafiltration (UF). Operational parameters of RO membranes were optimized (11.5 bar, 29 °C) to achieve maximum water recovery along with higher rejection rates of critical scale forming species such as 81% total dissolved solids (TDS), 73% calcium hardness and 72% silica (Si). After accounting for backwash water and other concentrate rejections, the membrane treatment plant has achieved an appreciable recovery rate of more than 44%. The RO membrane-treated water was then incorporated in the cooling tower and a 16% reduction in freshwater makeup was achieved. Reduction of microbial growth rate as well as corrosion and scaling in the cooling tower was observed due to the reuse of treated water. This is to confirm here that brackish water RO membranes can act as a strong contender for reject water reclamation and effective utilization.
Lower TDS Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis (BWRO) membranes are found effective for recovery of high TDS wastewater of cooling tower.
Significant expulsion of turbidity and suspended particles was achieved through contemporary technologies, i.e., ultrafiltration (UF) and multimedia filters (MF).
Pretreatment plays an important role in the operational life span of RO membranes.
Membrane treatment of wastewater provided a recovery rate of more than 40%.
Wastewater recycling and reuse suppressed the utilization of freshwater and chemical consumption in the cooling tower.
Water is a vital need for life and an essential component for ecological sustainability. According to the Institute for Water, Environment and Health survey, less than 3% of Earth's water reserves exist as freshwater, whereas 30% of the freshwater is present in the form of groundwater (Guppy & Anderson 2017). Exponential population growth, massive urbanization and industrialization are threatening toward the acute scarcity of usable water. Due to inappropriate infrastructure and lesser resources, the issue of the availability of water resources is intense in developing countries. In these regions, there is no systematic and effective policy to conserve vital resources. Large differences between water utilization and its availability have led to further adverse environmental and economic concerns. According to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) report, every continent will face water shortage, as one-fifth of the global population is already facing water scarcity (UNESCO 2019) (Bond et al. 2019). The World Economic Forum has also drawn global attention to water shortage by ranking water scarcity as an inevitable and influential risk (WEF 2016). Water scarcity has been ranked on the top of the most notorious global issues such as lethal weapons, food availability, diseases and cyber issues. Nowadays, water scarcity has retarded the availability of freshwater sources for general and industrial utilization. Major industrial sectors comprised of thermoelectric power plants, petrochemical industries, sugar industries, refineries and textile industries are the major consumers of water at a larger extent.
The process of transforming wastewater from diverse sources and processing it into usable for another purpose is known as reusing water. However, for all sources including domestic, municipal or industrial, wastewater can be recycled and, depending on its quality, it can be used for a number of secondary applications. Examples of secondary uses include irrigation for agriculture, groundwater recharge, industrial processes, potable water delivery and non-potable urban applications. Since reused water is a dependable source during the present time of freshwater scarcity, it is being used more frequently for agricultural irrigation. The use of nutrient-rich treated wastewater for agriculture may also increase output, reduce (or eliminate) the need for fertilizer application and promote food security. Utilizing treated wastewater in place of groundwater for irrigation can help conserve water. Another region where treated wastewater can serve such requirements is the cooling in industrial processes.
Wastewater being comprised of blowdown water or reject water from power plant's wet-type recirculating cooling tower is a major concern for water sustainability. For optimum operation of the cooling tower and condenser, a part of the water is rejected on purpose termed as cooling tower blowdown (CTBD). Apart from the application of chemical treatment, blowdown is still carried out when the solid load increases in concentrated cooling water. In comparison with other reject water sources, blowdown water from a power plant's cooling tower, usually containing scale, corrosion and biofouling inhibitors, can be recycled, and reused again in the cooling tower, after it is sufficiently treated to remove these (Mahir et al. 2021).
