Intensification of dairying on irrigated pastures has led to concern over the microbial quality of shallow groundwater used for drinking purposes. The effects of intensive dairying and border-strip irrigation on the leaching of E. coli and Campylobacter to shallow groundwater were assessed over a three-year period in the Waikakahi catchment, Canterbury, New Zealand. Well selection excluded other sources of contamination so that the effect of dairying with border-strip irrigation could be assessed. Groundwater samples (135) were collected, mostly during the irrigation season, with E. coli being detected in 75% of samples. Campylobacter was identified in 16 samples (12%). A risk assessment of drinking water with these levels of Campylobacter was undertaken. A probability distribution was fitted to the observed Campylobacter data and the @RISK modeling software was used, assuming a dose response relationship for Campylobacter and consumption of 1 L/day of water. The probability of infection on any given day in the study area was estimated at 0.50% to 0.76%, giving an estimated probability of infection during the irrigation season of 60% to 75%. An epidemiological assessment of the Canterbury region comparing areas encompassing dairy within major irrigation schemes (∼55% border-strip irrigation) to two control groups was undertaken. Control group 1 (CG1) encompasses areas of dairying without major irrigation schemes, and a second larger control group (CG2) comprises the rest of the Canterbury region. Comparisons of the subject group to control groups indicated that there was a statistically significant increase in age-standardised rates of campylobacteriosis (CG1 Relative Risk (RR)=1.51 (95% CI = 1.31-1.75); CG2 RR = 1.51 (1.33–1.72)); cryptosporidiosis (CG1 RR = 2.08 (1.55–2.79); CG2 RR = 5.33 (4.12–6.90)); and salmonellosis (CG2 RR = 2.05 (1.55–2.71)).
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November 01 2007
Microbial groundwater quality and its health implications for a border-strip irrigated dairy farm catchment, South Island, New Zealand
Murray Close;
1Institute of Environmental Science and Research, PO Box 29 181, Christchurch, New Zealand
Tel.: +64 3 351 6019 Fax: +64 3 351 0010; E-mail: [email protected]
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Rod Dann;
Rod Dann
1Institute of Environmental Science and Research, PO Box 29 181, Christchurch, New Zealand
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Andrew Ball;
Andrew Ball
1Institute of Environmental Science and Research, PO Box 29 181, Christchurch, New Zealand
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Ruth Pirie;
Ruth Pirie
2Institute of Environmental Science and Research, PO Box 50 348, Porirua, New Zealand
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Marion Savill;
Marion Savill
1Institute of Environmental Science and Research, PO Box 29 181, Christchurch, New Zealand
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Zella Smith
Zella Smith
3Environment Canterbury, PO Box 550, Timaru, New Zealand
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J Water Health (2008) 6 (1): 83–98.
Article history
June 06 2006
February 21 2007
Murray Close, Rod Dann, Andrew Ball, Ruth Pirie, Marion Savill, Zella Smith; Microbial groundwater quality and its health implications for a border-strip irrigated dairy farm catchment, South Island, New Zealand. J Water Health 1 March 2008; 6 (1): 83–98. doi:
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