Yersinia enterocolitica is a foodborne pathogen, but the importance of water as a route of exposure for human infection is not well known. Y. enterocolitica isolation methods were developed primarily for food and clinical samples, and may not be effective for use with environmental samples. The objective of this study was to assess the recovery of Y. enterocolitica from surface water used for drinking water treatment. Four enrichment broths and an alkaline treatment protocol were compared for the isolation of Y. enterocolitica bioserogroup 4/O:3 spiked into surface water samples. Results showed that the methods tested were not effective for the recovery of Y. enterocolitica, primarily due to inadequate inhibition of interfering background microorganisms. Using one method that showed the most potential for recovery, Yersinia spp. were isolated from rivers in southwestern Ontario, Canada, over a 17-month period. Of 200 samples analysed, Yersinia spp. were isolated from 52 samples. All river isolates belonged to non-pathogenic sub-groups, including Y. enterocolitica biotype 1A, Y. aldovae, Y. bercovieri, Y. frederiksenii, Y. intermedia, Y. kristensenii and Y. mollaretii. Results of this study show that method improvements are required to more fully understand the role of water as a source of clinically important Yersinia strains.

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