CTBD water generally contains diverse constituents such as total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids (TSS), turbidity, chlorides, silica, calcium and magnesium hardness and organic and inorganic contamination (chemical oxidation demand, COD/biological oxidation demand, BOD) in higher concentrations and these vary from plant-to-plant scenario. Considering blowdown water's constituents' nature and range, various conventional and non-conventional technologies have been employed for pretreatment and principle treatment (Maqbool et al. 2019). If water possesses high turbidity, COD or BOD demand in case of organic and inorganic contaminations, divalent and trivalent ions coagulation and filtration pretreatment techniques are generally employed. To remove aromatic contents, chlorine residuals, oil and greases, an activated carbon pretreatment system is utilized (Ahmed et al. 2020; Shukla et al. 2020). The side stream filtration technique is commonly utilized for in-line cooling water treatment to minimize scaling issues and water consumption. Wang et al. (2014) studied the effect of four different coagulants pretreatment over blowdown water, which was subsequently treated by reverse osmosis (RO) membrane. For 23-hour pilot plant operation, the influent pollutants such as turbidity, TDS, COD and total iron contents decrease at the dosage rate of 20 and 15 mg/L of cationic polyacrylamide and polyaluminum chloride, respectively, thus, transforming the polluted water into a condition (SDI < 5) to enable being treated by RO membrane for reuse. Altman et al. (2012) conducted a pilot scale study by employing nanofiltration (NF) membrane as a side stream filtration technique. The NF permeate was returned to the cooling tower and the NF concentrate discharge was discarded into the sewer. According to this study, an appreciable reduction in blowdown water was achieved by the NF membrane. However, silica scaling has hindered further recovery. Davood Abadi Farahani et al. (2016) investigated and evaluated two types of pretreatment techniques for final NF and RO membrane treatment, to carry out effective CTBD treatment and conservation. However, promising results have been depicted by coagulation–flocculation and ultrafiltration pretreatment for RO treatment than the pretreatment carried out for NF membrane.
On a laboratory scale or lower, conventional technologies such as coagulation, flocculation, softeners, adsorption and biological treatment are promising. But on a commercial scale, these technologies lose their productivity and efficiencies as they require a higher amount of specific coagulant or adsorption material as well as needing a large installation area and proper decomposition of aided chemical/physical materials (Löwenberg & Wintgens 2017; Soliman et al. 2022). From a careful scrutiny of literature, it can be established that the contemporary membrane technology integrated with pretreatment filters has been found superior to conventional pretreatment options on a commercial scale (Löwenberg et al. 2015; Koeman-Stein et al. 2016; Obotey Ezugbe & Rathilal 2020; Yang et al. 2020). The membrane technology is a compact treatment regime as it requires less installation area and is effective for a wide range of pollutants removals such as silts, TDS, hardness, silica and phosphate and easy control over the operation.
Raji & Packialakshmi (2022) presented a soil matrix technique for the elimination of contaminants from wastewater effluents. Three types of sands were utilized such as fine, loamy and clayey to assess the change in pH and removal of TDS and turbidity. The team observed a significant reduction in pH from 8.5 to 7.5, TDS from ∼1,600 to 850 mg/L and turbidity from 7.3 to 4 NTU. It was found that the soil-based technique was effective in improving effluent quality for groundwater recharge.
Scharnberg et al. (2020) established the synthesis of novel photocatalysts Bi2FexNbO7 by the sol-gel method. The team found that with iron addition, the photocatalyst Bi2FexNbO7 had higher absorption and a smaller band gap energy of 2.09 eV. The addition of iron also resulted in an enhanced crystallinity. The Bi–Fe–Nb–O powder was also found to be stable and reusable and had potential as effective photocatalysts for environmental applications such as used for pretreatment systems for principle technology.
The current study was conducted on a recirculating induced draft cooling tower of a 16 Mega Watt (MW) waste heat recovery power plant at one of the plant sites of Bestway Cement Ltd (United Kingdom Group), Pakistan. Due to the dusty environment of cement industry, the process water is prone to high turbidity. The makeup water source for the cooling tower is underground water (brackish water). The cooling tower's designed recirculation rate is 4,000 m3/h, whereas the sump volume is 1,350 m3. However, operational recirculation rate varies from 3,000 to 3,500 m3/h. The blowdown water from cooling tower is collected in a drain pit. For the optimal process, TDS contained by sump cooling water is maintained at ∼1,500 mg/L. To overcome the problems including scaling, corrosion, slime, algae formation and biofouling, phosphonate and sulfonate-based scale inhibitors, zinc salt and phosphonic acid corrosion inhibitor, isothiazolinone-based biocide and non-ionic biodispersant are dosed. For aerobic microorganisms, sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is utilized, and free chlorine residuals are maintained between 0.1 and 0.5 ppm. For better working of specialized chemicals and cooling tower system performance, pH is maintained in the range of 7.8–8.3 by commercial grade sulfuric acid (H2SO4), while calcium hardness is kept in the range of 750–900 mg/L.
