A wholesale/retail model delivers drinking water to over 5 million residents in metropolitan Melbourne (Australia). Water Safety Plans were implemented in 1999 ahead of being regulatory mandated in 2003. With over 20 years of WSP application, this collaborative paper by the wholesaler and retailer utilities presents practical examples of drinking water quality risk management in challenging operational environments, highlighting lessons learnt, improvements made and outcomes achieved. Melbourne's supply comprises multiple sources, necessitating different tailored treatment configurations. Source waters range from open catchment with multiple treatment barriers, to protected catchment source waters requiring solely disinfection treatment (unfiltered) with gravity driven supply. Potable supply is a combination of unfiltered, filtered, desalinated and blended supplies. This makes for diversity in case studies brought to this paper, and a range of lessons likely to be of interest to the global WSP community. The Melbourne utility experience highlights the importance of developing and continually improving control measures for ongoing (adaptive) risk reduction. A robust emergency management plan is also fundamental to ensure preparedness for complex and unpredictable events. Furthermore, leveraging learnings from audits and incidents has been valuable for process improvement. WSP implementation has also facilitated timely communication with consumers and other stakeholders.

  • Challenges and practical application, of water safety plans, including examples.

  • Importance of operationalising WSPs, to provide safe water to the community.

  • Examples of WSP applications to incident management and emergency response.

  • Application of WSPs to diverse sources of supply (e.g. filtered vs unfiltered).

  • Collaboration across four utilities for WSP application from catchment to tap.

Melbourne's water supply utilities have been recognised as pioneers in implementing water safety plans (WSP) since 1999, with the voluntary application of hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) to the drinking water supply. WSPs (Risk Management Plans (RMPs)) have been a mandatory requirement in the State of Victoria since the introduction of the Safe Drinking Water Act 2003 (SDWA 2003).

However, the operalisation of WSPs for Melbourne has not been without its challenges, with lessons continuing to be learnt some 24 years later. This technical paper seeks to share the Melbourne metropolitan utility's approach to implementing and optimising WSPs, identifying key factors underpinning their successful application in the Melbourne context.

This paper begins with an overview of Melbourne's diverse water supply systems, ranging from protected catchment unfiltered supplies to open catchment conventionally treated systems. It then sets out the regulatory context and describes the evolution of WSP operalisation for Melbourne.

Practical application methods and examples are shared in Methods: Applied to Operationalise WSPs section.

The ‘Discussion’ provides examples of the challenges encountered during WSP implementation, as well as improvement initiatives identified from lessons learnt through cited case studies.

The aim of this paper is to share practical experience and examples of ‘good industry practice’ which may be of benefit to practitioners and regulators, and particularly those new to WSP development and application.

Melbourne's water supply system


For the majority of Melbourne's drinking water supply, Melbourne Water (MW) manages the harvesting of water from catchments, storage of harvest, bulk water transfer, treatment of the water and delivery to numerous interface points with Greater Western Water (GWW), South East Water (SEW) and Yarra Valley Water (YVW)1. These retail water companies (RWCs) manage the supply and distribution of water from the interface points to customer taps. The RWCs are also responsible for customer service, as well as managing the sewer and recycled water networks. Figure 1 presents Melbourne's water supply system.
Figure 1

Melbourne's water supply system.

Figure 1

Melbourne's water supply system.

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Harvest and storage

Protected catchment sources

Approximately half of Melbourne's water is sourced from forested, protected catchments. The catchment system consists of 11 water supply catchments and five water-holding storages. The catchments located within National Parks are co-managed with Parks Victoria, with management arrangements outlined in a National Parks Agreement. The catchments located within the State Forest are co-managed with the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA). A Memorandum of Understanding details the arrangements to effectively manage human activity and land use for the purposes of protecting water resources in the State Forest.

The five water-holding storages are solely managed by MW. Most of Melbourne's water is supplied via Silvan Reservoir. Historically, Cardinia Reservoir has been supplied by the Silvan system, however, in recent years has received a significant share of its water from the Victorian Desalination Plant (VDP). Some of this desalinated water can then be used to supplement Silvan's demand. Greenvale Reservoir is supplied from the Silvan system.

Treated water from these multiple sources is supplied to the RWCs unfiltered, because of the high quality of water drawn from the protected catchments and large storages.

Open catchment sources

On average over the last 10 years, approximately 25% of Melbourne's drinking water has been sourced from open catchments that have mixed land uses including farming, rural properties and state forests that are open to activities such as camping and four-wheel driving. The balance of water not sourced from land-based open or closed catchments is provided by the VDP.


Whilst long retention times in storage reservoirs and primary disinfection plants help inactivate microorganisms such as pathogenic bacteria, protozoa and viruses in the untreated water, additional treatment barriers are required in some locations, depending on the risk level of the water.

Chlorination is the primary form of disinfection used to treat Melbourne's water supply, with chlorination plants located at all the major water treatment plants. In addition, MW operates six UV irradiation disinfection plants, which provide effective primary disinfection.

Water from unprotected catchments is also treated by filtration to ensure adequate pathogen removal. MW operates two large filtration plants with treatment processes including coagulation, clarification, media filtration and chemical addition for fluoridation, chlorination and pH correction. In addition, there are three membrane filtration plants associated with partially protected sources.

Treated water supply network

Melbourne's treated water supply is managed at two distinct levels:

  •  – A bulk-treated water transfer system consisting typically of larger diameter water mains (up to 2,100 mm), pump stations, closed water storages and secondary disinfection plants managed by MW (the wholesaler).

  •  – A distribution and reticulation network consisting of over 30,000 km of water mains (typically less than 800 mm diameter and a majority of 100–300 mm), 188 pump stations, 296 pressure-reducing stations, 148 closed water storages and 81 secondary disinfection plants managed by the RWCs (the retailers).

This network provides potable supply to a population of approximately 5 million residents in metropolitan Melbourne. As it was historically built and operated under a single water authority until 1995, there are hundreds of physical connection points between the bulk-treated water transfer system and the retailer networks.

The integrated nature of the network, and the number of different supply sources, make managing water quality and supply, complex. For example, YVW has 34 water quality zones across its service area (Figure 2) which comprise a combination of unfiltered, fully filtered, desalinated and blended zones.
Figure 2

YVW water quality zones.

Figure 2

YVW water quality zones.

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Wholesaler/Retailer model

Whilst there are contractual and legal boundaries clearly delineating responsibilities (refer Figure 3 and Catchment Management section), wholesaler and retailer staff from management down to operational levels closely work as ‘one team’.
Figure 3

Wholesaler/Retailer model – delineation of responsibility (adapted from WHO 2023).

