Around 15% of India's GDP comes from agriculture, which is the foundation of the country's economy. India's economic development and efforts to combat poverty have already benefited greatly from its agricultural sector. Sustainable management of water resources can increase agricultural productivity. The study performed in the Paliganj distributary is a part of the Sone canal system in south Bihar, India. The Paliganj distributary command area lies wholly in the Gangetic plain. The estimation of crop evapotranspiration is carried out using the modified Penman–Monteith equation for the period 1980–2015. The crop coefficient of the crops has been estimated by using a single crop coefficient and a dual crop coefficient. The crop water requirement, irrigation water requirement, and irrigation scheduling of crops grown in the study area are determined using CROPWAT 8.0 software. The results conclude that the maximum, minimum, and average values of ET0 were found to be 7.65, 1.31, and 3.86 mm/day, respectively. The crop water requirement and irrigation requirement of crops grown in kharif, rabi, hot weather, and annual seasons in the study area were lower by using dual crop coefficient.

  • To assess the suitability of FAO-56 suggested coefficients for the specified crops.

  • To compare ETc results with the computed amount using single- and dual-Kc techniques.

  • To assess the suitability of the single and dual crop coefficients (single-Kc and dual-Kc) techniques presented in FAO-56 for estimating the crop evapotranspiration (ETc) of the predominant crops.

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