The primary focus of this study is to determine the effectiveness of lower TDS brackish water RO membranes for wastewater/reject treatment for water recovery (conservation) from two main reject sources such as CTBD water and RO plant concentrate/reject water. A wastewater/reject treatment plant, specifically aimed to treat rejected water sources, integrated with brackish water RO membranes, was fabricated from a local manufacturer for water recycle and reuse into the cooling tower for better water conservation and system sustainability. Influence of various parameters of pretreated water on RO membrane was determined with special attention to calcium and silica scaling. Effects of the post-treatment (i.e., after water recycling to cooling tower) on the cooling tower were obtained by evaluating microbial count, scale and corrosion coupon analysis. In times of water scarcity, specifically, water reuse can serve as a dependable source of water to control demand by generating more efficient use of available resources. In addition to saving money, this measure can reduce the quantity of water that needs to be treated and used. Water reuse is an effective way to protect and enhance efforts to restore aquatic ecosystems like wetlands, streams and ponds.
Laboratory grade HCl solution was procured from Sigma-Aldrich Ltd for the preparation of 5% HCl solution. Deionized water (TDS < 1 mg/L) was obtained from electrodeionization (EDI) equipment. Parameters, such as pH and electrical conductivity measurements, were carried out by Trans Instruments pH and conductivity meters. TDS was determined by using a factor, 0.65 multiplied by electrical conductivity of specific sample in accordance with the APHA (2012) 2,510 (A) (Rice & Bridgewater 2012). Turbidity, total hardness and calcium hardness were analyzed by the EDTA titrimetric method in accordance with the APHA (2012) 2,340 (C) and 3500-Ca (B) (Rice & Bridgewater 2012), whereas magnesium hardness was calculated by the difference between total hardness and calcium hardness and total alkalinity or methyl alkalinity was analyzed by titration as instructed by APHA (2012) 2,320 (B) (Rice & Bridgewater 2012). Chloride and silica were measured by DR-3,900 vis-spectrophotometer by HACH Ltd. In the determination of total viable count (i.e., microbial growth rate) or bacterial count in the cooling tower, dip slide tests as part of Envirocheck TVC Merck-Millipore were performed on a weekly basis. A 45-day corrosion and scaling analysis test was performed by employing mild steel and copper coupons procured from a local supplier. Techniques and computations based on well-established methods (Löwenberg et al. 2015; Löwenberg & Wintgens 2017; Soliman et al. 2022) were employed to estimate corrosion and scaling parameters.