Figure 3

Wholesaler/Retailer model – delineation of responsibility (adapted from WHO 2023).

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MW and the RWCs have separate WSPs to manage risks within their parts of the supply system; however, it is essential these align to effectively manage risks from catchment through to the customer interface (which is typically located at the entry-to-premise plumbing at the customer property boundary).

In practice, MW and the RWCs consider impacts beyond their respective WSP boundaries, to ensure (so far as reasonably practicable) that supplied water is ‘fit for purpose’.

Evolution of WSP

Historically (pre-1999), the approach of Melbourne's water utilities (and others around Australia) was to measure the quality of their drinking water supply by comparing monitoring results against the guideline values in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG). There was not a structured preventative risk management approach for drinking water. Water safety was reliant on end-point Escherichia coli testing, which was deficient due to lengthy microbial sampling processing times and small sampled volume relative to supplied water (not necessarily being representative).

Within Australia, the Melbourne metropolitan water utilities developed systematic drinking water quality management systems in the 1990s, which were informed by the then-current guidance in AS/NZS 4360-1995 Risk Management (Standards Australia 1995; Stevens et al. 1995).

Building on that experience, and spurred on by a sectoral response to the 1998 boil water advisories in Sydney, during the late 1990s, several Australian water utilities developed drinking water quality management systems (Deere & Davison 1998; Deere et al. 2000) based on the HACCP (FAO/WHO 1996) system. This included Brisbane Water (Gray & Morain 2000), Gold Coast Water (Queensland) (Smith 2004), YVW (Melbourne) (Chapman et al. 2003), and South East Water (Melbourne) (Deere et al. 2001; Mullenger et al. 2002).

South East Water was the first water authority in Australia to obtain HACCP accreditation for the supply of drinking water, in November 1999 (Mullenger et al. 2002), immediately followed by YVW in December 1999. The other MW utilities followed, with Quality Assurance (HACCP) certification in subsequent years: MW in 2005 (Wise 2005) and City West Water (now merged with Western Water to form GWW) gained HACCP certification in 2002 and Western Water who gained HACCP certification in 2012.

Third-party certification helped build consumer and regulator confidence in water safety.

Internationally, the HACCP system had previously been proposed as a concept that could be applied to assuring drinking water safety (Havelaar 1994), and a HACCP system had been implemented and third-party audited by the water utility in Reykjavík, Iceland, in 1997 (Gissurarson 2004). The approach was similarly considered in the United States (Barry et al. 1998; Deere & Davison 2006; Martel et al. 2006).

Following the operationalisation of this approach in Australia, consideration was given as to whether the food sector's risk-based HACCP approach was the best one to adopt for drinking water supplies, or whether a modified system, tailored to drinking water supplies, would be preferable (Deere & Davison 1998; Davison & Deere 1999; Davison et al. 1999; Deere 1999). It was concluded that a broader approach was required (Cunliffe 2001; Deere et al. 2001; Stevens et al. 2003). Australia ultimately adopted a tailored approach that was based on the then-current guidance in AS/NZS 4360-1995 Risk Management (Standards Australia 1995), as first proposed by Stevens et al. (1995), and tailored for use in water supply, whilst wholly incorporating all the principles of HACCP and its Supporting Programmes (Deere et al. 2001).

Building on these operational experiences, the ADWG ‘Framework for the Management of Drinking Water Quality’ was developed (Cunliffe 2001). Water utilities were central to the development of that approach, with the Water Corporation (Western Australia), Sydney Water, MW, South East Water (Melbourne) and Power Water (Northern Territory), all undertaking full-scale pilots. Some New Zealand utilities adopted similar Public Health Risk Management Plan approaches (Nokes 2001) during the same period. WHO directly drew upon this experience to propose a similar risk-based ‘Water Safety Plan’ approach (Deere et al. 2001) that was ultimately embedded within the Third Edition of the Guidelines for Drinking water Quality in 2004 (WHO 2004).

Within Australia, the State of Victoria pioneered the formal implementation of a statutory approach to risk management for drinking water in line with this approach through its Safe Drinking Water Act 2003 (SDWA 2003; Labza 2004). Water utilities were required to implement water quality RMPs. Other Australian states and territories introduced similar requirements over time.

WSPs and HACCP implementation have since driven a more proactive reduction in water quality risk, numerous improvements, and facilitated early identification and more rapid response to water quality events and incidents.

Most recently, Australian water utilities have also been rolling out a health-based target (HBT) approach to managing drinking water risks, embedding HBTs within WSPs. The standardised approach provided by the peak Australian industry body, Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) in 2015, and more recently the ADWG (2022), has assisted water quality specialists in enhancing source water protection measures, treatment augmentation and importantly, guided prioritisation and timing of capital investment programmes to enable best practice water quality management.

Current Water Safety Plan approach

The Melbourne utility's WSPs are supported by their organisation-wide integrated management systems. The WSPs satisfy the requirements of relevant ISO standards and HACCP Codex, and broadly align with the 12 Element Framework in the ADWG, which in turn is aligned with the 10 Module approach in the WHO – Second Edition of the WSP Manual (WHO 2023).

Water utilities that had already adopted HACCP, either combined or incorporated their HACCP Plans with the ADWG framework, post 2004. An example of this integration (adopted by YVW) and the complementary nature of the HACCP and ADWG frameworks is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4

WHO and ADWG Water Safety Plan frameworks.

Figure 4

WHO and ADWG Water Safety Plan frameworks.

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Figures 5 and 6, respectively, show the complementary elements of the ADWG framework and the new 10-module approach in the 2nd edition of the Water Safety Plan Manual (WHO 2023).
Figure 5

ADWG framework (ADWG 2022).

Figure 6

WSP manual modules (WHO 2023).

Figure 6

WSP manual modules (WHO 2023).

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Regulatory environment

Effective regulation of drinking water supply underpins the successful application of WSPs by water utilities in Victoria (Australia).

The Essential Services Commission (ESC) exercises its responsibilities under the Essential Services Commission Act (2001), which include oversight of markets, making price determinations (every 5 years), and assessing and approving utility applications for water pricing and spending (Water Plans, ESC 2023).

The Victorian Department of Health (DH) ensures drinking water is delivered to Victorians by water businesses in accordance with the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act 2003 and the Safe Drinking Water Regulations 2015 (DH 2023). Key features of the Act require water suppliers and water storage managers to:

  •  – Prepare and implement plans (WSPs) to manage risks to drinking water.

  •  – Ensure the drinking water they supply meets the quality standards specified by the regulations (variation is only provided, after community consultation, of water quality standards that relate to aesthetic parameters).

  •  – Report any known or suspected contamination of the drinking water to DH.

