Many scientific studies have suggested that point-of-use water treatment can improve water quality and reduce the risk of infectious diseases. Despite the ease of use and relatively low cost of such methods, experience shows the potential benefits derived from provision of such systems depend on recipients' acceptance of the technology and its sustained use. To date, few contributions have addressed the problem of user experience in the post-implementation phase. This can diagnose challenges, which undermine system longevity and its sustained use. A qualitative evaluation of two household water treatment systems, solar disinfection (SODIS) and chlorine tablets (Aquatabs), in three villages was conducted by using a diagnostic tool focusing on technology performance and experience. Cross-sectional surveys and in-depth interviews were used to investigate perceptions of involved stakeholders (users, implementers and local government). Results prove that economic and functional factors were significant in using SODIS, whilst perceptions of economic, taste and odour components were important in Aquatabs use. Conclusions relate to closing the gap between factors that technology implementers and users perceive as key to the sustained deployment of point-of-use disinfection technologies.
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February 17 2014
Factors involved in sustained use of point-of-use water disinfection methods: a field study from Flores Island, Indonesia
E. Roma;
1Cranfield University, Water Science Institute, Cranfield, MK430AL, UK
2Environmental Health Group, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, WC17HT, London, UK
E-mail: [email protected]
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T. Bond;
T. Bond
3Civil and Environmental Engineering, Skempton Building, Imperial College, London, UK
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P. Jeffrey
P. Jeffrey
1Cranfield University, Water Science Institute, Cranfield, MK430AL, UK
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J Water Health (2014) 12 (3): 573–583.
Article history
April 22 2013
January 22 2014
E. Roma, T. Bond, P. Jeffrey; Factors involved in sustained use of point-of-use water disinfection methods: a field study from Flores Island, Indonesia. J Water Health 1 September 2014; 12 (3): 573–583. doi:
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