Parameter . | Units . | Equipment/Method . | Waste/Reject water streams . | Fresh/raw water . | ||
CTBD . | RO reject . | CTBD + RO reject . | ||||
pH | pH meter | 8.31 | 7.46 | 7.8 | 7.27 | |
Conductivity | μS/cm | Conductivity meter | 2302.2 | 2015.4 | – | 675.4 |
TDS | mg/L | Conductivity meter | 1496.38 | 1310 | 1484.8 | 440 |
Total alkalinity | mg/L as CaCO3 | Titration | 157.5 | 155 | 156.1 | 280 |
Total hardness | mg/L as CaCO3 | Titration | 1238 | 1080 | 1230 | 303.75 |
Calcium hardness | mg/L as CaCO3 | Titration | 890 | 635 | 881 | 196.26 |
Magnesium hardness | mg/L as CaCO3 | Titration | 348 | 445 | 359.1 | 107.5 |
TSS | mg/L | Spectrophotometer | 39.1 | 2 | 38.4 | <1 |
Chlorides | mg/L as Cl | Spectrophotometer | 93.5 | 51.03 | 92.58 | 5.25 |
Silica | mg/L as SiO2 | Spectrophotometer | 65.2 | 162 | 68.4 | 15.75 |
Turbidity | NTU | Nephelometer | 18.1 | 0.9 | 17.1 | <1 |
Parameter . | Units . | Equipment/Method . | Waste/Reject water streams . | Fresh/raw water . | ||
CTBD . | RO reject . | CTBD + RO reject . | ||||
pH | pH meter | 8.31 | 7.46 | 7.8 | 7.27 | |
Conductivity | μS/cm | Conductivity meter | 2302.2 | 2015.4 | – | 675.4 |
TDS | mg/L | Conductivity meter | 1496.38 | 1310 | 1484.8 | 440 |
Total alkalinity | mg/L as CaCO3 | Titration | 157.5 | 155 | 156.1 | 280 |
Total hardness | mg/L as CaCO3 | Titration | 1238 | 1080 | 1230 | 303.75 |
Calcium hardness | mg/L as CaCO3 | Titration | 890 | 635 | 881 | 196.26 |
Magnesium hardness | mg/L as CaCO3 | Titration | 348 | 445 | 359.1 | 107.5 |
TSS | mg/L | Spectrophotometer | 39.1 | 2 | 38.4 | <1 |
Chlorides | mg/L as Cl | Spectrophotometer | 93.5 | 51.03 | 92.58 | 5.25 |
Silica | mg/L as SiO2 | Spectrophotometer | 65.2 | 162 | 68.4 | 15.75 |
Turbidity | NTU | Nephelometer | 18.1 | 0.9 | 17.1 | <1 |
A complete water analysis of critical parameters of partially treated reject water has been carried out after MMF, ACF and UF treatment. The pH has also been adjusted by dosing sulfuric acid before feeding water to the RO membrane. A higher pH range promotes the precipitation of crucial scale-forming species such as calcium and magnesium and their carbonates and bicarbonates along with silica. The low pH range keeps the scale-forming agents in soluble form to avoid early RO membrane scaling. After optimizing the governing parameters, the rejected water treatment has been carried out. Table 2 depicts the feed and the permeate water analysis and the rejection rates of critical parameters.
Parameter . | Units . | Analysis for RO membrane operation . | ||
RO feed water . | RO permeate (treated water) . | Rejection (%) . | ||
pH | 7.49 | 7.01 | – | |
Conductivity | μS/cm | 2302.2 | 2015.4 | – |
TDS | mg/L | 1489.9 | 285.79 | 80.81 |
Total alkalinity | mg/L as CaCO3 | 157.5 | 20 | – |
Total hardness | mg/L as CaCO3 | 1215.41 | 265.1 | 78.2 |
Calcium hardness | mg/L as CaCO3 | 880.81 | 240.97 | 72.64 |
Magnesium hardness | mg/L as CaCO3 | 334.60 | 26.1 | 92 |
TSS | mg/L | Nil | Nil | – |
Chlorides | mg/L as Cl | 89.48 | 10.11 | 89 |
Silica | mg/L as SiO2 | 72.7 | 20.58 | 71.69 |
Turbidity | NTU | <0.1 | Nil | – |
Parameter . | Units . | Analysis for RO membrane operation . | ||
RO feed water . | RO permeate (treated water) . | Rejection (%) . | ||
pH | 7.49 | 7.01 | – | |
Conductivity | μS/cm | 2302.2 | 2015.4 | – |
TDS | mg/L | 1489.9 | 285.79 | 80.81 |
Total alkalinity | mg/L as CaCO3 | 157.5 | 20 | – |
Total hardness | mg/L as CaCO3 | 1215.41 | 265.1 | 78.2 |
Calcium hardness | mg/L as CaCO3 | 880.81 | 240.97 | 72.64 |
Magnesium hardness | mg/L as CaCO3 | 334.60 | 26.1 | 92 |
TSS | mg/L | Nil | Nil | – |
Chlorides | mg/L as Cl | 89.48 | 10.11 | 89 |
Silica | mg/L as SiO2 | 72.7 | 20.58 | 71.69 |
Turbidity | NTU | <0.1 | Nil | – |
The water auditing has also been carried out taking the rejected streams such as backwash rejects of MMF, ACF and UF. The initial concentrate cleaning water of the RO membrane is also counted. The one-month projected data have been carefully analyzed. The reduction in underground water consumption for the cooling tower has also been calculated. Table 3 presents the water auditing and recovery rates of the concerned water streams.