  •  – Publish an annual Drinking Water Quality Report. The report is reviewed by DH and must disclose to the public, information concerning the quality of drinking water.

  •  – Engage an independent, trained auditor from a DH-approved panel to audit the WSP every 2 years.

  • The benefits of establishing robust regulation specific to WSPs cannot be overstated and include:

  •  – Clear direction and guidance on WSP requirements and clear accountabilities related to public health and drinking water supply.

  •  – Clear reporting of incidents related to known or suspected contamination.

  •  – Public disclosure of water quality data and incidents.

  •  – Well-defined requirements for risk-based water quality monitoring programmes.

  •  – Well-defined requirements for installation of water sampling points.

  •  – Public disclosure of water quality data and incidents.

  •  – Drives continuous improvements which assists with prioritising resources and obtaining funding from the economic regulator (ESC).

  •  – Well-defined requirements for risk-based water quality monitoring programmes.

  •  – Well-defined requirements for the installation of water sampling points.

WSPs have been implemented in over 90 countries (WHO 2023). At least 64 countries have policies or regulations in place that promote or require WSPs or their equivalents. A global survey on WSP policies and practice found that almost two-thirds of countries reporting policies in place or under development did not have complementary requirements for auditing (WHO/World Bank/UNICEF 2022).

WSP's success is heavily dependent on the implementation and operationalisation of all components. Significant improvements in these areas have been made by MW and the RWCs since 1999 to ensure the continual supply of safe and clean drinking water. This section presents some practical examples of operationalising WSPs.

Collaboration and integration

In early development, as MW and the RWCs created their respective WSPs and HACCP processes and documentation, collaboration enabled the utilities to problem solve and ‘learn together’ to implement this ‘then new’ approach. With time, however, experience and confidence (as well as competing priorities), inadvertently led to ongoing renewal of WSP documentation and assessments with somewhat less collaboration between the Melbourne utilities.

In recognition of this, and also in response to feedback following a water quality event in 2020 (refer Results and Discussion section), there has been a renewed effort to strengthen consultation during the updating or preparation of new WSP documents. Examples of this include:

  •  – MW and the RWCs jointly participate in the assessment of drinking water quality risks from catchment to tap, rather than risk registers being updated internally by one utility and then shared with the other.

  •  – MW and the RWCs jointly attend and assess ground conditions for catchment sanitary surveys used in the application of HBTs.

Various collaborative activities and integrated procedures have also been developed as outlined in the next section, on managing transferrable risks.

Managing transferrable risks

Transfer of drinking water quality risk between MW as the wholesaler to the RWCs as the water suppliers is managed through a number of contractual arrangements and procedures, namely:
  • 1.

    Bulk water supply agreements (BWSA)

    •  – The BWSA is a contract between MW and each of the RWCs, that specifies the rights and obligations of MW to supply water and also those of the RWCs to receive water, including required water quality standards, monitoring and reporting requirements, minimum pressure provisions, flow allocation limits and water supply charges.

    •  – Water quality parameters are monitored by online analysers and by regular grab samples at ‘interface points’. Similarly, volumes supplied are logged by billing flowmeters at ‘interface points’.

    •  – Multiple layers of governance are defined within the BWSA, with both Principal (executive management) and Operational (senior management) representatives being explicitly appointed under the Agreement. This helps ensure strategic alignment between organisations, communication is maintained, and roadblocks are cleared to allow continued integration of WSPs into day-to-day work.

    •  – Relationships are also formed between counterparts from each utility in Planning roles and Operational Leads, through regular operational meetings and joint projects.

    •  – Sharing of information via Customer reports and data including water quality and customer complaints.

  • 2.

    The Water Operations Change Control Manual (WOCC manual)

    •  – The WOCC manual identifies the steps required of MW when making a change to the operation of an asset or process that has the potential to impact the water supply operational transfer environment (e.g. outages). The purpose of the manual is to manage and maintain service-level agreements with the RWCs.

    •  – The WOCC manual provides a procedure for a Notification of works (NOW) and the Operation Change Control Plan (OCCP). The NOW template summarises key data regarding the works. The OCCP document is then used to document the risk assessment, controls, contingency supply, isolations and authorisations that take place prior to implementing the change. A review of the change (feedback) is also documented.

  • 3.

    The Melbourne Metropolitan Water Industry (MMWI) Response plan

    •  – This procedure enables a coordinated, industry-level approach to significant incidents (those incidents with the capacity to seriously degrade the provision of water supply or sewage services) which affect two or more of the MMWI companies (i.e. MW and/or the RWCs).

    •  – Its objectives include a coordinated response that effectively manages resources across the involved organisations. The Australasian Inter-service Incident Management System (AIIMS) underpins the incident management approach employed by the water industry in Victoria.

    •  – The MMWI response plan sits within a hierarchy of emergency management documentation (Figure 7).

  • 4.

    Management of change (MOC) procedure

    •  – This is used to facilitate change management at water treatment plants, for example during capital upgrade projects.

Figure 7

MMWI within the hierarchy of emergency management documentation.

Figure 7

MMWI within the hierarchy of emergency management documentation.

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In addition to these formal arrangements, managing the transfer of risk is also enabled by informal activities such as:

  •  – Joint planning for water quality investigations, options assessments and capital projects. Representatives from all water authorities ensure capital projects align with WSP scope, promoting collaborative risk management.

  •  – Fortnightly Melbourne metro water utility water quality meetings: multi-stakeholder discussions addressing water quality issues and sharing best practices for a unified WSP approach.

  •  – Knowledge sharing and support via quarterly Victoria-wide water utility meetings.

  •  – Participation in a Victoria water quality network working group hosted by the WSAA.

  •  – Jointly funded research via industry bodies such as Water Research Australia (WaterRA) and WSAA.

  •  – Dedicated, jointly funded resources to drive the delivery of cross-organisational projects, most recently involving the appointment of a water quality-focused resource.

Risk prioritisation and rolling reviews

Comprehensive risk registers have been developed and are continually reviewed and updated by the Melbourne Water utilities. These matured risk assessments include control measures that are monitored and managed at two levels:

  •  – Significant risks where loss of control can impact public health are designated as Critical Control Points (CCPs) as defined in the Safe Drinking Water Regulations and the decision tree in the ADWG. CCPs are managed in conjunction with preventative measures to reduce the likelihood and level of contamination. Continuous monitoring is undertaken for all CCPs and well-defined, robust critical limits have been established. Corrective actions are undertaken when these limits are exceeded.

  •  – Non-significant risks are managed by standard operating procedures and performance of the control measures is monitored to ensure the risks remain low.

