Journal of Water and Climate Change Special Issue on
Shaping Tomorrow’s Cities In Times of
Water and Climatic Extremes
Cities are at the forefront of climate change action. With about 55% of the world’s population living in cities, and with 70% of the global population expected to live in urban areas by 2050. And water is the heart of climate action. In cities worldwide, water is the connecting challenge, the number one global risk and the opportunity for transformative and sustainable impact and comprehensive cultural change.
With the proposed special issue we want to provide the field with an up-to-date overview of recent research results, trending developments, innovations, best practices, and research gaps. We also want to take a critical look at the mainstreaming of water in climate change action. The leading cities that have embraced water (and green) in its planning have now been on their way for 25 years. What can we learn from these examples? What can we expect in the next 25 years and even 100 years from now? This special issue provides input to the IPCC development of a Special Report on Climate Change and Cities as part of its 7th assessment cycle.
We are pleased to invite you to submit a manuscript to Journal of Water and Climate Change for peer review and possible publication in a Special Issue entitled Shaping tomorrow’s cities in times of water and climatic extremes.
Relevant topics include:
- Climate Change, Extreme Weather, Urban Heat Island,
- Water Extremes, i.e. Floods and Droughts,
- Sinking Cities, i.e. Land Subsidence,
- Water Supply and Sanitation,
- Urban Growth and Densification, Land Use/ Land Cover Changes,
- Integrated Urban Water Management, Sustainable Drainage Systems,
- Nature-Based Solutions, Blue-Green Infrastructure,
- Water-Sensitive Urban Design, Water-Sensitive Planning,
- Urban Resilience, Climate Adaptation Strategies, Sustainability Transitions,
- Blue-Green Cities, Sponge Cities, Water-Wise Cities, Water-Resilient Cities.
Key dates:
Deadline for manuscript submission: 30th June 2025
Expected publication: Articles will be published online as soon as possible after acceptance.
Managing Editor:
Prof D. Nagesh Kumar
Department of Civil Engineering,
Associate Faculty, Centre for Earth Sciences (CEaS),
Associate Faculty, Interdisciplinary Centre for Water Research (ICWaR),
Associate Faculty, Divecha Centre for Climate Change (DCCC),
Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore 560 012,
Guest Editors:
Prof. Ted Veldkamp Ph.D. M.Sc., Centre of Expertise HRTech, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands. E-mail: [email protected]
Prof. Ashok Kumar MP (URP) Ph.D., Centre for Water Studies, School of Planning and Architecture, India. E-mail: [email protected]
Mr. Nanco Dolman M.Sc., Department of Urban Water and Subsurface, Deltares, the Netherlands. E-mail: [email protected]
How to submit:
Please make sure that your paper follows the Instructions to Authors of the journal, before submitting your paper directly to Journal of Water and Climate Change’s peer review system. Then choose the article type – ‘Special Issue Article OA’ and the submission category – Special Issue: Cities of the Future. This will send your paper to one of the Guest Editors.
If you are interested in submitting a contribution and first want to discuss your idea (i.e. abstract) with the guest editors for this Special issue, please contact them directly.