Parameter . | Flow (m3/day) . | Recovery (%) . |
Reject water | 389.65 | |
MMF + ACF + UF backwash | 38.96 | |
RO feed | 350.69 | |
RO permeate (and recovery) | 216.11 | 61.6 |
RO reject | 134.58 | |
Overall wastewater recovery (%) | 44.5 | |
Average cooling tower makeup (raw) | 45.33 | |
Average cooling tower makeup (treated) | 9 | |
Total cooling tower makeup | 54.34 | |
Cooling tower raw water makeup reduction | 16.56 |
Parameter . | Flow (m3/day) . | Recovery (%) . |
Reject water | 389.65 | |
MMF + ACF + UF backwash | 38.96 | |
RO feed | 350.69 | |
RO permeate (and recovery) | 216.11 | 61.6 |
RO reject | 134.58 | |
Overall wastewater recovery (%) | 44.5 | |
Average cooling tower makeup (raw) | 45.33 | |
Average cooling tower makeup (treated) | 9 | |
Total cooling tower makeup | 54.34 | |
Cooling tower raw water makeup reduction | 16.56 |
The treated water contains lower levels of scale and fouling-forming species. As depicted in Figure 12, the MS scaling coupon analysis before and after the reuse of treated water in the cooling tower does not depict any significant variation. The slight reduction in the metal surface scaling depicts the lower concentration of scale-forming salts in the cooling tower feed water and the utilization of anti-scalants.
Apart from intensified stress on water resources in various Asian regions, climate change also exacerbates shrinking glaciers, increasing sea level, floods and droughts. Thus, having adequate access to water is crucial to ensure a sustainable future. Reusing water is considered an adaptation strategy since it decreases demands on freshwater resources and boosts water reliability and resilience.
In this work, a combined setup of membranes along with various filters was employed to treat the reject streams of power-plant such as CTBD and RO plant reject water. Various crucial tests and trials were carried out to assess the effectiveness of proposed process and its post-utilization implications. Specifically, we can draw the following conclusions:
- 1.
Ultrafiltration membranes are effective pretreatment technology to pretreat the feed water of the RO membrane. UF membranes ensure feed water SDI < 3.
- 2.
Various operating parameters of RO membrane such as feed pressure and temperature have significant effects on the permeate flow and quality such as rejection rates of scale-forming species.
- 3.
The RO membrane had recovered more than 60% of permeate and overall wastewater recovery was found up to 44%. To avoid the scaling of the membrane with the passage of time, advanced anti-scalant chemicals and other pretreatment techniques can be added to completely remove scale-forming salts and this results in increasing the wastewater RO membrane treatment plant productivity.
- 4.
The recycled and reused water incorporation in cooling tower resulted in an effective operation and this ensured the reduction in scaling and corrosion percentage of heat transfer surfaces.
- 5.
The microbial count was significantly reduced in the cooling tower after coupling the recycled water stream. This reduced the utilization of biocides such as sodium hypochlorite and isothiazolinone.
- 6.
To conserve the RO membrane, and concentrate water, zero liquid discharge (ZLD) techniques can be used to increase the overall recovery ratio of reject water.
- 7.
In countries such as Pakistan where water scarcity is intense, the wet-type cooling tower must be replaced by the dry-type cooling towers such as air-cooled condensers to eliminate the use of freshwater resources for environmental sustainability.
Authors extend their sincere gratitude to fellow colleagues for the interpretation of data and express immense thanks to the Quality Control laboratory Staff during the experimentation and laboratory analysis of samples.
All relevant data are included in the paper or its Supplementary Information.
The authors declare there is no conflict.