YVW's operationalisation model involves rolling risk assessment reviews and targeted forums that engage subject matter experts, contract partners and stakeholders (Figure 8). The targeted forums enhance water quality risk awareness across the utility which assists with the identification of new or changed risks, and the verification of risk controls. Established working groups undertake detailed risk assessments, supplementing single-line risk assessments in the WSP risk register.
Figure 8

YVW model for operationalising WSPs.

Figure 8

YVW model for operationalising WSPs.

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Key improvements from rolling reviews and detailed risk assessments include:

  •  – Development of a tank risk assessment tool to prioritise tanks for inspection and maintenance (ongoing programme).

  •  – Use of drone inspections for storage tank roof ingress points.

  •  – Risk-based water mains cleaning programme.

  •  – Backflow prevention enhancements and risk-based retrofit programme.

  •  – Improved staff water quality training including more accessible, interactive, online modules.

  •  – Development of disinfection controls for tools and equipment (for Contract partners).

  •  – Improved data collection associated with flushing after planned or unplanned works to verify water quality performance and manage risks associated with depressurisation of water mains.

Catchment management

MW manages the drinking water supply catchments (watersheds) in accordance with the relevant Acts and Regulations, and takes heed of the following principle set out in the ADWG:

Prevention of contamination provides greater surety than removal of contaminants by treatment, so the most effective barrier is protection of source waters to the maximum degree practicable (ADWG 2022).

In practice, this principle is applied via:
  •  – Where possible, working to designate the hydrological catchment as a ‘Declared Special Water Supply Catchment Area’ under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994, such that the responsible authority (typically Council) considers this in decision-making on planning permit applications (VRO 2023).

  •  – Preparation and implementation of catchment management plans for each water supply catchment. These plans document catchment-specific preventative measures for minimising contamination of water courses and storage.

  •   o For open catchments, this includes working with land care groups, industry and farmers to improve the quality of runoff from agricultural and industrial land, diverting stormwater and implementing planning controls, amongst other measures.

  •   o For protected catchments, this includes pathogen monitoring, vegetation management for bushfire control, security to keep out trespassers, controlling animal numbers and maintenance of catch drains.

  •   o For partially open catchments, buffer zones are implemented around the perimeter of storage and restrictions are imposed on the permitted type of recreation in the outer catchment.

  •  – Other preventative measures such as procedures for managing the assets that harvest and transfer water (e.g. Melbourne Bulk Entitlement Storage Management Rules and the Annual System Operating Plan).

  •  – Evaluating risks that arise within catchments to identify when new or tightened controls are needed, and feeding this into the relevant improvement programme or capital delivery programme.

  •  – Monitoring for pathogens and contaminants in source waters, to validate risk assessments.

  •  – Planning for extreme events such as storms, floods and bushfires. For example:

  •   o Contingency planning to enable avoidance of a contaminated source of water.

  •   o Hydrodynamic modelling to understand the storage as a buffer or treatment barrier, including achievable log removal values (LRVs for pathogens of concern) under different scenarios (Figure 9, Cinque & Yaetes 2015).

  •   o Maintaining selective abstraction ability (with depth).

  •   o Keeping storage levels within defined operating bands where possible.

  •   o Installing silt curtains to encourage deposition of sediment at inlets to raw water storages.

  •   o Overland flow control measures.

  •   o Catch drain level monitoring.

  •  – Conducting sanitary surveys and keeping these current, to understand hazards present within watersheds. Findings feed into a vulnerability assessment, to identify the recommended LRVs required of treatment, for pathogens of concern. This forms the basis for the application of HBTs, to drive best practice treatment barrier improvements (WSAA 2015; ADWG 2022).

Figure 9

Example hydrodynamic modelling output to understand buffering ability of a raw water reservoir.

Figure 9

Example hydrodynamic modelling output to understand buffering ability of a raw water reservoir.

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Operationalising water treatment risks

Drinking water quality risks managed at the treatment plant include those introduced within the upstream catchment and which persist through to the raw water abstraction point (treatment plant inlet), as well as new risks introduced during treatment.

The drinking water quality risk assessment evaluates these risks through the treatment process train. The HACCP Codex decision tree was used to identify CCP and quality control points (QCP) for significant items of the risk assessment.

The CCPs and QCPs shown in Table 1 control health-related and aesthetic water quality issues, respectively. They cover water treatment appropriate for the level of catchment protection, reservoir storage and measured water quality characteristics (including disinfection for all supplies, filtration for less protected sources, fluoridation, pH correction as necessary and appropriate levels of chlorine to manage biofilm growth bacteria in the distribution system).

Table 1

Example water treatment CCPs

CodeDescriptionOnline parameter monitored for CCP control
CCP1 Primary disinfection (for pathogen inactivation) Free chlorine residual concentration 
CCP2 pH correction (at primary chlorination sites) pH 
CCP3 Filtration Filtered water turbidity on individual filters Filtered water turbidity on combined filtrate 
CCP4 Membrane filtration Filtered water turbidity on individual modules
Filtered water turbidity on combined filtrate 
CCP5 Fluoridation Fluoride concentration 
QCP1 Secondary disinfection (for aesthetic and chlorine residual during distribution) Free chlorine residual concentration 
QCP2 pH correction (at secondary disinfection sites) pH 
QCP3 Primary disinfection (for aesthetic and chlorine residual during distribution) Free chlorine residual concentration 
CodeDescriptionOnline parameter monitored for CCP control
CCP1 Primary disinfection (for pathogen inactivation) Free chlorine residual concentration 
CCP2 pH correction (at primary chlorination sites) pH 
CCP3 Filtration Filtered water turbidity on individual filters Filtered water turbidity on combined filtrate 
CCP4 Membrane filtration Filtered water turbidity on individual modules
Filtered water turbidity on combined filtrate 
CCP5 Fluoridation Fluoride concentration 
QCP1 Secondary disinfection (for aesthetic and chlorine residual during distribution) Free chlorine residual concentration 
QCP2 pH correction (at secondary disinfection sites) pH 
QCP3 Primary disinfection (for aesthetic and chlorine residual during distribution) Free chlorine residual concentration 

An example treatment process train, denoting typical CCPs is shown in Figure 10.
Figure 10

Example process flow diagram with typical CCPs denoted.

Figure 10

Example process flow diagram with typical CCPs denoted.

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An example of a CCP management and corrective actions is provided in Table 2.

Table 2

CCP2 description and details

CCP1Primary disinfection
Process step Primary disinfection – chlorination and UV irradiation 
Potential hazard Pathogenic bacteria from protected catchment sources and pathogenic bacteria, viruses and protozoa from open catchment sources. 
Control measures At the primary disinfection step:
  • Chlorination or UV treatment

  • HACCP Plans for water treatment plant operation

  • Standard Operating Procedures for operation of treatment plants

  • Duplicate facilities (e.g. chlorinators, service water pumps, dosing lines, Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) (specific plants only))

  • Backup power supply or power generation

  • Digital and software (SCADA) alarms

The major upstream preventative measures are the operational practices relating to catchment protection, water transfer, reservoir storage and, in some cases, filtration. 
Critical Limit(s) 1. C.t.
C.t. must not be <15 mg/L min for >10 mina (chlorination). Chlorine concentration is not to record below the very low level alarm limit, which may indicate potential C.t. <15 mg/L min.
UV dose (Validated UV reactor) must not be ≤22 mW s/cm2 for >10 min (Plant A)
UV dose (Unvalidated UV reactor) must not be ≤40 mW s/cm2 for >10 min (Plant B)
UV Transmissivity must not be ≤75% for >10 min (at UV irradiation plants)
Minimum 2-log reduction in Cryptosporidium as per plant design (Plant C)
2. Turbidity
Turbidity for unfiltered systems using chlorination for primary disinfection must not be >15 NTU for >3 h. This limit also applies at the UV treatment sites supplying unfiltered water because chlorination may become the primary disinfectant. 
Monitoring 1. Chlorine residual
Online, continuous flow and chlorine residual at the plant controls dosing at a constant set point
Responsibility: Duty Operator responds to alarms on chlorine residual
2. UVT
Online, continuous monitoring at representative plant inlets
Responsibility: Duty Operator responds to alarms on UVT
3. Turbidity
Online, continuous turbidity monitoring ex-storage reservoirs
Responsibility: Duty Operator responds to alarms on turbidity 
Corrective Action Process
Use duplicate facilities or consider plant shutdown
Standard Operating Procedures for Disinfection
Responsibility: Duty Operator
Use of sodium hypochlorite ‘temporary dosing units’ (TDUs) semi-permanently installed on Plant D and Plant E supplies downstream of treatment plants.
Primary Disinfection Failure Contingency Plan
Manage flows to reduce demand and limit spread of undisinfected water through the network.
Use of emergency dosing points (SOP EMERG041 Operation of Emergency Injection Points) and mobile disinfection plants
Spot dose (SOP EMERG017 Spot Dosing Procedure)
Notify Department of Health (DH) and Retail Water Companies as necessary (to flush zones, manage consumers etc.)
Responsibility: Duty Officer or Incident Manager 
Records SCADA system records monitoring
Plant log books and log sheets (including digital logs) held by Water Supply teams
Responsibility: Plant A, B and C Water Supply teams
Incidents/hazards and subsequent actions are recorded in the Integrated Risk and Incident System (IRIS) Responsibility: Water Supply 
CCP1Primary disinfection
Process step Primary disinfection – chlorination and UV irradiation 
Potential hazard Pathogenic bacteria from protected catchment sources and pathogenic bacteria, viruses and protozoa from open catchment sources. 
Control measures At the primary disinfection step:
  • Chlorination or UV treatment

  • HACCP Plans for water treatment plant operation

  • Standard Operating Procedures for operation of treatment plants

  • Duplicate facilities (e.g. chlorinators, service water pumps, dosing lines, Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) (specific plants only))

  • Backup power supply or power generation

  • Digital and software (SCADA) alarms

The major upstream preventative measures are the operational practices relating to catchment protection, water transfer, reservoir storage and, in some cases, filtration. 
Critical Limit(s) 1. C.t.
C.t. must not be <15 mg/L min for >10 mina (chlorination). Chlorine concentration is not to record below the very low level alarm limit, which may indicate potential C.t. <15 mg/L min.
UV dose (Validated UV reactor) must not be ≤22 mW s/cm2 for >10 min (Plant A)
UV dose (Unvalidated UV reactor) must not be ≤40 mW s/cm2 for >10 min (Plant B)
UV Transmissivity must not be ≤75% for >10 min (at UV irradiation plants)
Minimum 2-log reduction in Cryptosporidium as per plant design (Plant C)
2. Turbidity
Turbidity for unfiltered systems using chlorination for primary disinfection must not be >15 NTU for >3 h. This limit also applies at the UV treatment sites supplying unfiltered water because chlorination may become the primary disinfectant. 
Monitoring 1. Chlorine residual
Online, continuous flow and chlorine residual at the plant controls dosing at a constant set point
Responsibility: Duty Operator responds to alarms on chlorine residual
2. UVT
Online, continuous monitoring at representative plant inlets
Responsibility: Duty Operator responds to alarms on UVT
3. Turbidity
Online, continuous turbidity monitoring ex-storage reservoirs
Responsibility: Duty Operator responds to alarms on turbidity 
Corrective Action Process
Use duplicate facilities or consider plant shutdown
Standard Operating Procedures for Disinfection
Responsibility: Duty Operator
Use of sodium hypochlorite ‘temporary dosing units’ (TDUs) semi-permanently installed on Plant D and Plant E supplies downstream of treatment plants.
Primary Disinfection Failure Contingency Plan
Manage flows to reduce demand and limit spread of undisinfected water through the network.
Use of emergency dosing points (SOP EMERG041 Operation of Emergency Injection Points) and mobile disinfection plants
Spot dose (SOP EMERG017 Spot Dosing Procedure)
Notify Department of Health (DH) and Retail Water Companies as necessary (to flush zones, manage consumers etc.)
Responsibility: Duty Officer or Incident Manager 
Records SCADA system records monitoring
Plant log books and log sheets (including digital logs) held by Water Supply teams
Responsibility: Plant A, B and C Water Supply teams
Incidents/hazards and subsequent actions are recorded in the Integrated Risk and Incident System (IRIS) Responsibility: Water Supply 

aThe time limit of 10 minutes allows for plant control loop time when changing from duty to standby.

In the event that a critical exceedance of a CCP cannot be effectively managed to assure water supply safety, then the utility must notify DH under the WSAA 2015; Safe Drinking Water Act (2003).

All instances of known or suspected water contamination or issues with the potential to impact water supply, events resulting in widespread customer complaints, or fluoride notifications are published annually in a water utility's Water Quality Annual Report (GWW 2022; MW 2022; SEW 2022; YVW 2022).

Operationalising distribution and reticulation system risks

Similar to water treatment processes, the RWCs have process control plans to identify and manage significant risks in their distribution and reticulation networks. For example, Figure 11 shows YVW's CCPs and QCPs.
Figure 11

YVW critical and quality control points.

Figure 11

YVW critical and quality control points.

Close modal

Table 3 provides an example of a process control plan to monitor and manage a QCP (customer complaints) and Table 4 how an exceedance related to customer complaints was resolved.

Table 3

Process control plan for a Quality Control Point (QCP)

QCP1Customer complaints
Process inputs Reticulation <300 mm 
(biological, physical, chemical or radiological) 
Physical contamination/microbiological growth 
Control measures 
  • Annual mains cleaning programme

  • Routine flushing of hot spots

  • MW routine flushing

  • YVW design principles

  • OCCP

Key control measure(s) 
  • YVW design principles

  • Maintenance contractor procedures for repairs and shut downs

Operational limit(s) Operational limits are detailed in the water quality emergency response plan 
Monitoring procedures What 
  • Water quality emergency response plan

  • BI generated reports and emails

  • Customer/s telephone Customer Contact Centre during office hours or maintenance contractor's control room during after-hours

  • Recorded in AIMS (Maximo)

  • Automated 24 hourly water incident notification

  • Ongoing

  • Customer contact centre records, water optimisation team daily monitoring

  • Water operations duty officers/case managers

Corrective action What 
  • Maintenance contractor to flush the water mains

  • Resolution of taste and odour inquiries work instruction

  • Copper corrosion resolution process work instruction

  • Managing illness complaints work instruction

  • Case Management of unresolved complaints

  • For incidents manager water optimisation to instigate emergency response plan for water quality

  • Debrief to assess corrective actions and determine further actions

  • Installation of temporary chlorinators

  • Recorded on Maximo by maintenance contractor

QCP1Customer complaints
Process inputs Reticulation <300 mm 
(biological, physical, chemical or radiological) 
Physical contamination/microbiological growth 
Control measures 
  • Annual mains cleaning programme

  • Routine flushing of hot spots

  • MW routine flushing

  • YVW design principles

  • OCCP

Key control measure(s) 
  • YVW design principles

  • Maintenance contractor procedures for repairs and shut downs

Operational limit(s) Operational limits are detailed in the water quality emergency response plan 
Monitoring procedures What 
  • Water quality emergency response plan

  • BI generated reports and emails

  • Customer/s telephone Customer Contact Centre during office hours or maintenance contractor's control room during after-hours

  • Recorded in AIMS (Maximo)

  • Automated 24 hourly water incident notification

  • Ongoing

  • Customer contact centre records, water optimisation team daily monitoring

  • Water operations duty officers/case managers

Corrective action What 
  • Maintenance contractor to flush the water mains

  • Resolution of taste and odour inquiries work instruction

  • Copper corrosion resolution process work instruction

  • Managing illness complaints work instruction

  • Case Management of unresolved complaints

  • For incidents manager water optimisation to instigate emergency response plan for water quality

  • Debrief to assess corrective actions and determine further actions

  • Installation of temporary chlorinators

  • Recorded on Maximo by maintenance contractor

Table 4

Reporting of QCP exceedance (YVW 2021)

Incident typeWidespread water quality complaints
Issue Discoloured water within the reticulation system causing aesthetic concerns for customers 
Context of the event A normally closed network valve was opened, which caused a sudden increase in network flow velocity, resulting in resuspension of naturally occurring sediments. As a result, 51 water quality complaints attributed to this event were recorded. 
Date 23 September 2020 
Estimated duration Customer complaints were received by YVW over an approximate duration of 20 h. 
Affected supplies and localities Craigieburn water sampling locality 
Identified issues During planned works on the non-drinking water network, a drinking water network valve was incorrectly opened due to mislabelling of the valve cover. This resulted in the connection between two drinking water zones of different operating pressures. An increase in network velocity within the Craigieburn water sampling locality resulted in resuspension of naturally occurring sediments, causing discoloured water in the network 
Reporting and communication Section 22 verbally reported on 23 September 2020 and form submitted on 24 September 2020. 
Corrective actions 
  • Verification that there was no cross-connection between the drinking water and non-drinking water reticulation networks due to incorrectly labelled valve cover.

  • Network flushing to remove suspended sediments or to allow sediments to settle.

  • Water quality sampling to confirm field turbidity and chlorine residual were within acceptable limits.

  • Correction of asset labelling.

Preventative actions This water sampling locality was included in the subsequent routine water mains cleaning programme. 
Learnings Procedures for shutdowns to include monitoring for pressure changes outside the shut-off block. 
Incident typeWidespread water quality complaints
Issue Discoloured water within the reticulation system causing aesthetic concerns for customers 
Context of the event A normally closed network valve was opened, which caused a sudden increase in network flow velocity, resulting in resuspension of naturally occurring sediments. As a result, 51 water quality complaints attributed to this event were recorded. 
Date 23 September 2020 
Estimated duration Customer complaints were received by YVW over an approximate duration of 20 h. 
Affected supplies and localities Craigieburn water sampling locality 
Identified issues During planned works on the non-drinking water network, a drinking water network valve was incorrectly opened due to mislabelling of the valve cover. This resulted in the connection between two drinking water zones of different operating pressures. An increase in network velocity within the Craigieburn water sampling locality resulted in resuspension of naturally occurring sediments, causing discoloured water in the network 
Reporting and communication Section 22 verbally reported on 23 September 2020 and form submitted on 24 September 2020. 
Corrective actions 
  • Verification that there was no cross-connection between the drinking water and non-drinking water reticulation networks due to incorrectly labelled valve cover.

  • Network flushing to remove suspended sediments or to allow sediments to settle.

  • Water quality sampling to confirm field turbidity and chlorine residual were within acceptable limits.

  • Correction of asset labelling.

Preventative actions This water sampling locality was included in the subsequent routine water mains cleaning programme. 
Learnings Procedures for shutdowns to include monitoring for pressure changes outside the shut-off block. 

This example demonstrates the operationalisation of the management of a significant risk.

WSP application to filtered vs unfiltered drinking water supplies

The Melbourne supply system is unique in that protected source water (catchments) enables a significant proportion of supply (over 50%) to be unfiltered. Application of HBTs has identified the variety in the types of source waters being managed by MW, with all four source water categories being identified (ADWG Categories 1–4). The WSP, in turn, must be adaptable to the breadth of risk types and risk levels presented across these catchment types. This is achieved via the drinking water quality risk register.

Typically, the focus of risk evaluation for unfiltered supplies is not surprisingly, on catchment protection, primary disinfection control and protecting against re-contamination during reticulation (closed, pressurised system downstream of primary disinfection). Melbourne's unfiltered supplies are also largely gravity-driven with no post-treatment water storage and some direct offtakes to reticulation networks (i.e. with limited buffering storage and hence inability to ‘halt’ supply as a control).

Examples of tailored risk reduction initiatives implemented for unfiltered supplies include:

  •  – Emergency ‘backup’ primary disinfection barriers to reduce the likelihood of primary disinfection failure.

  •  – Power reliability improvements to increase treatment reliability.

  •  – Robust catchment security (e.g. CCTV, security fences, patrols) to exclude human pathogen sources.

  •  – Hydrodynamic modelling of storage to understand pathogen log reduction capability.

  •  – In situ water quality (VPS) monitoring in storage to guide selective harvesting through reservoir outlet towers with gates at different depths.

  •  – Increased functionality for water transfer to enable individual source waters to be isolated if required, and contingency supplies to be transferred from elsewhere (i.e. interconnectivity of large transfer mains and pump stations).

  •  – Use of CCTV for monitoring bird counts on reservoir outlet towers.

  •  – Application of a quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) tool to inform contingency plans for treatment failure scenarios.

  •  – Use of Microsoft PowerBI dashboards to present data in real-time, to assist in rapid decision-making (BI – business intelligence is a powerful platform for data analytics).

  •  – Preparation of business cases (capital planning) for treatment augmentation (e.g. UV, filtration) to reduce lead times for their implementation, if required in the future.

  •  – Information sharing with other utilities from other jurisdictions with similar (unfiltered) supplies to guide thinking.

  •  – A long established and comprehensive protozoa scat monitoring programme to inform periodic re-evaluation of protozoa risk for protected catchments (Haydon et al. 2022).

  •  – Chlorination trials to understand the impact of turbidity from bushfire ash and/or eroded catchment sediment on primary disinfection efficacy, to assist in decision-making during incidents impacting protected catchment/unfiltered supplies (Hellier & Stevens 2009; Hobbs et al. 2010).

For filtered supplies, limited utility control of catchment protection measures results in a shift of focus into building resilience in treatment plants, with robust process control, asset maintenance, provision of critical spares, monitoring and treatment upgrade (additional barriers) where application of HBTs has highlighted a vulnerability. Examples of tailored risk reduction initiatives include:

  •  – Planned filter upgrade to convert mono media sand filters to dual media filters and improve backwashing effectiveness.

  •  – Study to improve treatment performance and tighten controls for a clarification process at a conventional filtration plant.

  •  – UV treatment addition to a 620 ML/d conventional filtration plant.

  •  – Augmentation of a UV reactor to enable higher log removals in response to anticipated change in risk profile for an open catchment.

  •  – Introduction of Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) as a new treatment process for a supply that experiences taste and odour compounds (MIB and geosmin) in source water.

Collaborative WSP application between the wholesaler and retailer(s)

When water quality events affect two or more of the Melbourne metropolitan water utilities, a coordinated, industry-level approach is required. To achieve this, a comprehensive emergency management framework has been set up. Some of the lessons learnt from the management of complex incidents are described herein.

Silvan 2020 Boil Water Advisory

As a result of a severe storm in August 2020, power outages caused disruption to MW's Silvan water treatment plant power supply. The onsite backup generator was able to maintain power to the site before failing late that night, in turn causing intermittent disinfection failure over a period of approximately 7 h. This resulted in approximately 100 mL of non-disinfected water entering the supply network impacting YVW and SEW customers across 98 suburbs in Melbourne's outer East.

Separate incident management teams were established at MW, YVW, SEW and GWW (then City West Water), each working closely with each other, DEECA (then DELWP) and DH on a coordinated response to the incident. Corrective actions taken to mitigate water quality risks included:

  •  – Restoration of emergency power and disinfection processes by approximately 6:30 am on Friday, 28 August.

  •  – Submission of a report to the DH under Section 22 of the Safe Drinking Water Act 2003.

  •  – Issuance of precautionary Boil Water Advisories (BWA) notices supported by extensive customer communication through multiple digital and media channels by YVW and SEW for impacted areas.

  •  – Development and implementation of a plan to return the network to normal operational service.

  •  – Targeted chlorine dosing and extensive water quality testing to ensure the water was safe to drink before lifting BWAs.

An extensive internal post-incident investigation was completed by MW to ensure the root cause was established and countermeasures implemented to prevent a recurrence of the issue including:

  •  – Asset upgrades and improvements including provision of immediate additional generator capacity at Silvan Treatment Plant and installation of permanent, automatic emergency dosing units for each main supplied by the plant.

  •  – Improvement to generator and chlorine dosing preventative maintenance regimes.

  •  – Improvements to contingency plans including review of triggers for escalation and criteria for issue of BWA notices.

  •  – An ongoing comprehensive review of disinfection control effectiveness at all Water Treatment Plants in MW's system to identify and correct any potential systemic issues.

  •  – Approval of a new Mt Evelyn Water Treatment Plant. This new primary disinfection plant will be able to treat water supplied from Silvan Reservoir, downstream of the existing Silvan water treatment plant to enable continuity of primary disinfection for water supplied from Silvan Reservoir during future planned and unplanned outages of the existing disinfection plant.

Internal debriefs were also undertaken by each of the RWCs, along with a joint debriefing process involving MW and the RWCs. The debrief identified joint learnings and collective actions to improve joint emergency response plans, communication protocols and water distribution management.

Melbourne Silvan Incident Joint Action Plan

As part of a suite of systematic improvements in response to the Silvan BWA incident described above, a Joint Action Plan was formed between MW, the RWCs, DH and DEECA (then DELWP). The Joint Action Plan was co-designed by all parties to implement further improvements using the inputs of debriefs and investigative reviews of the event (DH 2022).

The JAP assigned actions to MW, the RWCs and DH, with many assigned collectively to more than one organisation. This necessitated collaboration to deliver the actions. Initiatives used to facilitate collaboration included:

  •  – Recruitment of two joint resources (new roles – one planning-focused, the other emergency management-focused) to work equally across the four utilities.

  •  – Provision of a dedicated DH point of contact to liaise with the joint resource as a utility point of contact on Joint Action Plan projects.

  •  – Fortnightly meetings are attended by the Joint Resource and BWSA Operating Representatives.

  •  – Use of shared online spaces for document collaboration and project tracking.

  •  – Use of online workshops early in project timelines to seek stakeholder input during development stages.

  •  – Numerous improvement projects including network modelling, sensor technology trials and opportunistic pathogen research.

  •  – Development and implementation of a strategy to enhance online monitoring of chlorine residuals across strategic interface points.

  •  – Development of a joint chlorine residual management strategy focusing on improving chlorine residuals in the distribution and reticulation network.

Upper Yarra Storm Event – June 2021

MW's operational area was impacted by heavy rainfall and very strong winds over several consecutive days beginning 9 June 2021.

Strong winds disrupted the main power supply to 10 water treatment sites and three pump stations for periods of up to 14 days. Access to these sites was also difficult and hazardous due to falling trees. Safety of staff, generator fuel supply and monitoring of water supply quantity and quality were critical components of the first stage of the incident.

Catchment runoff following heavy rain impacted on raw water quality, most significantly in the Upper Yarra Reservoir where high turbidity restricted its use for drinking water for a period of time due to the inability to guarantee treatment efficacy and aesthetic concerns. MW worked closely with YVW and the DH to establish a contingent supply of water to the Yarra Valley townships from the Silvan Reservoir via reverse flow pumping arrangements up the Yarra Valley Conduit, rather than the normal gravity-fed supply from Upper Yarra Reservoir. This reverse flow arrangement commenced on 18 June 2021. However, this alternative supply did not reach the first potable water supply customers until 5 July 2021, as evidenced by fluoride monitoring at the Lusatia Park treatment plant. MW worked closely with YVW on a joint communications plan.

Ultimately MW, working closely with the State Incident Command, YVW, DEECA (then DELWP) and the DH were able to successfully prevent the deterioration of water quality from reaching customers.

Richmond E. coli detection 2022

The Melbourne RWCs services areas are defined by designated geographic areas. However, due to the RWC's being formed well after Melbourne's hydraulic system was created, the service boundaries do not necessarily align with the hydraulic boundaries. This results in some areas where the RWC's transfer water between each other through distribution and/or reticulation assets. In most cases this results in the RWCs managing shared water localities.

In October 2022, 1 orgs/100 mL of E. coli was detected in a routine sample taken from the suburb of Richmond which forms part of GWW's service area. The Richmond distribution and reticulation system is managed by GWW but is supplied from YVW's Kew reservoir. The Kew Reservoir is subsequently supplied from MW's Surrey Hills Reservoir.

GWW immediately notified MW, YVW and DH and incident teams were established at both GWW and YVW. Rapid risk assessments were undertaken by both incident teams with each contributing different sections to the other's assessment. The risk assessments included:

  •  – Review of the upstream system design, operating conditions, asset condition, works on the system and assessment of the effectiveness of barriers (YVW and MW).

  •  – Review of the local system design, operating conditions, asset condition, and works in the area and assessment of the effectiveness of local secondary chlorination (GWW).

  •  – Review of sample results and reactive sampling was undertaken (all).

  •  – Assessment of the risk to public health (all).

Key information was shared through regular liaison between the incident teams, briefings and the sharing of situation reports and risk assessments.

The risk assessment ultimately found the E. coli detection to be unrepresentative of the water supplied to customers and no corrective actions were undertaken beyond the detailed investigation.

Audits add value

Audits play an important role in verifying that ‘we are doing the things we say we are doing’. There are several layers of WSP audits:

  •  – Annual Internal audits and Continuous Process audits

  •  – External HACCP certification audits

  •  – Two yearly DH Regulatory audits

Internal audits of the WSP and HACCP system are conducted by audit-trained utility staff or third-party certified auditors to verify that actions comply with the WSP and to identify non-conformities and areas for improvement. The internal audit programmes are endorsed by the Senior Management and the Boards of the corporations.

In the State of Victoria, external auditing of a water utility's WSP is conducted by a DH-approved external auditor, approximately every 2 years. The external audit is a requirement of the Victoria Safe Drinking Water Regulations (SDWR 2015), to verify the WSP complies with the obligations of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA 2003). Opportunities for Improvement (OFIs) and/or non-conformances may be identified that drive improvement prior to the next audit. DH has a comprehensive Guidance document detailing the requirements, audit finding types and actions in case of minor or major non-conformances.

Other external audits take place to re-certify for ISO-certified systems and HACCP certification.

Actions arising from internal and external audits are tracked to completion. Non-conformances arising from external audits are assigned to the relevant manager. Observations and non-conformances arising from internal audits are tracked and reviewed by an Audit team before closure. Audit findings and follow-up actions are reported to the Senior Management.

One of the most important audits are performed by trained and qualified utility Internal Compliance Officers. They are out in the field every day auditing construction and commissioning of new assets as well as planned and emergency works such as valve insertions and water main break repairs, water quality sampling, meter installations, tank maintenance etc. to ensure the developers and contractors comply with WSAA specifications and internal utility specifications. The outcomes are captured electronically in the field in dedicated software. Contractor performance reports and audit actions are tracked and reported using BI reports. In the past four calendar years (2019–2022), of the total of 3029 field audits performed by YVW including topics such as occupation health and safety, environment, plant and equipment, traffic management and customer service, 654 have been specifically for WSP related topics averaging 13 monthly audits.

This paper has described practical aspects of WSP implementation for effective drinking water quality risk management, drawing on recent examples of challenging scenarios with operational constraints, lessons learnt and achievement outcomes. Although MW, YVW, SEW and GWW each manage their own WSPs, collaboration is essential to ensure effective catchment to tap risk management. This is achieved through a combination of both formal and informal processes and underpinned by good communication and strong working relationships. The key contributing factors for a successful WSP implementation are:

  •  – Ongoing risk reduction strategies

  • One of the key contributors to improved ‘control measures’ for managing risks assessed in the WSP is to focus on process improvements and innovative technologies to manage risks. The examples cited include increased catchment security, hydrodynamic modelling of reservoirs to assist validation of pathogen risk reduction, emergency primary disinfection backup systems, application of QMRA and data analytics to support verification and process improvements.

  •  – Continuous improvement

  • WSP implementation requires an ongoing review of risks including after incidents and events. Practical challenges and implementation of comprehensive short, medium and long term improvements were demonstrated with a variety of incidents in the ‘Discussion’ above. In particular, leveraging learning from incidents and events has been valuable for identifying process improvements and refinement of communication with stakeholders.

  •  – Audits

  • This review has also discussed the demonstrable importance of a balanced approach to undertaking WSP audits, including annual to two yearly system audits, as well as the criticality of ongoing field activities and processes performed by the appropriately skilled utility compliance officers.

In the past 20 years, the WSP application has evolved for the Melbourne supply system, from the implementation of HACCP in the early 2000s to the recent integration of HBTs. Shared experiences, learning from each other, collaborating on industry research, benchmarking against others and keeping abreast of advances in industry ‘best practice’ have complimented and supported WSP's evolution for the Melbourne metropolitan utilities.

Strong drinking water regulations, underpinned by robust internal and external auditing processes, have also driven improvement in WSP implementation.

Finally, there have also been opportunities to learn from incidents and to continuously improve, which in turn has built greater resilience into Melbourne's water supply system, better preparing it for a future with potentially more frequent extreme events.

All relevant data are included in the paper or its Supplementary Information.

The authors declare there is no conflict.


GWW and Southern Rural Water also harvest, store and treat water supplied to regional localities and some of Melbourne's outer suburbs. For simplicity, these are not considered as part of this paper.


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